Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 10 Mar 1892, p. 1

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Refreshing Sleep. dose gave me great a Pr relic anda Ba - freshing sleep, such as had not had es yeaah began immedi- ately to loosen and | away, aud I found myself rapidly gaining in health and weight, I am picased toduform thee--unsolicited--that 1 am in excellent health and do cer: tainly attribute it to thy Boschee's German Syriip. C. EB, E71CRNEY, Pictun, Ontario." © PHOTOS. Cabioets oly $2.00 or Dove, Othersizes Ee pcitico- ately Cheap. Pictures Copied and Eulargen to any desired size. and finish- ed in Crayon, Indian Ink, Oil ox Water Colors. J hoars--8 010s. m. 104 p.m, | and residence, Dr. Hamill'. 2 an any tnintof Money to Loan Solioitor | A BY per cent. on - good Mortgages. iti gent. Allan Lina. of tears | Port Perry, Oct. 17, 1860, ad TI THE Subscriber is prepared. fo LEND T ANY AMOUNT Su Security : AT 6 PER CENT. #4 Also on Village Property. : BF MORTOAGES BOUGHT. EH HUBERT L. EBBELS, . Barrister, Office next to Onfario Benk Port Perry, May 10, 1885, EDMETT, | DENTIST, VND ACCIDENT. Ry Assunaxce Co'y, Nix Assurasce Co'v. $ Crrizens' Issvraxce Co'v. Grascow & Lox poy Insurance Co'y Port Perry, April 20, 1889. § ree ater + eae een ob pees WILLCOX & HOL Licensed Jiuotioneers FOR THE", COUNTY OF ONTARIO ASD, TOWNSHIP OF CABTWHIGHT. Valuators, &c., &c. Rv RIOR ARG Serer, REAL ESTATE A "SPECIALTY. as an oon ra? Bes RAMON Sabbath Services, 10:30 and 6:30, Sale Bills made out and Blonk Notes| Week Evening Service, Thursday furnished free of charge. Satisfaction guar- antee or no pay. Terms liberal. ~*~ Baptist Church. REV. MR. STEINHOFF, Pastor. * Sabbath Services, 10:50 and 6:30, 'Week Evening Service, Thursday, * :80. « meimel Tar Press M, GORDON, . RU (NEW YORK) Liesnsod. uctionar, Yaluator 8. | OR 1802. R the of Brock, Uxbridge, Has Largor Dai Cirenlation than any other F% Thoah Maca, - & Repub Newspaper in America. and Eldon LVS ' Sales $0 me. being Partiessntrusting LY, : rely om the uézisot attention given Zi ay r 'The Aggressive Republican Journal The of A Mobropolin. g NEWSPAPER FOR THE MASSES Methodist Church. REV. L. W. HILL, B A., Pasron. | -Sabbath Services, 10:30 ond 10, eck Evening Service. Thu gers welcome and conduct ents. . © Ohurch of the Ascension. REV. MR: FLEIC] Sunday Services, 10:30 and Week Evening Service, Ti 8%. John's Church. (PRESBYTERIAN, ) , SHEN TER, PASTOR. NoRWO0OD, Nd, Feb: 23,-- Mra Ji ) Slasmunn met a horrible death ath home here Inst night. In 'the after. noon her husband purchased a cow Orangeburg, aud after a late su asked his wife to necompany' the stable to see the wiitnal: While Mrs, Slusmann was the cow the beast thrust her horn dt into the woman's abdomen and niade a quick upward toss. Tearing 1 open Mrs, Slusmann's body. ; Dr. Morris was soon in attendan but could afford no relief, and thie unfortunate wouwan died in fiftees minutes from shock and' bemortan by the shock, and it is feared he nig fi be taken to an asylum: The cow Det Killed Se A popular topic is cabinet reconstructiol which really does not concern the public much as the reconstruction and cleansin, the 'human system againet the ap h spre Tlie premier medicine for-this burdock Blood Bitte 1d line, crude, twenty parts; conn salt, five seventy. parts. Those who have convenion hand puwps wily keep this soluk handy and throw it with the pump. parts : waler, That ycu can clean your | rass kettl with a solution of oxalic acid in. wa Apply with flannel, wash off, and. ish with chamois skin. : That, if you drop acid on §0 3 clothes, the immediate application 8 ammonia will destroy the effect 1 That you can keep butter or fresh a Jong time in warm weathe witout ice; wrapping a porous a wet cloth and inverting it over milk or butter t - The external e ation cools the interior. That you can make your own win€vinegar by adding five gall rain water to ten pounds of m raisins and letting it stand ine W place fora month. ¥ That a water-bottle, the inti which bas become coated with: ate of lime from hard _ water may land after a few days the § been a great fers "paralysis and its at 'and who had becomp ut- s of all self-help, hd, by 'few boxes of thel Pink People, been so fflly re- pith as to be able tb walk t without thd aid of fame of this wgnderfal, gure was so great /that the pal reporter thought