Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 13 Oct 1892, p. 4

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; but you'll get over it. 5 Barry stood dazed shuddered. But he went. sons, Barry, on the way, with h man's shoulder, turned wan d me, and 1 couldn't resist the . Don't worry. The will tic clutch for the Come with me he said, and he "Said it so earnestly that tho clergyman Barry, the reporter and the clergy- 'nth rocked madly up the main stair- nd down the upper corridor to- the room assigned to the Rollin- 'watch "in oue band and the other on Persons suffering from any derange- 'ments of the liver, stomach, or the organs of tion should have re- course to Holloway's Pills, as there is no medicine known that acts on these particular complaints with such certain SUCCESS, Its peculiar properties strengthen the stomach, increase the appetite snd rouse the sluggish liver. For bowel complaints it is invaluable, as it removes every primary derange- ment, thereby OTT the patient to the soundest health and strength, These preparations may be used at all times and in all climates by persons affected by biliousness, nausea, or dis- ordered liver : for flatulency and heart. burn they are specifics, Indeed no ailment of the digestive organs cah long resist their purifying and correc: tive powers. group of visitors, '1 will describe a per- is * Now,' said the olairvoyant to her son known and loved by. everybody in the thoughts of the hour as the English and American rivals, has at last awakened to.the fact that an attempt to tamper with the universal suffrage system - of the Empire has been mani- fest of Jute in high places, The Volks Zeitung remarks: 'It would mean nothing less than the en- slaving of the working classes, neatly disguised in the fashion of the nine- teenth century. The consequence would be rcvolution--real, living re- volution. Institutions hike universal suffrage may be introduced but once they have struck their roots into the land they cannot be abolished. Work- men can never be deprived of their right to vote. Only the most arrant fanatics imagine that such plans can be executed without disturbance of the peace. a ---- The Head Surgeon. Of the Lubon Medical Company 1s now at Toronto, Canada, and may be consulted either in person or by letter on all chronic is room. The p has the char- acteristio of always being in a burry diseases peculiar to men. Men, young, old, or middle-aged, who find themselves nerv- ous, weak and exhausted, who are broken a ES | Horrowav's s.-- Indigestion, | = Berlin, Sept, 30.--The German press, Stomach and Liver Complaints.-- | which is not quite as quick to reflect face toward the man | 4 shrink behind always being delayed. Will run two blocks for a 5 } Does an sognize | this person And every man in the Foam got up and shouted, 'It's my wife I door and Barry paid no attention to Ohange is° Welcome. him. He rapped on the door and i street car and fe OVerwo, fa of the the eyes, twitching and elsewhere, bashfulness, deposits in the urine, loss of will power, tendernces of the scalp GeNTLEMEN,-- For twenty years I suffered | desire to ulting in nk dizzivoss, ks of the muscles, eye lids, or} and spine, weak and flabby muscles, sleep, failure to be rested by sleep, from Rh Poor tion, dullness of hearing, loss of peia, called--not very loudly, but very earnestly-- Rose | Rose I' Thero was a shufiling of feet and a scurrying of skirts within. Then the door opened "about an inch and Barry thrust the telegram through. He was grinning insanely now. « Read that,' he said. from Sam. If wo're married before} midnight it will save the legacy.' Rose read it. Her voice was as de- termined as Barry's when she had petite, "etc., and received the many medicines I tried, but afler takin five bottles of B. B, B. I can eat heartily o grand medioine aud has made a wonderful | to change in my health, Mgrs. W. H, Lzg, Harley, Ons, Worse and Weaker. GexrtremeN,--I suffered for three days very severely from summer complaint