Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 3 Nov 1892, p. 1

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thanks, but she came aguin and * l'until one day she found a vacant ¢ sat down at it and had been there ever bis card. ' Bhe look- raised her brows slight- je card into ber handbag, king squarely at him, DRE o. i ee € ted he. 'he remarkable cuits SUCCESSOR TO DR. HAMILL, D,, Master of Su Port Perry, April 4, 1888, © DAVID ADAMS, PORT PERRY. BANKER AND BROKER. Good Notes Disounted. She wrote two or three caustic articles, struck at one or two local at- rocities and in a little while made an enviable reputation for bitterness and Her name got out, and after that everything that appeared in the paper was dnhesitatingly set down oe ysians, London, Eng., Mem ! 5 of Physicians & Surgeons, Outario, Late attendant of Soho Hospital for Diseases of Children, London, En rr Surgeon, Ee Office hours--8 to 10a. m., 1 to 4 p. m,, Office nes. residence, Dr. Hamill's old tand fourteen Fi htful drive, and neither Pied" vac on its head an ble, and finished up the She was not known outside of the office, but the impressions that prevail- ed concerning her were not flattering, It was generally agreed that she knew too much to be young, cynical to be agreeable, and there was a theory current among the paper's readers that she had heen crossed in love and d sppointed in her literury b her at the door as she was | morocco; rang Miss Damon's bell. na Dn i tha pter the ballroom in the | was ushered into the pdrlor; med mote Edu thy condition, Has any amount of Money to Loan At 65 per cent. on good Mortgages. OHN BILLINGS, Solicitor, Public, Conveyancer, or the Ontario Bank. #& Office over the Ontario Bank, Port Perry. a dress of black lace with | drapery behind him, corsage that displayed a hb arms and a smooth white | figure in a toilet of black lace. thought, as he stood there ib her into the ballroom, that | .oould be more classic than ised, "spd 1d is nally its od ait and its appetite better than NT ave ob- served for months.'--Frank INSURANCE r. | efected at the Lowest Rates in Good Buglish Companies. EF Agent Allan Line of Steam- E. FAREWELL, L. L. B., Count Crown Attorney, Barrister, County Sol- oltor, &c., Notary Public and Conve: + Office--South wing Court House, Whitby, | "The Sorandin of Ayer's Barsaparilla the medical world," --D. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Dr. J. O. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Price §1; six bottles, $5. Worth 85 a bottle, YOUNG SMITH, L L. B., Barrister, aoe a Lav, Solicitor in Chancery She did her work in the daytime, and was little more than a myth to the men who spent their nights in journalistic harness. quently questioned about her, and they generally answered all queries by the borad but meaning statement that she did not "run with the gang. Soon after she began her mark in her new sphere a book of verses ap- peared, written by a gentleman of L , George Lawrence. Copies were sent to all the papers, and one of these fell into the bands of Miss Damon, She prefaced her criticism with the remark that the verses were not unis} 0 Port Perry, Oot. 17, 1889. bom was full of promen. MONEY TO LOAN ANY AMOUNT on AT 6 PER OENT. #2 Also on Village Property. | 83 MORKGAGES BOUGHT, WA HUBERT L. EBBELS, Office next to Ontario Benk. Port Perry, May 10, 1885. WM. EDMETT, "| Insurance and General Agent, lock, Brock Street, J. A MURRAY, DENTIST, now putting § in Upper and Tov Seta of $4 T0 $76 EACH SET. _ Having just purchased the lar, tecth ever brought into North fied I .gpn suit Tou bute as to quality p Come and se f. passed out on the ver- it talking in the moonlight. ly they would retnrn and intervals, waltzing when 8 began to thin and the parlor Sufferers [Rom Stomach and Liver derange- * There is 1 o'clock, just leave at 8. Good night' h way do you go to=morrow ¥' Headache, and Constipation--find fo 4 and certain relief in Ayer's Pills. Inall cases where a oa thartic is needed, "I must beat home by the see you in the morning," he said. eve we leave this place on the rain, so I won't say goodby. ow, just one more dance--the quarters of a column. Lawrence had never forgiven her. He referred to her ever afterward as "The Dragon' find the 'Imperial Dra-|. » criticised versifier exper-| ia isnced some satisfaction at having thus{ baptized her with indignation, by no means considered himself aveng- , and at the mere mention of her name his muscles grew rigid and every artery throbbed with a wild desire for iy 1 ASCE ance Co'y, (RNT * ) TET Tor, oor, hn i Brown, of Oceana, W. " 'I have prescribed Ayer's pn & Tonos INSURANCE Coy Port Perry, April 26, 1889, WILLCOX & HOLT Licensed Auotioneers COUNTY OF ONTARIO AND TOWNSHIP OF OARTWRIGHT, their gencral use ms For a samberel years I was affiio with bilionsness Jyiich al al y but eh afforded me an, Seliet & gatil ills." --G 'Wanderlich, Scranton; Pa. "1 have used Ayer"s Pills for the past ears, and am satisfied I should alive to-day if it had not been They cured me of dyspe) when all other remedies failod, and their has kept me in; a