DENTIST, now putting in Uj _ Teeth at from |. Sale furnished | antee drno pay. | Terms liberal. "Lar AND OBTHERN Arsuranck Cov, ai ~PueNx Assvrasce Co'y. ; Crrizens' Insurance Co'v. GrAseow & LoNpoN Insurance Co'y Port Perry, April 26, 1889. Licensed HAuotioneers FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO AND TOWNSHIP OF CARTWRIGHT. Valuators, &oc., &c. REAL ESTATE A SPECIALTY. Bills made out and Blank Notes of charge. Satisfaction guar- ig Acallis solicited, Perez Horr, Manchester. Bene cuts "Well, the fact s; you see, I'm a creak oa § «28 eekly would tke to § To withess the race for the penant." = TERRA HAUTE EXPRE "1 have used Ayer's Pills for the past ve ui er's irty years, abd am satisfied I should Chester, Pa. * Havin, H been sub; for Sonntipara, St blo to ch relief, I at last Ayer's tried it.botha duty and a pl : testify t have derived Sa ah ro efit from! use. willingly Bowman, 26 "Ayer's Pills have hows family upwards wen! have completely verified Iaitied for is used in ofl that is es, 2 "hich them. ) rom Ww) suffered fine T ever Fai ¥: Kiama, Holly Springs, Texas.. Ayer's Pills, 'PREPARED BY Draggiats Or. J C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. i x nd Déalers in Medicine. 5 oY hanes ae] 0 Pe i Fred a scarcity of cloth in power behiud control the goverament as'to retain this terrible levsr over all denoming- tions-and all classes of our people. Let us make a compromise with that power ; let us s0 enact a law as to free all who do not belong to it, while oting & separate ballot for every mber of that denominalion, easily designated by the assessment rolls. This, at least, would be a partial re- lief from this iniquitous terrorism. If that denomination will have it so ; if they see nothing in the position which to them seems degrading, although it is certain a great many of them do, to obtain our own freedom let us yield the point. Some attempt must be made this Session The Government will fight any proposition for a secret ballot, as they have agreed to do, and its followers will stand by them and probably any resolution proposed will be defeated ; still our people expect an effort, te Aen Men of Extr n; Nerve and is . Amongst men who have forced their way to fame and fortune, we may name as an exawple to all, worthy of imitation, the famous and justly cel- ebrated Thomas Holloway, known throughout the' 'wide, wide "1 world" for his, Fils snd Ointment, her y . make ao ons without, blow out the en the door, and friendly night eld my shrinking modesty and and grateful darkness at o the horror of the situa was soon done, Preparas retiring wet few and simple character "in Hickman, alto sisting of distobing, and ow- those days, somewhere near the Adamic he was prepared to woo . The dreadful hour had was ready. 1 blew out the d the door-knob with a and nervous clutch; one it sl it would be 'over. One it wasn't over by a d--n Joapod within, and there around ickory fire, 'with candles rning on the mantel and bu- their a 5 an _ what one wan has done another may do, provided that he has the ability and determination to use it with all his soul. ' We read of the Great Napoleon whose ambition was to conquor the world, but Holloway has done some- thing else, for instead of shedding oceans of human blood, he has cured thousands, and spread great joy among the sons and daughters of affliction by his wonderful medicines; and, although he does not pretend to 'raise the dead,' yet he bas given strength to the halt and soundness to the lame ; and if he hai not 'opened the eyes of the blind,' he has soothed the pain worn, and comforted those on the brink of the grave ; and in the four quarters of the globe his preparations have foun: way--not by the force of the sword, not the by aid of legions, but have been silently borne on the bosom of old ocean in our huge merchant ships to every corner of the civilized world where suffering man is to be found. But to do all this gigantic work, to accomplish so wonderous a deed, re- quired much thought aud much energy for without these combined, this mighty work could not have been ac- comdlished. . And thus . he did it,-- e throne should not sp fo better | following accounts t Gross & Granger, hardware supplies, $13.46; Mathison Bros, groceries, supplies; §7.45; P. B. Waram; glazing; §2.16;; JS Barnard, repairing registry office clock, §1 ; J. Newport, wood, $5.50 ; P. Taylor, fix- ing court-house clock, 81 ¢ Hart. & Oo., $2.17; Hatch & Bro., $11.05; granting the Co. Judges $15 each for postage and stationery ; stating the committee found ° everything in. apple:pie order at the jail and giving the statistics for the" half year ; recommending Cate- taker Linton for