Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 6 Oct 1892, p. 4

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& sefore the council and explained" that 3; healso nsked the council to give him power to fill and gravel portions of con. 3; near Blackwater as the road had been washed out. ed by Mr. Gibls, the reeve was in- strocted to grant his order on the treasurer in favor of Wm. Kinney, fon council and explained that the street _commission ® of Sunderland did not The international Christian En. . | deavor convention, which is to be held in Montreal next year, is already en: gaging the attention of a strong local committee in this city. Applications have been received from 12 state de- legntions, aggregating 9,000 persons, and it is expected that 20,000 or 30,000 delegates will be present. including a large number from all parts of Canada. To accommodate this large nuniber, the committee place their reliance chiefly on the Ohristinn homes of the city, as the hotel accommodation is far from adequate, They ure issuing cir culars to the church-going public re- garding entertainment of delegates. Later on another circulur will be issued to the general public asking for ac: commodation in boarding houses, and, as a last resort, every available space on Saturday, Sept. 10: ous, resent: Reve Shier, Deputy man and W. J. Gibbs. utes of last meeting read by the Ald; on motion, were adopted. unication wes read from rus Eyo, clerk of Georgina, r. Kenny; of Black water, appeared lack ache, ing e hand put ii a new culvert on' con. Councillors Brethour and Umphrey entered and took their seats at thel iy po eed i east 10. jnganit A-death unl The in colleges, public institu- 4 y, anldeath unless cure. 1 Board, tions, steambonts sleeping cars, etc. speibgioe ital foros having lost ita tension, On motion of Mr. Vrooman, second-| Montreal has a great task on hand, but will probably prove equal to the occasion, St ---------- A Trying Season. 'The variable weather of October is reranner ge cold in ma; ount being for aJeulvert built dist 3, opposite lot 12. came bofors the ! Sold by a tage paid, on receipt of 50c. for small or $1 for large size bottle, by addressing G. T, Fulford & Oo., Brock: ville, Ont, x 5 h or in favor of W. J, Gibbs, for 5, for 93 loads of gravel. Mr. Thos. Welch came before the consider the amount granted enough to build the drain on Main street. A lengthy discussion followed. Messrs. Woodward and Fairman came before the council about a gravel pit. Rev. G. W. Dewey came before the council and asked to have the use of the town hail on Monday, Sept. 12th. The council agreed to let the temper- @nce people have the use of the hali to discuss the best methods of introducing the local option temperance by-law. Mr. John Brethour came before the council and asked to be. compensated for turnpiking washout on townline between Brock and Scott. On motion of Mr. Brethour, second- ed by Mr. Gibbs, the reeve was in: structed to grant his order on the .troasurer in favor of Allin McLean, 21.10 for 42 loads of gravel supplied the municipality of Brock ; also Wm. Preston, $11.45 for 229 loads of gravel. On motion of Mr, Umphrey, second. ed by Mr. Viooman. the clerk of this municipality was instructed to notify the council of the Township of Scott, that Brock council has exceeded the original grant by $5.80 on townline, A Piano for Nothing. The new management of TaE CAN- ADIAN QUEEN make the following lib. eral offers to advertise their high-class Ladies' Journal, which will be made more attractive than ever. To the largest list of words constructed from the letters contained in the word +ExceLsior," will be given ABSOLUTELY FREE of expense, one of Mason & Risch FINE TONED HIGH GRADE UHRIGHT Piano. To the two next largest lists one Lapy's Gop WarcH each, To each of the next five largest lists one Sewing MacHINE (VALUE $40). To each of the next ten largest one beau- tiful Five O'crock TEA Ser, and to ench of the next ten largest lists one 1uporTED OPERA Grass. Ih addition to this offer we will give a special prize to the first list received each day. Seud at once ten cents for a sample copy of Tne QUEEN containing rules. Tue Queen Pusuwsmye Co, Ltn, Toronto, Canada. 