Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 20 Oct 1892, p. 4

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housekeeper, *I shall be happy to do 0; that isi if you are satisfied with She : ¢ Satisfied with yon | Perfectly. -- Bat it is not as a housekeeper that I desire you to remain with me.' + "Not as a housekeeper! ejaculated Juanct. 'I am sure,' thought she, do not know what has come over Mr, Gregory. He does not appear at all 8s he usually does.' * * No, Janet ; not as housekeeper.-- You have served me so well in that capacity that I am convinced you will make an admirable wife.' *Oh, Mr. Gregory I' exclaimed the housekeeper, blushing. * You will not be s0 cruel as to re fuse we ¥' > ' But you are only joking, sir. 'Joking ! ous,' I never was more seri- "I have always thought a great deal . of you, Mr. Gregory,' said the spinster, hesitating; 'and if you desire it very much, [I do not kuow that I have any objection,' The enraptured Gregory jumped to his feet, and crossing to the opposite Biles the table, imprinted a chaste ute upon' the faded cheek of the staid spinster. * You should not do so; Mr. Greg- ory,' said she with'a faint scream, to be married I But I say, Janet, will | performed to-morrow ¥ ¢ To-morrow !" repeated Janet start! 3 got anything suitable to wear. have not Is will take at least three weeks to get ready. | - ed by his pércipitancy. "No such thing,' said Gregory 'prom- | ¢ Why shouldn't I, as we are going | § you be ready to have the ceremony | 5% 'TRAYED from the premisesof the undersi Port Perry, bout 10th July last a DARK Tub y small upturned horns; she has a pe on her face and the front of her feet close to the are white. She was last geen on the Centre, 6th con., near Manchester. * A wull reward will be given for information that will lead to her recovery. 2 JESSE IRELAND, Port Perry, Sept. 7, 1892. SE Nognuon Island (Summer Resort.) FEniNg AND SAILING PARTIES on Lake Beugog will be accommodated dur. ing open Fishing Seagon, commenelng about the middie of June, with Meals at Moderate Prices at any time during the day by calling at my Residence on Nouquon Island. . ALBERT RTEVENS, Nonquon Island, June 3, 1802. xi sR gn a on. SooTHING, CLEANSING Mang aa, Instant Relief, Permanent 8 Cure, Failure Impossible. Many so-called diseases sre simpl al such as oak t FULFORD & CO,, Brockville, Ont. VHE undersigned takes much pleasure in informing the public that he has mow moved into his extensive, well arranged ptly. *Juft put on the best dress you | have. That will do well enough. As fer the finery which, I suppose it is natural enough for a woman to want, you shall have as much as you want | after marriage.' | ' But--' | *I'won't hear any but,' said Greg- ory decisively. 'Bay 'yes' or 'ho'.-- | Will you be ready te be married to- | morrow at twelve I' | 'Yes,' said Janet, who had been so] Mr. | in the habit Gregory as her employer, that she did | not realize the different relationship he | was about to hold to her. | 'Then I will tell the to be here at that time. | I shall prefer to have it a private cer- | much of obeying tev. Mr Smith By the way, emony, without any unnecessary | parade,' | This suited Janet also. The next| day, at twelve, the ceremony was cel- | brated and Janet Campbell became Mrs John Gregory. It was on the morning sugeceding the marriage that Mr Gregory, having | dispatched his first cup of coffee, re. remarked -- ! ' By the way, Janet, I find thing in the paper that concerns you.' some- * Concerns me 7 'Yes,' the alond the advertisement, with which and gentleman read the reader is familiar. * There, Janet, what do you say to that Twenty-five thousand dollars I' op Janet, ' Does not There is a windfall for you. doesn't mean me,' answered y you I' her husband in dismay. mean exclaimed : Is not your name Janet Campbell, snd didn't you 1840 7 Janet, 'but there was come over from Scotland in * Yes,' said another Janet came over at the same time, a very distant relative of mine. She is the one meant in the advertise ment,' » Are you quite sure ! inquired John Grogory in great uneasiness. 