Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 8 Dec 1892, p. 4

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4 A Pleasing Sense" {6th HALP-YEARLY COMPETITION Of health and strength renewed and of 7 ease and comfort follows the use of iB GR By Bf Syrup of Figs, as it acts in harmony culturist, with nature to effectually cleanse the | one Thousand Dollars in Cash,s Pair of system when costive or bilious. For | Handsome Bhetland Ponies, Cirriage and 8 ) i E mle in TBe bottles by all leading drug- able prizes for ihe Agrieuitonats bry ies : ! § --- : gists, of | Bq . Lh ia, Stem, OL me, art fa SWNGONE,, A Complicated Case. ixth Ha Literary Competiti ; s ™ WILL grand tion will, no doubt, be the most EAR SIRS,--1 was troubled with gigantic and sucosssful one ever presented to : al ili the le of the United States and Canada. . i atl headache and lost app One Th Dollars In cash wiil be paid : : ~AKEHENS [Rv could mot rest at right, and was very | to the person sending Io the largest list of ) X weak, but after using three bottles of B.B.B. | English words constructed from Jevters in the 2% ; i AL LIKE "i my appetite is and Fam better than | Words The Canadiab Agricu Lares VS y : i ; for years past. would not now be without tote oe on. Sash Will be given 3 - NDITION | f A ®4 Warrer Burss, Maitland U.S. i argent Bs or sive for ue 3 : 3 | WA y . ver one thousand additional zes award. | Gives Good Appetite. ed in order of merit: One Grand Plano, $300 V . Organ, $100 Plano; Dinner Sets; nd highly con . : TT Ds . GextieMmes,--I think yoor valuable WE Sik Dre a For how ity. Yet they showed considerable medicine cannot be equalled, because of the Catal ; Silver Tea Services; Tennyson's| br mall. Ask your ; Realy, sent free AND ¢ 7 9 judgment in what they stole. These include | benefit I derived from it. After suffering | o¢Ins, bound iu cloth ; Dickens in 12 volums, pald b B.B.P., and am also giving it to my children, | A Handsome Pair of Shetland Roples, 311, a mimbet of relics of the great Rachel, | ly three years 1 tried B.B.B. with great | who takes the trouble lo prepare an ORHnar THIS UNIVERSAL MEDICINE watches, jewellery, plate, money, but above | from headache and loss of Appetite for near- Susu in siech, i aio prizes; spr oN ¢ i a of Powder snd amongst them an admiral miniature | success. It gave me relief at ouce, and I [good list will not fail to receive a vaual fo N § 1s A HOUSEHOLD REQUISITE . : EVER in a jowelled box, and of great | now enjoy good health, prize. This 1s the biggest thing In" the com- waltie. A raver relic they disregarded 8 his Mus, MArriew SPROUL, Bie public, am all's who ti pot. Lake part wil Which hang a the wal, ot 10 ae and Dangaanon, Out. | ic 4 POTS Lok Ba oftner ; "THE PILLS B ais or absiraction. But they Fosisted ---- than It Appears In Ue wozds "The Capadiag : AS i THE PILLS | (OPPOSITE THE FOUNDIY) . the temptation and left it. Worse Than Death. I eo nancy the Word ] used, as there is bat one. "ig {n IVE PURIFY THE BLOOD, impart totie to th | * [ DD ; ee a ror eR nd hell NERVOUS SYSTEM, and act most power Bo Th | Man int mulky (to bicyelist just ahead) abu,' said the wife, * you uted fo [bh OSs, 8 REO IR aces Hor | FYE Undersigned ; a AN Do BOWELS, * UNDERSIGNED would return his sincere thanks to the at x . 4. E i ign 4 v: Bl \ 3 J e Beg pardon, young chig, bat I guess you'll | SY that you would die for me. Do |tho wrong words will simply not be counted. 5 ersign J Vek promoting DIGEST imilati liberal patronage accorded him in the past, begs to state tha five to turn 'out. Thee is m narrow road, | you love me as well now as you did ax onthe. sbeoHiption. vo. THE Dnt Tore te : 5 3 ON a Ant CL ties the, pas rn out firs and I don't want to ruw'over you. then? © ~~ _ t ater You Jou Lioyele) i Much . N * take the first prize, and the others will receive pbliged, : | hing can keep from being I guess so,' said the husband. prizes i order of merit. United States money Man in sulky (touching his animal with | YoU would still die for meT * bg Tigh 3 All right. Look for yourself! 