Physician, able ab a certain date, or on previ- Acccident, 'Insurance covering M PEE Fort | dey 'accide ety ond and eckly indemnity | and Eldon of non-faf e ube LICENSES ISSUED, ®3 FOB and Tickets for passage to and from Great ue Britain sold at lowest rates, Port Perry, April 20, 1881. Cosatier 107 "the County of | = AR Rl Sucgoon we PORT PERRY LIVERY STABLES C. MCKENZIE, PROPRIETOR. on HI 'Subsckiler Savin now "full " ed his new and pin is ve Livery Sip. | with a supply of superior Horses and Carri- MEBRIEN, M. Nn. NM] RC, 8, | oes 1s prepated 10 furnish first-class nas Hespital, Lon oN MODERATE TERMS. HL ono: : 0.5 MOKENZIE, L FrERsoN Be rma rg Queen Sh ig MONEY TO LOAN. ys! ' r T mty and C HE Shbsciibor is. 1 is red to LEND iti "Hi THES ANY AMOUNT on Farm Sectrity AT 6} PER OENT. and LA Also on Village Property ab a Higher Rate, 45 MORTGAGES BOUGHT, HUBER] I bei method incide JAR