Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 6 Oct 1892, p. 1

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PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. J-- 361 YEAR, NO, 5}- sr -- Professional Cards. acai the ow Hall. Port Pe b] ite the Town Hal ort Perry. #2 Telephone in Office. Oct. 2, 1890. : D% CLEMENS, Physician, Surgeoti and C6 and Residence CHER, nu LDC} . Victoria versity 3 M.B. University the College of Phygiciane ad Jnt.| Licentiat he Royal wud Joh streets, opposite Catholic Church. Office hours--9 to 11 a.m., and 2 to 5 p.m, nd evenings. '" Port Perry, Feb. 17, 1891. DR. E. C. McDOWELL, SUCCESSOR TO DR. HAMILL, D., Master of Surgery, Victoria Uni- . versity; Licentiate of Royal College of Physians, London, Eng., Member of Col- lege of Physicians & Surgeons, Ontario. -- Late attendant of Soo Hospital for Diseases of women, and of G wat Ormond Hospital for Diseases of Children, London, Eng. Physician, Surgeon, &c., Office hours--8 to 10 a. m., 1 to 4 p, m.; and evenings. Office and residence, Dr. Hamill's old stand, Queen St., - - Port Perry. YOHN BILLINGS, 'Solicitor, Notary ¢J Public, Conveyancer, &c. Solicitor or the Ontario Bank. ar Office over the Ontario Bank, Port Perry. Jan, 29, 1887. E. FAREWELL, L. L. B., County +) , Crown Attorney, Barrister, County Sol- ecitor, &c., Notary Public and Conveyancer, Otfice--South wing Court House, Whitby, Ont. GG YOUNG SMITH, L L. B., Barrister, . Attorney-at-Law,Solicitor in Chancery and Insolvency, Notary Public, &¢ Office--McMian's Block, Brock Street, Whitby. J. A. MURRAY, DENTIST, now patting in Upper and Lower Sets of Teeth at from $4 T0 $75 EACH SET. Having just purchased the largest stock of teeth ever brought into North Untario [am satisfied I can suit youn both as to quality and price. Come and see. Rooms in the Blong Block, over Messrs, Forman & Son's Store. Port Perry, Oct, 28, 1891. Veterinary Surgeon. HE undersioned having completed his T full Course at the Provincial Veterinary College and obtained a Diploma as Veterin- ary Surgeon, would annouuce that he has 6pened an office for the practice of his pro- fessionat Port Perry, where all callspersonal by letter or telegram, by day or by nigh will be promptly attended to. All discases of avimals trea n the Jatest and best known system. Telephone connection--free of charge. gi ORR GRAHAM. Port Perry, April 8, 1884. RADUATE Ontario Veterinary Col- Western Bank ; OF CANADA. Port Perry Agency Savings Bank Department. Deposits received at the highest current d rates, Interest calonlated an cach depositor semi-annually. W. McGILL, MANAGER. credited to Port Perry, April 4, 1888. Way Cove HEN a few doses of Ayer's ~ Pectoral will relieve you? Try it. Hoge. You (re Jute to ve a Col at any time, and no other 1s me to acknowledge the ts I have derived for my children from the use of Ayer's most excellent Cherry, Pectoral. I had lost two dear children! from croup and consumption, and had the greatest fear of losing my only re- ghter and son, as they were appily, I find that by givin herry Pectoral, on the firs DAVID J.ADAMS, PORT PERRY. BANKER AND BROKER Good Notes Disounted. Has any amount of Money to Loan At B per cent. on good Mortgages. INSURANCE effected at the Lowest Rates in Good English Companies. £7" Agent Allan Line of Steam- ships. Port Perry, Oct. 17, 1889. WHE Subscriber is prepared to LEND ANY AMOUNT on Farm Seourity AT 6 PER CENT. #2 Also on Village Property. £7 MORTGAGES BOUGHT. TA HUBERT L. EBBELS, Barrister, Office next to Ontario Bunk. Port Perry, May 10, 1885, 'WM. EDMETT, Insurance and General Agent, Toprmae CF Fro Meee Companies : Fire, LIFE AND ACCIDENT. NortHERN Assurance Co'y. PrENIX Instrance Co'v. C s' Grascow & LoNpoN INsuraNce Co'y Port Perry, April 26, 1880. WILCOX & HOLT Licensed Auotioneers FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO AKD TOWNSHIP OF CARTWRIGHT. Valuators, &c., &c. REAL ESTATE A SPECIALTY. Sale Bills made out and Blank Notes furnished free of charge. Satisfaction guar- antee or no pay. Ferms liberal. W. M. WiLLcox, Prrer Horr, Port Perry. Manchester. Aug. 22, 1887. © WM. GORDON, Licensed Auctioneer, Valuator &c. OR. the Townships of Brock, Uxbridge, { "Scott, Thorah, Mara, Rama, Mariposa lege, Toronto. Office and residence | 4nd Eldon JvERGREEN COTTAGE, two miles south of i ] n Manohester. 