Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 6 Feb 1890, p. 1

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TNS TURANCH effected at the Lowest Ratee-in Good Le English Companies... i '= Agent: Allan Line of Steam: rry, Oct. 17, 1889. bsgribor AMOUNT ity AT 8 PER CENT. | sar Also'on Village Property." 0 £3 MORTGAGES: BOUGHT. BA 4 HUBERT L, EBBELS, Office next to Ontario Benk. > Port Perry, May 10, 1883. ° Insuranse and General Aen, id n gaining in strength and my wun EE in' praise - ly that ne I know of." --L, W, Ward, 8r., Toxus. | hyar's Sarsaparilla PREPARED BY "Pr. J. O. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. oa Price $1; sit Yoitles, $5. 'Worth $5 a bottle. 1 EAE TY repared to LEND J - A Secw VV EEN atow dose of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral will relieve you? Toi. the house. You are liable to 'have 'a-coligh at any no other 80 effective #8 "this » world- remowned prepara. tion. No household, of this welldnown _ did not cars to lt bo al right' 1. repli fifty or more exchanges "Vases Tov lookin' for Jim my visitor said, apolegetioally, as he was ork for ie | adjusting? lis' steal-Bowed spectacles. n with 'my fol: prophet New Finally » well 'ventured the ob- some differed, and the fdsstime a more vigorous same man again ob- conceited, gentle- what 1 know depot, pick out the fn in the Be ing0o. dy . married, tha i parson's inside of an d latigh ot this, but he a8 he continued : | Jint's' my son. We came west two 'year ago and took up a claim. "Twas peasty hard work I know, an' Jim was igh "strung. Bein' the baby of the family he hed been petted an' workin' came hard on him.' : «Did he run away ?' T queried. ¢ No, that's the worst of it; 1 drove 5m away. 1 got mad at 'ith one day, 'cause he wouldn't mind, an' told "im ter clear'out." He went, an' Tain' seen "im since. I'm thinkin' I'll find somethin' of him in the papers--you fellers seem ter write up everythin' With that he began to look through the local columns of the journals be- fore him. 'Tt wag an bour before he had finished his task and laid by the last one with a sigh. «Vl look agin. next week,' he said sadly. The next week and the next he was there, each time chatting with me and | revealing more of the longing for a chance of reparation for his harshness. All through the hot summer months he was faithfal to his task, and I, too, began to feel an interest in the missing boy and looked for his name in the be yeni ol aS ak NI y 1 m quickly it would make Tito assessor smiled jut a little, but went on making a me 0 { Say, exclaimed Bilgus, jutoping vp, 'don't put that lot down at any more than $1800. L'll take that for it; *pori my. honor, ¥ will.! "Very well," said the assessor, ' take it for that, Here's a certified heck for 8500 to bind the bargain.' Bilgus was speechless now, +1 thought you were the assessor,' he gasped presently. * Well, can't an assessor buy pro- vty.' Bilgus kicked like a dozen mules, but it was no go. 'Mr. Gerrish had his witnesses to prove that Bilgus had offered the lot for 18,000, and rather than defend against a lawsnit;the un- happy man made out the deed: The real estate was worth $25,000 easily," but I am sorry to say Mr. Gerrish told an untruth when he said he was the new assessor. What Grip is Like. How does it feel? Well you get sore 'all over, feels as if you had been through a wrestling matth, a prize tight and a threshing machine, says a correspondetit, 'to: tlié Worcester Spy. There's a tripthamer in your head 1 } PE o Jersey Bulletin gives ap of Burou's Progress, the how" cow which at the Inte great dairy Ry wils first in the milking trinls, first in. butter test, and winner of the , Silver Cup. She gave in one day 374 1b. of milk, which made 3F ibs. butter, or 23} Us, a 'week. f vig bred in Jersey, and has a good deal of the Perry Farm blood, whiclvour Mr. Cooke's prize cow also claims. A fan. cier reports a Lily of 8t; Lambert "18, years, and Echo 2ud, 16 years, loth tnilking well and still breeding. Prof. Plumb, of Tennessee College Expen-; mental Farm, thus describes Holstein . milk :--¢It is about the same as tak- ing the average yield of miik of an ordinary cow and 'pouring in. water. uutil it reaches the quantity usually" given by a good Holstein," Some of; our farmers are wishing for the blask, and whito breed to supply the North: Orillia new cheese factory. If thet'be a true description of their milk it, would be much better pay the" than the buyer. They are besides said to be enormous eaters. a *Ayar's' Cherry Pectoral has given, we great relief in bronchitis. Within a month I have sent some of this pre-, paration 'to « friend suffering from | bronehits and asthma. "It has'done' him so much good that he writes for, more'--Oharles F. Dante various papers that went through my » tio re. o " a 0 ; ni ci on . a | halk ) i ho aig BA tlmely us ; k lo ovement igo run by & day gang wid a night "gang t gang Seems. i mouth; England, t in ERE etd ? g in Upper and Lower Sets of 'seth at from ; 10 $75 EACH SET. the largest stock of | + ght into North Ontario Iam suit you both as to quality 'and see. Rooms over and Eldon WILLOOX Puaxix- Assuraxce Coy, © Crrazess' Insvmance Co'v. Grasdow & Loxpox Insurance Co'y Port Perry, April 26, 1889, : & HOLT Licensed Auotioneers FOR 'THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO AND TOWNSHIP OF CARTWRIGHT, Valuators, &ec., &c.' REAL ESTATE A SPECIALTY. . Licensed Auctioneer, Vilustor dc. the To Scott, Thorah, Mara, rely on e ttmaot attention. being given to eir intrests. | WM.:GORDON,. we Sunderland resort I tried-Ayer's C| Pecto- 3 ort time, the cure was then I have never baen medicine. Iam fifty years : this of weigh over 180 pounds, and at- ries. es sod health to the use of . Ayer's Ch Pectoral."'