Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 20 Oct 1892, p. 1

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ago hast winter the first | thoroughly hon cetaber ] ;" I went out that if he says me ives J ! ithe ¥ Tn, and I + Yee and {cones most ' iy 1 m [ will { o1] y dd Nhe has resided in London and vicinity | wont back to my farm Just vi -- markao one, T Mer ie that Mr, rat 3 Nae. gene rei ing very ; ad : Wh or about a Tom, and aon still found I had 1t us bad as ever. I|Powell wisa great sufferer from theu- ] 1h posits receivod 'at the highest current | treated me withou ving roller Noth- k (Tanet would ever be so | 110 esteem 0 ® largo circle of HINA | wag living in dread of having to go|matism. He was continually bnyiug ---- | ra and credited to| ing that I seemed to do an, No.---Court street. : oo (here and elsewhere *throuzhout the |i}, ough another ordeal, when I read | medicine of some sort, but seemed : 3 Sach dopouitor geri annually; of Janets food mul J beuen she hus of oh . h i P e that she won't be will: Province, Those who know him are; K AT ' rh DRL Seem 9 R.E. O. McDOWHLL, ] ; en ills, WIR has pro: John Gregory was a substantial busi y y housek Ee ie in tho papers about this Marshall | get no better: Then he commenced to ne) " > y W. McGILL, duced WandeHul zosils, Soon Mex ne my house ehper any | doubtless aware He he has been 8 | yirnole in Hamilton, 1 had then as try Pink Pills, 1 saw he was begin- MANAGER, SE ehoina to take the Sarsaparilla n't blame her. Would sufferer since his yous from rheama- muth faith in Pink Pills as I had in|ing to look like a different man, so I } 8 her. But how am I to|ti®™ i Ste worse Sor, Hs itis i 'other patent medicines--and that |asked him one day about it. Hae told . ances n 18 city, Who remember ie ra t vel t. 1 did & b th o nie that he tra d hi Core ithout her § Nobody knows 0) : 4 wasn't very great. id no other ced his cute tb the fuse ov to suit me in ever y Seok long siege of the illness he stood a year | with them or did I think of the matter |of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, As L J. rosy ago last winter, and who bad come to | yoain until last September. I saw |have already said, the demand for Pini h HE look upon him as almost a confirmed | Mr Mafshall at the Western Fair and | Pills is something astonishing, and they gory walked on a while in invalid, have been surprised of late to) advised me to try Dr. Williams'| invariably gave the best satisfaction; ailonce; see the remarkable change for the |pj,k Pills, I cold him I did not think | I know (his to be so from the volun: better that has taken place, The hag- | SUCOESSOR To DR. NAMILL, a ol ness man, resident in the good City of ~ D., Master of Surgery, Victor! ni ; M. b a "Royal Colle Port Berry, April 4, 1888. Beston, and was well known on = of Physians, London, Eng., Member of Col- Improvement 'Change some twenty years since. get alot ID DAVIDJADANS, cpm, im Te of wen and of Great Ormond Hospital J gest all the food Taken, mY Sto i able to support a wife, 48 years had for Diseases of Children, London, Eng. PORT PERRY. improved each day, and after a few elapsed and still he was a bachelor, months of faithful attention to your Physician, Surgeon, &'e., B B directions, I found myself a well | Totell the truth, there was very little . worhan, ale to attend to all household Office hours--8 to 10a. m., 1 to4 p. m,, duties. The medicine lias given me a | romance about John Gregory, and if a3 3 the remedy claimed t h - | tary {statement of ¢ 3 i £ h ! ty-five. 