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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 28 Aug 1890, p. 2

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\ rd Moron. Just open- ed up. fRearce ge goods. Black Worsteds, t Trouserings, Also the latest patterns in Scotch Long Suitings. = 4 © WM. BROCK. : Port Perry. May 6, 1890. ee DB. FE AMITT., J . [SUCCESSOR TO DR. JONES.] PORT PERRY, - - ONTARIO. 'aa Office and Residence--Opposite Tum- 'honds | Store~~corner 'Queen and John . Streets. Office hours--9 to 11a, m, ; 2to 5 p. m. dnd evenings, ae ae 'NORTH ONTARIO OBSERVER "PORT PERRY, AUG. 28, 1890. gE, A Doubtful Experiment. Guelph council i "about to pass a law, whereby, after the present year, the school board will collect their own taxes. The object of this charge i is to . arouse a more general interest in the ess and expenditure of the board, it being thought that if the people paid their school taxes separately, and were hie made plainly aware of the amount : at purpose, Bey would a increase public interest nal matterscannot be doubt- od. When the several items of taxa- tion are all jumbled up 'few taxpayers 'ears to examine the various items. yers look at their taxes in if jthey consider them too high ther growl but pay them all the same, out considering what they are ing for.. 'school boards were obliged to col- the taxes necessary for the support the schools, ratepayers would at ve how much they are pay- or the education of the young, would naturally consider whether ere getting value for their or rather whether the young ting value for the money being eir education, School taxes every child in the com- roceive a fair educa "enough that a few 0 large major- ever percen allowed to ehtent chow | E The only: y bat the pro: oh he mode 'of Gollection ; Mi 1 f. the beauti aonb' thot ELT to sie | | tinlly consumed ; the one occupied by |p ig Ferguson and Miss Mei, of a Port Perry, caught fire, "| was. extinguished only. after the volds, J. Sai kitchen had fallen a. victim to the de- ik Oliver BH Soi th vastating flames, - The hotel at the |: I 3c "There Unie of the fire had over 500 guests, | re *1all of whom were rescued togel '0 {with their valuables. The lnandress *|of the hotel, whose room was near Arpe an Miss Nelson vo on) snndiltefor first clus, was where the fro was first discovered, The record of the ¢ is a 'very good one. to judge the work is by peroentage, "and Uxbridge school is shown | 'the most successful school Count at the recent teachers'! - The following is a fair A 58 Uxhrid e High School Conia is about to receive marked Wttention at the hands of Tue New ENGLAND MAGAZINE. The leading fea- ture of its forthcoming September issue isan. article by Wi Blackburn Hurts, dealing with the | lead- |} ers of Canada. The writer says lo fact that xbirid a better record thon any other sohoal in the County." It wonld Le difficult toroll up in so small a space a larger number of mis. takes or more ungenerous statements than are contained in the foregoing extract, Our Uxbridge ' cotem. is strong on percentage, but he should remember that percentage is like a a double edged sword, it cuts both ways. "Uxbridge is'shown to be the most suceossful sefiool in the County at the recent examination." . This statement is 'untrue and ungenerous to the public schools of the County for | Canadian Literature by George two of them, at least; have far distanc- | Stowart, jr, ed Uxbridge on the percentage scheme. | = Manilla has 100 per cent., Cannington Mr Brandon, of Oannington, while has 100. per cent.; but it is when our making his usual route with his biscuit Uxbridge cotem. comes to compare his wagon, on Tuesday evening last, in own school with Port Perry that he attempting to drive across the railway gets in his fine work on percentage. | track at Myrtle, an east bound train He increases the number of third |gtrockand carried away the whole of passes at his own school 50 per cent. | the wagon except the forewheels and by borroaiing 100 per cent. of the can- axle, 'on which Mr. Brandon found didates. He increas®s his number of himself seated ' when he stopped his successful sccond cluss candidates by | 1orses. Mr Brandon certainly had a borrowing for the occasion the Princi | jarrow escape. pal of Brooklin Public - School.. He diminishes the' number' of successful candidates at Port Perry 163 per cent by omitting one successful candidate, and he increases the namberthat wrote by 44} per cent. When our cotem. takes such liberties as these with facts aud figures he