Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 9 Oct 1890, p. 4

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wear nothing at all." One who over heard this speech had the curiosity to take sn inventory of the speaker's ward- robe, which resulted as follows: Item, 8 ealico shirt, with bull-dog's heads on it 4s large as five-cent es; item, a yel- fow and brown plaid ulster, with a scar- _ let and blue handkerchief sticking out of the breast-pocket; item, a black neck- tie, with red spots on it like traces of -a recent nasal hemorrhage; item, stri light trousers, so tight as to give the im- pression that the wearer must have skin- - med his lez to get into them; item, very inted shoes, with buff tops; item, a at, with low crown and a broad, rakish, Quaker sort of Lrim. Evidently the th had been successful in his efforts appear original, and perhaps even this might be better than none at all, which he declared was his alterna tive.-- Boston Journal. ----_ li------ Ongar Praise. --* The Globe is an honor to Canada."--Hamilton Times. © If there is one Journal more than her which is a credit to the it is the Hanfilton Times." -- 2 Toronto Globe and Hamilton Times ave certainly the foremost Jour- fals of Ontario "--Sentinel-Review. 2 Woods! Sentinel Review stands first in the ranks of Ontario country Journals." --Globe and Times. " But the Globe is the best "-- Times. 40h, no, the Times is tne best." -- Globe. * You're both best. Bay a good word for us."-- Sentinel Review. . . L In'these days of humbug it is a relief to hear of Something that can be depending upon. Wilson ild has been tes- jot > that you the ge in abo) | rh gm bie Scene A Country Road. First ie---She looks like one of those simple, affable little country maidens, don't you know. Second Chappie--Well, she may be simple, but she's not exactly affable. I asked ber where she was going and she said. " To fetch the fool killer.""-- Munsey's Weekly. » Rd SE Fraok Wilkinson, grain buyer at Hamil- < ton, says: 'I used several medicives and found no relief until I tried Wilson's Com- yap, Wild Cherry." Less than one bottle cured him of a long standing and painful cough, with tightness of chest and aliort . Sold by all druggeist. es After the Caller Had Gone Bessie-- What's the matter, Flo! Down in the mouth § Florence (wiping that orifice, with a blash)--No such thing! I suppose NO. S--ANEUNATISNA distingulshed and well: ER EERE ew MW, WhTES r oho bd NO, T--HEALTH, FORM AND FULNESS depend on {f scrawny, use this perfect No. ack cure-ridden public wili hail a an wn, te condition. No. 8 biood and lots of it. If weak, If blood is poor, tone, tres 8--NERVOUS DEBILITY, LOSS OF POWER--H. .nuine re Gold n, whic) ware of quacks cheap and worthless of which they are tri will prove. hai High prices is, the rugs utterly Ignorant, and expose selil ir Sturt tare fo oo rg ou by ne] rious In the same Use No, 8 and live again. $1.00. ONE DOLLAR EACH TO BE HAD OF ALL DRUCGISTS. Life is Short! --Get your eye sight TESTED, improved or RESTORED, by buying your SPECTACLES at Dies- FELD'S. We sell Spectacles which wiLL give comfert and strength to your Eye anespreserve it. NO glimmering diz- ziness, or any distressing sensat.on with the' so called "Boss" SPECTACLES, the Bows of which are stamped in gold with the name "Boss" and the number of spectacle. No better spec- tacles made. Forty dozen of spectacles to select from, from 25 up to $6, AT DIESFELD'S MongY 70 LoaN.--Mr. Paterson has a large amount of Private Funds at his disposal for investment on Mortgage Security. Interest at current retes. 0 commission. 0 valuation fee, REV. DR. CARRY, INcuMERNT. Sunday Services, 10:30 and 6:30. eek Evening Service, Wednesday, 7:80. $t. John's Church. (PRESBYTERIAN,) REV. J, MOMECHAN, PastoR, Sabbath Services, 10:30 and 6:30. Week Evening Service, Thursday, 7:80. Se ---- Baptist Church. REV. J. MCEWEN, PastoR. Violin Instruction | HE ONDERSIGNED is prepared to give Violin Lessons, class or private, in Pert Perry, either at the [residence of upils or at & piace appointed for class. 