5 - D rard 3.01 ' Wellitjt w ry 1 suppose 1 M as og Twould! . © : fast- 2014 1 | <How glad I am to hear you say 80! CH TN a "Why? 4 rrr a row NE 30 ote Jo i (en 4 ' gad ; P } A ; "isdnems Wholesaleland Retail ! int om Be Kalamazoo, "dn Michigan," is called the] *Beosuse T am going to put you to| Juiied Sistes willbe shipped trom cur New olesale ¢ eta Port Perry, April 2, 1690. "celery city" from the fact that on the out. the test.' 5 Leg ard uty. "All money 1etiors g bf I Bath _ ; : skirts of the City are the greatest celery |b vt un Pougn ComPETITION=We have given Hotelkeepers supplied at' Toronto and Montreal Prices-- {AS A WORLD-WIDE REPUTATION arr x : - EX gardens in the world. 'Gracious | Want me to die for you T' | away $2,000 in prizes during the last two | fo0/0)f squed. i : The arm of & compositor who works eight CN years, and have thousands of letters from 8 . It heals every kind of SORE, ULCER Z Shea 2p y No not so severe a test as that. I | prize-winners in every state in the union and J rtainly than other hours at his "case" setting type, travels & " 4 t of Canad d Newfoundland. a fe: and WOUND more certain! any % 7? : i ' nord Tw ; gery. pur of Canada snd Néwfoundiend. In stock, fine brands, Wines and Liguom for Medicinal Purposes. known salve. Its marvellous penetrating : distance of from six to seven miles, accord- | want you to bring me up a hod of coal | Lord Kilcoursie, A.D.G, to the Governor| p t t the t A oall Tid ing to a statistician of small things. from th Her. if asa? General of Canada, Writes; "I shall recom: DA au Ih wl ation. or. to Priiiée Albert and. Manek {2 render it invaluable in all i pple weighing thes pounds such have | 10 the cele (yon pense | tien Viktor iE, inet, free of charge, rc a enh! THROAT AND CHEST. DISCASES, ¢ (QO been grown in Southern California, and ap- ohn hrew his noval across © | $1000 in gold" and we hold his receipt for same ) ctiring Bronchitis, Quinseys, and Asthma, re- ples that weigh two pounds and a 'half are | ou buttoned up his dressing jacket, A Lew of he ln winery ie or M. WwW ILLIAMS. ducing Glandular Lumps, closing and healing { i $0 common as to excite no comment. : . A "| Ont, $150; David Harrison, Syracuse, {4| Port Perry, April 3, 1800 ih ABSCESSES and FISTULAS, and for alle bk The Kiowa Indians, once the wildest and | kicked the cat, and, snorting violently, po; H, beavis, St. Loult Mo., $300; Jan. » : . H visting the excruciating tortures of most warlike tribe in the United States, 4 : Addr 1] unieations to THE AGRI- { herod BW. ver in V - corronIST, Peterborough, Ontario. 3 ikin disease. The Bittenkill River, in Vermont, is to A Dangerous Cold ey Ye stocked with 3,500 yearling California ' reesei lpr rm-- . salmon, The experiment is regarded with | DEAR SIRS, --My little girl last winter Ripans Tabules cure colic. The Pills and Ointment are Manufactured only at reat interest, and it is generally believed | had a very bad coid which almost resulted | : Sure 1G, 78, New Oxford Bt. (late 533, Oxford 8t.) London ; grea the salmon will -- for Y the river | in congestion of the lungs. After doctoring | Ripans Tabules banish pain. N EW FU RN ITUR - N EW PRICES Ard are sid > = ond ors of Medicines shayughout the - - vil orld ; wil nas ll --TOR THRE---- % contains abundant food for the fish and is with her for three mouths without success 1 | <= = ie free from refuse | tried Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam, and two 3 3aptle, West Duluth, Minn. $500; M ox Cc riod) £ Civilization In proceeded with great reluctance to the Georgina Konertaon. OA St. Brookiyn, $1000; RHEUMATISM, GOUT, il ERR EE FEMI EEL nid on sd NEURALGIA ts mrp, Tore prove: ata : and thousands of oLhers ails to remove Scurf