'Didn't you have an uncle Robert "1 never had an uncle at all. She had an uncle, however.' On visiting Mr. Brief, Mr, Gregory found it too The Janet Campbell had called upon him and established He had necome the Jo of the wrong Janet al- together. wns true. true her claims. For Over Fifty Years. Mrs. Wixsrow's Soornixa Syrue has been used by millions of mothers for their children while teething. If disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of Cut- ting Teeth send at once and get a bottle of ** Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething. It will reliove the poor ufferer immediately. b re is no mistake be b is pleasan prescription of one of the oldest and best - female physicians and purses in United Soi by ail Snokins torvaghont the mod: ro e wor Be sure and ask for Mas, WinsLow's 'Booruing Sywur." |. Ripans Tabules: pleasdnt laxative. *"Ripans Tabules olive diasinese. et tas Horroway's PiLis.-- Indigestion, Liver Complaints, -- Persons suffering from any derange- 'ments of the i NewBrickEstablishment where his sfiperior and greatly increased facilities for businesgwill prove advantage ous to all doing business with him, With many thanks for very extensive and #till increasing patronage. 1 need scarcely remind the public that my Approved Oven has all the latest improvements ana does its work to perfection. The public may rely on an unlimited supply of CHOIGE BREAD. Every variety of FANOY BREAD, OHOICE CONFECTIONERY, a. BRIDAL OAKES supplied on short notice, WM. HISCOX Port Perry Sep. 9, 1801, Strayed Heifer, | i BUTE GONTNON | The most Interesting Contest ever offered by The Canadian Agri- One Thousand Dollars in Cash, a Pair of Handsome Bhetland Ponles, Carr and Harness, and over two thousand other valu. able prizes for the Agriculturist's ightest readers! Who will have them? According to ihe usual custom for some years past the blishers of THE AGRICLTUIST now offer their ixth Half-y early Literary Competition. This grand Com petition will, no doubt, be the most gigantic and successful one ever presented to he people of the United States and Seanad. pal to the person sending in the largest 11st of English words constructed from letters in the words "The Cavadian Agriculturist." Five Hundred Dollars in cash will be glven to the second largest list. A Handsome Palr of Shetland Ponles, Carriage and Harness, will be given for the third iargest list. Over one thousand additional prizes awards ed in order of merit: One Grand Plano, $80 Organ, $100 Plano; Dinner Sets; Ladies Gold Watches; Silk Dress Patterns; Portiere Curtains; Bilver Tea Bervices; nnyson's Poems, bound In cloth ; Dickens in 12 volums, bound In cloth, ete. As there are more than 1000 prizes, any one who takes the trouble to prepare an ordinary good list will not fail to receive a vauable prize. This isthe Diggest thing In the com. petition line that we have ever placed before the public, and all who do not take part will miss an opportunity of a life time. ROLES], A letter cannot be used ofther than it appears in the words "The Canadian Agricultarist," For instance the word 'egg' could not be used, as there is but one 'g* In tha three words. 2 ords having more than one ARnITY but spelled the sume can be used bit once. 3. Names of places and persons barred. 