14 years. practice. . Tele-| rely on the ntmsot attention being given to Partics entrusting their Sales to me may hone in the house--free communication | phejr intrests. Xith Port Perry, Manchester, and clevator. WM. GORDON, nd Telegraph calls to Manchester will be for- warded by iejsphone, All Veterinary | Medicines in stoc| Evergreen Cottage Jan. 2, 1888. '} "Livery Removal | A Weekly Political, Agricultural and Family Newspaper, 1s PUBLISHED "AT EVERY THURSDAY MORNL. 9 : % Li Rates of For each line. first, ifisertion . Subsequent insertions, perline Cards. ander 6 lines, "per annum ... , 'Letters containing money, when ad re RORY PERRY, ONT. be] 0p post the R liberal patronage received during the a 4 0 Livery Establigh- North Ofttario Observer. |msyye Lieve kort a lives Ftc announcing that I have remov TO MY NEW PREMISES Aten desi Port Perry, July 21,1886. of throat or lung trouble, they ed from danger, and are bee coming robust, healthy children." "In the winter of 1885 I took a bad cold which, in spite of every known e, 80 that the family osing me to be in consumption. Asa st resort I tried Ayer's Cherry Pecto- ral, and, in a short time, the cure was complete. Since then I have never been without this medicine. of age, weigh over 180 tribute my good healt! ty Pectoral."--G.W.Youker, J "Last winter I contracted a severe cold, which by repeated exposure, be- with hoarseness and bronchial After trying various medi. cines, without relief, I at last purchased a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. taking this medicine, my cough ceased almost immediately, and I have beer well ever since."'--Iev. Thos. B. Russell, Holston Conference and P. E. reenville District, M. E. C., Byers Chery Pectoral, Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass, Price $1; six bottles,$5. A Fact ORTH knowing is that blood dis« eases which all other remedies fail to cure, yield to Ayer's Sarsaparilla, out, being able to wal iscomfort, and havin f, I saw by an advertise paper that a man had if. this distressing com- suffering, by taking his medicine, and took that it effected a com- 1 that T have since had no return of the disease." I. A. Stark, Nashua, N. H. yeing confined to my y system disordered in 1 commenced to use Ayer's and began to improve at in strength and soon re- covering my usual he: too much in praise of "I have taken a great deal of medi- 8 effects before I had can hat it is the best blood- medicine I know of." --L. W. Ward, 8r., Ryer's Sarsaparilla, Dr. J. GC. Aye: & Co., Lowell, Mass. | with plenty of room to rave in. Youf did that packing, by the way, ina manner peculiarly indicative of th ; six bottles, $5. Worth #5 a bottle. EARTILY thanking the public for the Prige#1; six bostlep IN QARANTINE., A Romaxce or Tue NORMANNIA L: Fire ISLAND. On the 26th of August Barry stood in his roo Gh ; Hamburg, with who was lounging on the bed apostro- phizing the cholesa for scaring all thé 'nice people' awny, sat up. 'Barry,' said he, 'you shock me. Never get angry. It's wearing, What's the matter? 'I am up a stump P 'How 7 ¢ Uncle Nathun is dead.' *Denr boy, I sympathise with you. But vven that hag its bright side." 'Sam,' and Barry looked at him with a bewildered stare, 'if I wern't | 80 puzzled I'd punch your irreverent | head, Uncle Nathan wasa very good sort. But, despairingly, 'Oh my, what a hole he's put me in! Hear this cable gram : NEw York, Aug. 24, 1892, To Barret Thorne, Grand Hotel : Uncle Nathan died midnight: Will makes you total heir if married within three weeks, otherwise all to charity. 'Yes,' said Durfee, sarcastically, and getting up at last, 'you are to be pitied youare! Half a million in cash end a quick wedding toa jolly girl ahead of you! Barry, yout ill luck is ex- cessive. But some of us wotldn't look so glum over it.' ¢ Sam," was Barry's contemptous re- joinder, * You are an ass.' 'Right. Go to the head. But why ? * You don't understand it at all.-- But--by George, I'll doit!' Here Barry began to rush wildly around the room, gathering up clothes, books and bric a-hrac and piling them indiscrim- inately into a trunk. 