it while to go to falway to want, to leafn from his n the obsgfvation and his neightprs, if his al- was a fact of only an un: r. And fo, he drove to pent a dy and a night iting Mr. Quant, getting ntervigwing bis neigh. wetownghen, It may be that Ghlway is a pretty of aboyt 400 people, de- enr the centre of ay, in Saratoga 17 miles from Sara- Upoa inquiry, the re- harles A. Quant was r everybody seemed to Pak well of him and te with surprise and satis: his woud I cure and re- the activities of enterpiis- hip, for M-. Quant was and had spent most of s. Mr. Quant was found plionie, on a pleasant street e the academy. In re- kiiock at the door it was 5 winteoadads Bao y COT 3 prehminary versal ¢ had peen apprised of the or which the Journal reporter fled upon him, he, at request, e story of himself aud of his and terrible sufferings, and of Rlicctual treatment he bad, and pal cure by the use of Dr. Wil- WPink Pills of Pale People, and Billy gave assent to its use for jon. He suid: "My name is 8 A. Quant. Iam 37 years old. Bhorn 1n the village of Galw Reepting while traveling on Lusi- id a little while in Amsterdam, Bpent my whole life here. My fa native of Oatario. Up to ight years a 0 I had never been fd was then in perfect Dealth., Mfully six feet tal), weighed 180 and was very strong. For 12 was a teaveling salesman for a d organ company and had to r at least did do, a great deal of Blifting, got my meals very ir- fly and slept in enough 'spare country houses to freeze 'any By wan to death, or at least give rheumatism, About eight igo I began to feel distress in pach and consulted several out it." They all said it was , and for dyspepsia I was [by tarious doctors in different "and took 'all - the patent pes | could hear of that claimed peure for dyspepeia. But I con- grow gradually worse for Then I began to have back and legs and become p that my legs were getting ny steps unsteady, and then fed when 1 walked. Having "no benefit fron. the use of vines, and feeling that I worse, I then, did me no good. owed the Journal wit of underwear 24% In the fall dvised a change ent to Atlanta, Ga, n rr il "a y to 120° bany hospital they pr n my back ope day w i ok he "big burns | red hot irons y put 14 more burns on and treated mie with electricity but T got' worse rather than better; lost control of iy bowels and water, and upon advice of the doctor, who said there was no hope for me, I was brought home, wheié it was thought sine . d price at which voutse of ily inexpensive [3 ber remedies, or | dl NAVE. that death would soon come to relieve | 8 me of my sufferings. Last September, while ii th.s helpless and suffering gon: dition, a friend of mine in Hamilton; Ont, called my attention so thestate- ment of one John Marshall, ile onge had been similar to my own, ad who Lad been cured by the use of Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills for Pal#Pegple. It this case Mr. Marshall; who is a prominent member of the Royal Tem: plars of Temperance, had after fours |? years of constant treatment by the most eminent Canadian physicians been pronounced incurable, and was paid the $1000 total disability claim allowed by the order in such cases. Some months after Mr. Marshall began a course of treatment with Dr. Wil- Tams' Pink Pills, and after taking some 15 boxes was. fully restored to health, 1 thought I would try them and my wife sent for two boxes of the pills and I took then according to the dir- ections given on the wrapper on each box, For the first few days the cold baths were pretty severe, as I was so very weak, but I continued to follow instructions as to taking the pills and treatment, and even before I had used up the two boxes of pills I began to feel beneficial effects fiom them. My pains were not so bad ; T felt warmer; ny 'began to relish and agree could' ghten up ; th ibs, T begn ) 0 get about on crutches ; my eye came back again as good as ever, and now, after the use of vight boxes of the pills--at a. cost of only $41.00--se¢e !