Saturday, March 12 at Two o'clock in She afteruoon. "All Liberal Conservatives are cordially nyfed to attend. The Executive will kindly meet at the Royal Hotel, Whitby, at 'One o'clock the afternoon, J. L. BMITH, ; J President. Whitby, March 5, 1802. 2 MEETING] O'Rell lectured g's Winnipeg on Saturday, and was banguetted by the citizens. J. E. Golilner, of London, who was overcome by gas iu a Woodstock hotel Ins€ week, died on Saturday. Frank Ericson and Georgo Savage have been killed by an exploding glycerine can at: Perry wood station on the O,P.R. Jay Gould is in Texas, but his health bas not improved. Another cargo of 2,200 tons of Sugar from Samarang has' Just arrived ancouver for the big refinery there The exported gold from New York last week reached $3,666,905 and the' Faparts $446,720, len about to be hanged will | of saint to learn, on expert medical thority, that a dislocation of the | Am° neck is not fatal. "+ About the only time my tailor gives his customers regular fits,' said | Buttthe, 4 tis when they, neglest to poy the their bil 'The wasp is slender and groochal in Liberal Conservatives! MEETING of the the Liberal Conserv tives of the Townslip of Reach, will be held inthe Town Hall, MANCHESTER, : 3.4 REAL, Chairmac. R. STRETTON, Secreta i : Reach, March 9 160, REN OVAL THE Subscriber expre expresses his sincere i Shanks to the fleneione puble fe for the tronage bestowed upon n the t, a ker leasure in annotincin, thas ¢ has remov ba Dusiuess to the EBBELS' BLOCK {TwoDoors East of the Western Bank) where he will bo pleased to cater for hie numerous and still increasing patrons, A FULL STOCK in his line will be kept on hand, and the pablic will meet wi same treatment at my hands as heretofore, The steady increase of niy business affords the most sonyincing proof of the perfect satisfaction of purchasers. My route through Port Perry and vicinity ad dat till farther extended a8 steady increase of patronage may de- his movements, but his attention is} A fine new Joi apan, in 5lb tins, at $1.65, and we euaraieg this Tea equal to any that Tea Peddlers and others are charging 45¢ aud 50c a pound for. A good Japan, first of new crop, 30c per 1b., or 4lb3 for $1. ; A good Japan at 25c per lb., or 5 lbs. for $1. Good Cooking Raisins, 6lbs. for 25c. : Canada Laundry Starch, 51bs for 25c. AND LOTS OF. GROCERIES, BOOTS AND SHOES, RUBBERS, aT ST.ATGHTER PRICES. purchasers of other goods wo are prepared to give Big ili in Granulated and other Sugars. As Oash is our Motto, the foregoing prices are for Cas ad ¢ Cash only. Produce taken at Gash Prices. 4 - MARRIAGE ACRE orrics. Port Perry, March 9, 150% oh Pine, 2 to 3 ft and true to name: 7.Upter, ie J. B. FAREWELL, Whitby, Dec, 22, 1001.7 9 the IN FULL BLAST! l re nndersigned takes this opportunity of returnipg his sincere thanks for the large measure of patronage be- stowed on him since commencing business in Port Perry, and would beg to state that having, at a large expenditure, thoroughly overhauled the entire Mill and introduced the' best, most approved and modern machinery including the ROLLER PROCESS J = for the manufacture of Flour, is prepared to do have in surplus the following kinds of nu SERY STOCK |GRISTING & CHOPPING Expeditiously and in a manner that cannot fail to give satis: STRICTLY FIRST OLASS---- faction to my patrons, at the following Low Prices. This Stock is growing inmy| The Trade supplied with Flour of the finest brands: y be seen at any time. Orders booked as received until the : misono 08 "THE PLANING FACTORY to 3 ft 200 in 20 $15]1000 E Mtn ah, 7 S08 1425 $20 In a i inn full operation and can supply all kinds of e, 2t0 3 ft 20e 200 $15 750 Horse Chestnut, 6 to 8 ft 350 $30 & Scotch and American Elms, Black Walnut, White Ash, &c."a large] Dressed Lumber, also Lumber, Joists, Scantling, Boards, benent of Apple, Pear, Plum and other Tres, Small Fruit Plants, Fe ok ET Teas cava! els, Shingles, Posts, Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Bannisters and Neuel Posts, E> BILL LUMBER A SPECIALTY. : All kinds of TURNING and SOROLL SAWING done on shot notice, JAMES CARNEGIE. pleased to show you stock, or price your list. I guarantee the stock Don't delay in ordering: The Stock and prices 0. 0. KELLETT, Boz 127, Port Perry, Ont. Port Perry, Oct. 1, 1891. MEHARRY wane - anops &e., &o., suitable for the HOLIDAY TRADE Consisting of : TOILET SETS in Plush, Persian andiOzidised Silver, Leather, ge. PERFUMES from the best makers, in Out Glass Bottles, Bohemian' Ware, &e., at all Prices. FANQY QUPS AND SAUCERS, VASES, §e. PIPES and CIGARS of the Finest Quality. AGATIN-- D OUT ~~ WITH A. Wishing you all the Compliments of the Season.