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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 15 Dec 1892, p. 1

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eben. 5 J3LISHBD EVERY THURSDAY: ts thal 'Right Our Mistakes." --_ oo: ji ; . " foi i oth = - 10, THURSDAY, DEO: 15, 18% = ™ pt $l YEAR, NO. 3) g z rota Twa TH 2 vor . MC 4) busi EHabt and postmaster, 2 sof : ssio =] Cards § BERTHINE'S PRISO; dd A nervodd > A MONO - - MIRACLE. a tive a wupply Pr Pills, sod" i decane eatin SERRE estern i all y iat r A TALK THAT 3 pS LIKE A immediately commenced using w R @LEMNS, Physician, Suzgeon and HY UGH, % [AF ful result 1 bave drscribed. Mi Aceoucheur, . Ottice and idence --- fe. ut (oi annosite the Town Hall, Port Perry. oF CANADA. HEN a fow doses of Ayer's Cherry Grohe i ea Hos hi shes fo cape shrunk 3h; Posts 3 Tur Story or xwrrr-- Her apidiy Sling op, [ am quickly war Telephone in Office. = Pectoral will relieve you? Try it. : pW. ago. ? yor THIRTY YRARS Last Fins Re: | the use of my ars and legs, and Dex. 2, 1090. Pe ---- Keep it sa the house. You sco Balen had 4 Q LIEF IN A "Way--Tre Story |the slightest touch on any part otme, : GTEITIET - & ° an 7ED BY ReLiasns Wirness, there not u miracle heregindeed, and would \ ARCHER, M ih Jistarix Port Perry Agency. wr time, and no other --- 1 not be a base ingrate if I refused to bound ~~ 3 Juisersity ; MB. Br Ju yd A remedy is 80 effective - i Orangeville Post. praises of Dr. Willining' Pink Pills? : i hie College a Fh . ¥ A as this world- | ¥ 1d # Proustiond I get 4 bitter than I am now Jut,; Licentiate of Ti ove i Mia aE | MA renowned prepara. ? he r For several months The Post, in common | ['o} 001d be forever grateful for what has x urgeons, Bdinburg ; Licentiate - GENERAL Banking iness trans: No_ Household, y : is ' r i with many other journals of Ontaric, h&s |p ih doje for the. But have th yal College of Physicians, Edin. acted. Special attention paid to ' Som. (ei sind i : i rea ishing asoounts of -miraculdd | (LY o'Cure will goon vutil whi ty of Physicians | Collection jssifed available at all | 1 h Bren, Sil J ; phe y, | irom un . he | ribus parts of Canada and the are ann tutte val to Rasid to aud Great | & 7 4 IS BS J ' d composed of : : , mat confuse. howeser, rps DMee hours--8 to 10 a.m. Ttod pm, ral, and, in a short time, the cure was | corner. Then she went out side $0 close on the question of the restoration of his nai "1 pel 1 a ante sir," said the grateful man wi et Pe Pan 17.1 Deposits received at th est cutrent'| ave derived for 1 ldren om with bare arms, was tin ood Grangeville s few he 8 820. | 4 ig ny full Intentionfo w tw ig) Intorast onli oredited yo Te ner ad Joss gaerliont Oh Tox | one wits ich nth go . ued the i sir-hole, mbt © Tit me aahioT oulled Jou on all that I hive gone through, on alLth; -- each deposi emi-annuallys ' % hi and » is wife uy A h ot inot--* 2) iQ. 1 HB Vs A " hee > SIH DR. B. C. ..cDO ELL Bi A EB. And Copeumnion, nd Daa. | pogay TT Lt ie An dnghter Ty eel ed ty hasan Gf § ind. Then he Ws i. 0c Gi Bouinebol tht ocoason, 4nd Aa | (R21 th S51 sromticnoe SI he given 10 CA § RR VY ) W. McGILL, the greatest fear of losing my only re= | ""Clia 0 Cie fom within the h Spiral ladder, and was closed by # tHifid5de #6 to discover the strength he wa felling We Happened to ask hlbi--a| yyy); + Bink Pills. They are a } SUCCESSOR TO DR. NAMILL, MANAGER: Tani CL er pd Ai was anh v in the kitchen vip di " ud dE) _ the en ho had sours generally pursued hy the newspaper 5" whi pin possibly be ton widely Ti "i i 3 i cate. 0 o ' + . . X * me ol 8 S 3 ) :, M D.,, Master of Surgery, Victoria Unit} Port Perty, April 4; 1888. them Ayers erry Portoral on tha firet | | "Remember, Berthine, night is'coming When \Berthine resppeared, she wad wight Believe they Hid vaiistied ehrbiigh Febin in search hid if Fairs yu wy) Bown, ; V1. ersitys Licentiate of Royal College | rr ror mm gm of SY IptomS of throat or ling trouble, they * | and we are alcne, with Prussians andwolves smiling serenely and scornfully. She hand- the air-holé: hing new in his vicinity: He replied tha . tHe stok¥ bbrRROBORATED, - bf Phiysians, London, Eng. Meniber of Col are relieved from filiger, and are be- | roaming about us." : ol en SORE e malar, and. wou 10. Dl casiwar Lavigne stemped wie there was sothiyl very startling and follow-| rj feporter could scarcely ylieve that. lege of Physisians & Surgeons, Ontaro.