and could 'mot get relief but kept getting worse and worse till the pain was almost unbear- able and I became very weak, - Bome friends advised Dr, Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw- | berry, and after I had taken the first dose I | found much relief and it did not fail to cure It just came : : : x A itiv cured, No rasped the situation. me. I do mot intend tobe without this | reast bor te., can positively be cured grasped : ; valuable medicine if I can helf it. gure, slo gay. Send For book. Address M. I will be ready in & moment,' came WaT GL Wit VY. LUBON, 24 Macdonell' Ave, Toronto, M, ALYNN, fred, Ont. | Canada. back through the crack in the door. oe no benefit from | voice, desire for solitude, excitability of temper, LEADEN CIRCLE, oily looking skin, eto,, are any food and am strong and smart, It 1s a {all symptoms of nervous debility that lead spring or vital force having lost its tension every function wanes in consequence, Those who through abuse committe ma; A man. disease, the symptoms of which are faint gpells, purple lips, numbness, palpitation, skip beats, hot, flushes, rush of blood to the head, dull pain in the heart with beats Ee rapid and irregular, the second heart beat P sunken eyes surrounded with insanity and death unless cored. The in ignorance be permanently cured, Send your ss for book on all diseases peculiar to sent free soaled, Heart Books Wholesale Hotelfeepers supplied ab | freight saved. In stock, fine brands, Wines and Liqe Prices to suit the times. A call solicits £2r Parcels delivered to any part of the Oi ester, free of charge, ¥ Port Perry, April 3, 1800, a a i | | , in all lines, Retail ! sto and Montreal Prices-- H liolnal Purposes. fon, or to Prinoe Albert and Manch . WILLIAMS. k a PILLS fx OINTMENT IS A HOUSEHOLD REQUISITE RR us Svs! mnd act most power Aly yee sang on the temoving pi and WOUND more certaink powers render it invaluable in all clu HOLLOWAY "S THIS UNIVERSAL MEDICINE 2 EVERYWHERE. - 1.OOD, impatt tone to th soothing}, LIVER . D BOVE - all obstructions, skin' blemishes holes and boils, better than any other family edicine known, 3 | sar I would also intimate placein Port Perry to get your Port Perry, April 2, 1800, : 4 nd Y (OPPOSITE THE FOUNDRY) my numerous ds a7 auhetou fiends that' this is the near and cuasvas JAS. SWAIN - AS A WORLD-WIDE REPUTATION. It heals every kind of SORE, ULCER than any othei penetrating THROAT AND CHEST DISEASES, ring Bronchitis, Quinseys, and Asthma, re- dular Lumps, closing and healing nown salve. Its venous ucing Gl quicker than the first, pain about the --nt A light dawned on the clergyman's| In the southern part of the County tfoubled mind. He vaguely under-|of Welland the supply of natural gas stood the situation. Sows vonbated. Tho ell Bt Ridge i x ai way has a capacity of two million fee a little bit of a foot ball rush in his old { daily, and it is estimated that the sup college days, and he resolved to tackle {ply will last twenty years. The vill- In precisely seven minutes the door | nge manufactures, heats its houses, and | | cooks with the new fuel at a great | saving in cost, and the company is said She had hurried into her travelling | lo be paying & dividend > trent ve > 4 ai | per cent. on its stock. 'he Ridgeway dress, and her mother stood bewildered prospectors found gas after geologists a | had insisted that the undertaking was great cloak | doomed to fail. Rose turned to the clergyman and It reminded him | was opened, "You may come in? said Rose. under the chandeiier wrapped in fant Better than Gold. GextLEMEN,--I have used Fowler's Ex. tract of Wild Strawberry for bowel com plaint and can say there is no other remedy the reporter. ¢ Gentlemen, this is my mother,' she) briefly said. Barry by this time had | 70 wood, taken her hand. lle against the wall with his lame foot held up. In the other hand he held _-- hi ech In our estimation the system of js twateh, J : asking for tenders from applicants is £ We have three minutes,' he said