4, Errors will not invalidate a list-- the wrong words will sim ply not be counted. Each list must contain one dollar to pay six Imonurs, sibsoription ot SEE] CULTURIAT, LWO or more e la; lst which bears ell take the first prize, and prizes in order of merit. and stamp &t p The object : o nent. - . ; Petites Snelon all, post- stamps will recefve free. by m id, one of THE AGRICULTURIST'S Elegant poons of Canada. Prizes awarded to persons residing in the United States will be shipped from our New York office free of duty. All money letters zc 2 wit Uuited States: ANNOUNCEMENT 1 Everything in the line Cheap and Good. | shonld be registered. OUR ForMER COMPETITION--We have given away $2,000 in prizes during the last two years, end have thousands of letters from prize-winners in every state in the union and every Fort of Canada and Newfoundland. Lord {ilcoursie, A.D.G, to the Governor General of Oannda, writes; "1 shall recom- mend my friends to enter your com petitions," M. M, Branden, Vancouver, B.C., "received $1000 in gold" and we hold his receipt for same A few of the prize winners; Migs J, Robinson: Toronto, $1500 ; J. Brandon, Fenelon Falls, Ont, $1500; David Harrison, Syracuse, N. Y., $35; H, Beavis, St. Louis Mo, $300; Jas. West Duluth, $6 Mis Georgina Robertson, Onk St., Brooklyn, $1000; Fred H. Hills, 359 State St., Bridgeport, Conn., and thousands of others. Address all communications to Tax AGrI- oul 181, Peterborough, Ontario. Ripans Tabules cure colic. Ripans Tabules prolong life. Ripans Tabule aE Undersigned | and has largely in, r 30 eents wl NEW store in the *'DIA Wbockof the earliest Lm. willl B- siiiest. you ark + RA) DOC yk x Hotelkeepers supp freight saved. In stock, fine brands, Wines & Prices to suit the times. A #7 Parcels delivered to any p ester, free of charge, | Lig Fs Port Perry, April 8, 1800, EER, an nounce that he has removed his business to that fine LBLOCK"--0ne door east of Diesfeld's Jewelery Store-- mora for Medioinal Purposes, ted Sues De Tet o Vor 1 TG IN S PILLS xno OINTMENT THIS UNIVERSAL MEDICINE IS A HOUSEHOLD REQUISITE EVERYWHERE. HE PILLS PURIFY THE BLOOD, impait tone to th NERVOUS SYSTEM, and act most power fully yet soothingly on the LIVER AND BOWELS, promoting DIGESTION and assimilation, ant e Corporation, or to Prince Albert and Manch M. WILLIAMS. NEW FURNITURE | The Subscriber wishes to ret since the fire, and is better the Furniture line, good ani pectfully invite inspection o and Marble Moulgings for | MANCHESTER, on FRIDAY. SecoNp Prize--A Pulper, presented Taiep Prize--Pair Harrows by Mess value $15, and cash $3 .... Fourtan PrizE--A Scuffler by Mr, value £12, and cash $3 & Oo. value $2, (all of Port Sixra Prize--A Whip by Mr. W. LL by Mr. Jas Oarnegie, value § J. Nott, value ; Goods by (all of Port Pefry), and eash SeveNte Prize-- Gods by Mr. Mr. A. J. Davis, value 1; 4 3 E. H. Purdy, value $1, (all Messrs. JH. Glendinning & and cash £3.75 Ninte PRrize-- 0 gone year by Mr. E. Ontario Times for and cash §4 Tenn Prize--Oash Secowp Prizr--A Whip, $1. 'Trirp Prize--Cash, Fourre Prize-- Cash Best Start in Sod--82 PLOWING MATCH. The Annual Plowing Match under the auspices of the Reach, Port Perry, Scugog and North Ontario Plowing As- sociation, will take place on the farm of Mr. W. PEARSON, , OctoBER 21; 1892, when the following Prizes will be offered for competition. viz, SOD CLASS First Prize--A Honey Fanning Mill, valve ..... Stouffville, value $18, and cash $2 Messrs. Laing & Meharry, value $2; G STUBBLE CLASS. First Prize--A Plow No. 1, Wilkinson's make, value $18, presented by the Wilkinson Plow M'f'g Uo., Toronto, and cash $2,... $20 Secon Prize--A Plow No. 1, Wilkinson's make, value... . 