= § coming robust, healthy children." | The wood-cutter raised her arm and [gh oxlier gud of the room, with: supper 107 door med called out, +*Honnowt Ho trp | od. this up by asking ta if we had heard of | Mr. Hewitt's voice, now so _silvry aud ip Taste attendant of 8010 Hospital for Diseases RRR "In the winter of 1835 I took & bad | with heavy, rude blows, finished her work herself and her mother. The soldiers had Prussien I" : e wonderful cure of a man named Hewitt oyonynp, was ever the squeiky, feoble and, uf women, aud of Great Ormond Hospital PORT PERRY cold which, in spité_ of every known | before replying, "I am coming, er. finished asd were nodding around the table. | = The German did not repl at Mono Mills, We confessed ignorance, | iniocingt organ of speech he had Thdieat: ys for Diseases of Children, London, Eng. : remedy, grew worse; §o that the family | [)on't be afraid ; it is still daylight?" Now and then a forchead: would fall with & | The commandant. ropsaved; *Monsi and then Mr. Mason said that from whit be | op gh soribe que ti ned Mrs. Bei 8 non hi 8 physician 'considered nie incurable, sup- | od i g ot Toad of} 4 kind. bump on (the table, awakening the th aL ooh MOS P 2 had heard it was undoubtedly another mir- dnt, She said. that very. word" Mv Josing me to be in condtitaption. PY _ She carried In her load of logs and Kind. P i g other Vofficier Prussien"--but he called in vain, | aculous cure through the agency of Dr. os it. 8 aid ha @ ry or Mr. ast resort I tried Ayer's Cherry Pecto- | ling-wood and piled them in the chimney. Wen hing said to thew, *Lis-down bel | For twenty minutes he summoned these Willianis' famous Pink Pills We had be wwitt had related was. literally true, aud Bert! m, Lie do' lore 1 Physician, Surgeon, Sc, BANKER AND BROKER. silent men to give themselves up, with | come 80 thoroughly imbued with the iden | ice she wis corroborated by Mr. Albous, 4 y ; 4 and evenings. a complete, Since then I have never been | the immense shatters, built of strong oak. the fire. | There is rvom for all. My : RTA | A y Office wid residence, Dr. Hamill's od} G d Nob Di iA without this medicine, Iam fifty years | Fiuttlly she came in and closed tite door, mother I will climb to the room Shel a, Sing them thes re sud | that the various details of miracles in Other | and other respectable witnesses whom the stand, 00 otes Disount :d.| of age, weigh over 15 pounds, and at- | wing the heavy bolts. Her mothor was hove'! all wilitary honors or the offer aud. Bia | parte wore oulg ew and catching fake iv | roporte) mt in the village later in the day y LV play Pay: anki tribute my good health to the use of | spinning neat the fire, an old woman The twd women mounted the stair to the io received no sign either of | the ug of pateat medicines that we | nj Ald us said he was not sufprised af Queen St. - Port Perry: herry Pectoral." --G. WX ouk j oF 8 s consent or of hostility, The situation Was i Mr. : Maso: tn of ¥ on ore oA fers Cherry ectoral."--G.W, er, | wrinkled and weak, whom age had made floor above them, and after closing and fonscnt oO" Qifonlt The citi A Was {must admit Mr. Maso. 's intima i 0 0 8 | the hesi-ancy of poople about believing the Spy hiaaas het Notary Has any amount of Money to Loan Ee tar' 1 souteactod timid. heking the door securely, they walked CUTE ol ver th mgr aE Waive Nica} sire at onve Sroited out in| wonderful cure, He did not think that hg y N GLINGS, Solicitor, Notar Last winter I eontracted a severs T don't like to be here when thE father about for afew moments, and then all was X ay Drbigel d, | terest. We took a note of the name and| himyolf could credit it if he had no ¢) Publlie; Conveyancer,, ss Sol efioe 1 At b5 per cont. on good Mortgages. Sold, in. peared Sxposute, Be isaway. Two women aré not worthafiuch," quiet, { : bak ad ah yD viing heir Fier Fv | quietly made up our mind te investigute the | been an eye witness to the whole affair.