and every species of | | The Subscriber wishes to return thanks to his customers for the liberal support er r--y Buin efit eared her. She is now strong DR. wOooP'S since the fire, and is better Pp to furnish all requiring anything ir. | Pre and aus ae on lil " - Lady Aberdeen has opened a shop near Maps. SAMUEL MULHOLLASD. | hina £ < the Furniture line, good and cheap: Having added new Store Rooms, 1 res | Oxford Strest, London, they are spurious. Bulgrare Square for the sale of Irish needle- ) Hamilton, Ont. | - of ~ pectfully invite inspection of my'Stock. Just arrived a splendid lot Gilt} eg gravy x -- | © work. i HR and Marble Mouldings for picture framing and all kinds of frames suitable for 1 : f : ; It is probable that the famous convict - + | i erson 10 prison at Princetowr, on Dartmoor, will be Sure Pop. | , HOLID. Y PRESENTS. m ) I] EY closed at no distant date. Twelve months ago there were 1,100 convicts there, but now there are only 462. Mosbye - (member of the Suicide Ny Undertaking Tiara 1 | Club)--1 have selected strychnine. | Just the Same in This Country. Gluemy (another member)--I have | Planing Mills : HOICISICH PIISIICIOK | HM The differance between garden hose and | decided to use a parallel. is replete with everything necessaryfor PORT PERRY. fl | gw pel ining 4 Yio hose gitle hpi yg only wee the garden * A parallel! What's that furnishing Funerals. Charges reason- 4 : We have made dn arrangement with * FARM-POULTRY', | vi Hin Yue gle in wes. --Loa- ¢I don't know bat it's fatal The | able. () | nN % 7 =e) HE Subscribers beg id anvounss the : A Carrier Pigeon's flood Work. icy | R00 NL ZA they sre uow prepared to mantiashira a monthl, blished in Boston, Mass. By this arrangement . A wife living on "the outskirts of San | Dewapagers always speaking of the | One door West of the Post Office ea Z= Ladies NL DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, Ili y paper pu d rancisco wanting to send information of | dad arallel, \ J Y ¥ a i ae information oF | y P : | Sy rup. 4 JOHN INOTT canis, FRAMES, il we are enabled to furnish both the Observer and Farm-Poultry for band, whose place of business was five | Over Piftv V. virtn Pi ; : he 1 ; miles distant, intrusted the message to one | For Over Fifty Years. Rich in oth hs soothing studs of the Co - STATR RAILS, STAIR BRACKETS, il the price of our single paper, namely, 81. Any person sending us of the Jumily s carrier pigeons. The bird b Mgrs. WixsLow's SoorHiNG SYRUP has | { properties of other pectoral herbs and barks. BANNISTERS NEUEL POSTS : not only delivered it safely, but brought | been nsed by millions of mothers for their | A PERFECT CURE FOR ' rip 54 ? ill recas erve : i Back a senall vial of medicine which the hus. | children while testhing. 1f disturbed at|§ COUGHS AND COLDS MOULDINGS, &C., this amount will recgine the Observer every weck for one year, ant band tied to its leg All this was done in | night and broken of your rest bya sick | § 0 Cnece Asthma, Bronchitis, Sore Throat, IN GREAT VARIETY. ¥ ', sbout twenty minutes.--San Francisce | child suffering and crying with pain of Cut- Conn andeil T ROAT, BRONCHIAL an A 3 the Farm Poultry every month for one year, from receipt of order. Examiner. | tin Teeth 25d at once and get a bottle of LUNG DISEASES. Obstinate c pos hh Scroll Sawing, Ei Sawirg and eT TEI "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for | §resist otter Few yield prom Turning done with neatness a is- 1 Y rs must pay up their arr os Delays Are Dangerous. | Children Teething. It will relieve the poor | PIeASSELPEY YES ooo, pm mOTTLES hy 4 Old subscribers who are in arrears must pay up th carag 5 littlag sufferer immediately. Depend upon | SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. At this season the effects of catarrh | it, Mothers, there is no Listake anout it. and cold in the head are most seriously | It cures