years, upa very ery olosarnd intimate friendship. E Indeed, excepting the latter's financial pe aw a wil, d r including : you are suffering difficulties; they hardly lind an interest op id *| without relief, I saw by an & nates fatally, as you|which they did not communicate. 8 Sai0. Wert, 1: ment roloved of Bu jhats X and | was wrong.{ been relieved : and 1ts duration can be Gordon Paston was a ian of exception-. I should like to thank 'Henden for SiN plain, after long suffering, by aking. ! d al culture, intensely sympathetic, and Tl h the greatest confidence. his kindness to me." He said nothing | di Si in touch with the intellectual and| besides ziviok a fav tender and Syery Susease, all my artistic movement of the times; though | 1 htfal 8 / hutband aay des must he taken into|unable, on account of his failing OR it shen Chef te b po ure, and hat 1 pak Your age, your calm |strength, to associate actively, as he ds » ear e Mi would never see tate of wind, all are in ou id have loved lads, ith is Br i Whether this a 'that mention R \ An hysterical woman Heidon, ou the othat hand, wih. ea. bad Joon made of She intended gift, : : be dead in twelve sentially the man of action--a plat. B on could nat te liad hed: th Bppetite: Shy «It it possible that you |form speaker, a diner-out, a man who «i Fly is time they J rene : 9 Sarsaparitia end began to p three years, but extremely | made his presence felt on councils and nls fm th be ctor. saw. at n gnce, gaining. in trensth that'vou can last four. In-|committees; He was the true comple- 8 te wi is ne 100 Sen 4 praise of this wi coffvinoed that four years ment to his friend and patient, and op 8 8 burch a medicine." the happiest hours of both wete spent church clock strugk the hour ten. "I liave taken a great deal of meds. vide | Bargin to give you. I liy ench other's company. The sick man Stirred uneasily, and Sale, ba AiCing has , Jone suo »s | of plminly; elievicg that| Often and often during the past year, thréw his arms about. Dr. Hendon) fuiy its beneficial effects belare had 4 * | took' his wrist in bis fingers and felt| Quite finished one bottle, and I can when his strength had been more the pul It i tibl reely testify that Jt is the best blood= rapidly failing, had Gordon Paston | P= oc; 3% WaSSearcely perceptive. medicine I know of." --L. W. Ward, Srey ord, and Dr. Hendon could i terry % aT, and country store, Derby. victory, that Herbert Hendon Jose one of the largest manu- | entered his consulting-room and rang 2g AT 6 PER OENT. | earAlso on "Village Property. the formation cf i fiating Ju brought into North dendroff; makes the 1 can suit you both as to quality _ Come and see. Rooms in the Messrs. Forman & Son's | plants in the country and | his bell for his first patient to be sho sells everywhere. Why isthis? The 1; is abies 1 Ci ¢ reason is as simple as a y +| thought. It is Lindy does. one for he had got whit he. believed to be| thing, and' does it right along--it |a splendid tip for the great race, but cures Dyspepsia. : 3 knew not where to turn for money. He G. G. GREEN, Sole Man'fr, Woodbury, ¥J. | was in anything but a proper frame of mind to do justice to his patients on}. : this particular morning: y ia However, as the door opened, 1 I putled himself together, rose, and Ver : : a | ped forward with his usual bland wel ® SR come, ! \ 1 : A young man entered, and, proffer forced his friend to the discussion of Fer: us little stirthasi pHEHG fan the Woodland, Texas, tly 0 I) Dower, ing his hand, sunk with an air of much ire the unmoved connten the physioal aspect of death, and more life. Yor he hesitated. What were i e J S i } . lassitude into the 'chair to which the 4 Lan, thas once had he insisted that when} ec unconscious life werth yer S arsanasiita, Othersizes rorciticn- 1 i NE the last pangs, came on; and all joy of PREPARED BY. doctor motioned him. He was tall to him 1 E 'atel h nd ary x living was inevitably 'passed, there| | 1 { fai y eap. aud very spare, with hollow cliest, and might be'a uw i 3 I fear we can nothing,' he whisper-| Dr. & C. Aysr & Co. Lowel, Masts : 3 ore unfriendly action than | [4 Mrs. F "The end is cl Pricogl; six bottles, 85. + 85 a bottles Pictures. Copied and 'arped|his face an unwholesome color. His that of a gentle and painless acceler. | a wirfax. end is close to. any desired size and finish- | breathing came short. and sharp, and : ; yo ations ' Stay with us all it is over, doctor.' ed in Crayon Be and fined Dr. Hendon saw at a glance that this ; fat, doctor, is sone What It was fn the lust weeks of May, | "p,. Tendon bowed, and sat down Yon, ine but" hand I hope you will forgive | 1891, that Dr. Hendon found himself | =p bedside, er S air i Qil or Walter Colors. was anything hut one of his "Lread- 3 tell you that I think you involved in the most hopeless financial en Se deep silence in the : 3 ; pill' cases. 