Joh 3 | Purkeys--1st Jas Glendinning, 20d W | Ro Doble. in -- 1st Miss 8 Moore. Drawing-- 1st Miss 8 Berlin Wool / 20d Mr, Jog Beacock, 'olen Tidy--1st and 20d Mrs James ~ Cotton Tidy--1st Miss Fanny Parr, 2nd Mrs T Wax Flowers let Mrs 8 T Ferguson. Flowers--1st and 20d Mrs T e Fupir Powers int Mi J Beacock, 2nd Mrs 'Beacock. ~ German Raised Work--1st Mrs ST Fer- Sottan Stockings--1st and 20d Mrs T. Socks --1st and [20d Mrs Jas Parr, _ Sofa Pillow--1st Mrs John Beacock, 2nd Mrs John Quinn. Taft t--1st Mrs J Y McLaughlin. Jas Beacock, 2nd ~1st and2nd Miss § Moore | Milla] Two Ewe Lambelslnt A McMillan, Two Ewes (Southdowns)--1st John Bag- yw - Two Fat Seep P Fallowdown SWINE--Larae Beep, Sow--1st Geo St John. Sow Pig--Ilst T C Warren. BERKSHIRE. Boar--1st Jos Knight. Sow--1st Jos Knight, Boar Pig--1st TL Salter. Sow Pig--l1st T Li Salter, 20d Jas Glen dinning. Sulfolk Sow--1st P. Fallowdown. POULT! Secte---1at John Bagshaw. 2nd Geo St Dacks--1st W Doble, 20d C Brethour, White Leghorn--1st D Howden, 20d T C 'arren, Spanish--1st T C Warren 1st and 2nd. Brohamas--1st C Brethour, Cochins--1st Jas Glendinting. Plymouth Rocks--1st & 2nd Collection of Fowls--1lst C Bre heaviest--1st Geo A Rose. RAIN, SEEDS AND ROOTS. Sprang Wheat--1st Jos Kane, 20d Jos Knight, Brehivont; thour, Fall Wheat, white--1st John Miller, jr, | 2nd P Fallowdown. PGRT PERRY, OCT. iE Baldwin ; fr i. © Mrs A Baker, 2nd Mrs W uis ; | of Manchester, had This commnity learned A last that Mr, Alexander majority and taken rank noble dead. Mrs | Mr. McCullovgh was a Barley np Fallowdown, 2nd J Vrooman | 1 § o mall Peas-- 1st A Dixon, "ond J Miller, jr Oats--1st L McKinley, 2nd J Miller, Jr 5 Potatoes, white star-- Ist W Purvis, 2nd C witzer. Miss Zela Switzer. Best Gent's Turn-Opt--1st D J Adams, 2nd A E Potatoes, beauty of Hebron--1stW Purvis | Mix. 20d G Speiran. Frei any other variety--1st and 2nd Tarai lst Geo Marquis, 20d J Pink- bam. 23 Field Carrots--lst W Umphrey, 3nd H Glendinning. Mangolds 1s64Wm Taylor, 2nd J Pink DAIRY PRODUCE. 40 1b Butter in tub or crock--1st Mrs Jas Vrooman. 20d Mrs A A Disoc, Mrs J Young, 25 The Rutter in crock-- D Me. JUDGES. On Horsea--Draft-- Messrs. Jou, Graham, Uxbridge ; Alex. Smith Glen- dine, and Alex. Cameron, Ashburn. On general purpose-- Messrs. Thos. Graham, Manchester ; Lytle. Victoria Road, and 8. Samis, Cannington. Oarriage-- Messrs, L. Burnett, Green- | © bank; A. IL eh Ni i Oattle-- Messrs. Skene, birth and was proud of his n He left _the land of his b fifty-eight years ago, took up hi in this Province and remained to his decease. Ten years | came to this country he an intelligent and lady of highly rentage, Miss ' Munroe; ed and well directed uf industry of this thrifty plary Scottish couple a handsome com) etl' rs fi tion ns to Qualing of th locations, &e., &c. Bat 'what under heaven induced "the Laird | to apnex a 'political - doxology- to lis leireular is past comprehension, I eer in | always regarded the Laird as a thoro™ 3d | paced Tory of the bluest of the blue the | blooded wing of that party, but in his doxology he wheels about on a politi- col pivot in the genuine jim crow style. As a political weather-cock he seems trying to pose, in fact if I had any va |misgiving as to the gender of the gs | Laird I should regard him as a political weather-hen. Why the Laird should: " adopt such a made of proclaiming his itical infidelity seems a mystry.-- t may be that the object of the dox- ology is to show that politically he can accommodate every class of buyers from high-grade free trader of the ation stamp all the way through: Imperial Federationists. The Nh idea of Imperial = Federation makes him - ent on the auticita- ed results when all shall be free, Trade, Sefiools, Religion, &o. But he ca climax of his almighty gush w Cog the rr of Caco d_ domains fby the [ines 0 says - there i ii if: EHH Gs eri 4 hr 3 10 up) : antage to be derived from using the Gale Sulky Harrow and Seeder combined, it sells rapidly wherever it is tried. Mr. A.R. McManns, foreman of the American Harrow Cowpany, man- ufacturecs of the above machine, - has made Port Perry his headquarters for the past five weeks, and has eight men | ana and as many wagons on the road for the purpose of introducing their new combined Sulky Harrow and Seeder. Nothing could be more fair and hon: orable than the method adopted by Mr. Mc¢Manas, he instructs his men to pass around' the country, to. <all on evety farmer and show them what the machine ¢an do, If the farmer is sat- isfied with the work done aud wishes to purchase he will get a machine, but if he does not wish to purchase he is not to be pressed. The best of all proof of the value of the. machine and that igh as » modical ne across the line by ration, including England, Ireland and to nature's (Colgnel McKinley would not I think attempt chi wi the farmers like it consists in the tack » that during the short time that McManus and his staff have they have sold over -one hundred of ps | these machines to the leading farmers ben | of this locality. Another carload "of these fine mach > 'herein'a few days, | One' of there desirable 'machines will ere loug. be found on every, farm, the; y of its work, the durability ite construction; and the moderation ries cannot fail to induce pur- w of gravitation beloved DR. MT: # [syockssom To DE. JONES.) PORT PERRY, - - ONTARIO. #7 Office and Reside monds Store-Seprer: Quest streets Office hotrs--9 wit mfrisy my and evenings. 233 PATERSON & CROZIER, ;| Barristers, Solicitors, &c, PORT PERRY. = N. F. Pamasow, Q.C. Arou'pCnostzn, B.A Port Perry, Sept 11, 1890. " ~~. Plowing Match* A grand Plowing Match will be eheld on thelfine farm of Mr. Wm. Pearson, Nanchster 2ndee the hupetes of Rench,fPort ,| ing EAntion onn sid to be fixed the managing Oommittee, of Ww! {dute smple notice will be given, Splended prizes will be offered.