Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 3 Dec 1891, p. 2

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nate distribution 'cost of these establishments, and So far from the bonus acting as au in- ducewent to build it ought to prove & t from being cought in the 5 thos set for the Oounties.-- # When the fox preaches let the geese ~ beware." : The County Council at its June Session of this year, with a view to silencing the annual howling of the poor house brigade, wisely recommen "od thut at the municipal elections for © 1893 that » Vote of the electors be taken for or against the establishment of a poor house in this County. This is a move very far in the right diree- {ion and places the decision of thisim- portant question on the right should- © ers. The great body of the electors Know exactly what:the County requires and will neither allow sentimentality 'nor prejudice to influence their vote. { fn the frst place would the estab- Jishment of a poor heuse in this County snorease or diminish the cost of main- taining our needy ones 1 - t the establishment of a- poor would largely increase the cost ou poor is as plain as clitmbers of the several officials' all cost money. = The above without |; tis including the cost of maintenance of]. the inmates, would cost far more than it does now to maintain all the poor! Sir--At 6 in the county, and if we should force diphtheria is our poor into the poor house the as it is"now. Secondly, what "proportion of our}The Austral poor could be sent to the poor house | reward for with prefit to Phe County and benefit ©) ourselves | Every 'one knowing any thing of ! the social, physical and financial condi- tion of our indigent ones is well aware jof the fact that it would be both wasteful and cruel to send one-tenth 'onesean do something for them res and with a little help from the sigipality-- not one third of what it require to maintain them in a house--friends are glad to keep cost | band you a refarkably simple remedy of their keep would: be twice as much for it, said tofave been discovered n | of the power of his Ok€mical Engive in extinguishing fire, on Mrs. Sinclair's mn ~ tribute to the earn, with deep|evening. There wasan \ of Mr. J. B.|disoussion on some of the | ment characters about four natural abilities | addresses. = At tho next League meet. nt, and his inde- m a direction there will be a dgbate * To say that the inz on Monday Seng vo» inst., Sade ianew 0 ree young | the rate of nearly profitable, He was | ladies and three young gentlemen, on | working day, or a shrewd debater. | the subject : # Resolved that courage, probably presents he held prominent conscientiousness and self-denial shine | to the fancy of uiicioa] government | out more in the life of St. Peter. than | statement that and the |in St. Paul" a We say again, as. has been said be and was highly | ko Intute at the late general came go near carrying the ¥iding that but the Monday evening service is set- it wassupposed fora Hime that he had tled and will Te most attractive.-- yeen elected, Our Baptist friends never offer an The Ontario Premier seldom neglects unworthy entertainment ; and on next his faithful and usefal supporters and Monday week the attraction will be Semet - realised, the fact in his rather more than usval. Rev. Dr. ng * t . | Thomas, one of the most gifted of the : a fouly ave sustain city pastors, will give a lecture entitl- devoted husband and a loving father, ed, * How I spent my Vacation aid they have the sympathy of all in their bereavement, A Costly Affair. has a provincial reputation in a difi- 4 -- ie cult sphere--that of lecturer, and with The long-winded Rogal Commission | so interesting' and popular a subject, have not brought iti - their report, and |one so varied and so near to all our much impatience is manifested by the | sympathies, the occasion will be one of public who, in their anxiety, sre man-| great pleasure to the people of Port ifesting versions of their own, It is{ Perry. On the same occasion Mr, whispered that the report will exon- | Leehy, the Pastor of the Whitby erate the Mercier. Government from | church, will be present and will, with all crimin&! connection with the letters | the pastor of the church, contribute by credit. But whatever the finding may |eong. The Choir of