can prove anything he chooses. He. should have been gener- ous enough to state that according to his scheme the Uxbridge school is not the "best in the County" asitis far behind the Manilla and Oannington Public Schools. Throwing aside this percentage fake, which hgs bee Campbell, Miss Agu Aus Maaile Mahar, | Wetherald, Miss Sara Jeannete Dun: can, Dr. J.C. Baurinot, William Douw Lighthall, Dr, GeorgeStewart, jr., Dr. W. George Beers, Charles Mair, Prin- cipal Grant, of Queen's University, J, Hunter Duvar, Gerald E. Hart, Nicholas Flood Davin, James Macdon- ald Oxley, J. M. L. Moine, Professor Charles G. D. Roberts, Grant Allen, Sir William Dawson, In addition to this article by Mr. Harte there are in this number poems by Campbell and Lawmpman and a article on French ----ee § A Missouri man writes to one of the leading papers of the State to ask the names of the twelve Apostles. In- stances of this sort make it look like a wasta of raw material to send misaion- aries to Africa, MecVicker's Theatre in Chicago, was burned on Tuesday last. Lgss $200,- 000, Oouncil will be held on » Monday even- ing next. that is fo othe) xteen per ¢ent the number pass- od by Uxbridge. Tho latter school passed 4 seconds and the Port Perry school passed 6, that is one hundred and fifty per cent of the number passed by Uxbridge. Uxbridge passed 2 Matriculants without honors, Pert Perry passed 6, taking a larger number of first clags honors than any other school or Collegiate Instituté in the Province ; surpassing in this depart- ment 'sach dchools as Upper Uanada Qollege, Toronto Collegiate Institute, Parkdale Collegiate Institute, Hamil: ton Collegiate Institute. We extend an invitation to the Ux- bridge school to attempt, for next year: what our school "has done this year, step upon the arena against thé schools abage mentioned and come out super- ior tothem. If this is done we will readily acknowledge their superiority, and cheerfully "accord to thém the credit they shall have deserved. ------ SERIOUS IF N0o® FATAL ACCIDENT. -- On Wednesday last as Mr H Hinge, of Port Perry, - was Jriving through Epsom, a dog, t! ropert; of the hotelkeeper of that PH De a dash at his horse which took fright and started off at a furious rate, throw Eri v the David Shaw estate, who skipped from near Woodstock something overa year ago, his been announced at three and' five-sixteenths of a cent in the dollar. © The nssets are reported as only $527.12, while the liabilities are declared to be $23,815.18, Thisis a a very bad showing and evinces great récklossness in both# borrowing and lending. Bia ONEs- AND NO Mistakz.--The following is telegraphed from Berlin to the/Empire:--*Messrs, Beckley and Klease have recently purchased' from Mr, J. Seott, of Waterloo, the cham- pion steer and hog. The former is but four years old and weighs 4,000 Ibs, measures 18 feet in length, 14 feet XE inches in girth, and stands 8} feet in height. He is perfectly healthy an monstrous animal of his kiud.' The orcine specimen turns the scales at ,000'1bs. They are the largest of their kind in America. It is their in- tention to exhibit them this fall." The Bowmanville News says :-- " Bowmanville High school obtaiued |} more second-class certificates than Port Perry, Whitby or Oshawa, notwith- standing each of these schools has more than thrée masters on its staff. "If our school could make such a g The | bi first and only dividend to be paid by ae ie to make her exit and lost her lite, int kindly rays mi by the little fellow was of the swe G. Mercer Adam, Miss Ethelwyn i with 8am Seid In days, and in 1887 w Jassencat agent for he is yet, and the ability to fill the appreciation whicli expresses of the satisf ing. . Heis a hustler fro and the "Erie's Oanadi booming; MrSharp tis a_bright great fund of snappy a a jolly, pleasant compan he isa hugh success anda circle of friends gets vi, figurative knees und make ance, proud to call him can tell a good trotter the rings ona turf gui clothes and is as Keen James R. himself." A GLANCE BAOKWA as to the failure of the potal Ireland, and the appentat know# * famine fever" in that way bring to the recoll in Galt the terrible tim between '45 and '49, when starved Irish emigrants | shores hy the thousand, man only rdaching points inland to down with the burnin shi £3 The next meeting of Port Perry i 'dismal scene of 8. dusk: = Where t the writer has forgot! two of the three years a sturdy Irishman wi many & poor mother thought save of * the many a litlle prattle il eyes for even in these 1848 'the