-- dv the Oitarvio Bank. #a Office over the fms, AR ho Bis neh The young woman answered hey "Oh! 1 The Prussians stretched themselves on uldels like conc men, in order to | matter at our earliest convenience. We | pe had known Mr, Hewitt for years, knew Ontario Bank, Port Perry. fronbled with hoarseness and bronolial | would as soon kill a Prussian'asw wolf. 'It the floor with their foot to the firs, their konp wai: They Matwhied Hadi MAS WILH came to. ile souclisie tat thre 1) be be | that his former utter helplessuess was a8 ho Jan. 29, 1857. - ee hont relief. I at lost purchased | is quite the same," and she glaneed medi. heads suppotted on their capes, rolled u an increasing and inexplicable desirt to past | gomething in it, for Mr. Mason, a respect: | hag described, and ther he hail to any 3¢ 5. FARGW ELL. LB, Comty ITIN S U RAINC hf rh py Yors Cherry 58: Dur nace tatively at a huge i haing kins for pillows, d soon all six pt 'them wore. oar L. Sus > tng did fae perilond] {able and reliable young farttier, would not | oe ot Me, Hewitt hea r - on he ty Crown Attorney, Barrister, County Sol- | nfiected at the Lowest Rates in. Good taking this medicine, my cough ceased: | wall snoring, on a different key. The yoo' or oT Cy oR iangerous apot for a momeit be suspected bf equivocating | yimit the miraculous escape. 'These ills, " Notary Public and Conveyaneer almost immediately, and I haye be Her husband had been forced ifito the sounds were| prolonged, deep, and formid. 8 Pas ge Pot. on a matter in which he liad any interest, | ui] Mr, Aldous, 'wre certainly a wonderft , &c., Notary Public and. Conveyancer. English Companies well ever since."'--Rev, Thos. B. Rus: he: beginnk he Prussi ab) \ | There was no result. The prisoners acted | much less in one which did hot echeern him. | Cedy.' a 'Wie certainly 2 Wulig South wing Court House, Whitby, iol 4 : Secretary Holston Conference and P. army at the beginning of the Prussian in. ; |' like dead Th nade absolutel, | T : | remedy. ; 4 Agent Allan Line 3, of the Greenville District, M. B. C., | YMsiom and the two woen had been left ef tad plept long when a shot was haat hey Hor o a oT y no | A few days ago The Post despatched a re-| "The" repotter shook hgnds with MEE £7 Agent Allan Line of Steam- , M. E. Cy | qoe™ Cith the old forester; Nicholas heard, breakisg the stillness of the might. movement. voice cried out, "There ia | presantative to Mono Mills to nake a fall | fongbn and thé Shcerful Mt. Hewitt, anil Jonesboro, Tenn, tit one there." Then another soldier ven- | investigation of the alleged eure of George Faro te oass the hole, and. then another, | Hews: He 'first onlied on Mr. John started forth {ito the street a doubting Pinchon, who had stubbornly refused to leave It sounded sonear that it seemed to have Thomas no longer, first profisitg to tins hi# home and seek the protection of the been fired agaist the house. Several more YOUNG SMITH, LL. B., Barrister, | skips. Ath .at-Law, Solicitor in Chancery 5 . | e pt Ok Tracleoney. Notary Public, &e Port Perry, Oct, 17, 1880; I cloral, | eishvoring viiage shota'were Beal, and the door Wis thrown Shit became a sort of play for them | Aldous, proprictorof the Commercial Hotel, | mit to the Dr, Williams Ms Co, M 3 Va fies A f , Hy made the snow fly from their heels as | liminari mis to the Ly, Wiliaing edicite Co, Mv, Office--MeMian's Block, Brock Street, |) Berthel, this little village, had been an oPe™ Then |Berthine appeared; ii bave they ran, shakifig their feet. They had {and after a few usual preliminaiies asked | fg, witt's Javish expresion of thanks for what anciontt fcctress, built upon & Fock. They 108t, her cand flaring ir her hand. She uf i . They had | jim if he knew a man named Hewitt, in the | their wonderful Pink Pills have done for him. * Here we are,' thought the scribe 'iy! Whith J. wet patriotic there, and the mérchants had &¥ in her night-dress, and her face showed bal wn grons. SESH of thls Shad) Wood from | village. **Is that the old man that was'nt aher agitation. ro g they were in | alo to move a short time ago, and is now [the cold and practical nineteenth century; WAONEY TO DAK en fo A §% | Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. | .olved to resi esol ve st the vader, to shut them- " mes-- a ling the full rays of the light. ~Sotne one chlled getting all right so fast?" queried Mr. | ),u¢ here's something right here in this little A co Bold by