Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 18 Sep 1890, p. 1

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$75 EACH SET. chased the larg stock of od waut 4 bot of Teeth hut are 3 , durable, comfortable rance, {and Acar ee a Been cx Phoenix Assuraxos © Crusis INRANGE Coly,' = Granda . LoNvay Insurance Co'y LWILOOX & HOLT Licensed Auctioneers FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO AND . TOWNSHIP OF SatwRI Valuators, gc. &e. REAL ESTATE A SPECIALTY. "Sale: Bills. made cut dnd Blonk Notes ~ | tarnished free of char Satisfagtion gunr- i antée or 10 pa; ge. rms libe au Xe Register will "will be kept at HENRY ce, Port Perry, and at the her of on Srence, Township Clerk, Manchester, where parties can make ar: {anuements for sales. ~ Acall is solicited. ILLCO? xX, . Pere Hour, "Port ny Manchester. Aug. 22, 1887. WM. GORDON, Licensed Kuctioneer, Yaluator a. R the Te ipa of Brock, Uxbridge, -Soott, Thorah ara, Rama, M: Eldon Parties entrusting 'heks Sales to me may for nd hi a 16 the hi Temed A to which comp! dren have Ep sub] oct arth Ae Carley, Brooklyn; N. "From an ox Fionce of over thi ity years in the sale f proprisiary m cines, T feel justi Bed recommending Ayers Cherry Pectoral. One of the best recommendations of the Pectoral is the enduring quality of its yopularity; it being more salable now than fi twenty-five years ago, when ia great ccess was considered Ae To ., Beliot, Kans. "My little ster, four ye: was 80 ill from bronchitis "ihiat oa almost given up hope of her recovery. Out k fan ly biota: a skilful man and largo experience, pronounced it use. Ae her ay more medicine ; Aa he had done all it was pos- sible ke do. Sud % we must prepare for the nh. las Ant resort, We (sterniined a erry Pectoral, and I can with the most happy pauls. ena ta) a few doses she see! 'breathe easier, and, within a. week, ow danger. We tooninaod giving the out of Poctoral u til satisfied she was entirel. ~ woll. This has a thith has given me unbound Drepatatior, and I recommend if ~ in the content to ustomers."--C.. O. Lepper, EE atit. ort 'Wayne, Ind. Golds and Coughs, take Ryer's Ghory Pectoral i + PREPARED BY J. O. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass, Price $1 ; six bottles, 85. Worth 86 » bowie: Pair Plymosth Rocks Pair Black Spanish . Pair White ghornd Pair Dorkins .. Pair Buff Cochins Pair Brown Leghorns Pair Hamburgs . » Pair Brahamas, Light Pair Brahamas, Dark Pair Turkeys Pair Geese . Pair Ducks . 3 * Qlass F.--DAIRY P Tab of Butter--b50 lbs. or over ., (Not more than one entry to be made b exhibitor.) Ten pounds Butter--first prize presented Peter Holt, Hotelkeeper, % keeper, Blackstock, $4. rize or to become the Broperty. onors Ten pounds Cheese {open to the Prov ob Loaf of Bread. . Collection of Bread and Pastry. 5 Class GM (Open to t he Prov Double. Wagon . . Double Carriage . . Single Carri iage Snigle Cu Fanning Mi Set Horse Shoes--1st pi Blackstock, 81 Sewing Machine. 0 8 00 $1 00/Specimen Ta Table Heads Cablags wo Squashes. . i Two Pumpkin t prize amuel Jeffrey, wiping Be Pecommo the ithe pro- f the donor. te... Onions Dozen Mang gold V rise 18. u Winter Apples . Dosen Fall Ap A 1 00 Do Ap 1 00| Dozen HE Pears . 1 00{Dozen Winter Pears . 1 00|Half-dozen Bunches Grapes. 1 00{Dozen Tomatoes. . . ZRREREBITEITEBNES gagged 50 +100 Class J.--Ladies' Department. Ton yards home-made Cloth Ten yards home-made Flannel; all wool Fi 00 Ten yards home-made Flannel, mixed yards home-made Woolen' Carpet ol en yards home-made Rag Carpet Pair home-made Woolen Blankets 1 oo|Home- made Woolen Coverlet X oj Home-made Cotton Coverlet Ol tlome-made Gentleman's Plaid . ilome-made Ladies' Shawl, Woole Home-made Fancy Quilting Home-made Plain Quilting Home-made Gentleman's Shirt Home-made Specimen Patch Work Home-made Knit Quilt Home-made Yarn Mat Homemade Rag Mat . Home-made Six Skeins Stocking Yarn Homemade Pair Woolen Socks Home-made Pair Woolen Stocking Home-made Pair Woolen Mitten: Home-made Pair Woolen Gloves Berlin Wool or Wosted Work--raised. Berlin Wool or Worsted Work--flat Specimen Embroidered Braid Work. $0 50/Specimen Crochet Work G0} $pecimen Fancy Netting 50 Specimen Hanoy B ig Embroidery on M 228888 Szezes 'armel Vreath en Hair fair Wreath so[Specimen Berlin Wool Wreath , 50 Specimen Berlin Wool Flowers. 