Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 3 Nov 1892, p. 3

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AUCTION SALE 3 Sets Harness, 4 Sets Whifflebrees, "© Scugog, Oct. "31, a discerning public must judge ' Oall and see some of the Bargains Bam PLUG OF TH : through. {le Navy! 18 MARKED } see them, Men's Long Boots at prices & B. |) LETTERS. : Flaneletts (40 pieces) in all shades X- 1801. Hounwy Prestirs Easy and Fancy Chairs, Parlor Suits, and The undersigned has instruction from MR. J. GAMBLE To Sell by Auction, on lot 7, con, 11, Couches is Hae Cloth, Rute, Petit Point, Silk d ir Plush ScuUuUGcoa, Fil Tepeutry," Mogueti" . ~ ather and Silk Brocatelle, On Friday, Nov. 11,1892, ties' Voooot; Ok Card and Fane; Racy Mahogany. #7 Bamboo Easels and Tables. ®a We do the best Picture Framing in in Ontario. All American Mouldings. The following first-class "Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Swine, Farm Implements, Machines, &c, &c.i_ HORSES, 1 Grey Mare, 6 years old; 1 Black Horse, 6 years old, Our prices are as low .as is consistent 1 Bay Maro, 5 years old, with sn Honest Profit. 1 Bay Horse, 4 years old, 1 Light Driving Mare, 6 years old, Call and see us before buying your 1 Bay Horse, 3 years old, Presents, 1 Bay Mare Colt, 2 years old, (heavy) three crosses, JESSOP FURNITURE CO., Port Perry. % Brown Horse, 8 years old, 1 Bay Mare, 9 aig, in foal to Ambition, W. 3, NOTT, Mauager, 1 Grey Mare, aged, in foal Port Perry, Dec. 9, 1891, 1 Bay Mare, a, aged, in foal to Treasure, . 2 Colts, 8 mon . : . % OA 6 Milch Cows, 5 of ii in calf--some dne Clippi ng and Tri m m | ng due to calve in December 3 Heifers, 2 years old--oue in calf, The undersigned begs to inform the public 4 Yearling Heifers, that he is prepared to Clip and Trin (io Old 2 Ye: ing Steers, Country and other styles, all horses en- 2 Winger Calves, trusted to him, Orders left at Mr. 8. 3 Late Calves, Graham's Blacksmith Shop will received immediate attention. Charges moderate, ed. SHEEP, SWINE AND POULTRY, 8 Breeding Ewes, well bred, ¥ 12 Lambs, well bred, 8 Hogs, 3 Spring Pi A iki Sg' Fowls -- Turkeys, Ducks, Geese and Hens, IMPLEMENTS, BTC, 1 Masscy Binder, 1 Big $B" Mower--six foot cut, 1 Dingle Seed Drill, 3 Sylvester Plows--single, 2 ree-Furrow Gang Plows, 1 Set Iron Harows, 2 Sets Wooden Harrows, 1 Houey Fannin, ug an, Satisfaction Guarant- . F. CRANDELL, Port Port, Sept. a 1892. Strayed Heifer. TRAYED from the prer Port Perry, about, 16th J sot the undersigned, " white stripe on her. face rontof her tect close to the hoofs are white, nd last ween on the Centre rod, 6th con., near ester. A gultable reward will be given for ED Oraniion that will I her recovery. JESSE ND. 5 London, Oct. 26.--The Durham miners by sn immense majority have voted against a legal working 'day of eight hours, Their average working time now is seven hours. 2 Necly Yokes, 1 Turdip Slicer, 1 Grind Stone, Seythes, Hoes, Rakes, Shovels, ete. 30 Tons of Hay, 2,000 bus. Turnips, in lots to suit purchasers #2r The proprietor is giving up farming 80 all the above property will positively be sold without reserve, SALE AT TWELVE O'CLOCK - BHARP! Terms. --The Hogs and Poultry, 'and all sums of $10 and under, cash ; over that amount twelve months credit by purchasers furnishing ap proved notes. Nine per cent. discount wil 2 allowed for cash on all sums entitled to credit. W. M., WIL LOOX, Auctioneer, 1592, The Head Surgeon. Of the Lulbon Medical Company is now at Toronto, Canada, and may be consulted either in person or by letter on all chronic diseases peculiar to men, = Men, young, old, or middle-aged, who find themselves nerv- ons, weak and