'erms 50 cents a lesson. X W. FRANCIS, Pupil of Mons, Boucher, Violin Virtuoso at the Toronto Conservatory of Music. ho | March 19, 1890. For particulars, address Box 367, Osha: Trae Announcement ! HE unde takes much pleasm in informing the public that he has now moved into his extensive, well arranged NewBrickEstablishment where his superior and greatly increased facilities for businces will prove advantage ous to all doing business with him. With many thanks for very extensive and still increasing patronage. need scarcely remind the public that my NewOven mr BS gv don B FANGS. TREAD, CHOICE CONFECTIONERY, &C. BRIDAL OAKES supplied on short notice. . Everything mn the line Cheap and Good. 'WM, HISCOX, Port Porry Sep. 0,1688° ERG] WITHOUT A PLATE BEST 'H ON A PLATE, $8.00. Abr for Painless Extraction. C. H. RIGS, Corner Yougo and King, TORONTO. -Bred and red That Standard.Bred sad Begiste care, in the shortest * FLES MODERA' and ¢ to patentbusiness. I references sent on a) 3. Bolicitor and Attorne; The undersigned offers for'§ Comfortable Residences in Albert. For particulars apply to . 5 Prinoe Albert, April 14, 1886. S A WORLD-WIDE REPUTATION, It heals every kind of SORE, ULCER d WoUND ake than any othe: own ve, « trati 3 render it invaluable a all Pesta THROAT AND CHEST DISEASES, RE Sh cue pd ea ul im) OS! L{ ABSCESSES = FISTULAS, and for alle- * | viating the excruciating tortures of feel RHEUMATISM, GOUT, NEURALGIA it is unsurpassed, It la to remove Sor 3 every pein oy kin disease. es * "The Pills and Ointment are Manufactured only at 48, Wow Oxford St. (Iate 538, Oxford St.) London ; And ars sold by all Vendors of Medicines throughout the | Civilized World ; with directions for use in almost every . @ Purchasers should look to the Label on | the Pots and Boxes. If the address is not 538, Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. PONT EGLECT ee COUGH Coven, Corps, HoARsE- Xxss, Baow CERTIFICATE. Tam acqnainted with the composition of p's Pine Tar Cordial, and recommend the most effectual 1emedy known tive footie dita Sf shan Wil, / QW bh ARN 1 lotte with afternoon trains foa all points on New York Central, Erie, Northern Central and Lake Ontario Division of Rome, Water: town & O, Jenhurg Railways. RETURNING--Leaves Charlotte daily at 11 2. m., ex Tuesday at 0 p. M., Sat- day atd p.M3 ls ue ton Wednes day, and Colborne Wednesday and Friday mornings, Trenton and Belleville via My eight sli ee ad) carefull reight shippers n fully handled and lowest rates quoted. Every accommodation for passengers, Attention and Regularity Specialties. For further particulars, address CAPT. NICHOLSON, C.F. GILDERSLEEVE, Port Hops, Ont Kingston, Ont. FARMS FOR SALE. The following cheap and good in the finest sestion of Western Pure spring water on every farm, fences; land not hilly nor flat. * Gravel roads, cheese factories, creameries, schools, churches and postoffices near all the farms, Sood wareravery whire ang Kenithy Sou Only enough money to bind the bargain need be pald until taking and then 60 per cent., $60 on of the price will be lefton the fai that, if buyers the in way. THIS | ye 800 $4,500 $3.000 500 $2,800 $3,400. '* $3,800. 'Y a BY 3 + Old subscribers who are in arrears must pay up 'their arrear and one year's subscription to the OpsEgvER 'in order % take advantage of this offer. I Front un the now ita better p AIYRINLD RTE SLE v tion ho Carriages, Buggies, Avy Vehicle having been manutactured at our Factory is a sufficient efficiney in every part. The Choicest Material used employed. to Repairing. 2 1 would also intimate to my numerous friends that this is the esr and omzarEer orse Shoeing done. 4 TAS. SW.ATIT. placein Port Perry to get your Port Perry, April 2, 1890, rantee and none but first-class Work made to order with neatness and dispatch. Particular attention Diesfeld's Diamond H JUST OPENED OUT A -- Fine Stock Fine Jewelry--Latest Styles and Patterns. FINE GOLD WATCHES Latest: Styles in Cases. ! The Latest Styles in Ladies" and Gent's OHAIS, OHARMS, BUTTONS Forty dozen SPECTACLES and EYE-GLASSES, from 25 ctsto 36. REGULATORS and OLOOKS in great veriety, 4 Rs Everything Warranted as Represented. REPAIRING in first-class Workmanlike manner DIESFELD'S

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