Leaily condition ever _since,"--~T, P. d havin full Course at the Provincial Ve College and obtained a Diploma as Veterin- ary Surgeon, would announce that he has opened an office for the practice of his pre wn the long gallery they floated shadow and out into the light, dsp gradually tightning as they her face against hig shoulder, is head bent forward until his fessionat Port Perry, whereall callspersonal by letter or telegram, by day or by' nigh willbe promptly attended to. iscases of animals treated In the latest and best known system. #7 Telephone connection--free of charge > music ceased suddenly, but the REAL ESTATE A SPECIALTY. out her waist did Sale Bills made out and Blenk Notes farnished free of charge. antee or no pay. Terms liberal. Being clever with the pencil he made a sketch of her which embodied the popular impression Pert Perry, April 8, 1884. "Having been subject, for constipation, without being able to find much relief; I at last tried Ayer's Pills, and deem it both a duty and a pleasure to testify that I have derived oo LT § their use. For over two years have taken one of these Pills Pre 'before retiring. I would not shew." --G. W. a swift movement of his left e drew her arm up until it en- leaned forward and She darted away like s and he caught a last glimpse us she tuned a corner of the shrewish person of uncertain age, and | it was a source of endless amusement] to himself and friends. Lawrence was a good deal depressed, but he did not intend to be snuffed out in this summary fashion, however, and though for a time he attempted], nothing in a literary way, he was casi: ing about for a fresh motive, resolved at no distant date to make another Licensed os Yaluator dc. AY of Bock, Rabe '6 L ROBSON. V.S. RADUATE Ontarid Veterinary Col- lege, Toronto. Office and residence EVERGREEN COTTAGE, two miles south of pp a have g*., Ons used in m; family Upwards of y claimed for them. In attacks of piles, from which I suffered afforded me greater relief tried." --Thomas Partiesontrusting their Sales to me may rely an the wimaot attention being given to jen Lawrence came down to break- xt morning it was noarly 9 The early train had gone. phone in the house--free communication with Port Perry, Manchester, and elevator, raph calls to Manchester will be for- Holly Springs, Texas. Ayer's Pills, Dr, J. C, Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Dragon' had recommended prose ; he would try prose. In the meantime summer had come and Lawrence was to spend several] months with some friends in California When he returned he would go-to yas summer again, o contemplated a year ago was He had acted on the sugges Livery Removal | EARTILY thanking the public for lie North Ontario Observer. A Weekly Foljtinal Agricultural and Family Newspaper, ave a i is out to graze and given his at- MY EVERY I TO MY NEW PREMISES a the Railway Station extended proviises and THOUSANDS IN REWARDS Great ey Sam Th of The NAR adie in Hos ssavartite jo result was a novel--the story of ~ealled 'En Route," which he 'hin friends was suggested by his Western trip. d been published, and Lawrence, on his way to California] had stopped to spend a day at Manitou: | ver? | He had reached the springs the lt ing before, and was Tuddsea re break- | PORT PERRY, ONT, NoTE. 0 want halts milion and to secure tbem we EE Bale ony the door, sud a lady was on the of getting in when the driver 'am, assurance "aid tego A eid out by the lat. | Liv Sa Is NE written | * Miss Damon will be home to Mr, Lawrence this evening at 8 o'clock. No. 705 West Broadway.' This sketch, despite the limited space it occupied, was spirited and indicated a knowledge of her unflattering 'sobri- quet. As he looked up at his own sketch upon the wall he was conscious of a strong finpalse to destroy it. At 8 o'clock that eve bearing his peace offer ¢ Lawrence, \g in gilt and He and in a few mowents he heard a rustling of { As he arose he encountered a slender "Miss Vincent," he said exultingly, 'I have been looking for you every-| where, 1 have written you innumer- | and I have been four | times to that horrid hole of a town | Why oe able letters, where you said you lived. you deceive me 80 cruelly I' "Why did IT deceive you?! Well, I| did not think it would add anything to | your pleasure just thew to know the | truth.' A horrible presentiment seized him. * Then--then--your name is---is not Vincent ¥ 'Yes; * You koiow me, of course?' he falter- ed, | 'Yes. 'Don't you think you have taken Alice Vineent-Damon.' rather a mean advantage of me? 