emigration and the sheds were to the town to-day the remember the tragic si place even in Canada of the terrible Lrish Reporter. The Montreal Wii referring to the Hig! a | ers of the Provi in session in the city. The High Court of eeters was still in At last night's meetin sented by the pat showing: 'with all'the Stawhscks it had |! to contend with during the 'bad acco a | impressionable "lohtradey let it hdve uo place in the '| Morley certdinly does not. e and influential mem- of théeabinet. And he is "wiser eneration than the children of They are taught by the Light Himself that we should "seck first the kingdom of God ;" and. yet we. are tog illing tohave it put far in the b teat 'write to Sir Oharles Tupper, our government. representative m is don, on this matter; and T have hig reply, favoring the effort to work tp a trade with Belgium in this flour; What I want to kuow particularly from you - 1s, if arrangements can be made so that , | test consignments 'of this Hour can be ry | sent to Antwerp and Brussels, and if ik Mr. Morley thinks quite # | enough to begin with--but no place at all ; and that will even more effectu- ally secure its overthrow than avowed hostility, = "Forgetting" religion * (Ps. ix, 17) will do the work of its enewies | a8 thoroughly as any other method.-- In the six work-days of a school-child's § life let it never be once on the activities of those days let it' 'never oager "and gecupied mind; let God and the supernatural world, let, Christ and "1 His Church and His grace bw never mentioned through all 'those years when the plastic wind is beigg fashion. ed, and thecells of memory"are being | stored with the visable and the earchly; Jet there Le but the trifling interrup- tion of the Sunday Schools imperfect teaching ; and the result iscertain. We see it already in the irreligion and in- difference of the rising generation, in the thorough alienation of the youth. ful mind from religions feelings and {interests. "If 'we Christians' forget all this, Mr. He "ever bears it in/nind." Hear him again in "Diderop' and the Encyclopmdists." Diseu sing hh s "Systemof Nat- " on the of human} ture, you 40 wrong: "is solid and. sure, The aid of oy sosalled Stustions of theology is but wischievous, } : realitivs of duty with ee fon phantoms exposes 3 [duty to the same ruin: which daylight '| brings to #he superstition * that bas been associated with duty." ~ Mr, Morley explains himself and these 'words by saying :--"The writer points out'the necessarily eval inflence y {morals of a | Rok popularly taken'to be inspired. » And false-hearted Protes- tants, in practical agreement with the Agnostic, are well content to see the Bible unread, as if it werereally "of vil infinence upon morals." _ But Mr. Morley' ampler sxposition f 'the virtue of ignoring religion is the n 'most instructive of all. He says:-- | "The iden "of miracle is sapped not night. hod. i ST here that the ae odin exerted really. destructive "and it did so in the only way hi-power of that kind can it is found practicable to do this bus: iness 'at a small profit do you think farmers i your vicinity would be will- ing fo grow this wheat at 20 cents per bushel less than the varieties of wheat from which our higher grades of flour are made, for the only influence which gould make the shipping of this flour to Belgiom pay its way would be Jits cheapness in comparison with the bet: ter grades of flour. Gatlier some reli- able information on this "point and send me it with any idea you may en- tertain yourself on the subject. Yours truly, § "DAVID PLEWES, OOMING TO PORT PERRY. Burtch"s Uncle Tom's Cabin Company. (George Burtel's Uncle Ton's Cabin Show will exhibit at Port Perry, on Monday next, Sept. Ist. This talent- ed and hignly popular Company is meeting with imniense success in every place they visit. Their mammoth Pavilion is scarcely large enough on some occasions to accommodate the vast crowds that wish to witness this Company's orformances, and the press is upstint ] cele w's Cabin. rge erowds at the pavillion, | dormer ® fides and Sussex streets. The matinee this afternoon was largely attended" by ladies and thei children. The "performace is fully equal to that given by any Uncle Tom,s cabin company on the road and the scenic effects are first class, This dramatization of Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe's charming novel, is one that will never pall upon the public taste and will always proves a favorite with 'succeeding - generatiors. Those who have not yet visited the tent are advised to do so and take the young- sters along" "Niagara Fares, Ont, Aug. 26.