an increase of salary after June lst, 1890 ; recommending some repairs in the registry office ; al- lowing the Turnkey a month's holi days some time during the coming summer ; erdering that the courthouse be insured against fire, x Mr. Mowbray brought on his fight for county auditor. He read his by- law the second time and moved that Mr Gleeson, Greenwood, be the aud {tor appointed by the council. Mr. Mothersill, moved Mr McMillan of Cedardale, and sapported him with as th, Tie Rutledge moved Mr. Geo. W. Wilsor, and did likewise. Mr. Baird moved Mr. T H, Glen- dinning. Mr Young moved Mr G F Bruce Me Wilson stated he was in favor of "anew man." As. he understands essrs Glendinning and Gleeson have ort, of efficiency duri better be careful in the matter. It is quite 'possible now that the London Guarantee Co. will set up the plea that this council did not appoint effici- ent auditors. Bettter refer this mat- ter of selecting an auditor to the Finance Committee, where members may talk more freely than in open council. Mr. McRae nominated Mr John McArthur for auditor. He said the fact that Mr. McArthur was from Thorah was & sufficient guarantee for his efficiency. Mr. Christie was opposed to having any man appointed who has held the position before. He believes in ap- pointing a man on uccount of his qualifications to fill the office. The vote was then taken on Mr. Gleeson and only the four representa- tives from Pickering voted for him. Mr Parker nominated Mr. Charles Langley, of Toronto. , Mr. Coulthard performed the same office for Mr. W. H. Warner. Mr Bigelow followed with Mr. T. O. Forman. The vote for Mr, McMillan was then taken and 7 stood up for him.-- G. W, Wilson got the same number.-- Mr, Glendenning took 13. Mr Me re | Arthur took 8. France, Belgium, Holland, Prussia, Denmark, Russia, Greece, Spain, Por- J Soa pBwitseriond nate we might hey tal of a _thonsand kingdoms of thousand = tongues Mr. Harman then put up Mr. A. D. Weeks. Mr. 'McKay went in for R. H. Lawder, Mr. Langley then took five votes.-- Mr. Warner was defeated, Also Mr Forman, also Mr Weeks. Mr. R. H. Lawder then took a majority and was declared elected. The Warden nominated Wm. Nelson, of Scott township, and by-law passed. : Say the report of the r. MoKay road ; -did their work as requ Wh oe for last year: Boxall asked before w appointing them, Mr. Bigelow thought that Shagformes auditors had fallen shor theinduties, but iv appeared that those of last year had done better, for they had found out how things stood, ~~ _ = © Mr. Inrke said Mr. Bigelow was right. \ i Then again the council took up the = matter of appointing a Co. Treasurer The by-law was finally passed in com- mittee of the whole 'council and re- ported. Adjourned to dimer. AFTERNOON SESSION: Met at 1.15 : Mr. Rutledge .at once moved the. adoption of the report with Mr.Larke's name in the by-law, Mr. Flummerfelt moved that the report be referred ' back to committen of the whole with instructions to strike out Mr, Larke's name. and insert Me. Bigelow's: i Yeas--McPhaden; Westgate, Mow bray, Parker, Harman; Mathewson,Graham, Gillespie, Noble, Young, Mckay; Trenouth _ Millard, ~~ Flummerfelt, Williams, Thowpson (Seott)y --16, . Nays--Coulthard, Tamblyn, Baird, Ross, Galloway, Mothersill, Wilion, Boxall,. McRae, Rutledge, Martin, Christie, Glassford, Thompson (Brock), Ham, Miller'--16.. The amendment was declared lost! M#. Bigelow moved Mr. Oroshy.-- | Yeas 15, Nays 17. oe son, Mowbray, : 'McKhy, y oxall, Christie, Coulthard, Gray, Galloway, Glassford, Ham, Larke, Miller, Mothersill, Martin, McRde, Rutledge, Ross, Thompson (Brock), Tamblyn, Wilson.--17. The motion was declared onrried. After going into committee of the whole, and: making the change as instructed; on motion in council for adoption of -the amended report. Mr. Miller moved the name of Me: John Burns--Yeas--13. Nays--20. Mr.Larke moved Mr. Henderson, == Yeas 13. Nays 20. Mr. Rutledge moved the name of Mr. Gibbard Yeas 5. Nays 23. Mr. Rutledge moved for Mr. H.'B. Taylor. Yeas 8. Nays 22. Mr Larke moved Mr Hal, Yeas i: Nays 20. . Mr. Rutledge moved Mr. oF: Bruce. Yeas 6. McKay 26. Mr. Larke moved James O Guy. Yeas 7. Nays 24. . Mr McKay's election was anani< mously confirmed. Mr. Mathewson read the tepdtt of the Roads and Bridges Commettee, int short as follows :--Confirming by-law 615 of Uxbridge township ; passing the report of James McFarla: - migsioner ou behalf of Ontavi to join the commissioner of county in building the Nonquon b and passing several printing. accounts' ammountipg to $6.90, the engineer! account of $12.82, and the commissio er's account of $25 ; récommen $25 ; recommending 810 to gra Sppronshes of said. "bridge