'thousand doMars is a A rs | th y o cure rheama ye of customers, and if and sveniugs, residence, Dr. Hamill's old Be Li and I cannot thank |. on ha did marry, probably money oh Honey" thought: Tie. *1 gard face and almost crippled for of tism, and that although I had certain- | necessary the proprietors could gos stand. Good Notes Disgounted. "We, the tndersigned, citizens of |'would have more-to do with determin. ¥ g 4 a year ago have given way toan ®p-ljy goular proof that his own wae bond |scores of testimonials here from the : Brockway Centre, Mich., hereby certify | Tie shatos"th fo ti that the above statement, made by |iug his choice an any softer senti- a ve! i would dp a great deal of service to me. Has any amount of Money to Loan Mrs. Lake, is true in every particula ent. , g! wondesf what she'll do with it! It|pearance of robustness, vigor and agility that certainly seem the result fide, my complaint was different to his. | people who have been benefited by the Mr. Marshall said he could mot say |use of Pink Pills, I have sold thou- ~ Queen St, - - Port Perry. le : OHN BILLINGS, Solicitor, Notary -- aod Spiitied a Wantez, OF 2 i With the help of it, I could double my of Seirasvious penny: WE Ted whether it would cure rheumatism or | sands of boxes and have no hesitation Public, Conveyancer, &o. Solicitor amberlain, G. " ng, O. A. So John Gregory, avoiding the matri- ford earlug of this a reporter called on | not Lut the pill the |i recommending th Fa or the Qatario Bank. #ar Office over the At bj per cent, on good Mortgages. 'Wells, Druggist. gory 8 busine! Mr. 'Powell in order to. avcerthin by | / re pills were good for: the | ending them ns a perfecy | blood anyway, and at least it would do | blood builder and nerve restorer, cui. Ontario Bank, Port Perry. "My brother, in England, was, for a | monial snares whieh were laid for him Gregory thought a while | what magic means this transtormation | TTT long time, unable to attend to his occu- i | me no harm to try half a dozen boxes, | ing such diseases he i Jan. 20, 1857. tion, by reason of sores on his foot, | OY enterprising matrons who had large ides | had been wrought. The scribe first | try 0ach boxes. 7 As rheumatism, E. FAROWELL, L. L. B., Count IN SURANCHE sent him Ayer's Almanac and the tes- | families of daughters to dispose of, y Laney 488 linppy idea. Sash. asked if the reports concerning his | © neglected Lis advioe ; it would be | neuralgiu, Faris) paralysis, locomotor J. Crown Attorney, Barrister, County Sol- effected at the Lowest Rates in Good iy Aver onto ed Mn h ' | ed upon Bim. {useless to try a medicine, I thought. |ataxia; St. Vitus' dance, nervous head- ali J a lived quietly in a modest house fi RT re wonderfal restoration to health were | ae a ol Ary a ; : citor, &c., Notary Public and Conveyancer. Le A % h q y a mo 0! or op gone way of accomplishing "| Many of my friends, who had probably | ache, nervous prostration and the tired Jffice--South iE Court House, Whitby, English Companies. a little er ene cured ty ah which he had been fortunate enough to both i Rall ot To bk 3 Yen Hankisl to say they are, : | read of the remarkable ar { feeling therefrefrom the after effects Bb sa £2 Agent "Allan Line of Steam- at Bristaus, esnsiand, Australie. -- secure a capable housekeeper who 3 'ia fai y Staind & a Tone i To gan ly pretty | plished by Pink Pills, kept urging me | of la grippe, diseases depending on ke G YOUNG SMI . B., Barrister, | ships. ? + ? understood his peculiar tastes, anolii fugtawily and obtaining pos- Ta what J Y to give them a trial: humors of the blood, such as scrofula; . Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor inChancery » 5 J . J 4 bell thi 1 this money--and that is to Q via 49 You owe your re- "At last I yielded and bought six [chrohio erysipelas, Pink Pills give and Insolyency, Notary Public, &e ~ Port Perry, Oct. 17, 1889. yor S arsaparilla anet Campbell --this was the name marry he) 0 govery ! was asked, ._ | boxes as a sort of forlorn hope, I took | healthy glow to pale and sallow com- woe Meigs Block, Brock Street, ny J I owe it to the nse of a certain four boxes and received no benefit that | plexions and are a specifies for the I could recognize, but while taking the | troubles peculiar to the female system, fifth T noticed that for a periord of three and in the cnses of men they effet a or four days I felt no pain. + This was | radical curo in all cases arising frond |& novelty to me, as for three or four mental worry, overwork or excesses of RAY AEE A Raia =a of 'the housekeeper--was of Scotch gi : p. | John vas at first startled by thi i ied i 3 FEEPARED BY ' | birth and lineage, but had been brought 2 Bist Aaruie y UA | remedy," he replied ; "but [ would A Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass, thoughty ut the longer he harbored prefer saying nothing at present. I to America while yet a child, by her J A M URRAY Price $1; six bottles, 85. Worth $5 a bottle: , i oy 3 4 i it the more reasonable it seemed. have suffered nearly all my life with a HE Subscriber is prepared ta LEND oT HE "| father, who fancied he cou!d succeed mone \ : lady I had beg sgard as incur. n n prepare... 1g. ' «Tolbe sire she is not handsome, | Malady 1 had begun to regard as incur ) ANY AMOUNT on Farm Security better in building a fortune in the new Wi 1 ' | able, and the fact that I am permanent- ig ah K year: 'nw i | ture. AT 6 PER OENT. : nor i8 she tery young for that matter, Pd ed "{vears I had not known what it was to |dny nature.' DENTIST, Al Villaie P OB J 2 3 world than in the old. § 1 : ly relieved appears incredible. In com-|}a0e 4 moment's freedom from suffer-| Mr. Hodgins, the head clerk, cors re #2 Also on Village Property. However she must be some few years | yon parlance, it seems to good to last. |; : : 3 ys now putting in Upper and Lower Sets of : es 'Bless my goul!' ejaculated John col ) 8 81+ ing, whether in bed or out of it. I sup roborated what Mr. Mitchell liad said. Teeth at f 43 MORTGAGES BOUGHT. WR younger than myself, and when a man | I want to be sure that I am permanent. | i oT pi § : seth at from HUBERT L. EB} : "ideal" Hat 1 Gregory. * Well, this is singular! To 3 5 Dy I. an 3 lh d bef hin ia mde oti" | posed it was a temporary relaxation | The sale of Pink Pills was e. trao dinary $ T0 $75 EAGH SET Barrister, B Be Burl Th think 'of-its bei om housekeeper, too reach osty-eight he cannot afford to J he b Peay a ha due to natural causes. However, it|and the general verdiot wus that it i y gra; i ) p A § hry X : 3 ve pats on . la : 4 + | Office next to Ontario Bunk a fresh and vigorous th ro g my Per be to'le|very particular on that point. | *° that when 1 do give a testimonial it | 00g pe some hope to finish the sixth | was a wonderful medicine. These ; : Having just purchased the largest stock of | Port Perry, May 10, 18 I've heard of such things before, but it teeth ever brought into North Ontario Iam Ll isfied I it both 1i Shr "on alias Rone WM. EDMETT, long , over Messrs, Forman & # n . swore, "Insurance and General Agent, Perry, Oct. 28, 1891. Port Perry, Ont. | Representing the following: First Class| ; ba : © | will have some weight. You may call Zounds§ lim half determined-- yes ; again later on and I will let you know." and imparts ol * 1 Pio jose, aud that without waste of Avot wo months yar the Ye | Leen constant became intermittent and | ville, Ont., and Schenectady N.Y., and an m © " » . mes J por er Knocked at Mr, owell's door, less severe. M frie 1 d f il | are sold mn boxes bearing > i she is likel to receive, for, of course, os § + . Ere. » y 18nds an amily X Ue arnng our trade £ate hut lasting per os a iy 2 a rk or John Eiregory went home to dinner fn aa admitted by that gentleman | 1514 me that I was beginning to look | mark and wrapper, at 50 cents box wSdveral months fh mon Ba Sry. mue