exhausted, who are broken down from excess or overwork, resulting in many of the following symptoms: Mental dopression, premature old age, loss of vital- ity, loss of memory, bad dreams, dimness of sight, palpitation of the heart, emissions, lack of energy, pain in the kidneys, head- ache, pimples on the face or body, itching or culiar sensation about the scrotnm, wast- ipg of the organs, dizziness, specks before the eyes, twitching of the muscles, eye lids, and elsewhere, bashfulness, deposits in the urine, loss of will power, tenderness of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failure to be rested by sleep, constipation, dullness of hearing, loss of UponReceipt reve cur voice, desire for solitude, excitability of + | temper, sunken eyes surrounded with with your name and address, we wil |, ;; ov orrove, oily looking skin, ete. are forward you Agents' Outft and all symptoms of nervous debility that lead to insanity and death unless cured. The | spring or vital force having lost its tension every function wanes in Gonisequense. Those who through abuse committed in ignorance be permanently cured, Send your ares for book on all diseases peculiar to man. Books sent freo sealed. Heart disease, the symptoms of which are faint. spells, purple lips, numbness, palpitation, Te beats, hot flushes, rush of blood to the head, dull pain in the heart with beats strong, rapid and irregular, the second heart OurGreat Premium e] iS{-- LT ERE beat quicker than the first, pain abont the KVERYONE SHOULD SEE THIS , breast bone, ete., can sitively be cured, No LIST OF HANDSOME PRIZES, ours no Sond jor hook: Address WHICH ARE SIvEN 3) MANY V. LUBON, 24 Maodonell Ave, Toronto, CASES BELOW RAEN WeW ant Agents QOUGHS OOLDS, ASTHMA, IN EVERY LOCALITY. WRITE BARLY.|HOARSENESS, B RONCHITIS, ete., eld at once Yo Dr Wood's No; | ry successful . Throat an «This is a chance for the Young Folk. THE ats. to Lona. Me F. M Prices for-CASH Only. money to loan at lowest rates of in: iA, 0 i REAT COUGH SURE, fi wt American Hiir Cloth, fras| Life 18. ls Short Ge your eye ol SREAT CO N CURE, is without a par $ sight TESTED, proved 8 ED allel "Al druggiet by buying your SPEOTAC at Digg. are. ¥eLp's. We sell tacles made. Forty dozen In buying he has had his faok'in his mind, viz : ~-acason the public would demand that Store Goods should be correspondingly low. Men's Under Shirts and Drawers at 400" per Buit. " Mousand Boys' Tweed Suite wt Wholesale Prices. Also a lot of Special Bargains, 2 Money Yarnold, Solicitor has any amount of ment of FALL AND WI whether you want them at present or not as we will be pleased to Observe that table containing 62 pieces of Dress Goods in Plain and Grey Tweed Berges, at 150 per yard for your choice, and every piece a bargain at 20 or 25¢ Dogs yess und Ai worlasd and as Oheap as Wheat. to be Appreciated on sight. 12}c Priats for 8c per "HAS rpeeived the the second That crops are bad and prices low and thas to do bu i ard. Flannels cheap and A Bankrupt Stock of Men's and Ladies' Dongla and Onlf Kid Boots at less than 7| Just 22 Arrived. NTER (00D How well he has keph this i e on the dollar, © yard, ----=--A CRATE OF Colored Dinner .AT CLOSE surpassed by A Special Line of Men's, Boys' < Just to Port Perry, Aug, 0. 