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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 3 Dec 1891, p. 1

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Bak, #4 Office. ory. . rat Law Solicitors DENTIST 0 875 EAGH SET i kot # Port Parry, May 10, 1885. Nat Solicitor « Ra te ? Whitey, | English Companies. OUNG SMITH, LL.B, Barrister, { tarnished free of cha INSURAN Rates ships. re AT 5 PER OENT. Office next to Ontario Bunk | Has any amount of Money toa At 85 por cent. on good Mortgages RANORE in Good Port Perry, Oct, 17, 1880. + £4 WORTOAGES BOUGHT, BY HUBERT L. $4 arian on Subscriber is prepared to LEND AMOUNT on Farm Seonrity x Irs Valuators, &o., | Sals Bills made PrTER oR THE CODNTY OF ONTARIO AND TOWNSHIP OF CARTWRIGHT, 3 \ &c. 4 'REAL ESTATE A SPEOIALTY. stance Co'y. & Lokpon Insurance Co'y make can : 1 is solicited, R Hour, = i ately mi- ter, and find it an sf pen | vantine. quiet and lady-like young woman, valuable remedy. roportion- heap. Pictures Copied and Eularged to any desired size and finish- ed wn Crayon, Indian Int, ous, 3 Fully one-half of our customers are mothers who use Boschee's Ger- man Syrup among their children; A medicine to be successful with the little follgs must besa treatment for he sudden and Sexsible foes of child- , whooping cough, croup, diph- theria and the : Bi nth > tions of delicate throats and lungs. ® PHOTOS. ls ly $200 pr Do Other sizes mina Oil or Water Colors. ar New Scenery | All Work guaranteed hae Sustitim. nongst the performers il|grayity this excellent company was a young | pir of] female lion-taimer named Irma Dels- Irma at oll times was a much the superior of the majority of the girls who figure as riders or acro- bats in cirouses and variety shows.-- She was remdrkably handsome and graceful artiste, and maintained her self-respect in a public position that is 80 often fatal to the reputation of a young and beautiful woman. My own performances had been the chief ttraction of all the shows I had appeared at up to the time I was en- gaged at Reng's, where I found a for- midable rival in the fair ' Lion Queen.' Irma's lions were two magnificent specimens of the majestic animals Jules Gerard liked tq encounter on niconlight nights in the deserts and forests of Algeria. I will not enter inlo details of the performance; I must say; however, that it was a grand and thrilling spectacle of the mastery of mind .over matter. The perfor- mances took place in the arena, which was enclosed in a'massive iron railing, (At the present time similar railing protects - the audience of. the Cirque Nouveau at Paris when six lions are in the ring) By this' srrangement ei ple space shinny the, = | myself understood. I was Bma's lions were in the ring. Biculating, while women were fhe claws of the lion Leo. je meantime the circus people irons were procured ; but Bf the ring opposite to where 1 he building to its centre, the 1 -- | given his dicision.' : , | markable reduction | * Burely, sir, you do not imagine I the fash hae Co, have had a hand in this affair I said, | go "does not oven wa aghast. travelling expenses 'No! We shall have to detain you | Ohicago, but recommen as an important witfiess, - whose |8liowed $6 a day for th evidence will be necessary, should the while in the actual seh Czar order a trial.' : A month elapsed before the Emper- or's decision was sent to the Odessa anthorities, and all that time | wos kept virtually a prisoner in the Black Sea port. This was all the more arbitrary as all the other members of the troupe, including lrma herself, were permitted to go where they wished. I am happy to say that I was re- leased in time to be present at Henri and Irma's wedding which took place at Constantinople the day after I arrived there. By order of the Emperor, Orlof was sent to Siberia without undergoing so much as the formality of a trial ; and his Imperial Majesty tempered this act of despotism with a very graceful one that was much approved of by the citizens of Odessa. The courier who brought His Majesty's decision also brought. a magnificent and costly {diamond bracelet, the present of the Emperor to Mademoiselle' Irma Delavante, Bome of the readers of this Jotirnal may possibly remember the appearance troupe at 'the thivky: o pay their fic from that they be gir expenses For the I smoked on in esumed talking : , Englishman. she would dirt t |--Listen, man. you nor I can have Henri will not win by the absence of from forty to sixt; days, which pod. i wil require, for the work done and the time spent they are ullto be compen- sated by the honor of 'being s judge at the Exposition. The position carries with it an. un- mistakable honor, but whether it be sufficient to compensate & man for all the sacrifices the judges will be called upen to make, is a différent question. And against Ool. Davis' plan is also brought the argument that unless the judges' are actually under pay the Exposition will have no claim upon their time, and they will not attend to | business as they ought to. Judge Francis Walker, the chief of awards at the Centennial Exposition, says in his report that judges should always be paid, if for no other reason than to keep them from stealig away home when they had seen all the Exposition they want, and to keep them steadily at their work. x Dispatches regarding World's Fair work in Europe are most encouraging to the management, Robert Mo Oormick, the English eommissioner, is quoted in a London dispatch as saying : "The interest in Great Britain in the exposition is increasing daily, and per- wmeating throughout the provinces. Bir Henry Wood, secretary of the royal commission, has already received hun pplications fc you done ? I asked. . nt for a few moments, told me the wholy truth; 'more diabolical murder bh had premeditated had conceived. A few 8 he came away from id given the lion Leo a containing a drug that inly irritate and mad- 'beast jast at the time hard as I could to the 1 arrived there, 1 ran tion, "but 'South ralia Straits Settlements have dec! nvitation-tg participate." straggled and in vain I tried Irma Monfroid, an artiste, whose fair and comely features were mafred.dy o frightful gash on the right side of "the face, p do so when a loud roar above. the uartial strains of b that we generally performed {From Out Special Correspondent.] The Columbian Exposition the noise of a terrible com- but The Russians now loosed we all ran up into the am- Here the sceue beggars iption ; men were shouting Omcaco, Nov. 23.