80! ly ------e A Lauerville man has a steel pen that he has used for twenty-seven years For wounds and inflammations, Jobnson's Anodyne Liniment is heal- Brock and Scott, and request Scott |g and soothing. time | council to grant an order in favor of | Itissaid that the skin of an elephant | fored™yy conan Thos. Reid for half of the ,above|usually takes about five years to tan. Raman, Barat is soll by amount emery price 80 conta and $1.00) y ] FULFORD & CO,, Mr. T. H. Glendinning came before Worse and Weaker. Brockviile, Ont. GeNTLEMEN,--I suffered for three days very severely from summer complaint and cou'd not get relief but kept getting worse and worse till the pain was almost unbear- able and 1 became very weak. Some friends advised Dr, Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw- berry, and after I had taken the first dose I found mmeh relief and it did not fail to cure |v me. I do vot intend to be withoot this valuable medicine if I can helf it. Wau. T. GrynN, Wilfred, Ont. et the council and explained that he had succeeded in getting the Mace children admitted to the Children's Orphan Home on St.. Mary's street Toronto. On motion of Mr. Umphrey, second- ed by Mr, Vrooman, the reeve was in- structed to grant his order on the treasarer in favor of T. H. Glendinn- ing, $19.84, said amount being for expenses in securing a home for the children of John Mace, an indigent; also providing clothing, car fare, nurso charges, cte,) On motion of Mr. Brethour, sccond- ed by Mr. Gibbs, the reeve was in- structed to grant his order on the treasurer in favor of Robt. Charter, for $12, for furnishing coffin, digging grave and Lurying one Mrs. John Mace, an indigent. On motion of Mr, Brethour, second" ed by Mr. Vrooman, Mr. W. J. Gibbs was appointed to act as commissioner on con. 8, opposite lot 21, to expend the amount set apart to do a road job | opposite said lot On motion of Mr. Brethour, second- ed by Mr. Gibbs, the reeve was in- structed to grant his order on the treasurer ia favor of Duncan Brown, $3, amount being for statute labor re- tarned agaiost Tot 23, con. 14, Brock, in 1891, apd collected from W. Ross. On motion of Mr. Vrooman, second- ed by Mr, Gibbs, the name of Wm. Moore was placed on the indigent list for the balanee of the year at $4 per wonth ; also Mrs. Tucker at §3 per month. s On motion of Mr. Brethour, second ed by Mr. Gills, the reeve was in- structed to grant his. erder in favor of Neil McNabb, $2.25, for repairing the Bidernd between lots 18 and 19. cou. 4. On motion of Mr, Umphrey, second- ed Ly Mr. Vroowan, the clerk was in stricted to procure a suitable "book to ecp a record of the births marriages oaths of the township of Brock, tion the council-adjourned. We are promised cape fichus with very long plaited points, some of them falling some dietance below the waist line, -- Better than Gold. GexrtLEMEN,--I have used Fowler's Ex- tract of Wild Strawberry for bowel com- plaint and can say there is no other remedy as good. Mgrs, James DENNISON, Lake Dora, Ont. a eet Among the semi-decorative garments for autumn wear are net lace jackets, t» be worn over waists of silk or fine wool goods. For Over Fifty Years. Mrs. WinsLow's Sootnine SYRUP has been used by millions of mothers for their children while teething. If disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and erying with pain of Cut- ting Tceth send at once and get a bottle of « Mrs, Winslow's Soothing, Syrup" for Children Teething. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about it. {t cures Diarrhoea, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in United States. . Price twenty-five cents a Lottle. Sold by all druggists throughout the world. Be sure and ask for 'Mrs, WiNsLow's So0rHING SYRUP," sight TESTED, improved or RESTORED by buying your SpecracrLis at Dies FELD'S, @ sell Spectacles which wiLL give comfort and strength to your Eye nnespreserve it. NO glimmering diz n | AT DiesreLp's oy WW ey "rouse the sluggish lives 'complaints it oni, ves evel x eran, Co ring the pation se] soundest health and i Great Weekly Ladies H i 4 Sma end -------------- Of the