'em. After this Sam, being a good fellow and seeing that Barry was in earnest, trotted off to engage passage. They drove out to the big steamer's | dock in one of these peculiarly exas perating Hamburg coupes just in time to get themselves and their trunks on board. Sam had taken the bridal chamber--the only cabin left. They had many friends among the passengers, who were greatly surpris- ed to see them, but whose curiosity was appeased by Barry's announcement of his uncle's death. When they weat into their cabin to get rendy for their first dinner ou ship- Load SHI Lega Wik. eh! Well, I thought you'd be ® MY LIVERY! PHOTOS. ie ary $00 0 Do ailway Staticn tended premises and o business the public : 5 able : yroportion- Sam stopped fis remmaging. Pictures Copied and Eulargea H, McCAW, vik "go this Office, pre-paid and reg be at our risk. 5 Advertisem ts measured by No _ cupy. f-yeur 38 Ea wil onpariel, atid charged according to the space they oc- ¢ ed for ublieation c ovations. will bein : | and 'charged accordingly, Noi be taken out until paid A 1iboral disooan allowed to Merchants | "mud others who advertise by the year or will in all cages be strictly ad: Port Perry, Dec. 19, 1883. + to any desired size and finish- ed mn Crayon, Indian Ink, Yes, replied Barry contented! ARRIT TENSES, Port Perry Ont, i; AGE LICE , P Perry % 2 ; : Yor) "she knows her, and will perhaps Oil or Water Colors. New SCenery |lersiises so ; i There you go again. Isn't it All Work guaranteed to give Satisfaction Constantly on hand a fine nssoftment of | threo weeks. AMES ¢& A LEONARD. Port Perry my 'tooth brush jusk now in your 4 « [3 list, Finally he broke oot 'with : © Ah, that relieves me. Js ¢ she was to stay in Hamburge IT all, now, and forgive you. Bless ary chil --' me whera she is. prise. 'No: It's Molly Cook, CooksNowBarbrshop "Right Our Mistake ing to was very de er to marry you in I love her and a good run we'll reach New York Will Sam waited a moment before he What 'Queer fellow, Sam He stayed in the cabin most ime and Barry's feeble witti- about seasickness good natur- let his beard grow, sAhP said Saw, 'I see it has ut time, wan very jolly. He fle playing shuffleboard and 1s a death in the second cabin. ad man was buried at sea. -- f retired to his eabin, usually quiet and had & hag- ok about him that he explained ing he had a headache, was very Miss Rollinson and her could le | ed of them to make the invalid Sam, for some reason or Barry couldn't under seemed to resent Barry's friend- or Miss Rollinson. ised him by saying : Barry, old chap, dou u are making a mistake ? ow, what do you mean 7 ith Miss Rollinson. to you, Barry--I would't say this idu't know you so well--doesn't m to you that you wre just a le Lit too good friends T ! said Barry, surprised girl, and T like tell you whenwe get started. 1f you love me help me catch the Normannia, [t's now 4, She sails at 6. Get the tickets ; get two ; go> with me. 1f you can't get first cabin take steerage ; if the steerage is full tell 'em we'll sleep in the galley stove; but get 'em, get Sam, who 't you think his ankle and gave it n tw him wince with pain. 'If it wasn't Doesn't it Slie's an awfully nice 8 immensely ; but if you mean-- if mean that I am--am leading her When 1 intend to marry some clse, Rose Rollinson d no quicker think of falling in '(Georgeous quarters for a Tuna advanced state of your mania. I fount 8am interrupted him, 'I wasv't iking of Rose Rollinson,' said be. | },ce done it I will do that, tro. wi) ll on mort, hadi thar Ion! wonderful cures worked by Pink Pills, It Suthers Reo pri on believe you and told my folks to get me some. 1 use am a ) : "14 | had vot taken them long when 1 found now pat the Wits Ro 3 the myself improving, and this determined you will some hd i tha Wg ie tn contmue their use. 'My strength RR i co by Ai gradually returned, the,muscles of my they remnined that way or Th arm and leg became invigorated *ud ith TE sflowoe with a nervous lnogh.