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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 22 Nov 1883, p. 2

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oi} high grado cattle; eboice jshevp and + first.class swine. > iy: Eee LL © ONLY ONB DOLLAR A YEAR Lew Gat p . make 8 note of it. don! wu Soph farming machines and imples SE nr + PORD PERRY, NOV. 22, 1689. the position and whether they iden, should present himself for lection 'withoat thorough knowledge of the wants' and 'wishes of the people, a tions about to come up for discussion ,, and the bearing of such questions <eommunity.; The man who rushes 5 thinga;'Sis pramitating the franchise "7antl Playing Araitor to tho best in- 19 bp regarded "with more than oe- _dinfiry interest: and uch' caro ! Topresentatives, parties who are not * only "ably but willing to grapple > 1884 4 . They. have repted one of their farms and mus} part with a portion of. stock; theybuve instrooted Mr 6: lot "of Imported and Can- adian horses, thorougti: Bred! and The sale. will be ove of more than, ordinary impor. tance. and' parties' will do well, to We. Wm Gordon will sell by auction on |, Fi 8 townsbip of Brook, near Sunder- y, Nov. 15, 1883 over' 90 valuable stock and a great variety ~See posters.-- This will be! a grand i a ia C4 aiid EL 32. | the" future, h nears, Phe owder is leaving. 45s coniey aud all ast bo ld 5 Bills:. Mr. Hugh Janek is giving Ee 'gon. of, ie and has Mr C. Dawes to sell by 'Austionl on Wednesday, 26th ingk, on the premises, the farm gtock jiplements &o., ko, Make a note of "the time and place and don't preglass t9attend the sale, : GntyBnarioBbserice JAMES BAIRD, . Ealtor. he Franchise. It is goodly. supposed that all that is necessary in the nse of the frénohise Wg 'simply | 10 wait till the time for elogtion conies round then rush to the polls mark the ballots for some favorite party or parties without once considering whether the parties re qualified for tify themselves with the best inter- ests of the peuple, No candidate 'familiarity with tho leading ques- 'on the interestsand well being of the unthinkingly to the "polls and 'casts his vote simply on personal grounds without any regard to the fitness of "terests of the community. The ap "proaghing munigipal elactions ought shouldbe bestowed in the selection of Tmgortant questions which Hot only for discuss] - sion bat for settlement during next year. The County Council of]# I seftle "the Poor House, or no . Poor county af this time. Sawa te auctions le " matter, the question. and' [han madness to attempt to send on out of every ten of our. worthy poo It x Lo sit ith and sty more for its ee than wotild keep all our. | o "electors a ne) 4 tinctions of a. ed av culdut i 'in the ight e o calling the quantity as - quality "of |refage in the Poor "Prison when it) wait patiently for the next dd 'horses, cattle, ¢ AY machines, [suited them to seck shelter in the tant movein that Aireion ion, our and will doubtless necessary changes complished. / soanufactory for the artifical pauper class} Mo bors have I adeeb miloage h the pat but it is proposed to raise the pag to $3 and mileage in The matter has been Jioft in tho hands, of the electors to instruct their represontatives how fie vole on tho pay uegtion. To Correspondents. "Tnx."--We. may mot bave suc- ceeded in making the' Time matter quite as plaic as you ,or perhaps we o| Would have liked but we did our best under the cirgumstances but there really: is! ngisdiffigulty in the The division with which we are connected commences at the 75th degroo west longitude and tho time of the whole diviaion is regu- lated by that, parties to the east of that meridan will pat back their time accordingly and those to the west of it will put forward their time in propbrtion to 'thoir distance west of that meridian, Quabec city is nearly four degrees east of 'the 16th meridian therefore the time there will have to be put back 15 minutes; Montréal is a degree and a half cast of the 75th meridian 80 that tho time there, will have to be put back 6 minutes; the city of Ottawa being about three-fourths of a degree west ot the 75th meridian the time there will have to be put forward 8 minutes; and so as we come further west the clocks will have to be put forward four minutes for every degree of lengitude we come wost of the 75th meridian.-- But once the change is made there will be no more annoyance or con- fusion in the matter of time, no Montreal time, Pope. Gregory's Toronto lio""or rather time time and such nonsense, one and the same time shall rule from Quebec to the 90th degree of west longitude.