Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 17 Mar 1892, p. 1

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ais tof my drowns 4 the recalcitrant 'window: \ " { ie Thou 3a i 1 mashes, i) be bully ta keep the Prosidentiof a {railroad or an Alderman outside swear- in' an' kickin' his heels together, know- in' that he dassen't do anything but look pleasant when you told him to come in,' 1 "That 'would be pretty bully,! ad: mitted the second. "But if T was goin' in to be a big gun that way I wouldn't be a King.' "What would you be? "1d be a doctor, in' keep "em wait- in' longer 'n any . King and make 'em look pleasant when they. paid me $5 for the fun of waitin' an' seein' we look wise" Judge, then, of 'my. feelings. w after the 'éplendid start I had made from King's, thouke to your kifil ex- exertions, all my companions, inolud- ing the two 'old maids with the can aries, left 'the' carriage -at Peter. borough I T wasso overwhelmed with |, dismay at' this sudden desertion that the train was moving off again bofore I bad made up ing mind to change my quarters. SEF , Suddenly an idea came into my wind--a lovely idea sent to me by my good angel, without doubt. "Around we Jay the usual paraphernalia, of rugs, shawls, dressing-bng, my new holdall, and the two cushions provided by your dear mother for my comfort | | during the night, "What more did 1 want 1 Here was material in plenty wherewith to 'protect myself. How founy that I should never have thought of 1t hefore | > 1 set to work at once, and soon con- trived to arrange these things so as to resemble the figure of A man lying on the seat before me. Covering it care- | fully with my wraps; I placed one end | of my holdall to appear like a human foot under the folds of the rag, and on the head I put my own deer-stalker, | ™™ "| so 0s to hide the features which did "ancle" safe in his place. Alas | almost. at the same instant & violent jerk of the train took the ther is not very | young man by surprise ; and unable to regain his balance; lie fall backward j tones were most fon to the seat facing me, ought: it better to| I think we both screamed--at least, 1 at siiFe thitt i did. "Oh! you have only rather tired.' killed him I' I cried, hardly knowing t my father was | what I said, and, flinging off the rug burgh, I added |from my knees, I rose to face with fear, with less despair and shattié the disclosures that my father, he is| must immediately follow, : The rugs and shawls, so carefully a aa pardon, bi nnewer- | disposed, had slipped of, wo that when a fir day the evidshen, agen withstanding a | the poor culprit, confused and horrified | people's favorite tobacco. ' The demand 1 could not|at what he had done, jumped up hur-| keeps increasing, and from every new felt _mollified, I|riedly, it was to see my dressing bag, gltcle of consumers who hte been in- it he was rather nice plainly betraying by its position the Phatic hw, ar Tie panes a ! might very well |important part it hed played in the ties always hold the friends they have { man going North anatomy of my "uncle The holdall, once made. These qualities will be forsaking the mangled body, had rolled | kept up to their full standard by the attitude of mind [away to the extreme end of the seat, Syntissturers of i It is to these I t Alf \Al | A with a hor. | while the pillow, which had formed |frice that they attfibuts ietiom of the i} 1 OLIV 'would become of | part of the head and shoulders, re-| success. To the quality they will ad- EN they find how sapldly hea than I, and I|mained a shapeless heap, squashed fat | bere at all cost, and also to the price estored by ng Ayer's Sa Of the carriage under | by the considerable weight that had if that be possible. aparia aX h my uncle' in my | fallen on it. Having fon ie like buying catfish ; ascertain where | After a moment of deep silence I| after you have ut the head off there some hesita- | ventured to look timidly at the murder: | is not much left. A grocer advertises old time coffee, is one of the * has beans,' * #2 MORTGAGES BOUGHT. A. ~ HUBERT L. Office next to Ontario Benk Port Perry, May 10, 1885. t courage | er, and then--would you believe it, BEV. L.W. HILL, B A, Pastor. : Sabbath Services, 10:80 and 6:80. Week Evening Service. Thursday 7:30, Strangers welcome and conducted to seats. faction and "pri at did 1 osm did | that he deemed. quite satisfaction and pi h d ? Gn ay No ¢ Vigor care now for the terrors of the night 159% fact that J would have | laughed, and he iaughed too; & number of years, and it has always GRUBER train first, and be thought | both Ixughed till our eyes were fall of} iver, me satisfaction, It is an excel: I was confident that an illusion to}® i, 0 Ii by this stranger, whom | tears. Still, I suppose ho saw that I |lent dressing, prevents the hair from | Port Perry, April 26, 1880. : nary WILLC 0X & HOLT Church of the Ascension i X hu : > "the gentleman who is not very well y h r pepe ! i rd with ever | was rather ashamed of my follish con- | turning gray, insures its vigorous HEV. MR: FLEfCHER, PAsToR. would secure me the undisputed poss: ning fo rega . d y | [§ approbation, What good | guct, for as soon as he cou'd speak he growth, and keeps the scalp white ad he has : el 3 § Jro- Licensed HAuotioneers + Sands a NSossba 180, ession of the compartment. edi taki ¥ clean."