e i ar lier than usual. ilmsell. he. latter said he was. now | jive another man. My face which had | or six boxes for §2.50, Beat in mind ago my hair com. [vantage --that's what the notice says, 4 4 to wear & drawn expression, cow- | that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are neved and in a few ka [1 dectared ve & good Wind tu go HY Prope, Whosare sullvring, sold iu boli; orby the dozen "or figne the formation cf dandruff; makestha | never came home to me, as I may say, box, Bhen I knew I was getting better | Pills are manufactured by the --much better. The pain which had | Williams' Medicine Company, Brock- 3 hefore, J wonder how much money not" su eee esitnte Companies : ETN A my head was sinest sce this Mr. Brief. Janet has not Been i i pi Tone Before' lie souldmALo up his mind commenced to show a better color. My dred, and any dealer who oflers sub' : Free, LiFe AND ACCIDENT, remedies, but they Pid aC ThoaL | it, and I may be in some sense consider HAS rns t e w his vame to be us iP Oomins system was being toned up. Inspired stitutes in this form is trying tode- " ) SURANCE Co's. 1y bou, ht a bottle of ah Halr Vigor, d bel hie v particular he was, made hera - ow. thi 9 10 ha user. DRE with increased hope I purchased six {fraud you, and should be avoided. Dr. TT Assurance Co'y. and, after using only a part of the con- |¢d Lo le ier representative, : nervous and figdety. However, to rom: one ot his Sonseiontionemers And nore boxes from Mr, Mitchell, the| Williams' Pink Pills may be had of ' v¢' Insvnance Co'y. tents, my head was covered with a Acting upon this determination, Mr. 3 ayy Ho probity of character, iis words eanndt | | uuoist and continued to take them [all druggists or direct by mail from G & Loxpon Ins voE Co" heavy growth of hair. I recommend prise, he ate his dinner without | fail to have the weight the deserve with ; Rin : ] e erinary urgeon. ALASGOW: Loxpox InsuraNcE Co'y your preparation as the best in the dregory took his hat and cane, and, fi en 5 . and with each box I realize wore and | Dr. Williams Medicine Company from ' Port Perry, April 26, 1889. world."--T, Munilay, Sharon Grove, Ky. 1g to remark that anything The primary cause of my rheuma- | yore that it wae a cure, I used up |vither ®iddress. The price at which o1 hiave use] Avers Hai igor fora With more than Vigyyeval sho was out of the way. He seemed tism," said Mr. Powell, *[ attribute | }ireen' boxes in all, and when the | these Pills HE undereivned having completed his number of years, and it has always given % oba 3r 1 freoti § : . NS are sold make a course of full Course at the Proviuint Veterinary ms satisfaction. It is an excellent dress- turned 'his steps inthe direction of unusually abstracted, as if he were in- to a severe thrashing administered to thirteenth was finished I had not had | treatment comparatively inexpensive, College and obtained a Diploma as Veterin- ing, prevents the hair from turnin, Court street. He soon found himself : me by a school-teacher when I was 13 i its vi 3 : Ni a symptom of pain for three months." [a8 compared with other remedies oF ary Surgeon, would announce that he has ay, insures its vigorous growth, an or 14 years of age. I received injuries ym] I I d ] tently thinking of something. At uc | 8 . . D # 0 lean.' -- | in the office of Mr. Brief. . 