N. F. Paterson, Q.0.,, was a marked | ship of Reach success as well for the large number arrears of a of the municipality, while the County Council conferred on him the highest which colonists should have to make treaties for the purposes of trade with foreign nations without British interference. Improved postal com. 'munication will likely come up. The adoptiovol thedecimal scale in money, : and 'measures will doubtless be decided on. ; The o1liber and character of the re: presentatives at this great and impor- "tant gathering will Lea sufficient guar- antee against the figuring of contempt able party cliques or silly fads. Party politics must have no control in the selection of representatives, otherwise the gathering will be a waste of time and money ss it will have no more in- fluence than a common pow-wow. La Grippe. For a long time ps past La Grippe has 'been stalking "over the length snd readth of the most sivilized countries of the world, picking a victim here and ini there as he went along and Jom British Medical Journal is its best to collect information on gift at their disposal by electing him Warden of the County. In every position in which he was placed he dis- charged his duties in a fearless, faith- fol and competent' manner, He had no parley with womanly fears, where duty led he cenfidently 'steered, and never failed to expose wrong and who was the wrong doer. He had strong convictions as to the necessity of hon- orable dealing in every sphern of life and had the full 'courage of his convic- tions, and when he had occasion to find fault it was always in the presence and pot in the absence of the parties charged, and his well directed vigilence in public matters had a salutory effect on the community, As Malcolm Gill- espie he had a host of true friends and few or no enemies, while as a public man he had lots 6f warm friends 'and not a few bitter cnemies, but the enmity of such was the price he paid for his unswerving rectitude and fear- less exposure of wrong doing in what- ever quarter it was found, Such men are of much valué to Society and his removal is a calamity. # E Deceased wai 78 years of age "and leaves a wife and 13 children--Dr. W. K. Gillespie, Mrs. H, Ellis, of Toronto Wo are among those who mourn his death and join in the phrase-- Requies- cat in pace. A The sorrowing widow, bereaved family and moumming friends have much sympathy in their afiliction. | the Divisional as gave judgment -give universal dication of right : Whitby P. M., or 5 to fine when they Me. *we very much code exhibits 4 genict 'host and hostess oughly understand their duties discharged them to the br Socies g > all pfesent. ------ The Presbyterian Sabbath School have provided a first class entertain. ment for old and young on Monday evening next in the Town Hall, and they have placed the price of admission 0 low to all they trust to see the Hall crowded on that evening to seo Mr. Oampbelis beautiful Lime Light Views of the principal Cities in the United States, Battle: scenes" of Gettysburg and Petersburg, Mount Vernon, the home and tumb of Washington, FortressMonroe the largest in America a trip on the Puritan the largest Lake or River Boat in the world, &c. See large and small bills, admission only 10 ani 15 cents. tt tint Mr. 8. Graham of this place has just added another stallion to his already fine stock of entire horses. 'The new arrival of is an imported Clydesdale and bears the name * B.uze." Heisa magnificent specimen of the breed of horses he represents and is much ad- mired by all who see him. hor tm Avcriox Sars, --1t will be seen by the posters that Mr. D. Swinson, lot 24, con 3, Brock has instructed Mr, Bowes to sell by auction on the pre- mises, on Tuesday, 23rd inst, all his valuable stock of horses, cattle, imple. | £0 ly. Frank Jewett .. . Gertrude Torrance. Mabel Bowman... . Kenneth Campbell . Tillie Irvin . Myrtle | Wakely Willie Ash .. Willie Ackerman Nelson Elliott. Willie Emerson Nellie McGill. . Florence Paxton, Westlake's off | Maude have & opposite lot 23. Mr. send the road hy preparatory for earth, the cedar. for culvert, road out at present and Council to grant §30 to pletion, % On motion of Mr. Al granted '0 build a road & swamp: in the 10th cops posite lot 23 ; and Mr, Munto § Jos. Taylor were appoin! sioners to build the Treasurer was authorized \ orders issued by them for the A stated. Mr. Fred. Croxall came Wo .| Couneil regarding the bridge ) his property ; the bridge' Jia 4 about six inches; the stringers] come decayed, and, in fact, bridge way absolutely neces: The Council decided to bay % able bridge erected. § A deputation from Epsom, co of Messrs. Claughton and Aknej before the Council Fegarding the sity of the construction of a di thatjvillage to carry surplus wal at certain seasons of the much annoyance, The deputat their case before the council in manner as to convince tha the sectati of acceeding to the cout ga ordered tn. Meharry, for clean! 