For nearly a week the fact has been patent to the officials of the Inland Revenue Department in this city that in | J. B!Blair, the accountant, had shaken Books Covumtion and proofs ERIE MEDICAL CO., 2 ° BUFFALO, N EE --------R------------ Peddler (opening his pack)--I am introdneing into this neighberhood ma- "dam, a little book on House wife (slamming the door in his face)--T don't need anything! A Peddler (loud enough for all the neiglibors to hear)--A little book on ; manners, madam, but you don't soem to need any. Good afternoon! -- te Life is Short1--Get your eye- Might TESTED, {mproved Or RESTORED ng SpEOTACLES o Digs- wl 'Bows of which are 'stamped in gold with the name "Boss" and the "number of spectacle. No better spec- tacles made. Forty dozen of spectacles to select from, from 25 cents up to $6, Ar Disrrip"s Plumduff -- Has widow auy property { Benson--Yes considerable. Plumduff--Real estate or personal | Benson--Personal, She has six * children. augers "Consumption Cured. An old ician, retired from practice, be in his hands by ab East that charming on and radical il ty and all Nervons Com- 3 a elt it FT make it known to his ¥ fellows. Actuated by this motive human suffering, I Chee np nh fo Comin the dust of Toronto from his feet. The matter was, if not intentionally | ao suppressed, at least kept as quiet as possible. From inquiries made at the Revenue office it seems that Blair's fellow em- ployes know but little beyond the bare fact that he has not been seen in the office since Friday night last, and that nothing has been heard of him since either directly. or indirectly. The recent suit for alimony in which he was the defendant is still fresh in the minds of the public. His wife, who is suing for $20 a week ali- money, was granted $5 a week interim alimony by the court, and so incensed was Blair by the award that he 'was frequently heard by some of his more intimate acquaintances to say that he would skip before he paid her a d----d cent. No attention was paid to 'his threat, however, as it wing put toward the hdd of his week and is now believed tobe in Buffalo. He was separated from "his wife, and lived at 31 Spruce street, having with him his little girl, and it is presumed that he has taken her with him. He has left behind him a small legacy cf debts which consist for the most part grocers, tailors anc butchers' bills, but as the combined 'amount of them would not have been sufficient to cause him any serious inconvenience his sudden dis- appearance cannot be for want of money. Blaircame to this city from Hamilton about three years ago, and during his brief stay here made a number of friends of the class that are sometimes known as * High-rollers." He was in receipt of a hry of $1,400 a year -|and was in every respect a model book- keeper. Indeed it is doubtful if there was a more expert accountant in the city. His great fault was an appetite for strong drink. This at tines interfered with his duties; ao'that he was brought into unpleasant contact with his supre- rior officers. His fr.ends deplore the course he has 'taken, and the situation was described aptly by one this morn- ing, who smd: + Blair can trot round the country * lfor a long while before he will get arey- | another job at $1,400 a year. Why, he has been in the Inland Revenue Department for twenty or twenty-one years, and ul he only kept straight there's no telling what he might have risen to. nna Blair has a farm out in the country hich in said to: be very valuable.-- i An Inland Revenue Olerk Takes His Departure: HE Undersi; aiaienst re in the #0 announce that lie has removed his business to thi OND BLOCK""--one door eastof Diesfeld's as largely increased his stockof WINES AND LIQUO and has now on hand a fine assortment, in all lines, 'Wholesale and Retail Hotelkecpers supplied at. Toronto and Montreal Pi [freight saved. In stock, fine brands, Wines and Liguorsfor Medicinal Purposes. Prices to suit the times. A call solicited. £2 Parcels delivered to any part of the Corporation, of 0 Prince Albert. n ester, free of charge. Port Perry, April 3, 1590, NEW FURNITURE |. The Subscriber wishes to return thanks to his customers for the Ii since the fire, and is bgtter prepared to furnish all requi the Furniture line, good and cheap. NEW P Having added new pectfully invite inspection of my Stock. Just arrived a sples and Marble Mouldings for picture framing and all kinds of HOLIDAY PRESENTS. My Todiakisg Dipartnul is replete with everything necessary for furnishing Funerals. Charges reason- able. One door West of the Post Offies Jewelery ar Oy i Regulates the Stomach, Liver and Bowels, unlocks 'the Secretions,Purifiesthe "Blood and removes all im~ purities from a Pimple to theworst Scrofulous Sore. Kind. of SORE, U known salve. Tits ivi Bo 'render it invaluable in all , THROAT AND CHEST DISEASES, and Asthing, ree ng Bronchitis, ing; Gland visting the excruciating tortures RHEUMATISM, GOUT, ind NEURALGIA iis surpassed. Tt ever §e ad gry sposien of ails to remove kin disease. "The Pills and Ointment are Manafactured only at vs, Now Oxford 8t. (ate 533, Oxford Bt.) London ; fem En yer language. Purchasers. 2 the Tad j the Pots and Boxes. a La TL Gxt iret, Landon, thy sre Emerson Bros. {Planing Mills| PORT PERRY ' TE Ridwribers 'hog beg to announce the they arc now prepared to manufactara | SASH, STAIR RAILS, STATR BRACKETS, BANNISTERS, NEUEL POSTS, - MOULDINGS, 4, GREAT VARIETY,