Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 16 Jan 1890, p. 3

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the remotest. im Des, 10, 1680. plicati id 'the speaker advert 'to the underpaid census-taker, but for Notice 10 Pay. ninety minutes poured forth "the ring. ing gospel of hard money. Immedi- ately upon the close of the effort the LL Partics indebted to M. Williams pending measure we! mt to vote, and as are hereby notified that all accounts though swept through the by the voice must be paid by the Ist of January, 1800; » accounts unpaid at that time will be of Mr Stewart's advocacy, the super" visors of the ceusus were granted more | collection, M, WILLIAMS. ™% Did you ever see anyshing fiver Port Perry, Dec. 19, 1889. than these paved streets" "Never," said the man from Montana, following 25 SALESMEN ' with eyos the splendid sweep of avenue pointed out by a Washington host. -- WANTED " In yourZProvince. Good! and Ex- Th» National Capital" continued the Ee bo Hie Fira Tan want men Washington host has the most magnit- De Pd eo ul Tove of That's . no, news you will probably say, of course you can first-class Nursery Stock. All" stock guaranteed. Apply at once stating age, and references. C. L. BOOTHBY, Rochester, N. Y. cently paved 'streets--" "And the most infernal sidewalks in creation," bawled 'the Montana sight seer, who, having been diverted. by the beautiful treet nt, had forgotten the : : gopher Re buffalo wallows, aad Houses and Lots for Sale other inequalities and man traps of the IN PORT PERRY. crumbling brick sidewalks of the Na- HE undersigned off offers for sale, on tional Capital: advantageous terms, the following roperties : his residence on Caleb street, Holloway's Ointment and and dining lots : also a House and Lot rR anratisi and Nenralgin = on Crandell | strect, being the property of | cheap and save money go to Mr.C H Though the former disease remorse-| For rn td particulars amis. b lessly attacks persons of all ages, aud hii, ; Nsurance and fent, the latter ruthlessly selects its victims Sept. 10, 1880. pois Ln Led from the weak and delicate, the pre- serving use of these remedies will in- fallibly cure both compliints. After tho aftected parts have been diligently DR. WILFORD HALL'S sone zhly dred Wi nimen re i HealthPamphlet Pills ing to the printed om oth Omimens and (A Marvelous Triumph over Pills are accompanied Ly instructions Disease Without Me dicine, designed for the public at large, and no invalid, who attentively reads them can now De ist any loss how to doctor | The fall knowledge of dge of this Tawrry. by which all foture euntlays for Medicine or losses from ill-health may he avoided, costs himself successfully. but $4, and will last a person for life. sv] To show the most skeptical that this TH E. "W 1 TN ES S Treatment is a Genuine Rd for most forms of Disease, as well as a real Promoter IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT of Good. Health, we will send undoubted testimonials, any one of wh muy be FOR 1890. He with Stamps ; o a rther informa ion address, Over 108° PREMIUMS fo select from. Sa DRAWER 7 2 GREAT INDUCEMENTS FOR OLD AND NEW SUBSCRIBERS. SEB THE a LIST. TIAT PURE-BRED REGISTERED BERKSHIRE BOAR MACDUFR OF AMBLESIDE No. 1086. EEKLY 3 = = 100 (Bred by Messrs. Snell Bros., Edmonton) The Nowrszkx Masersorn, only 30 cents | 1 have just purchased, stu large outlay, this ex- annum, is the cheapest iilustisied paper ortlont Boar and now have him for service at my in the world. Contains the Sunday School | P EN RE RE ASE 0 old ant In, ist the best Boars hi nium Hooks for old hip a, subscribers. Ee Gi indy Snell, rae Tor Ad 'the breeding of purebred Agents wanted. Sample copies free. oun mumps | in hia Limb any JOHN BouaALt, & SON, "ai shoud o8e ls this fine Fig and. rod bio Pedigree Te ORIREAL ora privilege of returning. JACOB DAI Port Perry. k ANNUAL: SUBSCRIPTIONS : AILY Winvsse ~os = 8300 Utica, Dec. 10, 1889. {Fit Dae Trin Wa Bus, HE Shdersigned wed keocps for service at his place, lot 16, con. 2; ReacH; a Pure: bred Yorkshire White Boar. He First Prize at the Ontario Central 3 RE sir a sto | alan oarrinly 7off Thum sah if oo 31.0, eet Boca the Council of the of the County of Ontario, to do it. is one wa; But all t : chs, ve will suppose. 'Then you must begin 3 But this hs shifts the shoe that pinches to the other foot. '| How to save is almost. as great a problem as how to make or how to éarn money. It is all very well to say "save money", but écho answers "how is money to be saved ¥ placed in the hands of my Solicitor for | tion of a fortune for you and you can save money every time tis opto of of advice very much like the doctor's when © There are many ways to get. money. Speculation Ss requifes capital to start with, and you have no Saving Money. That is what we started out to tell you and: everybody HOW ? Money saved on your necessary expenses may lay the founda- you trade BY BUYING CHEAP. save by buying cheap. You could also fly if you had wings. You can do anything if you know how. You are quite willing to save on your buying if you knew where to go to. That's what we are getting at. Where ? We would not waste your time by offering you all this advice without having a practical end in view. If you want to buy 0. W. JONES the place where you will find the best and largest stock, the most accommodating treatment and the very lowest prices ever made. C. W. JONES. Port Perry, Jur, 8 1890. Hurrah & Merry Christmas! WW. H. McGRAW Has a Splendid, Extensive and Choice Stock, embracing all that is Best, Newest and Most Stylish in Fine Gold and Fancy Jewelry and Silverware, A Maguificent Display of everything in the Line for use and ornament and admirabily suited for ERI J EE I I I a Ee HDILUDA XY GOUR SPH 4 HSS SP HS Such gifts as cannot fail to satisfy the giver and be highly prized by the receiver. Much that is unusually desirable and attractive for MY FAIR AND RESPECTED PATRONS. Gold and Silver Watches and every variety of Clocks of the: best quality and most reliable time-keepers, Everything in the Book and Stationery line. £2 1 huy on the best terms--Oash--and sell at such prices as cannot fail to satisfy customers. A pressing and cordial ins itation is extended to all to come and inspect my : that Tuo Calo To | stock, and the great. variety of choice goods suitable for Holiday Gifts. ' The 'Compliments of the Season to All eseISIp 4 NEE , Spavston 38 g S34 ] aiosras ans ox || been made upon poor manto take an ocean voyage, or the poor} . he a to take good nourishing food and a glass of Old Port i a don't need to be told to get rich but we do need |. to i You can buy stocks, bonds shares, etc., etc.--| M g to sa ¢ hroug ing ing Suse and will wiite it down on the Ist February, There isa tot of ids a like to clear out before the end of the month and to do so we have put them at that we are now our Stock which we w i Es WHICH WILL TEMPT YOU TO Hi aughtered it a Straight Discount of 25 per cent off for CASH. As our Stock of Dress Goods is heavy, in some cpsé§ we will give you The gexi on the list is Tweeds which we will give you at Straight Wholesale Prices. now is the opportunity. Overcoats and Readymade Suits--less than Cost. We have a few Furs left including Ladies' Astrachan Mantles. all to be sold at ridiculous prices. Mantles and Mantle Cloths right down to Cost. All Kinds 'of Woolen and Knitted Goods away down. If you want anything in Twee(s Men's Coon and Dingo Coats. Caps, Muf§, and Boss, See our Remnent Table of Odds and Ends For the rest of the month we will give you big reductions in Boots and Shoes. Felt Boots and Overshoes 1 ht d > cost. Ladies' and Gent's Fine shoes at Great Reductions. She dour re have a few nice Diner and Tea Sets, and a good assortment of Fancy China and Glassware whizh we will pli ce GROCERIES ALWAYS CHEAP WITH US! =) It will Yie to your interest (as well as ours) to come and see us during the month as we mean to do as we say. CLARK & CO. THE GREAT BARGAIN HOUSE." Currie Block Port Perry. SOLD COMFORT Hardware FOR LITTLE MONEY. DEPARTMENT. Full line of R. fH | and Rip Saws. Smith & Co' s, St. atherines, Hand, Panel Also, the Celebrated Leader Cross Cut,' the best in the Dominion. Every Saw fully war- ranted. For sale by : REAL GERMAN wo eins ven nor, LANG & MEHARRY. i And Stock f : : And Stock ; assorte ng Call and see our large and beautifnl assortment of these Goods Topotiel Stoc fully assorted in the lines of direct from Germany, ata big saving in cost, and which we are selling fully 30 per cent. below Rey gular Prices. We want also to draw your SH ELF A Ik attention of our Stock of Boots, all grades, all sizes, ALL CHEAP and request an inspection of them when open to purchase, We thiuk the above goods the best value ever offered in Port Now for your opinion. T. S. CORRIGAN. Perrry. LAING & MEHARRY. STOVE AND TINWARE DEPARTMENT. Port Perry, Nov. 12, 1889. | IF YOU ARE IN NEED OF | FURNITURE IT WILL PAY YOU TO -- 1B U Y= EJ. JOHNSON, ht "ART + GARLAND 1H Stock is complete un every Department, whi¢h he offers at /4 Prices that cannot be Shaded ! Call and examine my Stock and you will be convinced that for Quality aud Finish our Furniture is unsurpassed We have a very large Stock of WoodandCoalCooks FROM DIFFERENT LEADING MANUFATURERS. | | Base Burmrmers. WE STILL HANDLE THE CELEBRATED with and without oven, now so well known, at prices that" defy ahy competition, A call respectfully solicited which we know will prove of - great advantage. ; LAING & MEHARRY. e stock of Upholstered Chairs, and Ottomans, in Silk, Velvet and # invitation is. extended toall to visit my Establishment EJ TOHNSON. New Harness Shop. The undersigned wish to inform the inhabitants of Port Perry and Ail sirrotreding oiutay>t that they have opeued a shop in the Hiscox Ruoc FAY + 600s, PERFUMERY, ot Ee leading Buopsiésciy- 'Medicines. Harness, Trunks, Vi Whips, Combs Brushes, etc. ox Givousa call before purchasing. Satisfaction guatanteed. Repairing promptly attended to. ort Perry Mayo 1887 We will start out with Dress Goods and say that all Winter or Heavy Dress Goods will be i MORE THAN 25 PER CENT OFF: [Opposite the Western Bank] = formerly accupied by J. J. Minty, for the manufacture and sale of all inde ol 3

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