16 Tuiep Prize--A Scuffler presented by Mr. Joseph Baird, Manchester, value 812 ; and pair of Halters, valug $1.50 ; pair Overshoes by Mr. 8, Baird, Wick, $1.50, and cash $2 Fourta Prize--A Neck Yoke by Mr. H. McMillan, Whip by Mr. John Linton, Greenbank, $2 ; Cap by Messrs. Mansfield & Gold, Uxbridge, $1.25; Oshawa Reformer "for Mundy, § : "one year by Flour by Messrs. Gould Bros. Yoke by Messrs. R. Elwell & Bros, p by MF. O. Kelly, Uxbridge, Yoke by Mr. J. Lane, Manchester, 2 ; Oshawa Vindicator for one year by Mr. Nicholson, $1 ; and cash 85.......... SevextH Prize--A Whip by Messrs. Ross & $81.50 ; a Neck Yoke by Mr. Isaac Warner, Leaskdale, $2 ; Etontn Prizi--A Whip by Mr, McGowan, Uxbridge, $1.95 ; an Nixtr Prize--A Pair Halters, $1.50, and cash 83. .... A Diploma will'be given for the best Plowing with the least manual ers i of Ee Salty Sioa Etter he Cina iain sns A 335:0D by Messrs, Fleury & Sons, « Wikiewdy Sidhe ne oda ae 20 00 rs. Coulthard & Murray Contes, Port. Perry, Fiera Prize--A Pair of Halters by Messrs, Beatty & Bongard, value $2; a Whip by Mr. B. F. Ackerman, value $2; a Lamp by toods by Brown, Waite Perry), and cash $4 Py sh, valae $2; 100 Ibs Flour ) 3 Photo Frame by Mr. W, Messrs, Jones & Co., value $1, & Son, value §1 ; Standard for one year by Mr. E. J. Mundy, $1, (all of Port Perry), and cash §3 Efeara Prize--Goods by Mr. J. W. Davis, value 1 ; goods "by Mr, BS a ing ae ae wires 9/25 V. H. McCaw, value §1; Goods by roods by Messrs, T. 0. Forman Fis ox i's Wa die a 5 AUD das 7:00 of Port Perry); a Creamer by Co., Sunderland, value $1.25 nen os a aw Ate Sik adele as 5 00 k Yoke by E. Evans, Cresswell, value $2 ; and AEA Tred ean wainnian sf 00 Plow Lines by Mr. D. at] yo 'Mr. : : , Uxbridge, $2. ride. $2; and ae 1295 ; a Neck 10 00 Welboarne, Raglan, an \ kai n pais ni B05 Channa? 4-50 STUBBLE CLASS. --Boys Under 16 years. First Prize--A Whip by M. T. Dawson, Raglan, $1.50; and cash $8.50 a I i con 810 50 ; and cash $6.50 .......... - 4 3 2 by Orr Grabam, V. 8, Port Perry, Sal 88588888 is replete with everything necessary for | furnishing Funerals. Charges reason- able, y Stock. NEW PRICES STORE! thanks to his customers for the liberal support prepared to furnish all requiring anything ir. . Having added new Store Rooms, I res Just arrived a splendid framing and all kinds of frames suitable for HOLIDAY PRESENTS. lot Gilt | fang JOEL NN NOT bodily Pimps fd bol, beter nen h HAS A WORLD-WIDE REPUTATION, Tt heals every kind of SORE, ULCER and WOUND more certainly than any other known salve. Its marvellous penetrating powers render jt invaluable in all THROAT AND CHEST DISEASES, curing Bronchitis, Quinseys, and Asthma, re- ducing Glandular Lumps, closing and healing ABSCESSES and FISTULAS, and for alle- visting the excruciating tortures of RHEUMATISM, GOUT, ind NEURALGIA it is unsurpassed. It never ails to remove Scurf and every species of ikin disease. The Pills and Ointment are Manufactured only st 78, New Oxford 8t. (late 533, Oxford 8t.) London ; And are sold by all Vendors of Medicines threughout the Civilized World ; with directions for use in almost every usage. 6 Purchasers should look to the Label on the Pots and Boxes. If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London, they are spurious, Emerson Bros'. Planing Mills PORT PERRY. ITYHE Subseribers beg to announce the -- I Port Pe which I offer at the Jollowing at Nurseries and may be tock ts sold out. each 100 5000 Norway Spruce, 24 to81t 20c $15 500 White Spruce, 3 to 4 20c $15 500 Austian Pine, 2 to 3 ff 200 $15 500 Scotch Pine, 2to 3 f6 1% 20c $15 English, Scotch and Am assortment of Apple, ge. 4 I will be pleased to show: first-class and true to nar are right: i Bottom 88, 200 Red Cedar, 1% to 2 f& FIRST CLASS ---- Low Prices. any time. each 200 500 European Larck, 2 to 6 ft. 1000 European Mt'n Ash, 7 to 8 ft 25¢ 750 Horse Chestnut, 6 to 8 ft Prices. 