to| rong, The members of the board the clergyman. should know what a good teacher is «Madam, said the minister, turn worth and my what they Rie willing ing to Mrs. Rollinson, *do you unde to give. This peddling kind of work HW is-unworthy of business men. We be- stand this ¥ lieve the Educational department will ¢ No,' gasped Mrs, Rollinson, * but | have to take in hand the regulation of | the salaries of school teachers, If the | Government. makes the teaching ear- | riculum very costly, very strict, and . | very onerous on those obtaining cer- into | tificates to teach, the paltry salaries chair, rose to his feet. The wind seem- | that some of them obtain calls for the ed to rock the building like a ship at|interference of the | Weston Times. pal 1 OE was leaning Mgrs, James DENNISON, Lake Dora, Ont, PLT CRG I'm sure it's all right." Then,' said the clergyman, calmly, 'Tl go head, Join hands' The reporter, who had sunk Department.-- There was no time for the formal | seq. ceremony. The clergyman had pulled out a-pocket prayer book. With the other. hand he took Barry's watch Glwocing from the watch to the prayer book, he said : «Barrett Thorne, do you take this Ripans Tabules prolong life Ripans Tabules banish pain, Ripans Tabules. | Ripans Tabules cure colic. | Ripans Tabuleg cure the blues, Ripans Tabules cure dizziness. Ripans Tabules: pleasant laxative. | For Over Fifty Years, Syrup I woman to be your wife! Mus, Winstow's Soornixa has ' Yes. | been used by millions of mothers for their i yr «1 | children while teething, If disturbed at ¢ Miss--nh----' The clergyman did | night and broken of your rest by a sick re child suffering and erying with pain of Cut- > ting Teeth send at once and get a bottle of "Rose Rollinson," prompted Barry, | « Mrs, Winslow's Boothing Syrup" for quickly. Children Teething, It will relieve the poor of Rolli > t he ol little sufferer immediately. Depend upon Rose Rollinson," wont on the clergy-| it mothers, there is no mistake about. it. man, 'do you take this man to be your | It cures Diarrhoea, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. 'Mrs, Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children ¢I then pronounce you man and wife. | teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best And what God hath'--the hands of the ipuion ot a andl best wath pointed to 11.59-- joined to | State, Price twenty-five conta bottle. ether Jet no wan put asunder. | Sold by all druggists throughout the world. 8 P ¥ agi Anenl sure and ask for " Mgrs, WinsLow's : 3 SoorninNG SYRUP." A clock struck in the corridor, Mrs. inna Rollinson sank into a chair. Rose, | Life is Short !--Get your eye who had borne up unflinchingly, began | sight TESTED, improved or RESTORED 10 30b hysterically. But Barry, with|by buying your BescracLus at. Dirs. : ir ot te ant hig | FL0's. We sell Spectacles which wiLL 'arm around and said calmly : nog know her name, husband 1 "Yeu (faintly). w= » give comfort and strength to your Eye Sensa bis physical physical an 0881 Pitan 8y - 0 UN rogular, | The most Interesting Contest ever anespreserve it. NO glimmering diz ue gative Medi- oine. They are & Broop BUILDER, ToNIC and RECON- fu able, One door West of the Post Office i STO IN INOTT NEW NEW FURNITURE The Subscriber wishes to return tha since the fire, and is better pre the Furniture line, good and cheap. pectfully invite inspection of my St and Marble Mouldings for picture fi HOLIDA My Tnloriaking Departmen is-replete with everything necessary rnishing Funerals. Oharges rei | to furnish all requiring anything ir. ving added new Store Rooms, 1 res 'and all kinds of frames suitable for TORE! u his customers for the liberal support Just arrived a splendid lot Gilt SENTS. Wg 5UPPRESEIONS. Who finds his mental fae- MAK nities dull or failing, or v powers flagging, should take these will restore his lost energies, both mental, should take them. EVERY WOMAN gsi should take these PIrLs. YOUNG MER 15 Soin sickness when neglected. stem. \ WOMEN 505 