SBEE Lawman wl Blane PPS Base = aul ok 8 38588838888 SuS5388S888883828885R88 8 at Oi WHICH IS ONE/O®' ¥ % IN THE COUNTY, ARE BEING SOLD AT 00 Largest and Best Assort + Bands nd durably bound in morocco clot) Every volume is worth $6.00 to any] r any family; and is really a household nee: essity. Notwithstanding the fact that we have the reputation of selling goods cheaper than X atiyons else, our prices will be still as low, Jf aot uy. than evar bolo: . La 3 We will be amply re id for the great expense we will have b selling regular tomers, and of cbs trade of sod lg rl to gut oy # In order to get the right to distribute these valuable books we were obliged to order enongh to supply one to every family for miles around. Visit us at once, Rte our stock' and prices as we have become convinced you can do better with us than where you are : ing now, if not buying your goods at our store. ' THE GREAT BARGAIN HOUSE, Lois roa bi Ourtle Block, Port Perey. : . ---- 'i. Full line of R. H. Smith & Co's, St. atherines, Hand, Panel and Rip Saws. ~ Also, the Celebrated ete: Cross. Cut, the bestin the Dominion. Every Saw fully wars J JOHNSON. Neg IHARR Stok is complete. in every. Department, which he offers at And Stock fully assofted in the lines of : Prices" that cannot be Shaded | 1 and examine my Black 45 you +i be convinced that for Quality SHELF AND HEAVY HAR wn [ farge stock of Upholstered Chairs, and - Ottomans, in Silk, Velvet and | is extended to all to visit my Establishment E. J T'OHNSON.