-- The change will prove 'most accep- sible to all but especially convenient and benefigial to our failways. "This sudden and by most people unéxpected change of time without alightest murmur or; complaint on the part of the: with tbe censent and approbation of the public is a tribute to the civili- zation of the country. At two o'clock on Sunday , last a general: 'readjustment of 'time took plage. over, the principal portion of the American continent. far in the right direction and 6 ready consent of all to the change prove the increased intelli- gonce of the people at large. readjustment ; some hundred and twenty years ago did not fare' quite 'as well at the = bands of te pablic. Some of our| 3 young Teaders | may pot be aware of the fact that the recognized length | This was . |1esque, "a. foust of fat things" for fawyors and an absolute; bgrrier | against all candidates. who' eannot afford to stand some three or four | thousand dollars in * 'fofining the election wd as much more in fight- Tog tho seat through the courts. -- in the Queen's Boarding 'house at tale of the past and the lawyers' election harvest would soon dry up. Why should a candidate be drag. ged into court, have his pockets seul in tho bargain simply because some knave or fool 'calling himself an agent has done some act or acts which in law void the election ?-- both his money and his seat while the foolish or guilty agent struts around as if had done no harm ; the fact is that be and those he cor- granite city. No matter that the bribed or briber transgressed in ignorance of the law they should be dealt withall the same; no man hasa unless he understands the law on the matter and the law should be made 80 plain that he wlio runs may read derstood would not be in keeping with tho miserable logislation with which we aro surrounded, scarcely any. twojudges and certainly no two lawers appear to agree as to what tions, but we bad almost forgotten that uncertainty. is, the very beauty and life of law and is richest foun. tain, EE -- Pay as Fou Go. troduced in the matter of Railway Tickets. Tn place of the present]. system of furnishing tickets for any réquired dostination 1t is' proposed to fornish small tickets about the size of postage stamps each ticket to bo good for one mile's travel and no mattor where presented they will may purchase as many as he pleases of these mile tickets and keep them past him ; if he wishes to travel say fifteen or twenty miles. or any num- ber of miles be hands in a corres course like bank bills there will be several denominations as fives, tons, fifties and 80 on and the tickets will be good over any part.of the system which supplies 'the 'tickets,' Tho theory may be all well 'eiongh 'but there may be some difficulty of pat ting § it into'practical nse. - Nei "Foivigr 3 news : is. To guile menting not from 'anything that is in it but r 'farce than ihe presen, 1 ot adm. will thePoor House bil lbation law, itis a transparent bur- at will prove dn expérisive toy i [ing the' burden'én theta prove an injury to the wi . Thoj Py. of membe! Ife every ag of bribery wars made aa felony as well with the briber as the bribed and th penalty for all concern- ed placed at twelve or fifteen months | Kiugston bribery would soon be a legally picked and perhaps lose big}, The unsuspecting candidate loses rupted should be. oxpiating their crimes in the soup kitchen at the right to put on the style of an agent] constitutes sorrupt practice at elec- An important change i is being ine ot always be good for one mile. One ponding number of mile tickets; of is said that the Egyptian - his leader Hicks Pashs snd What the . end may | risky fie an Dr. Dowling, the ho Grit M. PP. elect for South Renfrew has just been put through the election ornoible .and got {burned to a sinner in the tnansaotion. His Dowlingship who, by the grabe of Mr. Mowat, is a License Inspector sorupled not at 'treating fand being treated in unlicensed grog. §hoph, has received his duerecompense J The re- sult of the trial showed a|depth of corruption which in Mr. Justice Cam- eron's opinion is enough to unseat'and disqualify his Dowlingship, : The Grits are no less successfal in putting *2own bribery and opfraption with lots of whisky than by lots of money. No matter the unfortinate must go another fundbenby must be slaughtered. Fat Cattle Show. Dp oy The modest,' Belf-sacrificing city of Toronto is gobbling up what is left in the Agricultural Show line in thin province. The Agriculturs| dnd Arts*Association of this province : i i Elec- But making such laws 'as can be un- hag gone in withthe Toronls Blee 'toral Digision Agricultural Socioty to havo a "big show of fat cattle in Toronto, on Decombor 14h and 15th The prizes offered on fat thoro' bred cattle amount to $248; the prizes Loffered on fut grade cattle aroun to $245 with a sweopstake of $50. FAT SHEEP. The prizes offered for long wooled sheep amount to $150. The prizes for middle woolei amount to $150 FAT HOGS. The prizes offered for fat hogs amount to $120 with a sweepstake. $20. For dressed fat hogs 845 in, prizes. FAT LIVE POULTRY. 