Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 9 Jan 1890, p. 4

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o Fancy Good Sonat io n ) ded uy J e: bas: made a selection in these ings that is certain' to meet 800d, | with large and satisfactory Sules EM) EE he fd ; ing. to his. door "bis fist down on theftable) see what business it is Why, good heavens, 't I the head of this : ©. 1---CURES CATARRH, Hi your rest by & i oa. Saran L Laing ing with pain of out g at onee and get 2 SpormiNG Sok ro 3 Its value is neice i the poor little su Smnediately. De; upon it, mothers, there is no mistake al it. - It cures' dy: dyssutzy pnd $pd 4 Piarrhen, Intos the toy Stach an he gumé, esr fama fon: d gives ef whole irk i re nd ds oh G SYRUP od Tap pecaseiion of me of okie prescription one of thowoldest Shrong, 4! ¢ 7 Anh : dias owned np heron gh, out nd rears né the lungs 7 Ib | apr i as i oyaiia Eh hi Loin i ro Le presorip 500 A ter wildly) sup- r yourself suc pe TA ecialist i.1 Yin lscase In (in a toweriug rage) else, buiit his reputation: e Grand Trunk an of railways. He iy al jes | parties withing to. take the Canadian Pheifio to' the North West. It is of mueh importance to the public that they purchase their tickets from reliable agents who supply them at the lowest figures, and give all ncéessar, information to 0 guide the traveler ou his way. Life is Short !--Get your eye- sight TESTED, improved or. RESTORED, by buying your SPECTACLES at Digs | FELD'S. We sell Spectacles which wiLr | Lok lin abi A Sp Sas he et ue give comfort and strength to your Eye | Chaplet gy anespreserve it. NO "glimmering diz ziness, or any distressing sensat.on with the so called "Boss" SPECTACLES, the Bows of which are stamped 1m gold with the name "Boss" and the | number of spectacle. No better spec- tacles made, Forty dozen of Speojactes to select from, from 25 cents up to §6, AT DIESFRLD'S uma tis: cured by omes to see! Deceive meif JER FAR . Mrs. Chugwater | Whieh is ése 1s ad ribs st posible thme. nformation, advice and iim on Suication. J, BR. LITTELL, 'Bolicitor and Attorney in Patent Catnes, nshingion, | D.C. Opposite U.S. Patont Office tonto and Doo ake that makes d gives form and ness, Hap $a "incom arable remedy for Nervous Debili $1.00. ONE DOLLAR =acH LL DR C.GISTS, confide le ath business. Use No. by antl live again. 183.900. Gomes to see the hired girl, Josiah.' 'am, nO CHE [Mr. Chugwater takes a large chew. of plug tobacco and goes down town with his hat pulled over his eyes.] ve you tried tho Celebrated LEGTRIG] 5% SHOE DAZSSING 7. 32 If not don't foil to do so at once: It is not"a polish but a wonderful § I B moke, the $5, 500. Ra swamp, stones or hills; iw nd house; near market town with rail 183,200, "admis St mixed ner: "soil best clay "lon, Ties well, 16! 3 good house; Jrgehan hu; market town vith Fo Our Subsciivers. is where these dishonest quacks you are unwiiing should be Eo escose secrecy are worthless, The quack acto able and reoporie firm lh business Pottle of any of our medicines to give more (HOSPITAL REMEDY 0. Toronto, fa The SPrciAL ANNOUNCEMENT Which dppeared in our columns some time since, announcing a special arrange- ment with Dr. B. J. Kexpary Co., of Enosburgh Falls, Vt., publishers of &A Treatise on the Horse and his Dis- eases," whereby our subscribers were enabled to obtain a copy of that valu- sble work . FREE by sending their ad- dress to B. J. KENDALL CO. (and enclosing a two-cent stamp for mailing same) is renewed for a limited period. We trust all will avail themselves of the opportunity of ob- taining. this valuable work, To every lover of the Horse it is indespensable, as it treats in a simple manner all the diseases which afflict this noble animal. Its phenominal sale throughout the er a tu as. We guarantee cule benefit than a dozon of any special or es 'medicine in the ona. 100 1 A. Hutton Di bush; i nod clay loa Props oo me : one 00 bap 10 tones market town one mile, Hpacresi gucletsed, bal $4,500 ay amen hiils, stones or ami ey 'aad large market town a 4 miles; x bk rien % jm 'soil best clay i 2 ay stati 6,000. hills rg swamp; ewpensive 