--People who BE have any curiosity about, or interest : in, the EE. Indian, will be able In France, too, there {a growing to find satisfaction for both at the interest. As the banquetiiven to Mt Columbian Exposition. An Indian{Patenotre, the new Fresh minister exhibit is to be one of the main and|to Washington, the Colundia Exposi one of the most interesting features of tion was the main topic { conversa the United States government section, | tion. The banquet was gien by the and all the long-baired "fakirs" who| Union Franco-Americainca society have been tryifig to secure concessions | that consists largely of Finch repre to make Indian side shows, have been | sentatives to the Philaglphia and warned to keep away. The govern | Yorktown Centennial elebrationa, ment will go into the matter sci- Bartholdi, the author of tie Bartholdi entifically; as it will into most branches | statute in New York habor, was in of ats exhibit, andwill show the Indian, | the chair, and the Qolunsian expos1- in.manner and custom, as he was when Columbus first discovered the con- tinent, through the various periods to grand banquet on the the present time, square feet of space on the grounds will be required, and government officials are already at work to make 2 and fainting all around the Making my way throwgh the ran down to the barred ring rma Delavante lay prostrate paralyzed, and no determined bas made to drive the lion off. too short, and no one dared ithe ring. The one man (Mon- ho would have done so was Suddenly all eyes were at- o Nero, who was standing in prise. M. H. DeYouig, This determination was announced |g Francisco Ohroniole, by the Executive Committee of the government , who are now in the city. They came here mainly to note the progress in the government building, and to permanently fix the my dismay I noticed that ¢ and noble animal was for a spring. With a roar aclap of thundsr, seemed to appropriation will stand, ve hav a good precedent," he said. Cal fornia appropriated, ona bound flew across. the hospitals, signal service and life-saving stations, and the like of that. The as! om the various supervision of our o fae Once they understand WwW Nn A! ti Chicago end of the work shall keep up wrang, alt Spposition to the procession... 3 2 Minoccola About. the Indian exhibit Commis-| UP in Koger ; i counties the World last winter. Minister John Eu from Honolulu ment will t tion, and make & tion was named as the neit rendezvous | dollars, of the society. The clib will give &|;:0 yank book with $1,600, oi of the About 100,000 opening of the expositi ; . 1 : d There have been fearsthat the Oalij| volumes for the vigorous education of fornia legislative appropriation for the Boston children. The nephew of a' fair would be stopped by injunction the proper aol sti. hy enenfes sé the nie private school where drawing is taught. . and a fair| During this exercise, the little fellow commissioner for Oahiornia, says the $50,000 for the : + i: ¢ the| now Orleans Exposition, and the | the use of A at Jung man | hat lofi time but finally . consented to let g0 on condition that he would retd promptly at the expiration of the days, *iipal * As soon as'my forty-eight hours sre, up Ill be back,' said the yoting man, harrying to catch the train: And that was the last his employer saw him for six solid days, when he came m, gripsack in hand and a beaming smile on his face, remarking : ; ¢ Back on time.' 'Back on time!' roared the exasp- erated employer, 'Do you call six days forty-eight hours ¥ 'Of course I do. What else do you call jt ¥ 'Have you lost the use of your mental faculties, or are you trying, si to take unwarranted liberties with me * Why, I am surprised { T told you I wanted forty-eight hours recreation; didn't I? ¢ Certainly, and I gave it to you.' 'Just so. And I work in the store © eight hours a day, don't 1. ; ¢ Of course.' ¢ Well eight into forty-eight goes six times, and have gone ef hours a a day for six days ; so yousee I am on time. Tf there is one thing I know better than another, it is how to be ont hand at the appointed hour.' at : A Goop Scuexs.--An Indianapolis druggist worked a novel cig: ; gund on Tuesday last in thid 4atablishment. The owner will receive the same within upon deseribing The scheme worked like & daily for over a week, while the notice was left in the window, describing their losses and bewailing their misfor- Invariably every applicant for the lost money bought a cigar. Some were satisfied with five-cent straight whiff, but the great majority, anxious to impress the drag man favorably toward their claims, invested in two. for a quarter. Bo great was the rush that the fortunate druggist had to order a fresh consignment. of choice bands. None of the applicants evef applied for the nickel. All the claims ran up into the hundreds of one man stating that he missed Here is a short story, whicls speake', well. known writer goes to a little met with some difficalty and broke | ut with the exclamation--* Darn it. * | His teacher gently reproved him for such an objuration, when & | ¢ Well I. know something & worse than either ; but I don't lik say it out loud. 1 'will whisper your ear." So with a little blush his cheeks he went up to hia te and very solemnly delivered b wation. 'Cheese it 1 EE RA NA

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