all Druggiste. Price $1; six bottles, $8. | selves in and sustain the siege. : Accordin *The French are coming--two hundred 8 Hat: A. MURRAY, | F[VHE Subscriber is prepared to LEND |e tratiitions, on two. pcorsions already. of them" ahd ofied. "If they find you to the fat baker, whose figure was NE Ha: | Aldous, The reporter nodded assent, aud | village of Mono Mills m ANY AMOUNT on Farm Security once under Henry IV. and again under here, they will burn the house! Go into yergon." CU yott try it; Mal- |i, jess time than it takes to tell it the quill- | joring on the miraculous a htly closely bor the same ' AT 6 PER OENT. " i; ; Louis XIV., the people of Berthel had dis- the cellar, and don't make a noise, or we | : he . | driver and the obliging Mr. Aldous were on Alte ine the Baas ) Tee DENTIST, | svi roams The Safest |izm ims mingles: smb ihe, sat th, omental | MT EB, HE now putting iu Upper and Lower Sets of | LF MORTGAGES' BOUGHT, 3 defence, They wete peady %o do it again, | 3 xhe Marmod officer asked, "How are we | the nir-hole of the cellar, with a ar | Of Mr. Syme Bewih, With Yhom 1s was Pe found. equally elcquent in bis praive of Teeth at from HUBERT L. EBBELS ND most powerful alterative fs | * go hoy he Within theis walls 1 fi4a get there 7 | eymanatic' step, his large body shaking. |1rned Mr. Howitt ree oh of the village. | Pick Pills. 'They are certainly a reat Ya Friste A A 80 they had purchased guns and cannon rthine opened the trap-door, and the he whole detachment laughed util ters ome is in the eastern suburb of the village, |; ody; said he, 'and » th loubn Ri 70 EACH SET Offic Ontari Puttister: Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Young &id | equipped the militia, formed » battalion and 8iF Germans tumbled, one after the other, | came and all cried "Bravo hed uit} tests | und upon the reporter and Mr. Aldous call | FRIG1 0 CTL, LG Sie at Guorge Hews 84 » { 4 ee Je xt to Ontario Br mk old are alike benefited by its tise. For | companies, and every day they drilled at flown the ladder. finished two-thirds of his journey, whon « | 8: they. were courtedusly received by the ites ly ! 3 Siippose you have. he d ph 8 truvisia ust purchinseil. thé largest stoek of | Port Perry, May 10. 185; the eruptive dis- | the Place Armes. All of thom drilled When the point of the last helmet had long flame shot out. of the air-hole, red. and | Pus, housc-wife, who Mus fot, top busy. | whole story; Aud there is no fi ly wy eases peculiar 2 ) 8 TOO : i ev | bli a however, to spare ti p he Mig po ny \ pe! | the baker, the grocer, the butcher, the ppeated, Berthine closed the heavy | blinding. There was a deafening sound, | 01 interesting b hod ie ang Tin ar wearying ot: The pills have nudoulited!y, children nothing lawyer, the: notary, the druggists. The aor, which was as hard as steel and as i rorke: p ania " x else is 80 effective oo male cation answere the rollecall thick as a wall. It was held by hinges, and | - ar Bakes i ari You | aculous cure. Mr. Benson was not at home, it 4 Hewitts ' og > q It hod as this medicine, | at regular hours, under the d of was fastened with a prison-lock. She turn-| to his assistance, and he managed to and The Post at once suspected that a gentle- | £700 Fe B00) for bn on, Jaa while its Agreea- | Monsieur Lavigne, formerly sergeant of; od the key three times, and then began to drag himself in the snow, groaning, until | ©" of between 50 and 60 years, who oc- cortif , ta the strikix Cel oe he 1 has ¥ ble flavor makes | dragoons, now a grocer, having married the Iangh, siletitly but with ecstacy, and evine: | Je escaped the danger line when he | S0pied a chair in x corner of the cosy room, | ¢ 4 4 I ro od tl . the P 4 Pills oy it easy to admin. | duughter and inherited the shop of the elder ed insane Uesiro to dance over the head fainted A bell lied etttersd Be alt ot hia | 88 no other than the famous Geo. Hewitt. | | CoreE SREE FAT riihs mat thas Sud jster. Mousieur Ravandan victims: 16 The surmise proved correct. Mr. Hewitt | gob QVC (0 10rse iil increasing, After this first shock and surprise they sll shook hands with the scribe, marking ue The representative of The Post convers: a ecth ever brought into North Ontario Tam | bid ' - a aibistied 1 can. suit you both as