-- Daniel Davies, a clerk in the office of the locomotive superintendent of the G.T.R. 'here, accidently fell over the cliff about 200 yards south of the can- tilever bridge 'last' night about. mid- He was not discovered till early this morning when his cries for help attracted the attention of people on the" American side of the river. When brought to the top of the cliff no bones were found to be. broken, though he is generally badly cut and | bruised. He fell about 90 feet and . | struck upon the rocks below. His aseape from instant: death § is marvel. q | lous. HE os Vina, Aug. 26. ihe cor fair ened : da well {un ithe esi of the world Puri ne ti 1 414,000,000 : wheat and | maize, 'Ruddy was elected, tool .. Election of a Oouncilor. On Monday Tnét the nomipatih Tor the Election of a Oouneilor to fill the upespired term for which Mr. Joseph placo at the town hall, Sunderland. Par twelve -0'olock, the worthy Clerk took "the chair, and, after reading the proclama- tion ordering the. election of a Coun- cilor, he saidhe was prepared to reciet's |. nominations for the vacant oftice, © Mr. Jos. Thompson, seconded by Mr Geo, Thompson, nominated Mr. Hugh Beatdn. ; Mr, Thos, Walshe, seconded by Mr, Ww. Walker, nominated Mr. Wr, Brethour. Mr, John Baker, seconded by Mr, Malcolm McPhaden, nominated Mr. Jas, Doble, After Messrs. Doble and Beaton had withdrawn, the Clerk declared Mr, Wm. Brethour elected by acclamation. ST CELE The 'Scugog Improvements. &O, Sorby have been very uni ate this week with their two year old stallion, Pu bought especially to" sweep every! in lils Hi at Te fairs this fall, died on Wednesday, and this morning valushble henvy mare, also a prize win« ner in theold country. The Sombited loss will run close on to $4,000y and is especially discouraging at this: season. --Guelph Murenry, Money to lend. Mr. Ebbels has any amount of money to lend engood | security at six per cent. Interest pay The work of improving the naviga- tion of the Scugog at Lindsay, uuder the Ontario Government appropriation of 85,000, commenced this week. Mr A. Ross, anda gang of = twelve men have been at work drilling the rock for blasting and dynainite has been! getting in'its ati) Mr, T. Wal- [able yearly. ters, superintendent. of government | . Erastus Wiman and Prof: Goldwint works, is overseeing the job. Mr, Mo-! Smith will deliver an address at { Callum, engineer of the Ontario public Canadian Chdutaqua : works department, was in town yester- | Day" ? (toda, rsd day. in connection with the improve: | is Fin an local item cop deter- ER, Mr. M boro paper which "gave "the correct Books and § he amount) for the same purpose. Tt compl would be desirable if the Dominion right. G t authorities would devote this sum in ~~ McCaw's ig tha place: for good fi constructing the wharf and the excav- cheap School Books and School Sup ating room for the turn-round at or plies. near Wellington street bridge. This It Saved His Lite. work could go on at once and be fin-| | GrNTLEMEN, I can recommentt Dr. Fowl ished this fall, so that 'everything ar's Extract of Wild Srywhorry for ft it say would be in readiness for the opening. ed my life when I was about si: old. of navigation next spring. = We com- We have used it'in our family when requir. $ mend this suggestion to our Conserva-: ee since, and it never fails te - 2 tive citigens, who may be abl# te place yearsof age.' : it befor the Dominion authorities, -- i Halifax has had heavy raing for he Lindsay Post, last fortnight. Farm hands at Brandon pre geting. FAMERICK, Aug 24.--Three thousand $55 a month and board. ; persons took part to-day in a demon< Frc Wats] alk ith; ook stration held here to protest. against a Exenrsionists for Manitoba and' Bishop 'O'Dwyer's attack upon John fina" North West, by direct: rontes--. Dillons Dillon, O'Brien and: ten other North Bay, O.P.R.,or by. Ohi Parnellite members of - Parliament | iy © 14 caciive Tow pepromd Ww. All made spesgiis. Most of the leading |g McCaw, "Port Per citisen's held "aloof from the demon- sary information far steati®n out of respect for the bishop. : A banquet followed at which 150 HE aid guests were Jpresent. A Bumbers of Monts Just. Speeches were made: oad 41 plaints, I'am now Loxvon, Aug. 24,--A large meeting of dock laborers was held to-day. John Burns said he had heard that: a fom 2 e hel of Pinkerton' detectives was to aE ~}entablishied A the a we and et og Jie! ,

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