the church will be, guilty .or-not guilty, the people | also contribute music. We bepeak a want to know it. Tt will be a costly | crowded house for our Baptist friends. affair, it will be aay up in'the thou- ie sands, somewhere in the neighborhood poaied of thirty thousand dollars. The Orchestra has decided upon It is said that +the report will be| Wednesday, Dec. 16th, as the-date of made publio towards the close of next| their concert, and has secured the week. It would not 'be surprising if | services of the renowned Sara Lord Lieut-Govornor Angers. had forsaken | Bailey, a Boston Elocutionist, who is Spencerwood and ceased to be Gov-|making a trip through Oanada. Be ernor, 9% Eo} Tow is & copy of Dr. Hare's letter :-- It will have been a | " Sara Lord Bailey gave an even: have been wasting' g ing's v the 1ast summer to England, Wales, Scot- land, France and Itlay. The Doctor Orchestra Concert. "HARE, "aE Principal 0. L. A." bore artist, assisted by our | Corn (in-ear).. { best local talent will give the most pop-| 0 is. ular concert of the season. -- ee BreTHERIA, (present time, when prevalent, I beg to CURR Australia sonf years:ago; the publica. tion or whichfmay do much good :-- vernment offered a fie best remedy for this e reward was given to vacant lot on" Queen street, here, on the evening of Wednesday. The ox- hibition 'was satisfactory in every particular, proving to a demonstration that no fire can live where the Chem- ical Engine is brought fo bear. The disease, and rops of sulgju quarters of atubler of water; less in proportion fd child-en, The effect of | ®PKin¢ 188 completo success. this treatmek is. was said to be in- irri stantaneous, Jie; Great Inducements to Pur- ing the ites" chasers.--Our merchants have just completed their stock¥ with the new- est, best and most fashionable goods in the market, and in order to secure rapid sales they are selling at holiday prices. The goods have only to be seen to be admired, and the low. prices el 3 = i at <which they are sold cannot fail to induce purchasers. 'Port Perrys repu- tation for choice and cheap goods has long, long stood bat never was Higher thao it is Fgh ba never had a better claim to such a reputation and the crowds of customers from all the surroundings which are crowding into | our stores show 'that the public appre ciate the fact. ' A Successful Extinguisher of Fire. Mr. J. L, Carr gave an exhibition is dependent bread. About uh. us wheat per day are now being by the railroads to this port, steamship and sailing vessel ag as unable to cope With the product of our soil as the rail One hundred and forty-nine ers have actually been charte an address founded on his trip taken |, 4 grain alone at Atlantis since November 1. Prior to ber 1,/163}stoamers had beenc Ocean freights * have advance about five cents bio bushel f pool and Glasgow on August 18 teen cents per busucl last wee) This extraordinary increase price of ocean freights, and charters are now made up 1892, both indicate the pi the United States comp which every other nation @ planet is this year poor in Y. Press. ! Ontario Crop Repo The November number of tario Bureau issued and the following fign given as the yields of th grains and roots for this y trasted with those of 1890: -- Fall whoa 1890 #1 feet terribly frost-bitten. He was in =| Redding and McBride was tied to ling heavily. with his head blown off. On the | ground in front of him was another of | the party named Bruce, riddled with © {James MWiardner, of the: Black Oat Company, if here from Faiptin the niimbe - | stockholders of afiovel company just Hay, clover .. = ty It will be noted that which as was expected, &: 2,000,000 bushels, the e given of wheat by the bul ust, show that the total and spring wheat has b or 10,632,738 more than The estimated liome co) 4} bushels' per 'head, this amount on a basis population 22,500,000 available for export, of crop, over 10,000,000 this is to be added th port from Manitoba, tive authorities say 000,000, it at once that the crop year &| We understand that the little trestle, | 3 ' "Our whole community were shock jan border near Rainy Lake to Friday ast by a telogram | the winter on a hunting trip. Friday MoBride returned, showing signs of horrible maltreatment. His left arm was broken and his hands and As George was