Lubon Medical Company is now at Toronto, either in'person or by letter onall ehvonic diseases or middle-aged, who find themselves nery- down from excess or overwork, resulting in many of the following symptoms: Mental depression, premature ofd age, loss of vital: 1, Joss of memory, bad dreams, dimness of sight, culiur sensation about the scrotum, wast- the eyes, twitching of the muscles, eye lids, and elsewhere, bashfulness, deposits in the urine, loss of will power, tenderness of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby muscles, desiro to sleep, failure to be rested by sleep, constipation, dullness of hearing, loss of voice, desire for solitude, excitability of tempery LEADEN CIRCLE, oily looking all symptoms of nervous debility that lead every who through abuse committed in ignorance address for book on all diseases peculiar to man. spel ship beats, hot head, dull strong, ra; beat it Ripans Ripans Tabules cure headache. Ripans Tabules : for torpid liver. Ripans Tabules cure jaundice. Ripans Tabules cure scrofula. Wait until you try Johnson's Anodyne Liniment my friend. an elephant's trunk. Oold in the Head and Ostarrhin all ite stages. SooTHING, CLEANSING, EALING. Instant Relief, ee The latest form of Russian blouse is This is worn with dark skirts of either silk or wool material. Uxbridge Whitby on Saturday, Life is Short l--&et your eyelid THOUSANDS IN REWARDS si ie i 1 the a rare every The Head Surgeon, Canada, and may be consulted uliar to men, Men, young, old, weak and exhausted, who are broken Palphution of the heart, emissions, of energy, pain in the kidveys, head- , pimples on the face or body, tohing or of the organs, dizziness, specks before surrounded with kin, ete., are sunken eyes WE SEND E WE be permanently cured, Send your Books sent free sealed. Heart ase, the symptoms of which are faint ips, numbness, palpitation, ushes, rush of blood to the in in the heart with beats pid and lar; the second heart ker than the fir ls, purple s Tab ules aro of great value, Ripans Tabules : a family remedy. ans Tabules prolong life. ans Tabules banish pain. Ripans Tabules. Ripans Tabules cure colic. Ripans Tabules cure the blues. Ripans Tabules cure dizziness. Ripans Tabules: nleasant lavative Chinamen dislike water as a drink, A Cincinnatian is the proud posses- |" r of a pink diamond. 'Wholesale Hotelkeepers supplied freight saved. : 3 In stock, fine brands, Wines and Li Prices to suit the times. #2 Parcels delivered to any part of ester, free of charge. Port Perry, April 8, 1800, M A call sol wonto and Montreal Prices-- oration, or to Prince Albert and Manet n ved. his business to that fine Diesfeld's Jewelery Store-- ortment, in all lines, d Retail ! HAS A WORLD-WIDE REPUTATION, edicinal Purposes, "Oh, bosh! A patent medicine." Thimbles madgof lava are extensive- used in Naples. \ There are about 40,000 muscles in Itis & certain and spesdy eure for Permanent & Cure, Failure Impossible. d diseases are simply at Many so-ealle h, uch a hea NEW NEW FURNITURE The Subscriber wishes to return { since the fire, and is better pre the Furniture line, good and chi pectfully invite inspection of m and Marble Mouldings for picture My Underoking. Doping is replete with everything necesss furnishing Funerals. Charges able, : ks to ck. ing to furnish all requiring anything ir. Having added new Store Rooms, 1 res PRESENTS. NEW PRICES his custémers for the liberal support Just arrived a splendid lot Gilt and all kinds of frames suitable for nade of very elegant brocaded. silk, | The Whitby lacrosse team defeated by 2 games to none at een emer emer 6th HALF-YEARLY COMPETITION The most Interesting Contest ever offered by The Canadian Agri- culturist. One Thousand Dollars in Cash, a Pair of Handsome Shetland Ponies, Carriage and Harness, and over two thousand other valu- able prizes for the Agricullurist's brightest readers! Who will have them? According to the usual custom fopagome yenrs past the publishers of THE AGR! UIST now offer their Sixth Half) early Literary Competition, This grand Com petition will, no doubt, be the most gigantic and successful one ever presented to the people of the United 'States and