beca "io thatshe could not sit Every Meal. down to a meal but "04 she Had' to vomit it as soon as she had eaten it. 'Two hottles of your August Flower have cured her, after many doctors failed. | Shecan now eat anything, and enjoy r ia, she does not o@ a. the pain that: 'she was driven 10 the verge of distraction, and spying one of the vessuls containing. tie grape juice, Othersizes ie peiticn-| ately Cheap. : to LEND| Pictures Copied and Eularged | to any desired size and finish- ed in Crayon, Indian Ink, "® 04! or Water Colors. 75 EACH SEY New Scenery Bo, bAoH Ot. mmm New Scenery | ron: "ts WM EDME 1 T, oy ee ' Insurance - and General Agent, © Constasitly on hand a fine assortment of it whenever an opportunity presented, #¥ Alo on Village Property, ©. #8 MORTGACES BOUGHT. TY a | © HUBER TL. BL | Office next toDitario Bunk. a. ) ) of the culprit; who confessed, and after explainingighe delightful effect produc. ed: by the lignor, was fully forgiven Ly his majesty. : : "He ordered n'gei His huge black hands res '| handle of a - pickax held knees, his small. gray eye over them 'meditatively, hi lips, beset by a three day closed pedceably - upon: ous little dudheen, from "Fever, fio snoke issued. |" The conductor's eyes fell black pipe, and he said wit "You can't smoke here 1' < ¢ Oi'ra not smokin', calm good temper. Condugtor collect: fares on out seat and © "1 say you can't. smoke erated angrily. © "0i'm not smokin'; meekly. LRA 1 You've got y'r pipe. howled. the conde Pat's eyes woke up, 'And Qi've got, mi : 00, but Oi'm not walkin STEINHOFP, Pasion. "| Sabbath Services, 10:50 nnd 6:00. 'eek Evening Service, Thured 000 i awoke greatly rel roshed. The remedy | | Bt Donan. proved so enticing that she indulged in 3 or instead of shedding 5 i blood, "he has cured fhalt and soundnegs td has not 'opened the d, he has soothed the gave ; and in the four hdglobe his preparations ith the aid of legions, silently borne on the I this gigantic work, "to wondrous a deed, re- 'thought and much en- put these combined, this could not have been ii And thus he did it. ife saying 'Don't spare and Holloway spared nguages spoken among and whether yon go Be) gin; Holland, Prussia, reece, in, Por: they utterttollow ntmer Je aro filled with boundless wonder hd astonishment . that one man, one bind, one head, could plan and devise ithis ; and we say that, if one man s really done Bo, there must be won- lo ful curative properties about his Pills and Owmtment,--Poet Close's fistorical Notices. -- oe |: A novel case of interest to farmers bas tried at Flesherton recently before fisdge Oreasor. According to the rul- any person purchasing agricultural achinery and paying for it with any- hing but cash or notes is atill respon- Eble to the firm should - the agent be- e a defaulter. The Judge held that agent must be paid the wherewith settle with the employers. Thus fhe giving of horses, ete, in part pay- bent for machinery is a risky transac ifiop unless the agent is known to be ipeliable, a As a cure for cold in the head and gatarrh Nnsal Balm is endorsed by minent men everywhere, D. Derby- Shire, président of the 'Ontario Oream- Assogiution, says :-- Nasal Balm oo the world for catarrh and cold in Bhe head, In my own case it "effected lief on. the first application." Sold hed y dealers or sent by nail on receipt pf price=--50 cts, and $1 a bottle. -- Co:, Brockville. sxpressed her willingvess w.the: offensive Matta cir- y recall, her demand for the inister: Egan. But she willing to make either for the killing re's sailors. ? the aviwal, yet + Did you ses anything of a. pocket: Hook, landlord,' he hurridly ¢ which I must' have dropped - some: where in your hotel last night «How mush money was in it? % One hundred and seventy pounds.' ¢ Then, sir, this is your pocket-book, with the money, ~The servant found it in the hall late last" night, and I locked it up in 'the safe until inquires should be made this morning' © A verra wise an' cautious thing for you to dae, landlord; very wise an' cautious ! I had intended' plucin' achty o't in the bank this morning', whaur it would hae been drawn' three per cent J ond «I think, laird, that the servant should get some acknowledgement for her--' «As a rewsrd for the honesty o' o' pairtics, I'll say naething about the interest for the time it has been locked up in your safe, and yet can mak' it's' richt wi' the servant. © There's naeth: ing sma' about we when I sce a man that's tryin' to dae what's richt | The Demon Steer of Texas. George Wilson, 'one of the best known cowboys of the southwest, tells a remarkable tale about a mastodonic wild steer which has rogmed the ranges along. the border for .mauy years. and whose