Fate EVERY Tor sale by all druggists, or will be sent upon xooolpt of price (50¢. per box), by addressing » MED. CO. THE DR, WILLIAMS 2 Pont Bh HALF-YEARLY COMPETITION by The Canadian Agri- culburist, One Thousand Dollars in Cash, a Pair of Handsome Shetland Ponies, Oarriage and iIarness, and overiwo thousand other valu. able prizes for the Agriculturist's brightest venders! Who will have them 7 According to the ustal custom for. years past the publishers of THE AGRIOL! now offer their Sixth Half-yearly Literary Competition. This grand Com petition will, no doubt, be the most gigantic and successful one ever presented Lo the people of the United States and Canada. One onsand Dollars in cash will be paid to the person sending in the largest list of English words constructed from letters in the words "The Canadian Agricuiturist." Five Hundred Dollars in cash will be given to the second largest list. A Handsome Pair of Shetland Ponles, Carriage and Harness, wlll be given for the third largest 11st, Over one thousand additional prizes award : One nd Piano, $300 Organ, $400 Plano; Dinner Sets; Ladies Gold Watches; Silk Dross Patterns; Fortlere Qurtains: Silver Tea Services; Tennyson's Poems, bouud In cloth ; Dickens in 12 volumes, bound In cloth, ete. As there are more than 1000 prizes, Any one who takes the trouble to prepare an ordinary good list will not fail to receive a vauabloe prize. This 1s the biggest thing in the com. petition line that we have ever placed before the public, and all who do not take part will miss an Opportunity of a life time, RuLes--], A letter cannot be used oftner than it appears In the words "Tha Canadian Agrioulturist."" For instance the word "egg" could not be used, as there fs but one *g* in the three word 2. Words having more than one meAning but spelled the sume can be used but once. 3. Names of places and persons barred. 4, Errors will not {ovalidate a list-- the wrong words willsimply not ba counted. Tach list must contain one dollar to pay for six month's subscription to THE AGRI- curTuRIsT, Jf two or more tie, the largest list which hears the earliest postmark will take the first prize, and the others will recgive prizes inorder of merit. United States money stamps taken at . ect in offering these magnificent popular offered ed in order of mer} Lo our y nto new homes, In every partofihe American continent. Bag Som pelitor Suolouing 20 Senta in m ps extra, will receive free, by mall, post- paid, one of THE Aa rs Klagant » just married Molly myself. -- _old man, you'll get over it. She and 1 couldn's resist the tion. Don't worry. The will|same Dackward as io for your marriage within instead of three weeks. 2 Mixz. Vis EEKLY Barn, ~Evely x 8 great com 0 ed as follows: The piv rare | CULTURIST, Peterborough, Onta; tuongnost | LAKE ONTARIO STEAMBOAT COMPANY. £\DAILY FOR ROCHESTER: 2 NORTH KING ! Address all- communications to THB AGrI- rio. Magnificent Now Steamer leav urg 884, Ti homer orth, Eas which I offer at the follod Nurseries and may be seen tock 18 sold out. : 5000 Norway Spruce, 2} to 8 ft English, Scotch and Ameri first-class and true to name: are right: dh Now | Port Perry ro-- I have in NURS STRICT 500 White Spruce 4 ft 500 Austian Pine, 2 to 3 ft 500 Scotch Pine, 2 to 3 ft assortment of Apple, Pa Gey Gon I will be pleased to show 100 $15 , $15 or bs the following kinds of 'Y STOCK! FIRST CLASS pw Prices. time. £ $15 | 1000 European Me'n Ash, 7 to § ft 25¢ This Stock is growing in my Orders booked as received until the 100 200 Red Cedar, 1% to 2 ft $15 500 European Larck, 2 to 0 ft. $20 750 "lorse Chestnut, 6 to 8 ft 350 $30 , Black Walnut, White Ash, &c.; a large n and other Trees, Small Fruit Plants, fiom Prices. Terms Cash. price your list, 0. 0. KELLETT, Box 127, Port Perry, Ont. ABSCESSES and FISTULAS, and for alle viating the excruciating tortures of ails to remove. Scurf and every species of NEW PRICES |ihim 78, New Oxford Bt. (late 588, Oxford Bt.) London ; I guarantee the stock delay in ordering: The Stock and prices RHEUMATISM, GOUT, nd NEURALGIA it is unsurpassed. It never The Pills and Ointment are Manufactured only st And are sold by all Vendors of Medicines threughout the Civil Would ; with directions for use in almost every languag! 