15892, An Assortment of fine GLASSWARE Newest Designs, To see is to purchase. JAPAN THA--25 and 35¢ 9 Ib. BOOT AND SHOE DEPARTMENT. THOS. J. WIDDEN. HANDSOME and Tea Sets | PRICES. Quality and flavor not any in town, and Youths' Grained Bals,, hand. CURRIE BLOCK. BOOTS & SHOES { J THEY SHOULD BE! Tat nail SELL CHEAP. They are manufactured of the very best material and for chéapness and good work- manship cannot 'be excelled in this or ad: joining counties. My life-long experience in the manufacture of Boots und Shoes gives me an advantage over more inexperienced deéglers and my present stock is such as I warrant tu give satisfaction aud the prices are right, ALL KINDS MADE TO ORDER. SEWED WORK A SPECAILTY. Repairing promptly attended to, Cement Patches neatly executed. Ladies' Polish, £7 Prices to Suit the Times. Give me a call at the Market Block, Port Perry. WM. BOND. Port Perry, Sept. 22, 1892, GOING WEST.-- . . . : Heel Plates; Button Fastners, the same Ps Po bseam put in, - Laces in Cotton, Leather, and Por- 7:06. ps my oise, All kinds of Findings on hand, also | OING EAST - 10:36 a.m Rubber Cement. Rubber Boots and Coats " : 7:06 p.m, repaired, u . 11:05 p.m, : A. J. DAVI The Best Material! No S8hoddy! No Agent, Port Sheepskin | 1 ee et Methodist Church. REV, L. W. HILL, B'A., Paston, Church of the Ascension; REV. MR. FLETCHER, PAsToR. Sunday Bervices, 10:30 and 6:80. Week vening Service, Thursday, 730. Bt. John's Church. (PRESBYTERIAN, ) Babbath Services, 10:30 and 7, Week Evening Setvice, Thursday, 7:80, Baptist Church, REV. ME. CAME RON, Paros, Sabbath Services, 10:80 and 6:30, ivening Service, Thursday, :80. Canadian Pacific Railway. ONTARIO DIVISION rains will leave Myrtle as follows Sittings of the Division Conrts COUNTY OF ONTARIO. 1 Backz Old Stand HE Subscriber expresses his sincere thanks to the generous public for the liberal patronage bestowed upon him in the' pest. and takes pleasure in announcing that e has removed his business to the Store formerly occupied by him, Opty Mo, Tommonds' Show, where he "will be "pleased to cater for his numerous and still increasing patrons, A FULL STOCK of everything in his line will be kept on hand, and the public will meet with the same treatment at my hands ua heretofore, The steady increase of my business affords the most convincing' proof of the perfect satisfaction of Be: wale fats Duron he Sond CH . CE BREAD, CONFECTIONARY, 7K? | and everything in my line Fresh, Cheap and Ld OYSTERS! and all Other Delicacies in Season. sa A Call Solicited cdi may de- nied > 2 04 | Whitby Oshawa | \75|E 2 3 12 Srougham * [Pickering 3. Port Perr 4, Uxbridge 7 5.Cannington 28 8 6. Beaverton | 0 7.Uptergrovel 10 By Order. J, E. FAREWELL, Clerk of the Peace, Whithy, Dee, 22, 1801, DRESSMAKING. MISS NELLIE CAMERON Begs to intimate to the Ladies of Port Percy and vicinity that she is ! do Dressmalkii Caleb street. Port Perry, June 30, 1892. HE UND! IGNED = tothe ha NED 58 $0 gumousos a Eee be erty {LHR J. J. FERGUSON. naam | i i Stowe I HE 4 te-- - rire wn (pnt sigpn | SHILOWS [01 ooh oIEATS Pie ro Mont ris 0 35. | _.| CONSU MPTION i= oe, sitios os Caos ARTE SW GURE, PILE &F All orders left at my Stall i success | Market Building, or with on I wi conveyance, will i and rotal sttorrig, Ai meoliate Port Pussy) dae 545 J WHEELER. lush, sprig' ed Which WiLL JC pave Sore Throat, or Bronchiti wot @ 55, ket cha fork and sy your Eye EL a] if ye ila Anat Frames and [nesproserve it. NO glimmering dis | the Cros, or Whaopmg i PATERSON & es : : ziness, or -any dist: Sensation and ri & re Sd ae with ¢ the so called "Boss" ao, dies CC MPTION don't Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries the Bows of which are stan ; Boh Jou Beat ae gold with ghe name a on pod $1.00. 1f your are sore or veyancers, . Whe ther Ercole No wh ie Tame, nse ascts. | PORT PERRY, and soaton En A attest seo eto Sp ee 8}, Rips Tabules for liver troubles. select from, from 29 0 LESFELD'S : = hs ER fH MONEY TO LOAN. 