'house and two fensiz ieiet town with Hilwhy 3 les; no finer, 100 5 1h Ontario; owner Yom, 5; afte. 3,400. Tk co it or hills; brick House an } Ww vith railway 7 miles and Bend stamp for Desorip=| tive Sutclagio to I. I}. PURDY ----HAS THE---- Best and Cheapest Flo IN TOW IV. THIS UNIVERSAL MEDICINE Is "A HOUSEHOLD REQUISITE § EVERY WHERE. J. BAIRD. * Prince Albert, April 14, , 1886. Pd atid io he ete proot, and ifo Lis dressing W as long as others Wa. ican ionally dresoy with t more than tivice Consumption Surely Cured. To Tur Eprrok : Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. y its timely thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured. Ishall be Jad to send two bottles of my remedy rrr to any of your readers whe have consump tion if they will send me their Express andt P. O. address. Respectfully. Dx. T. A. SLOCUM, 164 West Adelaide st, Toronto, Ont Y at We Say. u_ are lauguid and_ we weak, and your appetite Purify the Blood, impart tone to the Nervous oy Su Lo and Wine la un tone, be sure. Systeni, and act most powerfully yet sooth- ingly on the Liver and Bowels, promoting | Digestion and assimilation, and endowing the whole bodily frame with Strength an vigor. Nervous Headaches, Tremhlings with Lassitude and General Dability quickly i dd In those cases where weakness is | 70 the potent force of these well-known ills, the result of imperfect or insufficient food ud they are unrivaled in their efficacy iv |: & of wasting fevevers or excess of any sort.-- | #4 It ty the nutriment of the Beef, the FEMALE COMPLAINTS, As an invigorating tonic it is recognized | the Medical Profession as the best ren; gthening medicine thus far produced. ig invaluable asa blood-and-muscle so by all first Jes tailed--Stam ps taken. ! "OLIVER CABANA Jr., f SOLE MANUFACTURER, i. BUFFALO, N. Y. d United States and Canada, make it standard authority. Mention this pap- ar when sending jor "Treatise." Oouldn't Fool Him. Oautious Investor--'How do you get this natural gas anyhow ¥' Officer of the company--'We bore a hole in the ground till we strike a pocket of "Then we run it through pipes to strike the same pocket? . 'Not inour vicinity. We own all the land for miles" 'Cot a good title 7" "Been examined by the best lawyers in the country and pronounced perfect.' 'Any lawyers in your company? 'I think we have not less than six and some of them own larze amounts of stock.' {Buttoning up his coat.) 'Six lawyers and only one pocket! I've got mo money to put in it, b'gosh.' . Chronic Coughs and Colds. Diseases of tho Throat od can be cured by the use of Scott's Emulsion, as it contains the healing virtues of Cod Liver Oil and Sypophosphites | in their fullest form. t W. 8. Muer, M. D., L. R ete, Truro, N.S, says experience I consider Scotts Emulsion one of the very best in the market. Very excellent in Throat affections." Sold by all Drug: who did not possess a manse, was one asked Ly a hearer of his why he did not get a wife. When I get a _dookit," he replied, 'I'll have a doo,' Mr. W. H McCaw has just been appointed Ticket Agent for the Clyde line of Steamships plying between New York and Florida, and is in a position to furnish all necessary information pertaining to this popular line. MoxEy T0 LoAN,--Mr. Paterson has a large amount of Private Funds at his disposal for investment, on Mortgage Security. Loren at current retes. No commission. valuation fee. w Methodist Church. REV. [H, an MASKING, PASTOR. Sabbath Services, 10:30 30 and 6:80. 'Week Evening Service. Thursday 7:30. Strangers welcome and conducted to seats, Church of the Ascension, REV. DR. CARRY, INCUMBENT. Sunday Services, 10:30 and 6:3( Week Evening Service, Wednesday , 7:80. 