4 Purchasers should look to the Label on the Pots and Boxes. If the address is not 633, Oxford Btreet, London, they are uriouss Emerson Bros'. Planing Mills PORT PERRY. HE Subscribers beg to announce the they aro now prepared to manufactura DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, CASINGS, FRAMES, STAIRS, STAIR RAILS, STAIR BRACKETS, BANNISTERS, NEUEL POSTS, MOULDINGS, &C,, IN GREAT VARIETY. Scroll Sawing, Band Sawing and Turning done with neatness and dis- patch. ALL THE LATEST STYLES IN FANCY FENCE PICKETS Tanks and Cistern Tubs made to order. Flooring and Siding constantly on hand. Planing done to Order. The patronage of the public Is respect- fully solicited. Factory on Lilla street, just south of the Town Hall, EMERSON BROS. Port Perry, May 6, 1886. r Al mo 1 7 bJ CAVEATS, AKD RE-8sU8A. socured, TRADR-MARKS ristered, and all, other patent causes in the Patent Office and before the Courts promptly and carefully prosecnted. Upon receipt of model or sketeh of invention, T make careful oxmmination, and advise as to patent- | ability Free of Charge, With my office directly across from tho Patent Office, and being in personal attendance there, it ap- parent that I have superior facilities for making prompt preliminary searches, for the wore vigorons and successful prosecution of applications for patent and for attending to all business entrusted to my care, in the shortest possible time. FLES MODERATE, and oxclusive attention given ta patontbusiness. Information, adyice and special references sent on application. J. BR, LITTELL, Solicitor and Attorney in Patent Canses, Washington, D.C. Opposite U.S. Patent Offios 8 Mention this paper.) JOHN NOTT, UNDERTAKER, Land West. 1 Lea | | | PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT 1 He undersigned takes much pleasure i fi moved into his extensive, well arranged NewBrickEstablishmen superior and tly increased tions will rove vats: o perf _on'an unlimited supply of BRIDAL OAKES e public that he has now ) latest improvements and does ection. The public may PRCTIONERY, &C.| and Funeral Director, PORT PERRY. 4008'S COTTON BOT COMPOUND. A rccentdiscovery by an old yi Successfully TWO PRPERS FOR THHEH Price of - One. We have made an arrangement for combination with "FARM- POULTRY", a monthly poultry paper published in Boston, Mass. By this arrangement we are enabled to furnish both the Opsenvir and the FarM-Pourtry for the single price of our paper, namely, $1. Any person sending us this amount will receive the OssrvER every week for one year, and the Fark : Pourtry every month for one year, from receipt of order. Old subscribers who are in arrears must pay up their arrearages and one year's subscription. to the OpsERvER in order to take advantage of this offer Diesfeld's Diamond Hall JUST OPENED OUT A ine Stock Fine Jewelry--Latest Styles and Patterns. FINE GOLD WATOHES--Latest Styles in Cases. The Latest Styles in Ladies' and Gent's CHAIS, CHARMS, TUTICNE, orty dozen SPECTAOLES and EYE-GLASSES, from 20 ctsto §6. REGULATORS and OLOOKS in great verioty. Everything Warranted as Represented. warejof Enprinel pled 'druggists who offer In- ferior medicines in lacs of this, Ask for exe 3 Roos MEOIRD. take no sub- sLitute ; or inclose $1 an ree-oent Canada 3 stamps In letter, and we will send. 1. Koll sealed partie t REPAIRING in first-class Workmanlike manner return mall. fas Pal oesior to MERC MANILLAJ ONT. pains will be spared make guests ortable. The Bar 'Dining Room always be found well supplied Good Com mercial Rooms. First-c! attentive Hostler. Give me a call. Manilla, April 20, 1891. - HIS HOTEL has been remodeled and| - renovated and newly furnished, No oo ass Stabling and an a H, PARK, Proprietor

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