--Mary A. Jackson, Salem, ) ETC Nt. John's Oh 1 * We were nearing Grantham, and in Deecm pot aking my Sue exclaimed -- Hey 9 Mass. (PRESBYTERTAN,) : a (few moments the train slackened wan engaging me "A capital idea ! Capital | and 80| yootor-- Well, how do you feel to: ee speed and stopped at the station. The |' Jersation well carried ont, too | I neversawany-| gop ¢ Patient--'l feel as it I had REV. RICHARD RereEuA%, BA. Paston pussengers waiting on the platform | co there opin great lurch thing so well done before.' been dead for a week. Doctor--'Hot, 'Week Evening Service; Thursday, 7:90. made for the second "and third class 9, and gost ugim dnd I said nothing, and was very glad|eh © Baptist Church. carriages, and I saw with great satis: al ad it re 00€ | 16 never asked any questions, for how Bronchitis, catarrh, asthma vanish Bs ---- faction that I was not likely to be E bead so en y 29 speed h could I have explained to him the|before the magic power of Johnson's . BEY, MR. rumor, Pastor. disturheds fo | he's ores § eri 3 the reason of my weak attempt to protect | Anodyne Liniment. i betinin, 6. War Services, 10: 0. in tones which unm - i Wells, D: i id ; een Bertie, Thursday, 30. myself! Toa ch ist frankness is the ells Druggist. +a Eoglsad tos, tor i | Tue Press 3 ft: 1 was watching intently | ' "gr popeq me to gather ther all i istics : of life froth that mysterts elped gather toge most amiable of human chacteristics ; | long time, unable to astend to lis oct (NEW YORK) FOR 1892. 4 3 The train was on the point of start: my belongings, and we restored the | he delights in hearing men acknow- Po him Ayer's Almanac snd a tess ni | Ras Daliy Circulation than any other : Rapebiioun Newsparer in America, ing when a stalwart figure rushed carriage to something like order again. | ledge the corn. timonials it contained induced him to - DAILY. ; SUNDAY. WEEKLY. across the platform with hat-box, gus Inatinawce Co'y. & Loxpon InsuraNCE Co'y Hair manent A Ayer's S i which h duced wonderful results, Soon commencing to take the could see an Improvement in my condition, my appetite i return and with it came the Be to digest all the food taken, my mrengih improved each d8y, aud after a months of faithful attention to" your directions, I found myself a well woman, ahle to attend to all household duties. The medicipe has given me a now lease of. lite, and I cannot theule ou too much: s 4 yd IW, the undersienéd, citizeds of Brockway Centre, Mich., hereby certify that the above statement, made by Mrs. Lake, is true in every particular and entitled to full credence."--O. FP. Ww. ng, C. A« FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO AND 7 SOWNSHIP OF CARTWRIGHT. Valuators, &c., &c. REAL ESTATE A SPECIALTY. * Sale Bills made out and Blank Notes furnished free of eharge, Satisfaction guar: was 'all right,' but did not appear tol: notice my recumbent companion; which was fortunate, for it might have been 3 awkward had he asked to see the gen- That young preacher we 'heard to- tieman's ticket. day was a fine pulpit orator, wasn't he? ¢Yesif he could only control pot look at the rash speaker. | yo 1) laughing quietly as he put la. Alter using is his voice, He woke mo twice during case, rugs, &o., followed by a panting {* ar er's Sarasa) + a little while, he was cured, and is now ¥ heard his confused and my dressing -bag into the net, while a well man, working in a sugar mill. fapology, for 1 feared instant |; porter staggering under the weight of cartridge: cases. at Brisbane, Queensland, Anstralia." -- promptly hid the pillow behind me, A. Aftewell, Sharbot Lake, Ontario. but I managed to answer | ci. 0 very thankful that the whole NEWSPAPER POR THEMASSES I watched this sportsman with some Remoy ; Founded December 1st, 1657, interest, for what woman does not y 1 : hci: | ede mit Ryer's Sarsapariiig il Please don't make a noise en vs toot to talk. for this. o- the sermon." ; y a ap / : cident had made us feel like old friends. | Mv. John A. Oumpbell, St. Sixte,] pr, 4, c. Ayer & Co. Lowel, Mass. SENET Cirealati in 00 | admire a man of fine statue and this ny o the 10 I over 100,000 Copies specimen was at least six feet tw I Establish: . ~~ DAILY. broad in proportion. But to : CL -- Republican Journal : Asgrossive Revy ah Que., writes :--"My wife wos unwell | "pig; six bottles, 95. Worth 854 bottle. ju the organ of no faction; pulls | fron: n distance and to cowie : : : : py : Ella=~(at the opera)--There's Char- to its former position.-- h ised He | lief: Seed Dr. Williams' Pink Pills 4 3 + e had recogn we at.onee.. Tel, ised procured boxes and | lie Slim and T do. believe hu's got on stick up properly, until 1 said a great many very nice things, Vertisttly two boxes A od it for its stupidity. : the result is & permanent cure. They } Harry Saunders' cont. x to ssp bt fat iw shop ; oi and we had a lovely talk. are the best medicine in the world for| Fanny--Nonsense! He wouldn't I was actually quite sorry when we|the diseases you represent them for. | porrow a dress coat. for four years from irregular periods, o} brought about by a severe cold. She ------ A quarters with such an imposing fe are two very different things, and, ] could not succeed in restor-|y of the Filbert-Jones', and that| tried. many remedies, but without' re rror; I saw this two eyes were reached Edinburgh. There was just time enough to introduce him to my father, who had coihie to meet me, and ely | Mr. Middleton--that's Hugh--asked Sold by all dealers. Doctor--'My dear madam, there is nothing the . matter" with you. You only need rest." 'But, dooter, just Ella (excitedly)--Don't you suppore I know: that right sleeve! Why, you use a common caly pipe might be allowed to oul in 8 daY |1o0k at my tongue' * Needs rest, t00,| ie who hd j mid little Emily, in surprise te! you promised me with me Ha told mie HE 'Ime it was very unladylike to pick up eno : a with people one knew nothing of while children, my pet. got ott at | travelling--as if I had not done every AY > as

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