Canada. One Thousand Dollars in cash' will be paid to the person sending jn the largest list of English words constructed from letters in the words "The Canadian Agriculturist." Five Hundred Dollars in cash will be given to the second largest list. A Handsome - Pair of Bhétland Ponies, Carriage and Harness, will be given for the third largest list. Over one thousand additional prizes award- ed In order of merit: One Grund Plano, $300 0 n, $100 Piano; Dinner Sets; Ladies Gold Watches; Silk Dress Patlerns; Portiere Curtains; Silver Tea Services; Tennyson's Poems, bound In cloth ; Dickens in 12 volums, bound in cloth, ete. As there are more than 1000 prizes, any one who takes the Lrouble to prepare an ordinary good list will not fail (9 receive a vauabie Prize. This is the biggest thing in the om. petition line that we have ever placed before the public, and all who do not take put will miss an opportunity of a life time. RULES--]., A letter cannot be used oftner than it appears In the words "The Canadian Agricultarist," For Ingta the wo vogg' could not he used, as t but one n the three wards. 2 Words having more than one meaning but spelled the same can be used Names of places and persons rors will not lovalidate a list-- the wrong words will simply not be counted. Each list must contain one dollar to pay for glx month's subscription to THE AGRI- conrurisT, If two or more tie, the largest 11st which bears the earliest postmark will take the first prize, and the otl.ers.will receive rizes in order of merit, United States money add stamps taken at par. The object in offering these magnificent rizes Is to introduce our popular magazine nto new homes, In every partofthe American continent, = Every eompetifor encloging 30 cents in stam ps extra, will receive free, by mail, post- id, one of THE AGRICULTURIST'S Elegant | jpoons of Canada. Prizes award tacles made. Forty dozen of spectacles | | to select from, fro 25 cents up to $6, | General of Canada, wri 2 Si mend my friends to enter your com petition: "received | for ume | Miss J. Robinson: | Fenelon Falls, Ly uver, B.C. old his receipt vinners ; , Brandon, M. M. Branden, Van rison, 4 th, Minn. $5003 Hills, nat Hi idgemrh, Conn ate De geport, Conn, : Address all communications to THE AGRI-' CULTURIST, Peterborough, Ontario. | [NG ! ot Sopot 5000 Norway Spruce, 2} to 3 500 White Spruce, 3 to 4 ft 500 Auvstian Pine, 2 to 3 6 500 Scotch Pine, 2 to 3 ft English, Seotch and Amer assortment of Apple, I will be pleased to show: first-class and true to names are right: HE ady OBL. Shatotie at 1.15) Jeans all points Es I have in surplus the following kinds of NURSERY STOCK! _STRICTLY FIRST OLASS which I offer at the following Low P Nurseries and may be seen tock 1s sold out. \ 1004 §o., Go bstock, or |NewBrickEstablishment| i: greatly increased advantage undersigned R 5/1000 European Mt'n Ash, 7 to 8 ft 25¢ vices. This Stock is growing in my at any time. Orders booked as received until the > each 100 | sbiUE Free of A reen: from the Patent & my office directly across from the 'Patent 200 Red Cedar, 1} to 2 ft 200 $15 | office, and being in personal attendance there, it ap- 500 European Lavck, 2 to 6 ft. parent that 1 Ere superior facilities for making 750 Horse Chestnut, 6 to 8 ft 85¢ ms, Black Walnut, White Ash, &e.; a large iy Plum, and other B Bottom Prices. Tres, Small Fruit Plants, Terms Cash. price" your list. C. 0, KELLETT, Box 127, Port Perry, Ont. PUBLIC _A NNOUNCEMENT HE undersigned takes much plexsure in T informing the public that he has now "moved into his extensive, well arranged here his #0; and or Masoons will ties hi bt oven PU ERVOUS SYSTEM, sud act most power temoving all obstructions, skin pimples and boils, medicine known. and WOUND more certain! known _ salve. ¢ powers render it invaluable in all. $20 $30 1 guarantee the stock Don't" delay in ordering: The Stock and prices NOY BREAD, CHOICE TIONERY, &C. Sl NT, THIS UNIVERSAL MEDICINE 1S A HOUSEHOLD REQUISITE EVERYWHERE, RIFY THE BLOOD, impart tone to th are unrivall in al FEMALE COMPLAINTS, blemishes. other family to better than any It heals every kind of SORE, ULCER than any othet Its marvellous penetrating