14, con. 7, and said ed to be chaiged to count. On motion the itself into . committes the Auditors' Report. The committee rose, ni gress, and asked leave to's On motion of Mr. one Mrs Colter, an The 'bonds of the Collector were submil the council, inquiri bution of the aati 10 | joint. protective. ts George Wrigley Willie Edmett. Kate Allison} ¢| Hugh Graham: . 10{of the world or- Se ac: firemen and ' policemen, esperate. nd women dressed only in 'thei robes leaped from the upper fied spectators to come to the win- dows only to be overcome by the smoke and heat and to fall back in the femes to perish, "The work of rescue war proceeded with wonderful rapidity. Fireman, policemen and citizens alike mounted the ladders and carried women and| children "down 'to' places of safety. Ambulances from aJl the city hospitals a much. gos the tunnel that they : n | ecsnch. Others were noticed by the ; cartied out dead. Brakeman Whalen is also reported to be in a dying con- dition. This is the first accident in the new tunnel since the trains com | mericed using it. # Ba Worse, Worst. | were soon on the scene and conveyed | th many of the unfortunates to comfort able" quarters. Many doctors were so on band and did all the could to|8 relieve the injured. DASHED TO DEATH, ' Before the fire companies arrived on® man whose name is not known, sprang from 'a third storey window and was Z| dashed to death on the ground Lelow. People. turned their faces away hor rified at the sight. This was on Sixth avenue side of the building. "A mo- ment later another man leaped from a window on' the 40th street side and was instantly killed. Others followed ul very few moments five mangl- picked from the pave: 'to the 30th street y were ken "from the windows by <Awong the narrow cscapes was that of H. O. Hopkins, of this city, who was a guest at the hotel. He was rudely aroused from sleep by the ery of "fire," He found, on going into'the hall, that "| escape by the. stair wns impossible. He escaped, however, from a window down a rope. Others who narrowly escaped death were Mrs. F. Knapp, of Ohicago ; Mrs, Kueper and daughter, of Flemington, N.J., aud Mr. Mears, i the proprietor cf the building. After the fire had sufficiently cooled to permit a partial examination of the istri-| ruins, a search was made for the dead | The searchers were at once rewarded by finding the charred body of a man almost burned toa crisp. The body is thought to be that of Heary J, Levy. Then other budiern were e found in yi 2 dew emi so He 3 ol scalp and darkens grey hair. New York, eb, 8.---At the 'ad- ! | journed meeting to-day of the trustees of the New York Fire Insurance Com- pany, Mr. Willian) H. Beers, the pres- ident, resigned. and at tho request of a subicommittee, and was voted a pen: sion for life of $25,000 a year. Several other trustees and officers of the cow- pany tendered their resignations. A meeting will be held on Wednesday to elect new officers. ' Maxcaester, N. ~The first local case under the new * "pauper | py immigration law camo up here Yedtor. ih day, when P. B. Cogswell, of Concord, immigration commissioner, came to this city to take Mrs, Riladeau and her three chiidren buck to Canada. The Last Dance. Pirrssurg, Pa., Feb. 6. -- Miss Kittie Shaw, davghter of a prominent physi- oian,.dropped dead at 3:30 oclock this worning while daticing at the reception given by the Pittsburg elub in honor of the re-opening of their club house. Pr Caught. Bosron, Feb. 6.--~Mrs. Josephine Barry, a graduate of the Hist = School the House of Chrroction.; for in her mother-in-law's name (0 an order upon which sho. sbinined $1,500 id |B The follo the Lye el Constitapay, eople - who 'use areenical 'prepara-, is their complexion do 50 at the | risk of their lives. Agel Sarsaprilla Beans is guaranteed free from any inujrious By drug, and is, therefore, the safest as|Al well as the most powerful blood medi. cigo: in the world. It makes the skin clear. inn Where Canada is Lucky. WASHINGTON, Feb, 5.--Representa- tive Fithian, of linois, has introdue- Vag ed a bill into the House placing agric cultirnl: fplements on the free list,| He stated that ho has reason to Telieve American manufacturers ars shipping | thoi implements to' Canada and "sell: than the prices. elinrg: ) the United States, ts ih mi pa of civil and military powers nine Pagliswents, ive of which have imita- "Houses of Lords ns well as 'the Hdnge# of Commong which all Sure In other words, we are ruled by one Governor General, eight' Lieutenant. Governors, 75 Cabinet Ministers, 1564 Legislative Councillors and Senators; and 581 members of Parliament," The | total indemuity paid to the legislators is $524,896. The salaries and other wanes to the Governor- and Lieutenant. Governors to about $200,000 mo the chasiness. of legislating gives em- |' Jono civil servay 0 co! dollars, itieion a4 least s of (4 g probah a ul of tl