m 'and putting his outstreached hand iuto shrinking faces, the chrag- ned host finally made his way into | Ye he ball, fet along the wall until he Tid touched the electric button, press: 'ed it and the feonr® were sgain flood- 'ed with light, . The inquisitive young man hadu't presence of mind enough to hold hie . tongue. "Oh, is that what that Sing is for 7 he said, * I didn't know, or I--I--1 -- would not have touched it.' A Roux or Harp Luok.--There may Te no such thing as bad luck, but it would be difficult to convince an old Johnstown (Pa.) carpenter named D. Yarrington of the fact. At the time of the Johnstown flood he lost one child and all his property. Friends made up a purse/for him and he went fo Arizona. Here another flood wash- ed away all of lis earthly possessions and drowned a second shitd. He then went to Oklahoma, dnd there the other day a third flood beggared him and drowned his remaining child. i A Pleasing Seuss. Of health and strength renewed and of ease and comfort follows the use of Syrup of as it acts in harmony with nature pusll cleause the system when us. For sale in 75¢ bottles druggist. rere pein r Lovejoy, of the Fifth en woof xcess of ampties, A guest of the bt Ove... 'was obliged to catch an early train re: quested this particular porter to call ~ him at seven in the morning. For sonie reason that functionary had to take his departure Lefore the hour at which the guest had to be called. At exactly 5.80 o'clock he knocked on the door. : "All right? yelled back the guest: 'I'll get up.' 'No; don't get up," answered the porter. 'It's baif- past five. I've got to go away. You've got an hour and a half yet to sleep.' | ---- 00 + For Over Fifty Years, Mas. Winsvow's Sootning Syrup has been used by millions of mothers for their children while teething, If disturbed at ight and broken of your rest Ly a sick child suffering and crying with pain of Cut. x Teeth send at once and get a bottle of Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Davaaliendy aught Dumber, who gre aad Suds i Who Wants Cordwood ? Th undersigned ha have on hand a large mak uantity of Soft Cordwood which they will Paced CHEAP, and deliveres where parties may require it. LAING & MEHARRY Port Perry, Dec. 29, 1586, Pleo's Remedy for Catatrh is the Best, Easlest to Use and Cheapest. FOR SALE. The undersigned a often for Sale tw Comiostable Residences in Prince sin York, discharged | Alber For Tb articulare apply eo AIRD. Prince Albert, April 14; oo my ome, giv- pare moments only to Bgw. Great pay SURK for aye Mart vou Sornishin ¥ sre DILY learned. ress at once, Na 00.5 PORTLAND, MAINE. Children Teething, It will relieve the Boos ' ~ little sufferer immediately. Depend u; i mothers, there is no mistake about Pe t enres Diarrhoea, regulates the Stomach Je Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the ; and gives Jone "Mrs on Price twenty-five cents a bottle. by all Tor throu, t the world: sure_and WinsLow' fish, my dear Mrs. Henricks, od the minister, who was dis- Tr g¥ f i i lz ie i : substances oh he Bloo Boos, od | T€ from Toon Boon and od WaT VrraTeD ran HoMons in | 8 |S he Bioon, and and sis ny ie "Boop" snd DE | = WINES A oro Loe? oot i onl SUPPRESSIONS, 0 finds his mental fae AN ties dull or fallin wi re Tagging, tho uid fake hiss aang hg "BENT WORM Si tot atoknens when neglected. Jog CER HE Undersigned § store in the *"DIAM: ND LO nd has largely inoreaséd his stock of § Hotelkeepors suppl Tu stock, fine brands, Wines and Lig Prices to suit the timos. A call soli "Yona WOMEN Shona ea _-- a to any part of thi on Fog nuggets; oF or will be sent A b! 3 . coe bran (50c. per box), by addressing THE DR. WALLIAMS' MED. 0 ont Port Peny, April 8, 1690. $3,500 IREWARDS. TheCanadianAgriculturist's 's Great Fall Literary Competition. The Fifth Half Yearly Ll Aterary Competition of TuE CANADIAN AGRICULTURIST, eri oa's old and reliable Illustrated Family M azine, 18 now open. The following splendid Hea will be given free to the persons send- g in the greatest number of words made it Grand Reward. . $500 1 bs 20d Grand Plano Vaited no ihe i pri pHizesr af Hiver Tea Sets, atria. 1a, NEB pre Chae vl Bilver Dessert Sets, war- oh He bagi ph Butter Dishes, &o., Next 100 Sarranbed be heavy pla prizes eqnsists of Heavy Plated Ohio Butter Dishes, Fruit Baskets, Biscuit Jars, Sugar Shells, Butter Knives, &o., all fully warranted, making a total ndid rewards, the value of A total will aggregate $3,500, This grand Litersry Competition is npen to everybody everywhere. The following are the conditions: Tle words must be sonstrucied only from lefigry found in the words, "T i LUSTER AR ED AG and ite v bo only as are found in Webster's Unabr} Metin: | A large stock of Uj ary, in the body af 4 thio book, no 8 ph a hon eof the sup-| Plush, 2. The wos' pot) be written in rotation sa owe is and numbered 1,2 7, and 802 on, for facil A cordial invitagion is itating in deciding the winners. 5 ¥ 8. Letters cannot be used oftener thay they Whitby, Jan. 15,1889. appear In the words "THE ILLUSTRATED AGRICUNTURIST." For instance, tho word Yoge" cannot be used Dotaiise there is but one #g" in the three 4. The let coneaiving His Stock is complete i Prices t QOall and examine my c Style and Finish our Farnil ar ; the jaTgest number of the first prize and soon will be-tmmbered, and if two or more tie, the Bast received will be awarded first 'prize, and soon, therefore Jie benefit of sending early will readily be seen 5, Each list must "be accom six mouths subscription to TURIST, The following ntlomen hive Jindly oon. sented to act aes DoNALD, City Clerk, Peterborough, Gina a nd CoMMo- Dore CALOUT, Peterborough. OMPETITION,--* Got $1,000 Pye Vancouver, led by $1 for HE AGRIUUL- Baptie, Wes! st Superior, ceived, Thanks.'--G V.. and 800 others In the Canad This 'is. NO LOTTERY merit only will count, he reputation for fairness gained by THE AGRICULTURIST In tio past is an Do guaran é that this sompotif jon will be Com. Petition wih be conducted in a Iii Ikesmant ner. md 8c "sf for. full EHioulats 4 THE AGRICULTUY y Pete! ugh, Canada. THE KEY TO HEALTH, And has now fia } 'Wholesale Prices--freight saved you will be convinced that for Quality hairs, and Ottomans, in Silk, Velvet and The Fills and Ointment are Manufactured only ot 78, Wow Oxford St. (late §33, Oxford St.) London And or ld by 8 Vendors of Matic throughout the 'with directidus for use in almost every | Medicinal Purposes. tion, or € Prince Albert and Manch Emerson Bros. Planing Mills PORT _ PERRY. To Subscribers . og to announce the}. to manufactura they are now fvery Department, which he offers at Ihe gaiesnsge of the public | is respect- nnot be Shaded ! Ector om Lill sire, Jun south of the Town Hall, EMERSON BROS. Port et Perry, Muy 6, 1886. PATEN TS, id %o all to visit my Establishment E' J TOHNSON, paper; namely, £1. Any person sending us this amount will receive the OBSERVER every week for one year, and: the Fans Pourtey every month for one year, from receipt of order. ou subscribers who are in arrears must Pay up their arrearages and ope year's subscription to the Ossgever in order to take advantage of this offer.