nple of ae whole lot, viz 50 Suits Heavy all wool, Canadian Tweed at 85 that can ot $7.50 | per Suit. I will have in stock an: 4 Spensd o out for inspection and sale r 860 Men's Youths and Boys' Suits ; also 260 Men's Youths' and Boy's -Over- : Vests ; 50 Pairs Men's Pants ; 100 Men's single under Coats. |: that these are: ot Shoddy or Union Goods but All Wool Canadian and Scotch Tweed and Worsted Suits| and every garment will be sold at Less than the Wholesale Price. J ns in Heavy Winter Dry Goods, viz; All Wool Shirts and Drawers for bic each or $1 per Suit nels st Goods at 16¢ per y at 35¢ per Ib, Come and see the Bargains I will give yon. shan. Mantles to-be sold at a bargain, ecds and Overcoatings that will be made up into Suits and Overcoats at fuch less than regular| y uaranteed } 1 guar Butter, Eggs, and any quantity of dry. picked, undrawn Poultry for which the Highest Market ¢ gl paid | but they must be starved 24 hours before killing. : W. BROCK. ee ee pe ee ee ie for Ever "A GrandDisplay! general that he has now cn hand J MAGNIFICENT STOCK OF and Shoes we have again added to our immense since 6 the fire and BARGAIN is now the order of W ak e 0) e S and-sowed and pogged Long Boots at £3, equal) FANCY GOODS, &0C., a ome made for wi WHICH HE 1S SELLING AT Sak of Boots and Shoes in na! 1 The undersigned takes plessnra'i in informing his bm and the public in i you will 'have to pay " 50: ng--for £3.50, worth £5. e Boots, at £1, $1.25 1.50, $1.75 J ; ® Boots by the best makers in Canada, J. D. King, d other first-class makers. an Rubbers, Overshoes, &c., in-Men"s Boots; also Boye and Girls' do. $1; oo White oar red : 18 and a Varieties N before Offered! 3 Slbs splendid Japan reator Brioties Never i PALACE Of [)BLIGHT ! 'Mat's Paradise, where you can get the very best Watches, Silverware, Fancy Goods, Books, Stationery, &e., if you hy Wado great 'noise made about it, when you LS BLOCK if purchasers. } bE hn oh Port Perry and visinity Port Perry, Oct. 1, 1891, ywish you alla Worry Xmas and a' ir, and don't forget thateveryFive from us gives you a chance at the Bian, knows but you may win it. Try anyway. BROWN WAITE & CO, OK, PORT PERRY CARNEGIE® = RoLLer ML I= iE Reach, a Pure: soe IN FULL BLAST 1 : (SHIRE BOAR. eps fo sorvien st Ha ee undersigned takes this opportunity of returning his sincere thanks for the large measure of patronage be- : stowed on him since commencing business in Port Perry, 8 Rallwoy. and would beg to state that having, ata largo expenditure, thoroughly. overhauled the. entire Mill : 0 1" "best, most approved and modern machinery including the ROLLER PROCESS for the manufacture of Flour, is prepared to do GRISTING & CHOPPING OVAL Expeditiously and in 2 manner that cannot fail to give satis- faction to my patrons, F. EARCHMAN. i . DAVIS, Agont, Port Perry fiber expresses his sincere ithe generous public for the a erin The Trade supplied with Flour of the finds brands. house pleasure in announcing that 2 piockl THE PLANING FACTORY : iu the 4 of the Western Bank) in fall operation and can supply all kinds of li bs pleased to cater for his| Dypssed Lumber, also Lumber, y Joust, Scantling, Boards, Pick- nd still increasing patrons, LL STOCK ets, Shingles, Posts, Doors, Sash, Mouldings, a Bannisters and Neuel Posts. fin his line will be ke £7 BILL LUMBER A 'SPECIALTY. Ee ends. os horetafors,| All kinds of TURNING and SCROLL SAWING done on short notice, ¢reaso of my business affords JAMES CARNEGIE. vincing proof of the perfect d Fatill further extended as ¢ of patronage may de- EAD, CONFECTIONARY; bone LANG &