8t. John's Church. (PRESBYTERIAN) REV. J. MCMECHAN, Pastor. Sabbath Services, 10:30 and 6:31 Week Evening Service, Thursday, 7:80, Baptist Church. REV. J. MCEWEN, PastoR. Sabbath Services, 10:30 and 6:30. cek Evening Service, Thursda Money to Tend. any amount of money to security at six per cent. able yearly. Two Splendid Boars. | Theor 7 Eon? Yeo for service at his Yorkshire White Boars, Ee ohio a RE 'ERMS,--$1 cash : If booked $1.50. GEO. STEEL. REciSAPREE, 'arranted bea: Ei Ar 3 abe -- Mr. Ebbé Medes sain FINE GOLD WATCHES Latest Styles in Cases. Interest pay in. 2,Cartwright, twopure-bred ALW ON « HAND AT FULL STOG | Of Roll'd and Stone Flou Meals of all kinds, - Bran, Oats, Chop, Shorts, Ha and Dairy Salt, Bacon, Flax, Beans and all kinds Highest Price paidin' Cash for Fresh E i A large quantity of Sound 'Beach and" Map eV ___|sale Cheap. Port Perry, Aug. 28, 18 Die ds Jui] JUST OPENED OUT A Fine Jewelry --Latest Styles and Pat The Latest Styles in Ladies' and Gent's CHAINS, CHARMS, B Forty dozen SPECTACLES and EYE-GLASSES, from 25 ctsto REGULATORS and CLOCKS in great veriety. Everything Warranted as Rep REPAIRING in frst.class Workmanlike manner t properties of Wine and the tonic removing all obstructions, skin blemishes ron and is admirably calculated | pimples and boils hetter than any othe 55 Lowi p the emaciated system. PGE) | sont x I ave mado Ue fimo of "FITS, EPILEPSY or FALLING SIOCENESS A life long study. I WARRANT my (ung the worst cases. Because others Po suo reason for notnow. Jecpiving 2 eure. 't once for a treatise and & ABE laide Stree JZ « 10% = FREL BOTTLE of mn EMEDY. (ive Expres and Pos! sts. Bd: inl, and it') ROOT, HO A family medicine known, The Ointment HAS A WORLD-WIDE REPUTATION It heals every kind of Sore, Ulcer and Wound more certainly than any otherknow: salve. Its marvelous penetrating powers render it invaluable in all Throat and Chest Diseases. curing Bronchitis, Quinseys, and Asthma, pets Bg Glandular Lumps, closing and heal- ing Abscesses and. Fistulas, and for alleviat- ng the ys 2 Logi! of mien Jout, a1 ' unsurpass ; never to aS n 8 isease, . eu only at Professor Homoway' 'S Fstablishment, 533, OXFORD STREET. LONDON, isd and eold at 1s 14d., 2s 9d., 48 6d., 11s,, 22s. and 33s, each box and Pot, and in Canada at 36 cents, 90 cents and $1. 50, and larger sizes in proportion. AIC40TION--] have no Agent in the Daily d States, nor are my Medicines solu Purchasers should therefore look at|=-- ihe Lable on the Pots, and Boxes. If the ad- . | dress is not 533 Ozford Street, London, they are spurious. The trade marks of my Medicines are re gistered in Ottawa, and also in Wasington. gned, THOMAS "HOLLOWAY, 533 Oxford Street, London. Sept. Ist, 1880, i Coun, Corps, HOARSE XEgS, BRONCHITIS W PING COUGH 150 meres; 130 ciemied, Saf best clay loam, no stones, ad use; good barn; surkés & 73acres; 100 cleared, bance > mostly hardwood; soil best s or swamp; Jurge marke. shore only 3 miles. Sold by Wholesa Dealers greg 3 evoryWhess, * Ta am n pomuatited with the composition of Perrin's Pine Tar Cordial, aud recommend itas being the most elfectual 1emedy known to the medical 'faculty. P. PALMER BORROWH MD. MLC AY, President Executive prise of Health for Ontario. PERRIN'S PINE TAR CORDIAL CO, = LINDSAY, ONTARIO. THE SESTIGRTHAL, Dwelling House and Lot|* Valves, iro fron & Lead = hb rar The Subscribe fi hl A : 3 fot pl h ps) e Subscriber offers for Sale his resi- NES ne {ts Le ators, Di and Lauadr Utongle, Nothing Injarious, 536. CRAIG STREET, ) FTHACRE: FOR SALE. dence nearly opposite the School Build- ings, PORT PERRY. 'half arvacre of land planted with Apple, Pear, Plum and Cherry Trees; also. an abundance of Sma) "including Strawberries and} ¢ Raspberries. 'It will be 80! heapand onBasyT of payment. HER of WM. BROOK. LINED TRUN Porson Mey = 1558 STRARNS WIND HI Tho. Galy Fite Wael Wiad. Mill hd: MANUFACTURED. Can graduate the J wheel as 10w 0s 18 stroks Wiad De rokes | We use ly, gern "pics inthe entire con- struction of ron work. 100 neres, % mixed 'thober; soil a loam, no stones, hills or swamp; bara! market with ER ajay 1 mile; large toy stones My "hills; Trice house and large bari; ¢ Nations wih 4 33 8 hills, stones or swamp; large fresh Natee Taki boundry at back end; God hone And bare: marked town with railway § miles, les. $5,900. To a sly lon; no send, hl gr svn bro ge 4 ownomles 2 town Gmiles. ic Sa i $2 oO. G5 acres; 6o Shaan soil fit ly wood; ick oy mp 0 Tis; ol ge bank bank; market town with v: Be

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