7 ¢ At that time Mr. Mitchell spoke to | medical treatment. opened an office for the practice of his pro Li Rn d gol the. s6alp White am length he said abruptly : bse tly broug p seo : fessionat Port Perry, whereall callspersonal icense A uotioneers Mary & arate Vigor for A small, dapper man turned upon > t did py to thi . A es ane Tent. brought me me about it inthe store. I told him wrt ipo by letter or telegram, by day or by nigh FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO AND Ye x : Thani Senet, did you come to this country | y ering. ! * 1 | what a blessed chinge had Leen Pr Cilkenny a re a : fi oEtly Sivonded y y vig ay Tan promoting the growth of the hair, and | him an inquiring look, inthe yor 1840 7 really felt any rheumatic trouble was ght. 2 : a ) ) From Kilke ony a remarkable find ig o at . ol RY think it unequaled. For restoring the ' ~ Brief ¥ : 4 : in the year ; . . | wrough or me through the use o reported. A boy named Martin was All diseases" of animals trea n the hair té its original color, and for adress: Mr. Brief ¥ said John Gregory in-| = Nee sir' rored Tauob 1 one day when carrying an armful of | pi "Pills. Te asked we if I would 0 ¢ t fatess and best known i to} Valuators, &c., &e. ing, it cannot be Snpased, Ms, Guo. terrogatively. he, ssi, anawerea, Jane mn SUT! wood up a fight of stairs in Victoria object to giving a testimonial to the Spea 5 ccly in the river Nore and £7 Telephone connection--free of charge. | ppg 7 rary gps A SPECIALTY. La, ever, aton Rapids, Mich. ra : ded = 'but how did you know { College, Cobourg, which institution Iq - } nga ie A , displaced a stone lying at the bottom . ORR GRAHAM. "Ayer's Hair Vigor is a most excel The same,' responded the little : ' Br 0 firm--Dr. Williams' Medicine Com-| Underneath he saw a sparkling ohjeet = Port Perry, April 8, 1884. Sale Bills made out and Blank Notes | -lent preparation for the hair. I speak an I beliove you told me once, Janet.' | was attending as a student. This was pany, of Brockville. I said I was not| which on bei ) fis} qd park ing ag Y ' mk Jaany ori s . : 2g Ihoe ol Dain dad \ Ys 8 ! being e POV --_-- {furnished free of chirge. Satisfaction guar- Of 3 from my oun experience, Tis Bag If T mistak "Another silence. in 1872. A twinge of pan caught me, | oo Who cared for notoriety of any |a valuable gold eh oD avn % v9 5 antee or uo pay. Terms liberal, Pi of Lae 8 , ior § I mistake not, you are the man i : »| but passed away in an instant. [I did . Y yi 5 lable gold rmg. is ring has makes it giossy and soft. The Vigor is . : . ow long have you been with me! F Y : character, and did not relish the idea | heen identified as belonging to the late W. M.*WiLicox Prren; Houm also a cure for dandruff."--J. W. Bowen, | who is referred to in an advertisement 2 not know what it was. © Again, when | +p lished broad ea. as bolonging 10 the 'ate iit Doar \ o Editor * Enquirer," MoArthur, Ohlo. of having-my name published broad-| Mr, Carter, who Bight year's, sir. dropped it into the Port Perry. Manchester. «T have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for | iV this morning's paper--' playing foot ball, I experienced a like | aot over the land, That is one of the Ang. 22. 1887, gor fo : } been very" faithful. 1 ; A 6 a he | river 29 years ago when mooring hig ANE 20 1807, i the past two years, and found it all it is "Iu the matter of Janet Campbell § ou have bee y ry a iu sensation and that marked the xo { reasons why I have been so long in pleasure boat. ™ 8 WM. GORDON represented to be. It restores the natu- yy have Leen well satisfied with your | mencement. After that I was attack- | king thi blie. Bucl : CHEE Ii i I ti y 1 tor & ral color to gray bait, causes the hair "Yes, A 4 ed at various periods, though it was | ow ne his re : bo suc) an Py pro tral z d keeps it soft an : s : services. ' » oundly grateful for my rescue from a C abl { 106msed Auctionéer, yaluator «oe. to grow freely, an 3 "Can you give any informationires Qa ay a LL y grat y ommendable. » G L RU BSON. V. Ss. : pliant."