'N.F. Ptr a a, and desires to solicit orders for it. mpstock. Deliveries made to any part of the town and Prince Albert. REV, RICHARD WHITEMAN, B.A, PAsror| y of Rooms at the residence of her father, 8 CHANGE OF BUSINESS have much pleasure in calling the attention their friends and customers to the largest and 'finest assortment of D & HANGING LAMPS "EVER BROUGHT INTO PORT PERRY. " remain Bb Boots, Felt Boots, &c., pretty mnch to hand and those ng such, and having the Cash to with will find Bia, Bio, BArGAIss | As also in all kinds of R0CERIES, &c., &c. T. C. FORMAN & SON. GOAL! Perry, Oct. 20, 1892. UNDERSIGNED while returning thanks for the the liberal and Il increasing patronage bestowed on him since commencing business in Perry, would state that he is iow erecting a large and commodious Coal Shed, and will soon receive a large stock of the HCelebrated Scranton Coal he: Hs Don't place your orders before inspecting ALSO KEEPS IN STOCK -------- Lime, Water Lime, Plasterers' Hair, All kinds of Lumber, Timber and Singles. WOOD various lengths. C. L. VICKERY. PEXIXIXPXX SCHOOL BOOKS -- AND---- chool Supplies In abundance--~-CHEAP--at . H. MCGAWS. LENA \ 23 IN HS NIN ONES iN £3 IN AVE EN The undersigned have eh pleasure in informing oustomers and the enerally, that the @ bestowed upon noe commencing gi lus far exceeded t sanguine expec- nd for which beg most sincero ate DOW hh to all who may patronize us, Brushes, &c, &c. tly attended to, An early callsolicite ce--OPIOSITE THE WESTERN BANK, BEATTY & BONGARD ARNESS | + HARNESS | aber over this entire ecvion, and every effort will be put forth to make matiufactired at our establishment stiil more deservedly popular, rience in every department of the business gives us confidence Ries. Trunks, Valises, Whips, Combs, pe nndersigned takés this opportunity of f reluthing his sinceré thanks for the large measure of patronage be: stowed on him since commencing business in Port, Perry; and would beg to state that having, ata largs expenditure; thoroughly overhauled fhe entire BEI and introdtcod thd" best, most approved and modern machinery including the ROLLER PROCESS Expeditionsly adi in a manuer that canibt fail to give satis faction to my patrons, The Trade supplied with Floar of the finest brands: THE PLANING FACTORY in full operation and can supply alt kinds of Dressed Lumber, also Lumber, Joists, Scantling, Boards, Pick els, Shingles, Posts, Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Bannisters and Newel Posts. £7 BILL LUMBER A SPECIALTY. All kinds of TURNING and SOROLL SAWING done 5% short notice JAMES CARNEGIE: Port Perry, Oct, 1, 1891, FEDS | seeos 1 SEEDS KE. ¥X. PURDY HAS NOW ON HAND A FULL STOCK OF FRESH AND RELIABLE FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS and is prepared to ty for Casg, alty. Sell as Cara? as any Hotise in the Coun- Red and Alsike Clover and Timothy a spect ALWAYS ON HAND,.A FULL STOCK OF Roller and Stone Flour, Feed of all kinds; wholesale and retail: Barrel and Dairy Salt, cheap ! ALSO, A FULL STOOK OF FRESH GROCERIES & PROVISION Cheap for Cash or Produce: Just received a car load of pure Land Plaster. EZ" The Highest Price paid at all times in Gash for any quantity of Oat} Beans, Flax, Eggs, &c. EZ GIVE ME A OALL «3 E. H. PURDY. Port Perry, Marth 10, 1802; LAING & MEHARRY -- HAVE AGAIN--- OPENED OUT WITH A MAGNIFICENT... NEW STOCK of everything in their line. LAING & MEHARRY. JUST RECEIVED. The Subscriber has just reseived a Tope Assortorent of FU S Hs McCOLL"S Port Perry, April 7, a Lirone Macamie On LLBROS.4 C0. | hi oS ; PERFUMES the best makers, eat. Glo Botlen, Biome Ware, ge, es - FARCY 0UPS AND SAUCERS, VASES, ge. PIPES and CIGARS of the Finest ube

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