--I can" with the help of a cane only, walk all about the house and yard, can saw wood, and on pleasant days I walk down town. My stomach trouble is gone ; I have gain- ed 10 pounds ; I feel like a new man, and when the spring opens I expect to be able to renew my organ and piano agency. I cannot speak in too high terms of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People, as T know they saved my life after all the doctors had given me up as incurable.' Other citizens of Galway, seeing the wonderful, cure of Mr. Quant by the Pink Pills for Pale People, are using them. Frederick Sexton, a sufferer from rheumatism, said he was finding great benefit from their use, and Mr, Schultz, who had suflered from chronic dysentery for years, said he had taken two boxes of the pills and was already cured: Mr. Quant had also tried Faith cure, with experts of that treatment in Al- bany and Greenville, 8. 0., but with no beneficial results, A number of the more prominent citizens of Galway, as Rev. C. E. Her bert, of the Presbyterian church ; Prof. James E. Kelly, principal of the acade- my ; John P. and Harvy Crouch; and Frank and Edward Willard, merchants, and many others to whom Mr. Quant and his so miraculous cure by the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale Peop'e, are well known, were pleased to have the opportunity of bearing testimony to the high character of Mr. Quant, and of verifying the story of his recovery from the terrible affliction from which he bad for so long a tiwe been a sufferer. FoR remarkable result from the. use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills in the case of Mr. Quant, induced the reporter to make farther enquiries = concerning them, nnd he ascertained that they are not a patent medicine in the sense in which that term is generally used, but a highly scientific preparation, the result of years of study aud careful experiment. They have no rival asa blood" builder auc. nerve restorer and have mat with sopatalieled success in the treatment such diseases as alysis, rhemmatism,. sciatica, St. itus' dance, palpitation of the heart, : tired feeling which aflects so crews by Hotchkiss SRI: Ate B- electrical outfit, andl, in short, are among the best equipped vessels built in England" in their day. A pair of Chiness war vessels deserving specinl notice are the King Yuan and the Lai Yuna, armored ships, built by the Vul can works at Stettin. They are double- ttomed steel vessels, with compound armor, having & maximum thickness of 9% inches at th er line and decreasing to about fiv hes below. They carry each two 8-inch Krupp guns in the bows; mounted'en barbette, and surrounded by an armored breastwork and two 6-inch Krupps, while the secondary battery contains two Hotchkiss rapid-fire guns, five revolving cannon, and four torpedo tubes. Still another pair of modern vessels are the steel cruisers Yang Woi and Tchao Yong, of 1,350 tons displacement, built at Elswick and having 2,400 horse power, the former of which reached a speed of 16.2 knots and the latter' of 16.8 knots on trial. They carry a good battery of Armstrong guus. The construc. tion of these vessels was followed by an gp- der to the Stettin works for two la coast defence Last year, at the Foochow arsenal, ths armo; coast-defence vessel Ping Yuen was completed. She is 200 feet long by 40 beam and 16 tht, and of about 2,600 tons displacement. bas triple-oxpausion en- gines of about 2,400 horse-power, which give her, however, only the disappointing speed of 104 knots at the maximum. But she has a belt of 8-inch armor at the water Hine and a 2-inch protective deck. She carries a 10§ Krupp gun forward, protected by a S5-inch breastwork, and two 6-inch Krupps amidships, besides eight rapid-fire guns in the secondary battery and four tor- pedo tubes: = At. Foochow this year two torpedo'gunboats, the Kong Hi and Kong Bui, of about 1,000 tone displacement, have been under construction. The yard at Foochow is i seed one of the most remarkable signs of China's naval pro- gress. Founded twelve or fourteen years on the Min River by a French officer in i i upplied by So grees with docks, rolling mills, machine shops, and, in fact, all the appliances for naval construction and repair. During the last half dozen years it has been turning out war vessels of various sorts and sizes, gun factories st gun is rough turned in England tg the factory. bv EY cntessall that the Chinese navy has never disti _ itself much in action. During the war 'with France in 1884 one of ita utterly destroyed Ceurbet in the Min River t a dozen vessels, ranging from 300 tons were destroyed foo, the remarkable featu attack being the blowing uj torpedo boats and the gi

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