50 Specimen Woolen Tidy . Spacinien Cotton Tidy . 50{Specimen Wak Flowers . ecimen Feather Flowers . ccimen Paper Flowers . ecimen German Raised 'Work 5015p" en home-made Cotton Stock gs 50/3pecimen home-made Cotton Socks Specimen Sofa Pillow Specimen Log Cabin Qui t Quilt. Specimen Lace Work Specimen Batting Specimen Crochet Specimen Crazy P: Pair Pillow Shams Pair Gent's Drawes {Fancy Bracket 400 2 00 pair Gent's Slppe 50/Specimen Outline Work on 50, Specimen Outline Work on 00 00 1 50 1 00iSpecimen Tinsel Work ou Velvet. Teapot Cosey Specimen Todet Mat . Specmen of Baby's Dress Specimen Ottoman Top . Specimen of Kinsington Paintin Specimen Ribhonette Work . Specimen of Darned Nett . Specimen of Guipure W ork | .+.81 25 $0 : 125 Tay=y aco ~1 TST nT nF Saati; EERE ERE RERRRREZ2E2822 HNN 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 ou EEE TEE E82s Eee E328222883288288 BEER EERE EEE REESE EEE E EEE NERS JAMES PARR, Secretary. had a contrary effect ia sensation was swallowed up in surprise 'and curiosity as to what could have happened. However, I began slowly to undress --a blind man hag to do most me- chanical things slowly if he would not be perpetually bruising or maiming himself, and so 1 went on for a few winutes fumbling' about with my grrments as usual, depositing each in 'its accustomed place, for only by that means are we incapables able to find any object with certainty again: Suddenly I thought of the purpose which had brought mie to bed so early, land begun to doubt if 1 was going through a good preparation for giving the sleeping draught a fair chance. I had grown wider and wider awake every moment from that when, ascen- ding the stairs, I bad first felta sense of loneliness. Nevertheless, I would take a glass of my light claret forthwith, considering that by the time 1 should be getting into bed it would be beginning to take effect. I stepped in the direction of the table where it stood, felt about for an instent, and the next had the bottle within my grasp Then I found the glass; and was proceed. ing, as T expected, to take the cork out, when lo | there was no cork. Raising the bottle, T instantly knew from its lightness that it 'was empty. This discovery was conclusive. Somebody io the 5; 10 a sound broke the illness of the west: an tumn night, Taking my stick, I thrust it under the bed, aud round above in various corners of the room. The furnitureappeared alittle disarran- ged, but otherwise. there was no evi- dence of the presence of any human being. Verystrange, I thought. Any- way, i nfust ring for the footman--for I may say here that I dislike being valeted ; and beyond indispensable assistance, prefer doing everything as uch as I can for myself, especially in my bedroom. As wy hand passed across the corner of the table, it knocked something off on to the ground which rattled like tin "| and glass. Nob stopping to investigate, the next discovery my sensitive fingers made on the table was sowe short iron tool. 'I took it up and felt it ; but could not make out what it was, so proceeded to grope for the bell-rope close to the bedhead. ; and in' : stalwart polio joined the mefunder the wi second, the he: ls svairs with the butler and was the first to 'witer the room slipped in last to lis ¢ Hullo, my man, what are to here! Come, wake "yp--give account of yourself" ' } A pauce, A noise sof shaking somet] 'other p Ob, yes ie! course, here's theilittle game --dark- -lantern rolled over on the. floor, jemmy and crowbar, box of less matches, etcette-rarr, eteette-rar I see. Here you! wake np This eve kid won,t wash ; get up and along