raided in this townsh general favorite, young ng 'magried Misa Graham, daughter: Thos. Grahain, about two years ago {and 'went to Buffalo, where he wis driving a ¢ab. When crossing thei railway track he was struck by. the engine and killed. His corpse arrived; at Burketon statioh on Saturday night and he was buried here on Saturday. | He was a member of the Blackstock orange lodge and, although it rained all day, his brethren turned out in large. numbers to perform the last sad rites. The poor, young, heartbroken a delirious state. | During MoBride's lucid moments it as gleaned that a fight occurred among the men because Redding, who furnish. ed the supplies, cut off the whisky. trees, Subsequently McBride was set free and started to retarn, being dgiven from the camp, leaving Redding still tied to a tree and the other 'men drink- Redding was subse- quently discovered still tied to the tree with their child, not yet a year old, "Hggsis Eggs." OTTAWA, Nov, 20.--The heavy duty imposed 'by the McKinley bill upote bullets, The whereabouts of the eggs imported into the United States others is unknown. ! PGRN Raising Black Cats. Sax Fraxemoo, Oal., Nov. 20.-- ongolidated three-quarters million dozen to seven million three hundred and fifty thousand dozen in the quantity of eggs exported from Canada to the United States 'during the year ending 30th June, ag compared with 1890 ; England th fa Trot 4 : to England theré wns an increase from aven, Wash. He is one of thelgeno® io, "to 950,000 dosen. The importod into the United States, has onused a loss of three quarters of a million dollars in that ite the organized op Puget Sound for the pro- g 'of black cats. "An island is so that the cats can 0 'stock will be brought from Holland, The Kinmount Big Trestle. The work of filling fn the big trestle Mi between Kinmount and Gelert, on the | Be 2 | Victoria division, was completed by |" Road-master Ferguson last week. An iden of the magnitude of the wnder. taking will be gained when we state| 2 that 'the trestle is 600 feet in length |, and 70 feet in height. Two trains of | N fourteen cars each dumped an average were required to do the filling. R material 'was procured about a mile yy, south of the trestle, where.a settlers fifty acre farm -- that is, all the soil on it---was scoped up by the steam shovel, | 2" olose to the above, will be iilled early | next summer, as will also the little trestle on the "missing link" east of [°C Omemee, The latter will also be a | Hud big: undertaking, 'as it is longer on the Victoria line, though) on yn from gy Buffalo that "George Dever was Kifled." | 2 and healthy, the news was appalling. Hey nnounced erumen 50,000 nua i Propose widow came home on the sawe tein, |. has caused a drop of from twelve and |" buge customs duty' levied upon eggs Sma; mol was a ed ammation of the lungs which left Y ak awl never: free from col at: last she got a verysevere cold and cough. She resolved to try gyard's Pec. toral Balsam, and, on doing, found it did her more gobd than any other medicine she |* 3p ever tried. Mgzs. KENNEDY, . 50 Smith Av., Hamilton, Ont." A Orack Shot.--A young man at "Petrolia, Ont., while firing ut a mark 'in a door missed and the bullet struck a five-year-old child named Ethel McKay, who was playing in a 1 adjoining yard. The child died in five Sutin Wh minutes. The young man is under ar- rest, [A dunce who can not hit a door has no husiness with a rifle.] Ep. Ladies, rough hands aro'a horror Bathe |' them well at night in Johnston's Anodyne | Beans Libimenk: : Dr. A. T. Blocum's OXYGENIZED EMULSION of PURE COD LIVER OIL. If youn have Sigriac f 'the Chest--Use it. For sale by all There will be about 2,600 lumber- m received into the Ottawa shauties Over 13,000 immigrants : hel nadian North-west a, anil eldest daughter of Mr. W of London' (formerly of Reach); 'years, b months and '17 days: CamriLi~--In Kiomount, on t! Mr. J. B. Campbell, aged 66 yoars months Haxzry,--In Port Perry, on the lst 'Port' Perry Markets. - ina Pearl, danghter 'of Mr, J Hambly, aged 1 year, 1 month and Jom inst, Corrected weekly by Messrs. Ross & Sons] December-3, 1891. Aoacold gs2 58 soocsconannoTs d SE5ESEERs888838RSEE saaasses S58 sE3sss55888s 8 = FEEE8N85888588R RR Jeo Ceo CORIRRO=OO0OS

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