350 0. C. KELLETT, Box 127, Port Perry, Ont. Nurseries. This Stock is growing in my Orders booked as received until the 100 $15 0 HH Elms, Black Walnut, White Ash, &c.; a large r, Plum and other Trees, Small Fruit Plants, Terms Cash. stock, or price your list: Don't delay in ordering: I guarantee the stock The Stock and prices they are now prepared to manufactura DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, CASINGS, FRAMES, STAIRS, STAIR RATLS, STAIR BRACKETS, BANNISTERS, NEUEL POSTS, MOULDINGS, &C., IN GREAT VARIETY. Seroll Sawing, Band Sawing and Turning done with neatness and dse- patch, : i ' ALL THE LATEST STYLES IN FANCY FENCE PICKETS Tanks and Cistern Tubs made to order. Flooring and Siding constantly on hand. Planing done to Order. The patronage of the public is respeoct- fully solicited. Factory on Lilla street, just south of the Town Hall, EMERSON BROS. Port Perry, May 6, 1886 PATENTS, CAVEATS, AND RE-1g5URS secured, TRADE-MARKS registered, andall other patent causes in the Patent Office and. béfore the Courts promptly and carefully proseented. Upon receipt of model or sketel of invention, T make careful examination, and advise asto patent. ability Free of Charge, With my office directly meross trom the Patent Office, and being in personal attendance there, it ap- parent that I have superior facilities for making prompt preliminary searches, for the wore vigorons and successful prosecution of 'applications for patent and for attending to all blisiness entrusted to my care, in the shortest possible time. FLES MODERATE, and exclusive attention given to patentbusiness. - Information, advice and special references sont on application. J. R. LITTELL, Bolicitor and Attorney in Patent Canses, Washington, B.C. placein Pol (OPPOSITE THE FOUNDRY) . PORT PERRY! HE UNDERSIGNED would return his sincere thanks to the public for § liberal patronage accorded him in the past, begs to state that vith increased : ties he ix now in a better yosition to turn out first-class x a on op a T would also intimate to = numerous friends that this is the szsr and rt Perry to get your Horse Shoeing done. JAS. SWAY Port Perry, April 2, 1890. TWO PRPERS FOR THR Price of One. We have made an arrangement for combination with "FARM- PQULTRY", a monthly poultry paper published in Boston, Mass, By this arrangement we are enabled to furnish both the Osgeryer and the Faru-Pourtry for the single price of our paper, namely, $1. Any person sending us this moun}, will receive the OBSERVER every week for one year, and tha Faru} =~ Pourtry every month for one year, from receipt of order. Old subscribers who are in arrears must pay up their arrearages and one year's subscription to the OBSERVER in order to take advantage of this offer Diesfeld's Diamond Hall JUST OPENED OUT A Kine Stock Opposite U.S. Patent Office Mention this paper.) 3 ET ETS JOHN NOTT, UNDERTAKER, and Funeral Director, PORT PERRY. E'S COTTON R007 COMPOUND. A reoentdiscovery bygn old hysieian. icc y f ES. the only per- and reliable ware of principled druggists w ferior medicines in place of this, Ask for Coox's CorToN RooT COMPOUND, take no sub- stitute; or inclose $1 and 4 three-cent Canada tage stamps in letter, and we will send, intend by return mail. Full sealed particu- jniein plain envelope, Lo jadissonly, Hg iy C 0. Bigok, Isl Woo LA Fisher any, D ood 18 HOTEL has been d renovated -and newly furnished. No ins will be spared to make guests com: ortable. The Bar and Dining Room will always be found well supplied, Good Com mercial Rooms. First-class Stabling and an attentive Hostler, #3 Buss tb train. Give me a call. W. H. PARK, Manilla, April 20, 1891. Proprietor undersigned offers for sale, 'on * advanta terms, the following yperties : his residence on Caleb street, adjoining lots. purities from terms and particulars apply to the worst Sc W. EDMETT, 5 Insurance and Gen. A gen. ; Port Perry "remodeled and| Fine Jewelry--Latest Styles and Patterns. FINE GOLD WATCHES Latest, Styles. in Cases.' : . The Latest Styles in Ladies' and Gent's CHAINS, CHARMS, BUTTONS » Forty dozen SPECTACLES and EYE-GLASSES, from 25 cts to §6. REGULATORS and OLOCGKS in great variety. Everything Warranted as Represented. REPAIRING in first-class Workmanlike manner at DIESFELD'S UR IT WILL PAY bo 9

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