3 Hala i 4 % difficulty. Tradesmen were growing 4 , : 18 "the "ideal" Hair-dressing. I$ vo. Office. next to Ontario Ben Bais * He listened ' attentively' ns his | wile chon your estimate | anorous, Bankruptey proceedings | pot only thololocks Bik tack could stores the color to grag list ; promotes k y ol ; be heard, and Hend d a Port ? May 10, 1865. + . % is that T have a peculiarly | were threatening him on all sides, and heard, and Dr. Hendon Jearne a fresh and vigorous growth ; prevents Perry, May 10. . paticut described his symptoms, and jemiperment, I know not, but, | to crown all, the £1500, dae to his Jowards the sick man who lay there in Ih ETE then proceeded to subject himfo a Bilis doctors at least have told [dying friend on June 1, had to be _ elplesnedt and rious De ad Ml Work guaranteed fo give Satisfaction | rixid examivation." . To muke a long me, most, indeed, giving. me | fonud: ere, El ot i : t hort he disco: ? 2 3 » RIVIDB-M€ |" More than snoe, Gordon Past { whispered. Hetold you not to keep got, Constant Nanda B story short he discovered that Gordon y of on, an- [yc "alive. whem ib I t : stantly on hand a fine assortment of Poston was suffering trom n Bartioul poss! unconecious ns he was of Hendon's bre thes 2 'A Lit was only pais FRAMES & ALBUMS. } peels a.termination to | financial * difficulti bad laughingly hiioself do n & the Es Se W. H. LEONARD it not #0, my cours: po: he would do hin out of iene TE him at The ; anotli¢:~ vear's income. Indeed, the | an in him ot the bet abil: [grow into someting 1d great cove were. taken of it, he hoped after the course of ti Sabbath Services, 10:30and . Week Jvening Service. Thursday 7: Strangers welcome and conducted to seats. Church of the Ascension. REV. MK, FLETCHER, PAsToR. Licensed AUOLIONGEPS| sums. ios st san of finding myself penniless if I fid survive my appointed time. I have a proposal to make to that he would be able to set him: a doctor, somewhat' of a sporting 'YOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO AND FET Bree legs again: He than 'wrote Git 00 fire. 1 want to ask you to back TOWNSHIP OF CARTWRIGHT: 8t. John's Church. * seHiption, gave him a list of opinion against mine. , I hope Valuators, &c., &e. (rrussrzERiax.):. e avoided, and expressed.a, will not think ms impertinent, 3 A Te him again in a week's time, a x REV. RICHARD WHITEMAN, B.A, Pastor | 5¢¢ 8 s it would ease my mind greatly if REAL ESTATE A SPECIALTY. Babbath Services, 10:30 and 6:30. which he rose from Lis seat as § would fall in ys ul 8 on Sale Bills made out and Blonk Notes | Week Evening Servi a, Thursday, 7:30; to his patient to. be going, but Go ould y sugg o ? ? e paused a moment, but Dr. farnished free of charge. Satisfaction guar- . : % Baptist Church. Paston still sat on his chair, sndon motioned him to proceed, half |, antee ioe 08 10 pa; Teriia Sheral, CH EW ept at HENRY 'Doctor Hendon.' 3 at i Port Perry, and at the REY. MR. STEINHOFF, Pastor. Rl onan iil il . ing in his mind what the proposal 2) ° to be. ENCE, Township Sherk, Sabbath Services, 10:30 and 6 Manchester, where parties can ar- | Week Evening Service, Thursd: chen® ; 6 J pai filial" | eek Evening Service, Thu sue te Sliea] tal you 1 kn & éNow, you say, doctor, that I can. well what is the' matter with) by any possibility live more than rangements for salés, Acal know, too, that you, with very - 8 Telephone pe os Ts Port Berry, April's, 1884, W. M., WiLreox, Port b Perty. M - Ang, 22, 1887 ~ WM, GORDON, Licensed Auctioneer, Yalutor 2 ch , Manchester, e to Manchester will be for: phone All Veterinary = A NEWSPAYER 70 FOR THE MASSES - Circulation over r 100,000 Copies ~The Press (NEW YORK) FOR 1892. ge, | Has a Larger Dally Circulation than any other ? lican erica. swsbaper in Am, wr| DAILY, "SONDAY. WEEKLY. The Aggressive ro Bopublican Journal Founded Décember 1st, 1887. DAILY. ran Puzes te Jsthe organ of {So faction} pulls oe miles iN _| is about £300 a year. M kindness, have made light of Jo fa i disease from which I am suffe know, from more than one dog it is only a question of ke alive fora few years. No, please protest, but kindly hear me what I have to say. I want to pretend to you that with unconcern npon app: death, Farfrom it. Iam im enamoured of life, and my oa] y enjoying it is as strong as e er hope you will excuse me posal I am about to make, poor man--that is fo say my som@that extravage t, and ar years, and conkequently that, fending £1600 a year, I shall not at |o ost run through more than three- arths of my capital. Are you then frpared, for the sum of £8000 down, : § guarantee to pay me £1500 a year the rest of my natural life? Ac. ing to your estimate youn are sure yo at least clearing £2000, and very sibly a good deal more ; and, further will relieve me of a very great |S ! nxicty £1500 a year is ample, for oy wants. What do you say, doctor ita bargain 1 ; 3 Cordon Paston little guessed as he i ipoke what a Godsend this seemed to , e With £8000 down, not ly could he satisfy all his ereditors, t was wore seinpticg, he Herbert Hendon, in the latter undertaking | the former, for the rest of Ji the su take eflect on ne 1, 1887.