---- stronger, and J w18. able to sit vp. KX ir . : . Py can's expect a man With | myo 0 i iad ib Tepe gaining strength waa wt foe J was i ¢ : : able to go about, and finally to return when there is a jolly girl | way of getting me off this accursed to my old place at the" sash and door 0X Barry didn't 'answer, but devote ; hom were you thinking of 7 himself to goiug over the passen ; as thinking of Molly Cook. o marry her 1 don't think | © right to be so thick with You're the last |separated brothers. ik of preaching. Don't be kle to sit her all day and | ygeful come in and read to him. said Sam slowly--'if 1 it a girl as pretty, as sweet Commendable. All claims not consistant with the s0 strong as formerly. You can see nd Ty Oo Fig | my vight aren, which was withered, 1s ently yet promptly setbe the exs : purposely avoi y the . om dneys, i i : Syrup, Company. It nots gently on od out a muscular limb, which would ah fers WEE Jer wy the kidneys, liver and bowels, cleans have done credit to a blacksmith. In ing the system effectually, but > is not reply to the reporter Mr. Sands said he said | a cure-all and rakes no prefensions) yoo pe pis tronble had been rout that every bottle will not substantiate. | =p ough exposure to the Sra i ---- as Molly Cook loved me, 'want to talk to any woman That is,' he added hastily, Rollinson you're chasing up? A she the one you're going to mArry. + Rose Rollinson 1' said Barry in. 30: almost. think; ithout me, wouldn't you, ve (o depend upon you to in; the st ro nd the passengers began to get nervous. Within forty-eight hours, though, land evident before (he Narrows were reach- was whispered ull through the first was a gteained tone in them; Lut|cholera, There was no panic, only al Barry, fall of his own worriment, did ness ordinarly seen among ship's pass 'Do your think, Barry, that 'Molly |engers on the day of arrival. will be buppy with you ® * Why, yes, Sam ; I hope so. made you ask that question ¢ Oh, nothing ; only I will help you' the night and had kept to his cabin. The 'next two cor three days were ed, 'if there is cholera on board we'll) unusually [be quarantined. If we are quarantin- tined that settles my prospects for Barry, | tind Molly's address.' wire." One day he marry her or any one else? This #1 had no effect. 1 still got steadily | awful.' In his excitement he forgot| worse, and about a mouth before! ist that made X i clisgmber longer than ever. Sam went ay in Rome [out shortly after théy caine, and when el then, and he returned anuounced that there had 1 been a death in the first cabin. It pressing. That same day : 5 itl was sighted and everything else was Anyway,' forgotten, By daylight the Norwnan- I can't find her Idon't nia was iu the lower bay. It was ed that something wnusual had hap- I haven't [pened in the harbor. Half a dozen If we make | big steamships were lying off Fort Wadsworth, dnd from tue of them a yel- We can bo in|low flag was flying. The Ncrmannia isn't [slowly came to anchor off quarantine find out where she is from | station, nud before the doctors puffed her aunty' It'll bea big job to do in|out in a stuffy little steam tug and three weeks but if you go with me and | boarded Ler. Long before the inspec- help me: X think I can doit.' | and sought out Mr. Sands for the pur-| tion of steerage passengars was over it | 32 years of age, and when met by the and second cabins of the Lig ship that spoke. When the words came there | the deaths had, after all, been from general quieting down of the hilarious- Sam carried the news to Barry, who had been in a good deal of pain during | at first Barry was not particularly in- Without another word he walked out | terested. He had not been afraid of the cholera in Hamburg and he did not thought | propose to let it frighten him in 'But he is a giant | America. But suddenly a thought ap palled him. Mercy, Sam," he excloim- A few moments later Sam came very badly worried. telegram ashore before to-morrow. 