Diarrhoea, regulates the Stoma feit, and endanger life and henlth if | and Bowels, cures Wind Colig, softens the ¢ 4 Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives tone n not promptly tried. For this Purpose | ;nq energy to the whole phil " Mrs. Non 101 Island there is no remedy equals Nasal Balm. | Winslow's Soothing 'Syrup" for children Prompt in giving relief and never fails | teething is pleasant to the taste and is the to cure. Sold by all dealers 50c. a prescription of one of the oldest and best Sottl 1 0 y t re Addres female physicians and nurses in United Summer Resort.) Sgn 3 So Med pos pai. . 88 | States. Price twenty-five cents a bottle. - G. T. Fulford & Uo., Brockville, Ont. | Sold by all druggists throughout the world. | FISHING AND SAILING PARTIES on ie Be sure and ask for " Mrs. WiNsLow's Lake Scugog will be accommodated dur- : : : rb Bey ing open Fishing Season, commencing abo The assignment is announced of | SoorHING SYRUP. § OPO he middie of June, with © ot Messrs. W. E. Ellis & Co,, proprictors| THE WILD CHERRY combined with Meals at Moderate Prices ALL THE LATEST STYLES IN and---one Fears subscription to the Observer in order to lake ~ advantage of this offer. Ha FD, : * Tanks and made. Flooring and Siding constantly on hand. Planing done to Order. The patronage of the public is respect- fully solicited. 3% c Factory on Lilla street, just south of the SD) Town Hall. Ad ) / Q EMERSON BROS. Port Perry, May 6, 1886. PATENTS, a Lod STOMACH OWELS, PURIFY THE BLOOD. of the upper Mill, Oshawa, to James Milburn's Cod Liver Oil Emulsion A Dickson, Toronto. Liabilities $26,000. | makes 34 dalic ous in taste and perfect at any time during the day by ealling at my A RELIABLE REMEDY FOR CAYEATS, AND Reissues secured, TRADE-MARKS Financial tronbles, due to speculations v : esidence on Nouquon Island. . v ae ae istered, andall otherpatent causes in the Patent in T a isto DFO rly are pre as the| Ripans Tabules: pleasant laxative. } ALBERT STEVENS. Indigestion, Biliousness, 'Headache, Constipation, Office and ory property, K a Ripans Tabules cuge dizziness. Nonquon Island, June 3, 15¥2. cause. A meeting of the creditors is Ripaas Tahules : for liver troubles. ---- - od. betore the Courts promptlyand carefully | ' } x /spepsia, roni¢ Liver Troubles, Diz Upon receipt of model or sketch of invention, I | Dyspepsia, Ch: Liver Troubles, Dizziness, Bad on receipt of model ax sketch 1 : : . : ge Complexion, Dysentery, Offensive Breath, and "all yaks careful sxamination, asd advies ati patent: With my office directly across from the Patent a to be held in the town hall, Whitby, Ripans Tabules cure nausea. ir -- December 1st. Local creditors are not Ripans Tabules cure hives. P [ J BIL.IC disorders of the Stomach, Liver and Bowels. Office, and being in personal attendance there, it ap- Qikely 10 loss much. | Que or two Tk Re x ain mothing Sabasious to the eat deligate const Jaren cuss hes suiivior fanition 10F ommiing an Whitby men are interested to some IMPROVED boomers Lh i i Te iar. Sold by ep ad Liner ppli tor patent 4 extent. The bank liabilities are fully { : druggists. A trial bottle sent by mail on receipt of 15 cents. Address . and for attending to all business entrusted to my JUST OPENED OUT A care, in the shortest possible time. FAES MODERATE, and exclusive attention given THE RIPANS CHEMICAL CO., to patentbusiness. Information, advice and special 4 v 10 Spruce Street, = = New York City. refefences sent on application. Hin ec <) B OO ck Solicitor and Attorney in Patent Causes, SS ~~ Washington, D.C. te tocar. Tho mi nes to ics L010, Pur Boeabine Boat Camplell & White, who commenced FA . |THE undersigned takes much pleasure in grinding this week. As both members FAN ® Y BO Y | informing the public .that he has now of the firm are practical working men moved into his extensive, well arranged they have every prospect of sucCess.