=G. W.Youker, Bliom, X. 9. ' ) with hoarseness and bronchial On i A mato Ana. Tove bash of Brook, Uotrides i ephone systems in other practicable manner. Government hased the tel outright. could easily "Third, nationalization of the apal business of the country to the end Hines may be worked continuous! is mo ly dealt and there is no class of the publid so out on, spoke was our fon minutes he had affirmative when onse. It was only .by the watch when: he came said: > Ir pd they were duly married ed over. The lady acted and' em d as you pnfessed it was a case of love took & train two hours n they were fairly off we e was a horseman from the 'woman had been his 'the past fifteen years.--N.Y. +} Qlancing: to one at the far horizon. on Noven 'On the third Saturday my visitor through a hitter, blustering wind, and his hands looked white and pinched with cold. The tears dimmed This glasses as he took op his task as usual, He had gone about half through the pile of papers when he suddenly straightened up, brushed the page out smooth and fixed his eyes intently up: on it. He handed the paper to we and I read: *A stranger giving his name as Jack Meserve was found in the depot this morning sick. He is scarcely more than a boy, but seems to have had hard liiies. He says he has friends in Kansas, but will 'not give their names. He was taken to the Mer chants' Hotel, where he is being cared for by the city authorities." Tho paper was published in a small city in Northern Towa, and was dated three days previous. «I've found him! ejaculated the father gladly. 'I'm goin' ter get him!' That. night he'left for his son's side, and in & week the two alighted from the train, the father was joyous and bappy, the son pale and emaciated. As they rode over the paririe to: ward the old ' man's {claim, he called back to mé : 'Come out an' see us I" - "1 did so shortly afterward; and as we ant, up to: the = wellsupplied table; though our chairs rested on the €| have earth and the walls of & dugout found as happy and in fervent tones thanked the giver h | of ll good Tor the. retarn of his boy, "Oh |i such words as ouly the fall heart can. prompt, Jim's eyes. ide I saw tears of the pleasant symptoms, such ns coughing, « sneezing; ete, are only. little incidentals hardly worth men- tioning which go to make up the sum of your misery. You put on heavy flannels, a heavy suit, your overcoat and your ulster, then sit with your feet on the fender and cover yourself with blankets. The thermometer goes up among the nincties, yet you are FREEZING TO 'DEATH. A Dakota blizzard is advancing up your spive. You drink quarts of hot ginger, pepperment, catn'p tea, and other such abominable 'yerb' mixtures. Finally ' you begin to thaw out. The ulster and' the hot drinks produce some effect. You get warm, then hot.-- When ybu are almost suffocated and ready toigive up the ghost you begin toperspire and feel a little better.-- Then you go to bed.. Tn the middle of the night 'you wake up with that weight on your chest and a band clamp on yous throat. Yon can't get a breath; "gone this 'time sure. Not quite. You climb' out of bed, get down by the fire, and don't get any more sleep, that night. The blizzard hes struck yourspine again. You die several deaths before morning, but when the dawn comes . XOU ARR STILL ALIVE. You sit down to the breakfast of Amerie, an editorial which % slogan to his party, a thunderbolt to his foes, was a danger which no friend; no enemy, none but a fool dared to encounter. I was once in his editorial sanctum when the fool was there, ssid : Ohauncey Depew, in a speech. to the Buffalo Press Club, To relieve you? apprehensions 1 was not the fool. But he was one of those itinerant and per- sistent gentlemen with a subscriptions; book. He kept presenting it while, old Horace was writing--as most '0 you remember, with his pen away 1 to. his chin, like this (illustrating)-- and Horace had a habit when anyones would interfere of kicking, and so he: kicked at the subscription 'fiend --" Finally, when he saw he could not get rid of the intruder by this means be, - stopped in the middle of a sentences: turned round and said raspinglyin® that shrill voice of his: ¢What do you want} State it quick and state it in the fewest, pos : sible words.' Ext C Well,' said the 'subscription fiend, I want a subscription, Mr. Greeley to prevent thousands of my fellow human' beings from going to hell.' 5 or Said Mr, Greeley {I "won't: you a cent. There don'¢ "hale" enough go there now.' she table; drink - four cups 'of strong tea, } To medieine or'd 3 gob soma wes! self think you're sick." ji *There'sno- | evident that the excruciating sufferings o iatter with you hut a little that were being boy wa¥ found in' more |. andergone by

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