'Prizes for fat live poultry amount to 829 and for dressed poultry $29 A cup valued $100 is offered for the best short-horn &teer or cow, . $60 is offered. for the bast ton fal cattle and $30 is offered for the second prize. The proprietor of the Albion Hotel, Toronto, offersa prize of $50 for the best, fat animul shown, in the! cattle class. A prize of $25 is offored for the beaviest fat cow or. steer shown, $100 is offered as a prize for the best herd (not less than Hires) of fat cattle for shipping. * Another party offérs #50 on something he does not eay what. -- So that the list with specials 4nd al} be will amount 10 $1,483. The City of Toronto will make ten times that amount of the show. Get Your Trotters Fitted [Up. The Port Perry have. fixed on Thursday and. Friday, Jan- uary 24th and 25th 1884 as the time|, for holding their first meeting ¢n the ice for the 'present winker, That's if ice Join tim. - if i coming teoking is wt to with much interest & 096g tows i yom pr Tons Bry. 'entered the mercantile arena After higher status of prosperity. ° rot emt (1% Speak to the Psople that They hi Go Forward'. | "We are instructed to stata that'a{ acknowledged business tact the pre- nt pr conlitidn) of hp res of rry iano an "ine | efforts ha ate gr 47 : business of Port Perry was slim and Jones' 1 retarn, and wish. him a long, | bappy #id prosperous "gatedr in oor * [town, and that he may have the|. pleasure ottaking part i in ita upward |y d onward progross to a myeh 30 public Ymeeting will be held in the Town Hall, Port Perry, on the even- ing of Friday, BOth inst., for the pur- pose of discussing the many' impor- tant advantages to be derived from membership , in, the . Amalgamated Temperance Association now being organized by the amalgamation of the "Royal Templars of Temperence" and the 'United Temperance Association" into one grand association whose chief object will be the furtherence of the glorious principles ot temperance but will also include a Beneficiary Fund, The meeting will doubtless be an in- teresting one and should be largely attended, An Enjoyable Visit. Messrs. 0. D. Glasgow. and W. H. 'Hopling ot Niagara Falls, were on a visit to Dr. Glasgow of this place, for a couple of weeks in the early part of the present month, and knowing how to take advantage of the splendid op- portunities whieh"Port Perry and its surroundings offer for the healthful and invigorating sport of the gun they made'their ¥isit doubly agredable'y occupying a portion of their time in the exciting sport of Duck Shooting, and 80 successful were they that they bagged one hundred' and sixty brace of fine ducks during the. time_ they re mained. Besides being « first-class shots they are just the parties to goa visiting, they know how to enjoy them- selves and make everything pleasant around them. Mine host Mz. W. B. McGaw of the Walker House and Mr. W. M. Currie ied the visitor twenty dollars as he was very bLafd uf. the place and that he bad boon . wn. Th ie thrilling adventure ntly. athe Nipigon in a Toate & have it: on most excellent ) that Mr. TS. Cooper, while 'on a to Hamilton, Out., offered Mr. Valance; Fuller the enormous." sum of He the great Jersey cow, Mary Anne. Lamberts! We understand t Cooper's object in making this tem, offer was that be might secure this for the purposs of breeciig ber to p and thus. upite in their produce blood ~ot the' two test Jersey cfs, | °° Eurotas and Mary Anne of St. Lambg It is a bold offer surely ; but we pres if ever a cow of any bréed 'was worth and the spirit of enterprise which seel almost any cost, to blend these two w dl buttey strains is certainlya commen one. - Mr, Fuller we Seferstand, has the tymptiug of offer, 16. ~~A bill striking out the word from all election laws bas Council at Washington Teritory Legis It passed the Lower House suveral. ago. . The Governor has expressed hi fn, tentions to sign the Vill. An enthfastic ratification - meeting "was held by vbuan suffragists last night, | a ------ ANOTHER RifoaL --The. other a yohng man appsrently a' french Ca from the country, leaving on the fJoston train, while waiting at the dogit, fel inw the hands of a confidence man, Thefe men operate almost daily with success, [After some conversation he finally offerfd lis valuable gold watch for the small fum | ning dian The countryman is not starp enough a in iy possession of a" watch worrh a! cou u of detfars. If the victims ot copfide: men recollected the command, ta vot covet," there would