THROAT AND CHEST DISEASES, curing Bronchitis, Quinseys, and Asthma, re- ducin, ABSCESSES and FI viating the excruciating tortures of Glandular Lumps, closing and healing S OLAS and for alle RHEUMATISM, GOUT, nd NEURALGIA it is unsurpassed. It never ails to remove Scurf and every. species ikin disease. nll iiepeiien The Pills and Ointment are Manufactured only at 78, New Oxford St. (ate 533, Oxford St.) London ; And dre sold by all Vendors of Medicines threughout the Civilized World ; with ions for use in almost language. . @& Purchasers should look to the Label on the Pots and Boxes. If the address is not 533, Oxford Btreet, London, they are spurious. Emerson Bros. Planing Mills| FVHE Subscribers beg to announce the they arc now prepared to manufactura DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, CASINGS, FRAMES, STAIRS, STAIR RAILS, STAIR BRACKETS, BANNISTERS, NEUEL POSTS, MOULDINGS, &C., IN GREAT VARIETY. Seroll Sawing, Band Sawing and Turning done with neatness and. dis-|. patch. » f ALL THE LATEST STYLES IN FANCY FENCE PICKETS Tanks and Cistern Tubs made to order. Flooring and Siding constantly on hand, Planing done to Order. The patronage of the public is respect- fully solicited. Factory on Lilla street, just south of the Town Hall, EMERSON BROS. Port erry, May 6, 1886. PATENTS, CAVEATS, AND Ru-8suEs secured, TRADE-MARKS registered, and all other patent causes in the Patent Office and before the Courts promptly and carefully prosecnted. Upon receipt of model or sketch of invention, I make careful examination, and advise asto patent- prompt preliminary searches, for the tore vigorons and successfal Josdeution of applications for patent and for attending to all business entrusted to my care, in the shortest possible time. + FLES MODERATE, and exclusive attention given to patentbusiness. Information, advice and special references sent on application. J. R. LITTELL, Bolicitor and Attorney in Patent Causes, Washington, B.C Opposite U.S. Patent Office Mention this paper.) 8 JOHN NOTT, 'UNDERTAKER, and Funeral Director, PORT PERRY. Q0E'S COTTON Root COMPOUND. A recentdiscovery by an old physician, Sticeessfully used monthly by thousands of LADIES. Is theonly per. fectly safe and reliable medicine d'scovered. rincipled druggists who offer in- nes in place of this, Ask for Root COMPOUND, take no sub- | ware, of un ferior med! 's COTTON Stitite 3 of inclose Band @ stamps in Irt | Bolen by retin mal. Full plain envelope, Lo oh T the latest improvements and does renovated amd newly farwished. No to perfection. The public, may i will be spared to make gi com: y on an unlimited supply of - ortable. The Bar and Dining always be found well supplied. fared Rooms. First-cl attentive Hostler, 4& Buss to «; Give me a call, Manilla, April 20, 1891. three-cent Canada and we will send. sealed HIS HOTEL has been remodeled and Com and an W. H, PARK, pe pairing. #r 1 would algo intimate to my numerous friends that this is the nest aud CREAPESY ? placein Port Perry to get your Horse Shoeing don : Port Perry, April 2, 1890. TWO PAPERS | FINE GOLD W ATOHES-- Latest Styles in Cases. The Latest Styles in Ladies' and Gent's CHAS, (EARN 8, LUT (XN £. ty dozen SPEOTACLES and EYE-GLASSES, from 25 cts to §6. REGULATORS and OLOCKS in great vuriety. e Everything Warranted as Represented. REPAIRING in first-class Workmanlike manner Price of One. (OPPOSITE THE FOUNDRY) RY! AS. SWAN. tig FOR THX EL We have made an arrangement for combination with "FARM- POULTRY", a thonthly poultry paper published in Boston, Mass. By this arrangement we ate enabled to furnish both the OBSERVER and the Farx Pourtry for the single price of our paper, nawely, §1. Any person sending us this amount will "receive the Onsurvin every week for one year, and the Fann Pouutry every month for one year, from receipt of order, Old subscribers who are in arrears must pay up their arrearages and one year's subscription to the OpservER in order to take advantage of this offer jesfeld's Diamond 'Hall, Fine Stock Fine Jewelry--Latest Styles and Patterns. oe' "< « JUST OPENED OUT A . at DIESFELD'S IT WILL PAY YOU TO

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