1| months ago these twitching fits Wer suppose they are afraid,' he laughed nervously, that we'll send contagion by you grasp the situation ¥ This will rob | attend: me not only of the money, but of Molly, too. Don't you see that if 1 am as poor As A church mouse--and 1 | right arm and leg entirely ; my right | ee em shall be if Uncle Nathan's money goes : to the Society for the Prevention of | partially paraiyzed. Cruelty to House Flies--I can never | f A GLENGARRY MIRACLE Jess case and re = kno Mr. Jam ' Wonderful Re Tae a Health, Be is R. THREE YEARS.OF PARALYALE, 1¥: Smith BONERS, HEL Us) ai but act directly upon the nervee, supplying those constituents re: quired to enrich the former und sti. ulate and restore the latter. sii SOR For all d scases depending upon wn. am. | vitinted condition of the blood, or ster, w.Il knowii and extremely popular | shattered nerver, they are an unfailing throughout thé country side, and his| Tomer Buch diseases fa these illness aud wonderful recavery have | {PoC Yield to their treatment, been--indecd still are--the chief topics Se vi or ig: parti paralysis, in thy town and neighborhocd. The | 2 ! 1 dance, neuralgia, rheuma story f his miraculous cure having 18m, sciatica, nervous prostratom, reached Ottawa, a member of The Free | "07 0" henduche, dyspepsing chronie, Press staff journeyed to Alexandria | CY pels, scrofula, ete, They are , | specific for the troubles peculiar to pose of ascertaining the truth of the | females, fren 1 Bh Rites, and. statements made regarding his re | restoring the functions, and in the case, . ! . .. | of men effi-ct a radical cure in all case covery. Mr. Sands isea slimly built, | nae nail cases A . | arising from over-work, mental worr but wiry-looking young man of nbout | 2 ' ory. J of excesses of my nature. Iu fact it [my | id v newspaper man the Lloom of health | ny Ve s1id of them who after having heen bed ridden for nearly twelye months, and his case pro- nounced incurable by Montreal and Alexandria doctors, is now restored to complete lienlth and strength. Mr. Jaunted Sands is a young te N "They come nga boon and a bleseing to me F was on his check and his whole frame | Rotor i: to henlth, Tite nud i hi showed signs of unimpaired vigor dnd These Pills are manufactured by the vitality. [ Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, The newspaper man-told Mr. Sands| Brockville, Ont., aud Schenectady, N. the ohject of his visit, and the latter | Y. and are sold in boxes (never in expressed his perfect wilhngness to loose form hy the dozen or. hundred give all the facts connected with his| and the public are cautioned against case. "1 wns," said Mr. Sands, "a|numerous imitations sold in this shape), complete wreck, given up by the|at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for doctors, but now F am well and strong | 22 50, and may be had of all druggists again, and gaining strength every day, | or direct by mail from Dr. Williams' I was born in Lancaster in 1860, and | Medicine Company, fromeither address. up to three years ago I was always | Tha price at which these pills are sold healthy and strong, living in the open | make a course of treatment cqmpar- air and being well-known throughout |atively inexpensive as compared with the whole county of Glengarry. It! other remed'es or medical trestment. was in the winter of 1888-89 that I| first fe't signs of incipient paralysis. | . I was then teamster for the tach Tad Something That . Will Hold door factory here, and had been ex. | Vater. posed to all kinds of weather. I then | n ----- good. Try to telegraph, can't yout} experienced violent twisting cramps in| "Your husband has started n great Telegraph, everywhere anywhere to|my right hand, TI was in Cornwall | many enterprises; I believe 1" that winter when the first stroke fell, | "He has." and remained there for three days he- fore I knew anybody atall. A medical wan was called in but could do nothing "How has he succeeded ?' witniled in everything." * Too bad ¥' ! hyped hotel gine hpme and | PEC rd 4 bay 4 " pi mice i we "even get' "8 ceded tho stroke. UP tog tite, | Bat lie Jay got liold of something the only symptoms 1 suffered from. | } mt --- Then in August, 1891, when I was in| The aim in the manufacture of, 3 . og I sustained | \[essrs. Tuckett & Son * Myrtle Navy Huntingdon village | | tobneco is to develop and retain the second stroke, and remained uncon «But what on esrth shall T do? Do! scious for about eeven hpurs. A doctor | yaturnl aroma of the tobacco. This «1 me and I recovered sufficient | requires great skill and a knowledge [1y to be brought home. After my re {of very interesting chemical laws, but turn home the paralysis steadily gain | the results attained are vastly superior ed on