'No; T think the truth would have was sitting in his room, his friend Harrison came in, took a seat on the opposite side of the table, and, after gazing at his host for some time with a most Migabrious expression, YOld man, is this all true that I hear about you? ' What do you hear * That you have actually eaught the | dragon.' Lawrence laughed. * What does it mean? persisted Harrison. "I$ means that at lust I am about to take my revenge. said : I intend to marry her. Lawrence mada this announcement with dramatic intensity, and Harrison, who had arisen, dropped limply into a chair. After a pause he pointed to the sketch on the wall and asked pathetic: ally : ' 1 say, Lawrence, does she look like that I Lawrence that was standing on the mantel piece with its face to the wall, and, holding it before Harrison, said: 'She looks like that, and she is the heroine of my story. reversed a photograph ONB ENJOYS | Both the method and results when v Th it is pleasant foand acts einer, i 2 ee) re habia Ww Pot Hy mack, prompt py substances, its 1! excellentqualitiescommend it ned and have uals | 5 ew ol nay LE Se "ar pe vere just, That the term miraculous' was Jasthed ed that iff each of the edses referred to | health and strength of the former suf [six boxes of them moiled 8 very. pleas Bat CRY. dg rommmiond is disekpe A week or two later, as Lawrence will be admitted when it is remember: the sufferer lias been protounced in curable by leading physiciatis, afid at least one of the cases was treted by men whose reputation has placed them among the leaders of the world's med- ical scientists, but without avail, and the patient was sent to his home with the verdict that there was no hope for him, und that only death could inter: vens to reliove his sufferings. When some months later the restoration to ferer was annouveced it was little wonder that the case created a pro found sensation throughout the couniry. Recenty the following letter, which in dicated an equally remarkable cure came under the notice of The Standard: | Sorsvinie, N. Y., June 25, 1802, | * * * * Rive weeks ago jfather (Phil- | ander Hyde,) was very low and not expected | to live but a short time; He was in such { agony that we had to give him morphine to | relieve the terrible pain froy ch he was | sutfering. The dcctors" had given him up They said there was no he! hin, ad | my dear father longed for donth an bolng the { only certain relief irom his sufferings, One | day he saw in the Albany Jonrnal an necount | sent to Company, and got six boxes of the pills; | in Galway, Saratoga county, and who was | \Wo read the directions carefully, nn resolved to comply with them #s fully ag possible. On | morphene or any kind of medicine, cut off all )| Pin} | of how a man by the name of Quant, living afflicted like father with 162omotor ataxia, had been very greatly henefited and hoped I! for permanant cure from th use of Dr Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People learning that these Pillacould be had of the | Dr, Williams' Medicine Company Brockville, Ont , and Schenectady, and that they were | not expensive, my husband sent $2.50 for And what a bie sing | I< Father has taken butfour | they have been Boxes of the Pink Pills, Ho is no longer | confined to his bed, hut is able to get up without assistance and with the aid only of a cane to walk about the house and all around out of doors. He has a good hearty appetite, his food agrees with lim, the pain in the back from which he suffere: 1 80 long and so terribly bas left him, . He has no mere creeping chills and he ap pears and says ha feels like a new man. e doctors had ¥ HITE sis and said he could not ry glad we are that we heard about these won derful Pink Pills, and how thankful we are for what they have done for father. Indeed they have done wonders, yes, even a miracle for him, Respectfully yours, Mns, WiLLiam JOHNSON, The above letter indicated a cure so remarkable as to be worthy of the fullest investigation, and The Standard determined to place the facts, /if » rectly stated, before the public for oe benefit of other sufferers, or if anfound ed, to let the public know it. With this end in view a reporter was sent te Sols: ille with instructions to give the facts of - the case as he found them With these instructions he went to Solsville and oh Tuesday, Aug. 2, 1892, called upon Philander Hyde and learn ed from him and from his relatives and neighbors and friends the whole story of his sickness and his terrible suffer- inz, of his having been given up-by the doctors, and of his cure and rapid con valescence by the ase of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. It may be interesting to the readers to know that Boleville is a postoffice village in Madison county; N.Y, about 30 miles from Utica, on the line of the New York, Ontario & Western Rail road. = Tt is the station at which to gel off to go to. Madison*Lake, the charm- ing aiid attractive objective point of a great many picnic and excursion par: ties. On reaching Solsville the reporter enquired of the station agent, who is also agent there of the Natioual Ex- press company, if he knew a man by the name of Philander Hyde, and where ho lived, and aiso if he knew a man by the name of William Johnson. 