---Mrs. M. V. Day, Cohoes, N. Y. an Joug y am sure I am glad of it, sir,' said not until 1876 that I began to grow | jes of pain to one of health and All claimg not consistant with the 3 : " My father, at about the age of fifty, sardi or ke Fie t OR the Townships of Brock, Uxbridge, |" 1st ot Jr The Te oy 18 ay! garding her ¥ asked Brief, with sudden Scott, Thorah, Mara, Rama, Mariposa | 'After one month's trial of Ayer's Hair | interest. alarmed. I was living then in Toronto, : strength'that I feel I would be neglect keeping books for my brother, who Ae? ; & 5 io Veteri Col- : 3 RADUATE Ontario Veterinary Col 1 ing a duty I owe to suffering humanity ¢, in increased surprise. 'Tam lege, Toronto. Office and residence high character of Syrup of Figs are pi lds i i d, | 3 the dinner is not better cooked | was i y Ww ng busines ' " purposely #voided by the Cal. Fig Everareey CorrAGE, two miles south of and Biden | iin their Sales to me. may OE a of ¢T think so,' answered Gregory cou | ie ; was in the wholesale tes wsiness, and if T allowed those scruples to interfere king (alin Le ant how ke 'Manohester, 14 years practice, Tele- ; : jon bei i 14 hair of the natural color.'--P, J. Cullen : today, Lut things seemed to work [as I resided on North Pembroke street | | 0 "cop ™ 0 Lol Ce hath OF pany. Ste. gent y phone in the house--free communication ely ob the ubmaot ahiention being given 1b lo Saratoga Springs, N. x, oe * [tiously. CORErn ry.' and had to walk to Wellington street ny Williams' Pink Pills have done for the kidneys, liver and bow els, cle ani- with Port Perry, Manchester, and elevator. it WM. GORDON, ° "Think so! Don't you kndw sof cont Barary. gvery day, I found that my rheomatism ak I . ing the system effectually, bat it is not me. [I discontinued taking Pink Pills the 1st of April last. I started again in June and have used six boxes, not because I have any recurrence of my old complaint, but because I want to . : eas Cir : he dinner is excellent,' said Greg a cure-all and makes no pretensions that every bottle will not substantiate." wus getting pretty bad. I did not con sult a doctor, but took different patent Il, T declare,' thought Janet, 'I| medicines advertised to cure com- what's come over him, 1 ex-|plaiots of 'my natare. I was not d a scolding. benefited, however. The rheumatism 1 * Telegraph calls to Manchester will be for- y , 9 ° ae : > Ges warded by telephone, All Veterinary Snndetlandy or S all' 1 Ol Excuse my mode of speaking, but'you « It couldn't be better. Medicines in stock. 9 lare aware that we require something : Beargrent Coie | Livery Removal |! raamasan ve Sabie: Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass, ¢ Then, sir," said the visitor, 'I may reer Great Truths. : . ve dosing he Sold 37 Drpuiee nd Purine say unequivocally and positively that I} hope you will always stay with | passed away only to return in the fall Srjvadt tharughly ont of, oy Jeep. A selling race--the Hebrews. North Ontario Observer. many years 1 have kept a Livery Establish know where Janet Campbell is to be anet. and spring. In 1878 1 engaged in ¢« Now,' ae Powell, 'you It's a queer man who wouldn't rather 7 3 menkils Post Ferry, Liiave mach plonsarein THOUSANDS IN REWARDS found.' CONTINUED ON FOURTH PAGE.] mercantile business in Essex SoUnEY, have my experience. I know what I feel his oats than his corns. 4 Weakly Poiitieal; Agriculfural and 2 2 TI 1 'Ther. will you have the goodness|- ¥ i that out 1 was 8} door or was ; I know what I am. I know that] Why suffer from sore muscles $-- nity, Newspaper, ey MY LIV ERY + | Great' Weekly Competition of Theis i;form me? 3 ee Do ee in the. left %a' from boyhood I have been a victim of Johnson's Anodyne Liniment makes 1S PUBLISHED AT TO MY NEW PREMISES FL iadies Tome a. si a Yes; but not today. Two diya '| malignant rheumatism which has | them very pliable. it was very acute at times, In taking PORT PERRY, ONT. + RT & Ky , stock one day it became so severe that THURSDAY MORNING, Ci been torture the last few years. 