-- | pred by Mr. John Adams, ** Ambleside," . : Mention this paper) Opposite U.S. Palent Office, A va. Vindic : ROB. ' i : ewelry--Latest Styles and Patterns Oslmwa. Vingicatar. mn NewBrickEstablishment Ping Jewelry y B ee ) j il the abov : . : i Ix all imjsretions of the Myrtle Navy aod Beatie Service, on lot 21. con, where his superior and greatly increased 11. (US EW r JOHN NOTT, | FINE GOLD WATOHES-- Latest Btyles in Cases. tobacco yf nttempted, either inferior | I, Brock. JHeis from Snells' Imported Breed factiiélen for Jasinsss will Jive advantage fly": UNDERTAKER, stock Jus Leen used or the plug has [Lonboth HASTRMCL bin th we : McCOLL'S aii_Peneral Directer, The Latest Styles in Ladies' and Gent's CHAINS, CHARMS, BUTTONS heenf made. a trifle lighter in weight. peti in 'Canada; Service 81. LIV many thanks for very extensive acd PORT PERRY. The Yatter: defect is apt to escape the WM. MEDD. , |*till increasing patronage. 1 need scarcely Y 3 § TE of : attention of the consumer until he Brock, Nov. 5, 1802 remind the public that my mor Forty dozen SPECTACLES and EYE-GLAS FE , fren no 5 Be i ee ae ; ARDINE ACHIN 4) GoTo R07 REGULATORS and OLOCKS in great variety » > Al . COMPOUND. INDER OIL ! samosas Everything 'Warranted as Represented. of LADIES ds theonly per. . ; ecily safe and reliable : i a". Beware of imitation. oY ca roc discovered. Be- REPAIRING in first-class Workmanlike manner ferior medicines in place of this. Ask for 's Cook's CorToN RooT COMPOUND, take no sub- ) titate ; or inclose §1 and 4 three-cent Canada I SF i 3 i é Bd 0S & O Postage Stamps in letter, and we will send. at D E BE D |} { ) = Eo number of plugs than before. The "SER | A roved Oven Myrtle Navy is wade three plugs to the ji yound and each plug is carefully weigh- . od has ail the latest improvements ana does its work to perfection. The public may " You've frozen your ears," is a com- rely on an unlimited supply of mon remark. Bathe in Johnson's Ano- ' dyne Liniment. » CHOICE BREAD gz Ask for LJ] Life is Short !--Get your eye| One Hundred and Forty-one sight TesTED; improved or RESTORED Handsome Photographs Re Every variety of McC 0 by buying your SPECTACLES at Dies- : ¥rin's. We sell Spectacles which wiLw tn One Grand FANCY BREAD, CHOICE Pe) i ' Far Sale py J. C. B oni PICTURE CONFECTIONERY, &C. Ye 50 called Boss' Acs, o Conservative. ~~ | BRIDAL KES sealed, by return mail. Full sealed particu- fars in plain envelope, Lo ladiesonly, 2 stsm ps. ddress Pond Lik A ly Com) y, No.3 Fisher ' bens Block, 131 Woodward ave., 1 Sold | b; where. LS an applied on sh Ho Everything in the line Cheap and Good, T pu r of spectacle. No better spec-| 1200 : ; = WM. HISCOX. i 2] The undersigned begs to inform the public aade. Forty dozen of spectacles| 1892 arliamentee [ro rey seo. 180. i Tin re Brapured to Clip sod Trin to oid T Ftd ol sen rune Ro to select from, from 25 centsup to $6, | 1 of Sir John > : Et: him, Orders. 16/6 at Mr. -S, | pains Will he spared to. make guests_com [/; f ar DIEsFRLD® rae "Se Son "ohn ON TRIAL FOR 90 DAYS. a ho will fecaived Fortable. The Bar and Dining Room will te attention. always be found well supplied, Good Com "fip 1 Cabinet Minist fineat, ; 5 : i ercial Rooms. Fi tabling and an Rigans anus cure headache. } Frouped ' : o ary es moderate. Satisfaction Goarant- attentive Hostier. ar B taliing » ] Ripans Tabules cure the blues. . ; 5 B. F. CRANDELL. Give me a call. W.H, PARK, ans Tabu This fine young animal is Port, Sept. 21, 1892. Manilla, April 20, 1891. + h five months old, and at : : hi 250 lba., 80 that in the past fou has ned in weight ab Losi Servioe, §1 cash. Brack, Oct. 27, 1390. 3 io tastzmoniale on earth. Send for book Journal Free. W, T. Baer & Co., Windsor, Ont. SHILOW'S CONSUMPTION. ses and Lots for Sale IN/PORT- PERRY. oF | INCRE L ageous terms, the folio her residence on Galen wrens 2

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