with me quietly' --another shaking, 'Oh | you won't, won't you 1Hallo, what's this? Oh'!indeed--armed, ay Yes, a six shooter in your breast-pocket!" Fully loaded, too, no doubt | We'll see to that a bit Tater. --Ah land a knoeckle duster, too, by jigs. You are an ugly customer and no mistake, you are! What a luckly thing your 're so sound * asleep--to-6-0 be sure ; and I'll make sure of you, my friend, wiile I've got the chance anyhow. bg 1 Sere bracelets fit you like gloves, A pause again--a little rs followed by the audible click of hi cuffs. ¢ Call up my mate, sir, will you, oh Please ?--This no doubt to the butler, - who, going to the window and opening it, shouted to the man below, who soon * entered the room. Then I could guess: pretty well from the soand what did, which, of course was to lug the low off the bed, thinking that but 'although beavy th 1 stated my surmise what pened, and said : 'you had yh for a doctor immediately.' : 'Well p'raps so, sir,' agreed the con~ stable ; 'it would be best anyways, for © he is about as heavy a bit of goods to move as l've come across for a long while." ote Then they laid the huge burley ° burglar on the floor, propped up his baad, and left him mn charge of the officers till the doctor arrived. He hid so just as my hosts and their friends returned from their excursion, and you may judge of the excitement that followed throughout the house hold ' The medical man, after due exam- * ation and suggesting certa.n douches of cold water, etc., reassured us all with * the hope that he would not. die My assumption as to the cause of his coma was so feasalle as not to admit of dis- pute. Doubtless by the aid of his dark- lantern he saw the bottle of wine an- nouncing it to be Medoc of the first - quality. Tasting and trying, snd * finding it to be a light and agreeable" TE wees Ik. Now, with all that bad gone before, | fluid, he drained the bottle at a gul fonally sparkled within those This I did as I proposed a little before | . imagine my sensations when, asmy fin. probably as the first, Step rewards gi ; able walls represented large sums | ten, at which time I was the sole gers passed over the edge of the pillow ing him the necessary courage i treba vo ney. | Tt was a thoroughly easy- | occupant of the house, with the excep-| | t} oir was y to the top of the bedstead, he me Ds bas Aocaouty Thi the tmsotattention being giv x : WM. 'GORDON; An Adventure -- Quite in Suiiderland. Dark. agents for the purppse in whic engaged | remaining senses may become, ob exactly be selected as th Still, with kitchens, &c., lay at the extreme 'which a constant pro-|opporite wing from that in which my amusement sometimes bedroom was situated. Thus, as I crept up the main stair- case with' the aid of my stick, and by , r{ fecling the well-known land-marks by which Tam always able fogsite myself i! n strangely, and 1 was conscious that an ' | unusual air of solitude pervaded the OF course the nuturon twilight |; place. : had fadetinto night by this time, but equally, of course, I carried my chamber Somehow, nevertheless, Thad |; ablisbmen ; meals. were made tion of the servants, Their quarters, they fell upon n warm huwan cheek!-- stantaneous!, m his spread beard, whiskers, and hair 1--Imagine my sensations, I say, at that moment 1 That I was startled beyond expression, 1 adwit ; but I checked my impulse to |! shaat aloud. I stepped back into the |' Yes ! the oc! a man, as I knew in- J 'bumping Sing in my haste, however, I collected as thought, almost, 1. drew my conlus to the window, df securely and as for I had no d feeling of not quite liking the | yy interrupted by the. rapid action of the excessive dfise, #nd feeling overcome by a drowsy stupor, had s the bed and thrown himself helpless on it. The fellow had entered room, of by the hauled himself up th dis:overed: je be recovered i ness to stand up and off between the two

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