not be so many forthe such tricks. Me. Hamm Acars Extemva he --Carepon East, Nov. 17 --=The Card: Couuty Asnlntion met here to-day, Mr. Juige on most of their hunting tours, and showed their generous hospitality and saperior catering powers in providing, an abundant supply of everything ne- cessary to secure the' complete enjoy- ment of sportsmen ; this added very much to the comfort of the guests. re Ale errs Crees Miirs, (Port Perry --Ceres Mills whose reputation for superior . work is widely and thouroughly established is in firsteclass order and in full blast, ready fo execute all orders in gristing, c chopping &c., &c. in the most prompt snd satinfactory manner. (See tne Adv.) The Crook's Act in 'the Last Ditoh.--A Globe cable despatch says: The |: case of Hodge ve. the! Queen wax argued from Wednesday till Friday before Judicial Com- declured valid:theu the MeCarthy Act must ¢| go »ad vice serea. ~ The 'Win oe (Grit) remarks re-| garding the Grit papers which are engaged in the business of bearing Canada Pacific raflway stock :-- The same eastern papers which declared that the country had been given away Jotieteta to the a rails; ee of the Privy Council and judgment > Bute' Be at an}. a This IA Iptended fo test the ne of the /Act. Ifthe Act is oe do I'was y and Mr J..G. Alvgandor tre asurer of the asso tion, Mr Hammill addressed thie mecting | at stme length. The ntmost harmony and enthis- insm © pravailed. Addresses were ilso delivered by Mr. Hands and others, waruly | eulogisvd Mr Hamill for the exempary manner in which be conducted the eleifon. The announcement from Me, Hammill that he war willing to be a 'candidate againwas received with tremendous applause. An early dny wax appointed for the convetion to meet, and chivers for Mr. Thomas White, Mr. Hammill, and the. Queen brougit a very interessing and bigaly successful oe - ing to a close, of Bogus Poruramitv.--~Mr. Biggar, ¥, P. speaking at Oldham, England, the pther dny said that the torchiigh' processiin to] which Sir Stafford Northcote was ti 'was only, organized after those, who posed the préession received hit a ach, Jonx Bony, Seovming a Busy by the London Live Stock Journal» that English capital to the extent df $40/000 ia now invested fn caltle on the Am ganfinent, the bulk of it being in Texas. | Liver Complaint : - | quickly cured." They purify Gay, Nov. 17,~--Bome time + | night the juwelery store of James this town, was entered by burglars,and consisting of gold and silver wa Jewelry, rings and chains 10 the val a. man's body. The 'door "was dell the lock punched of the eafe, which con ed the most valuable property, all of hich md) hidden by a building in 'the back lane, with an entrance to the part ¢ of the store. The door of this building was locked by the burglars . from the iuside," 'preventing sus piclon on the part ot the night watchman, who trivs ull doors every half-hour. Theh | inside operations pon the safe were wo screened by the counter fand show cases.-- The boot and shdl store of James Porteous the second door from 'Trotter's, was also burglarized last night, The safe wax treated in a similar manner, and $180 in cash taken An Apswer Janie , "anh any one bring os a not 10% Spgatily sore? ed and who are dail recommending Eieefric Bitters will prove. Bright's Disetiae, Di Wenk Buck, or any uri 1 |'zulate the vowels, and act' dires disensed parts. Every bott For sale at 50c. a bottly "We take pleasure in' recommending Hulls Hair rene ver to our readers, It restores gy hair fo its youthful color, prevents 'baldnurs, niskes the hair soft and glossy, 'best. known vssly ft bair disoases, BIRTHS. ; * In Port Perry, ou. Thursday, 15th, inst, Near Shirly, on the 17th inst, the wife of Mr. Wm. M. Weir, of a daughter. ---- MARRIED. Cowan Avenue, Parkdale, Toronto, on the 3st Fst wit, by the Rev, John F. Ockley, as- sisted bythe Rev, Robert L. Ockley J. Kingsinger, to Miss, ton of the late George Ocldey, faves? Outi. t the 13th. oA Sonya, on He about $7,000 stolen'; also $120 hn " Access was obtained. from the rear of the | "| store by boring a number of auger by L . the outer-and inner doors, knocking a piece x out, and making a hole sufficient to admit |. $ubecriber Sh ihe cd are now 4 n was taken. The burglars' operations were Fi "Eieotic Bitters wil : already permanently oie | L does not stain the skin, and ix altogether the | the wife of Mr. T. 8. Corrigan, of a dunghter. L At the residenee of the bride's mother, 38 both. of tlie brid d Rav. Edwin' + Clem; or. Edward J: Kin Susie, | to inform the public with, 'and solicits a largely extended 'CORDON. good F on the ject, sags the Shropshire ia 'the bast for the Canadien farmer, whether bred

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