1 The lazy laundress, as well as the ¥now that I have tried every remedy | flannel shirt, shrinks from washing. and been treated by the best medical skill, but in vain; and I know that Piuk Pills have succeeded where every- Opposite the Railay Station |smefonssrimtar osiiin SUES hence I will bring the person herself Shook G08 ANY Ie Levine 30 rovers oe where from la "extended promises and | KALI And Son bo Ko ory week throughout | here. Meanwhile, as I appear as WAS Lard) ahie lo more Brounc. nl Be tor brusiziess the public | thie grat som} ons Ae ds be Ake : Pp This was the first acute sy mptom--that safe and desirable | ed as follow. he firs correct Wer recoils |! 0 \ 4 X 5 : is, where the effects remained for any Ras Y a N length of time. 1 suffered the most thin 3 taining life. Eng 5 i g else 'has failed and that they 4 5 ih oy 5 : intense pain ior days, That was about brought me back health and happiness. ' * Not all » roid shag Pista 8 » will tell yon," answ Brief, ap- : the gear 188 bor of f d Therefore I ought to be thankful, and Te ays hy a y at a} not y i 3 For a num ro Janey 3 Iepwas 81am thankful! And Mr. Powell's o is SFA puri that 2 Wi abelled. T continued to grow Nore End WOrse. I. 4 tise earnestness Of manner could Jo woul re the eauing In 1884 1 went into she yo hvac admit of no doubt as to his gratitude artis e ask or yor Sarsapart a, and business in Torouta, an aving a good and sincerity. The reporter shook take no ov her. ealth 1g too precious deal of walking to do, I experrenced bands and took his leave, 'You may to be trifled with. ; the BE crc ask Rev. Mr. McIntyre, of the Askin A reat any ie try to ust the! 3 wag all day all 08, "I | Street Methodist Church, or Rev. G. | prodigal son find out too soon that they ' ENJOYS iy so bad that T would have to stand | las B.A, pastor of the Lam. | have acted the calf instead. ethod and results when | on the strect, relax the muscles of my |} fo} circuit, whether [ was a sick |, 'The thing is worth looking into,' Sentiment is all very well in its way, * hut sausnges are more effective in sus- Et arr) fo vs Sh ue ; ; J RL aE an ; : ; : E : ot rises ranging from $20 down 28 very parently satisfied of the good faith of z a : ive. i soy 3 H. McCAW,- rise winner or nat, wil et Eprints. his visitor. 'You will agree that I 5 Ts ng in the hel 5 y HE ALTER om Party Out ay weil ne RCT infant points, have no qual haven't exaggerated the character of A Fs, y od Ts w 08eé neare *y il i dressed | Port Pergy, Dec. 19, 1883, hark will be our authority In every case: the advantage when I tell you that it d will £ : Rus, --Each list of answers must be ac-|is in the form of, and amounts to companied by $l to pay six months gubserf 825 000. ; i tion to one of the best Home Magazines in America. * 3 . y NoTE.~We want half a million subscribers, Twenty-five thousand dollars 1 re- and to secure them we propose to give away Subsequent insertions, perlino . Cards. under 6 lines, per annum - Letters containing money, when ad to this Office, pre-paid and egi at eur risk, $ i ~ Advertisements measured by Nonpariel, and charged according to the space they oc- 3 T ? er i Td& one half our income. 'Therefore, | Plied Gregory, hardly believing his gs is taken; it is pleasant | left Jeg and let it swing until the spasm y hi 4 ; . vertisen:ents received for publication, In basa one BAIT the total rece] pts during ang SATE. ng to the taste and acts was over. At most, I could walk bub man or not, were his parting words. fatmare 3 fhe pretty girl as she stood" cific instructions. will be inserted EE Er rt EE Yes? omptly on the Kidneys, | threo 'or four blocks and would . then REV. MR. MINTYRE'S TESTIMONY. in front of her mirror. Fal es, 4 1 : 3 the reverse, 8 PIO aA Sue STL wile tute « But how did it Yo Wh Bowels, cleanses the 