'Yes, said he, 'T am William Jobnson, and Philander Hyde, who is my wife's father, lives with me in that white house over there on the side Lill ; that's him sitting on the piazza.' When told that your reporters errand was to interview Mr. Hyde and to learn about his sickvess and alleged cure, Mr. Johnson said 2 'That's all right ; you can go right over to the house and see Mr. Hyde and my wife. I will come over pretty soon, and we will be only too happy to.tell you all about it." = «Will you walk in said Mrs. John son: 'Those childrent (who are plny- ing about the pinzza) are my twins, and this is my father Philander Hyde.' Mr. Hyde walked into the sitting room and taking a meat said he would willingly tell the tery of his sickness and cure, and be had no objection to its being published, as it wight be the means of helping to" relieve others whose sufferings were the same or sim- ilar to what his had been. His story was as follews-- *My mame is. Philander Hyde. 1 am nearly 70 years old-- will be 70 in September. 1 was born in Brookfield, 'Madison county, whero all my life was spent until recently, when, becoming helpless, my son inlaw ~ was kind enough to take me inte His home, and the kindest care. had been that of a bn deaths, | directions in until nd the streets by the aid of a cane only.' pies iv | ear sir, the pain v to be dreaded than a thousal {Wits in this codition T was Ered ed by Dt: Green, of Poolville, and Dr: Nicholson, of Solsville, and Dr. Weed; of Utica: soon became perfectly helpless and lost all power of motion even in ny bed. They did me no good. 1 * On tho 24th of February lost," said Mrs. Johnson, 'we hall him brought to' our home, the way in a bed, and such a sufferer the doctors gave him up wtaxia and that he could not be cured, They stopped giving him medicine atid said they could ofily relievé the pain, and for that purposé he took a pint of whisky a day for three morphine in great quantities. He had to be carried alf He was 80 helpless They said he had locomotor months and 'Tt was while father was in this dreadful condition that we saw in the | Albany Journal the story of the mir weulous cure of a Mr.Quant in Galway, Saratogo county, by the use of Dr | Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. We badn't much faith, but we felt that | it was our duty to try them, and so we the Dr. Williams' Medicing' We stopped giving hind stimulants, and gave him the Pills and treatment according to which each box is wrap- ped, The effact was wonderful and almost immediate. In ten days aftef father began taking the pills he could got out of bed and walked without as- sistance, and has continued to improve now he wn ks about the house ¢ Yes," said Hyde, 'and the pain has _ | gone out of my back and the numbness out of my legs. my digestion is good, and I have an excellent appetite, and then after a pause, * But, ah me, I am an old man ; [ have seen my best days and cannot hope to younger thankful to have the use of my limbs and to pains.' 1 have no more ehillsy old vigor as # but I am so recover my nan might, be relieved of those dreadful Mr, Hyde has continued to take the pills regularly since he began their use, ind was ofi his tenth box at the time he told his story. Besides Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, othe# people in Solsville confirm the accounts of the sickness of Mr. Hyde and of his most remarkable recovery, and a num- ber of others for various ailments are using the Pink Pills, Abel Courtis is using them with satis- factory effects, Mrs. pitt, is using the Pills with mueh Lens efit, for nervouns debility. The mother of for rheumatism, snd Lippitt, wife of ex-Senator Lip* A further investigation revealed the fact that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are not a patent wedicine in the sense in which that term'is usualy understood, but a scientific preparation successfully" used years before being offered to the public generally, They contain in a condens- od form all the elements necessary to give new life and richness to the blood and ure an unfailing specific for such dis- enses as locomotor ataxia, partial par: alysis, St. Vitus' dance, sciatica, neg: ralgia, rheumatism, nervous headach the after eftects of la grippe, palpita- in general practice for many restore shattered nerves. They tion of the heart, pale and sallow com- plexions, and the tired feeling resulting from nervous prostration ; all discases- depending upon vitiated humors in the blood, such as scrofula, chronic e: sipelas, eto. They are also an ontal ing It speaite bore for arites, and all forma of weakness. Th baild up the blood and restore the glow of health to to pale sallow cheeks. In case of men they eflect a radical cure' in nll cases arising from mental worry, overwork or excesses of whatever nature, These Pills are manufactured by the" Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, Brockville, Ont, and Schenectady, N.Y., and are sold ouly in boxes bear- ing the firm's trade mark and wrappery at 50 cts a box, or six boxes for $2.50. Bear in mind that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are never sold in bulk or by the dozen or hundred, and any dealer Who offers substitutes in this form iu trying to defraud you end should be avoided. Dr. William¢' Pink Pills may be fron all druggists or direct by from Dr. Williams' MedicinalO from either address, The expensive as compared w medies or medical treatment, Of cotrse a young » "be killing when she

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