aggressiveness and power. made i » or. vo adventursome rust Jer had ever dared to appropriate him. The pugnacious brute is known far and wide as the 'demon steer' on account of his freaks. The animal knows no fear, and his immense size makes him the terror of everything that comes in his way. With lowered head, glisten- ing eye and sonorous bellow he will madly charge at anything that crosses his path. Many outfits have rounded him up with the other cattle, but when the circle gets to small to suit him he rushes through the riders as if no such obstructed existed in his line of flight. Ouce one of the big outfits determin: ed upon his capture, but it was a sadly demoralized outfit when he got through with it. He gored two horses to death, scared a dozen cowboys out 'of their wits, stampeded the entire herd and then rushed through the camp scatter ing the equipage in every direction cowpletly raining it. The undertak- ing was at once abandoned and from that time until now no attempt was made to capture bim, Wilson says the steer killed a big sil- ver tip bear in a fair fight two years, ago. - The combat was a terrible affair and was witnessed from a safe distance by two cowboys, | The bear attempted to creep up on the steer, but the latter saw him and at once gave battle. As the steer charged the bear rose on his was trying to crawlaway from his en- opponent, The steer was too for him, however, and headed off and At Inst gored him to such thing in this wd reckon ¥ ; "Yes, I reckon #0. I never wuz much good at figgers, but I'm snakes on a mule trade. "18 your horse a mule? ! Jone Biggest in the World. It is said that the biggest umbrella in the world has biget made for the use of o West African king. The um- brella, which can be closed in the us- ual manner, is twenty-one feet in diameter and is affixed to a polished mahogany staff of the same length. The 'canopy is made of India straw, and has a score of straw tassels and a border of crimson satin. On the top is a pine shaped straw ornament which terminates in a gilded cone. When in use the umbrella is fixed in the ground, and under its shelter the king is able to entertain thirty guests at dinner. that yon don't eet 4-4 Ore If it's sciatica, bathe Johnson's Ano- dyne Liniment, pressing the muscles and nerves hard. A harm'ess lotion for removing freck- les is as follows:~Lemon juice, one ounce; powdered 'borax, one-half drachm one half drachm: Easily Caught. Ck cold, sore throat and many pain- ful silments are easily esught in this changeable climate, The never-failing ro- medy is just as easily obtained in Hagyard's Yellow Oil, which is undoubtedy the best of all the many remedies offered for the cure of colds or pains. For chapped hands the following is « most excellent remedy i--Camphor gum, three Jrams; beeswax, three drams ; spermaceti, three drams ; olive oil; two ounces. boiling wate until and apply to the hands. A harmless lotion for whitening and softening the complexion is made ss follows :--Cascarilla powder, two grains puriate of ammonia, two grains ; emul- sion of almonds, eight ounces. Apply with a. soft handkerchief. Attacked by an Enemy. DEAR Sims,--About a year ® very bad attack of dyspepsia. four months I never ate a meal without suffering pain after. could scarcely walk, when one day I saw sn advertisement for B.B.B, and thought I would try a bottle. Four bottle cured me completely, and I am now strengand healthy. Miss. JANET STUART, Muskoka Falls, Ont, 'Try snuffiing powdered borax up the | pecy nostrils for catarrhal cold in the head. Tey taking your cod liver oil in to- through the roof in fifty pl the plaster-on the walls a scandal to look at. My" should not be so 'miserable ity concerning the proper upkeep of house of God. You are a rich wai you have no occasion to be penuriouts. aod you should remember what we told in the Scriptures about laying np treasure in Heaven." he the guid 0' him daein' that, mi loudly exclaimed van - old medioans woman, who, appearing anobserved oil the scene, had overheard the latter part of the conversation.' What wad. be the guid o' the likes 0' him daein' that, when be keus vera weel that he'd never see them eee 0 A piri The Coloured Preacher's bles. : An old coloured preacher was ed how his church ws getting ofl, his answer was--* Mighty poor, ) poor, brudder." ¢ What is the trouble § and he replied, * De 'cieties, Teietien.. Dey is jist drawn' all'de fatness and marrow outen the body an' bones ab de 'Llessed Lord's body. We Put in a pan, set in : Thad al, 1 had got so weak I : wato catsup it you want to make it palatable. Try » cloth wrung out from ould water put about. the neck at | FREE night for & sore throat. Try an extra