8y8« | have to halt, I consulted medical men The reporter dropped in on Rev, 0 There is not and there cannot be JES, dle : 2 : ahs + a y rT Ca be Arr out its profKes' Peters 8 W.ddid i come about} 9 ly, dispels colds, head- | and was adyised to try electricity. IE. McIntyre at the parsonage, 82 any smoking tobacco superior to the. borough (Canada) Times, | Ja splendid pupers| eft the. money, 'and how did: you fevers and cures habitual |¢ook the treatment steadily for several | Askin street. I know Mr. Powell | 'Myrtle Navy brand.' A wrapper of Tr. "Every prize winner willbe sure to happen 10 be connected with the affair ¥ fibation. Syrup of Figs is the | weeks, getting sometimes two or three | well,' said the reveremed gentleman | brighter appearance and higher price it g uoeive Jukt whil he ls entitled to. =Norw y of its kind ever pro~ | ijiarges a day on the hands and feet | when questioned. 'He was an esteem. | is possible to get, but all wrappers are' Canada) Register, Money sbould be xentby ( ¢ As far as [ can understand, this ane : X ont office order of registered lester. 'Address, : ing to the taste and ac~ | from an electrio battery. But it did led parishoner of mine when he lived | very poor smoking tobacco and but a Peterborough' | was the way it occurred : An uncle of a he v : 3 % a. , e stomach, prompt in | pu not the slightest good. At Inst my | on Askin street. He afterwards mov. |singlo leaf is wrapped around a plugl® BS styrene Janet, by une, Robert, wandered off nd truly bencficial in it# |} ealth became so bad that I decided to fed into the country, bat he has return. | The stock used in body of the 'Myrtle Cook'sNew BarberShop to the t Indies, and thers, bappen- | ¢ r d onl from the most quit the real estate busineas.and enter ed and is attending Askin Street Navy' pluclis the very best that nioney" 24 t cali ing into a profitable occupation, man-| he agreeab ostibaranices, Jia upon rural life, thinking that the | Church again. 55 i purchast. The Fouprs ot the ti rr pi rulate ; Bi lentqualitiescommendit | J}. 0 of air and occupation wight| «Do you remember Mr Powell's ill-| Virginia soil can produce nothing t : : % chan, 4 y $13 JTOEIIN COOK, ged be he fe reaps have made it the most a beneficial effect. So I exchang | ness a year ago this winter © better, and no other soil in the world, {ols * ur ned to Scotland, t, \ d ed some property forthe old Dr. Wood- 'Yes; 1 frequently called eon him, |can produce as fine tobacco as Artistic Barber ~~ Port Perry. | being of an irritable disposition, fell out with his relatives at home, and in aed the a fit of Pique, probably, made a will necoseary equipment, business and good Will | gevising his property ta his neioe f 1 d is prepared to Shay A8.Cpropert, + na Fa the. mos A rei Janet. He soon afterward died, Ma : the that of ruff fruit farm near the city, I work: | He had a very bad attack of rheuma-| Virginia. re ed it one year, but found it was too|tismr which laid him up for a long! One thing can be said in fave laborious for my complaint, which was time, He had to be wheeled around Nancy Hanks--if she is othe ¢ fast rendering my life a burden. I re- [the house in a chair. viot appear on the streats with luctantly left the farm and came mto| «You noticed that he is recovered 7 | yrother's stapendecs oh London three years ago last May. T| Yes; he appears to be a well man Ron 3 aT did some building here, but my malady {now. I leard he has been cured by Eighty years Johnson's: prevented ma from actively engaging | Dr. Williams' Pink Fills Liniment Tras ede No in business. You know Mr. Powell [to bia wanted hy us. HE ndersigned begs to inform the "public that he has purchased the lea sf sedorvin charge the will came i Ee lof finding ot place in

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