me, and I lost the use of my | to all forms of Aavoring extracts, {eye was distorted and my tongue Fashion Notes: I was prescribed | 2 or by an Alexandrina physician, whose | Reilliant red, with black trimming, treatment I carefully followed, but it | is popular. Changeable silk umbrellas are shown | for autumn use. New plaited waists and Llouses are elaborately finished with feather stitch: Christmas lust, I went to the English hospital at Montreal. Prof. Stuart | and all the doctors came aronnd we, for this accursed ankle of mine I'd get ne mine was a curious cnse, and the | ing. slip overboard some way. Any do it, old chap 7 R ship.' [ro BE CONTINUED ] id Sam, as he quickly _ The donkey is the longest lived of | ght is is entively to Dr. Williams' | S600 tion and ear bis old seb a8 pos; domestic animals, resume I am & crank, Ak _-- ng been in love myself. : Lise, you eooid Be. lu There can be no heelth of either! put without the slightest avail, After mind or body so long as the blood is| heginning Pink Pills I began to mend, gitinted. Cleanse the vital current |gnd they have made a new man of me." | fc 1 from nll" impurities' by the use of| The newspaper man then ealled on} Any rel except actually Ayer's Sarsaparilla. This medicine re- | Messrs, Ostrom Bros. & Co, widely | have it 1 gam | cruits the wasted energies, strengthens | known druggists, and interviewed their | srorp the nerves, and restores health to the] representative, Mr. Smith as to his| go try debilitated system. (it was the sixth day : eT avd her mother| Ripans olen cure Butea, (a invalid io the bridal Rima abules. for liver froubles, | Sunds atid Tarts Say, Sammy, can't you do it? It|.ould give me no satisfaction, siems ns if it would be casy enough to|not ap ex- questioned some of them, but they told | Handsome silks are brocaded with pense you know. I wouldwt ack you in the hospital a mouth, without the if 1 badiy got a game leg. Can't youl ange improvement, and was then Sam's banter had been missing for geveral days. There was nota trse | lof it now. 'He went across the cabin [and took Parry's hand. * Barry, old lege that I could not turn myself in | vo | chap, said he, Sf there is any such | bed. Meantime I had tried ail sorts | brig thing in the look as getting ashore to night I'M do it, nnd if there is any such as finding Mo!ly Cook after T The London mint has an electric | restoration. Besides the medical treat-| heqlthy an macliine which counts the coins. ashore quarantine or no quarantine. professor treated me. All the doctors | Gineh silks, fn two or more colors, and did | retmade up with wool goods into com pear to understand my case. } | vination{ suits. ow less case. | remained : me it was a hopeless cas tiny rose bu ls, and look very quaint and old fashioned. brought home, and remnined in my Suits of white linen duck will be bed till May day. © had constarti ory ly fashionable girls ant women | medical advice, but continued to gro | yy ril quite Jate in the season: worsg and worse. My right wm withered and I grew so weak and use Early autumn millinery shows soni" | v ry stylish sailor hats with gray and It colored quills and win 8. patient medicines without the least effect. In May I saw an advertise ment of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills in [ the papers, and said 1 would try them as a last resort. I had head of th yrupdhi /4 I still continued taking the Pills and factory. 1 gave up the Pills for a while, but, did not feel so well, sol again began their use. I now feel as Both the method and results when i itis of Figs is taken; Plessnt well as ever, though perhaps not quite freshing 1 {he 3, cleanses Fig now all right," and Mr. Sands stretch. iver and nd fevers and cures aches and of «1 am completely satisfied," said be, ceptable to the Pink Pills that I ows my wonderfull| ofuots pre ment T had tried electricity and patent | 1 anyexcellentqu medicines, both internal and external, | to all and have tly for any knowledge of the case. Mr. Swit : Qy was fully conversant withthe facts, CALIFORNIA fig ; and vouched for thé stary fold by Mr. Sinden cam it Tis hope LOUISVILLE, KX. tem effectually, dispels colds, head,

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