to quality | WwW Vi EDM ETT and price. Come and see. Rooms in the | i . i y : . Blots Block, over Messrs. Forman & Son's Insurance and General Agent, Port Perry, Oct. 28, 1895, Lp Port Perry Ont Representing the following, First Clage My little boy | He had assumed the rank of major, i 3 Te did . . : ah COMIDEIB 0.3 3 Ss bad large: | he men baving gone off with. hut in : ough d again; bul the commandant ap Kec hon. the | with mang ther citizens of Mono Milla re, PRE, Lire AND ACCIDENT, neck and throat | left behind, The fat men were all so d Berthine n re, | hut, to order a new of attack. He |oliect of the visit was announced, Mr garding Me. Hewitt's ese aid found u 7 Norruery Assurance Co'y. from which, he ing to the gymnasium, to reduce thei ig her saucopan over the blaze and | shouted in a shrill voice for the plumber Hewitt, who is an intelligent, well educated Ee he question rt his rms, Evory y PHENIX ASSURANCE CO'Y, suffered terribly: eshand prolong their breath-the - wi rat the soup ; saying to herself, "The | and his workmen. man, began to dilate iv glowing terms on | 1°" restoration ene id roinellys Every Cir InsrrANCE Co'y. Two physicians | --o 0 Ce v inc er will be hungry and tired to-night." the wonderful change that had come over one in and around the village, in fact. ap- 4 carried heavy loads, to increase thei gry R Three men a hed. 1 ¢ Dox IN vert' attended him, but he grew continually y 4 rd ; en approached. hi "Shall I tell y hat some ove | peared to know all about the cure, aud Grascow & Lonpox InstRaNCECO'Y | Worse under their care, and everybody | muscle. hen she seated herself and waited alone, "Take down the gutter-pipe from the |" Shall I tell you the whole story "| bo 7p i omy LASGOW ONDX wre, is ry : v t | eo at whom the latter | Pink Pills scem to be a household word in Port Perry, April 26, 1889. expected he would die: I had heard of They waited in vain, however, for the the clock for com ny, glancing at the | house." Asked he of Lhe, F ter | hat section On The Post's return to : the remarkable cures effected by Ayer's | Prussians, who would not come. Sti hand which e her impatient, it| Ina quarter of an hour they had taken intimating his desire to hear all, Mr. Hewitt | 00 Ce" Afr Richard 4 leu, ex- Warde r1{HE undersioned having completed his Barsaparilld; and decided to lave my | they were not fgp off, for twice of late thei d so slowly. | down twenty metres of pipe from the house, | R*V® him the following narrative : § ' contity dn into « BU: torinaly | boy try it. Shortly after he be; to . 5 gd use, of Dufferin contity droppefl into oir office full Course at the Provincial Veterinary | oy. try it, iortly after he began scouts had pushed across the forest, near ently there was a murmur under | and had inserted it, with many precautions MR. HEWITT'S WONDERFUL STORY. The ex-Warden resides abit three mile také this medicine, the ulcers com- | the Jodge of Nicholas Pinchon I'Echasse 3 4 Sch ¥ menced healing, and, after using several | op A served as advance-post in the 7 Surgeon, would announce that he has s : bottles, he was entirely cured. He is ! 8 A : opened an office for the practice of his pro: lsicensed A uotioneers now as healthy and os as any boy forest of Auline. They pointed their can. feet. Low, confused words reach. against surprise, into a narrow opening of | 'In old Ireland, thi i if 8 v s rty years ago, I was | from Mono Mills, and was asked if he had hier fom Wm arched cellar. | the air-hole, then they conducted the wtet | scaling i staid Wall one day when I fell | heard anything about w hat Dr. Williams' The Prussians were beginning to suspect from the hydrant through the wipe; a backward and bad my spine injured so seri- | Pink Pills had" done for Mr: Hewitt. He ¢ and obtained a Diploma as Veterin- . ; . n : . . fessionat Port Perry, whereall callspersonal of his age." -- William F. Dougherty, | Don and awaited their enemies, but they Fuse, and finally the lieutenant mount- Monsieur Lavigne announced ously that a short time later I became " a . case . hy letter or HA by day or by nigh FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO AND Hampton Va. did not appear. the ladder and struck the door a fe. was going to offer the Prussians a drink of ow entirely hon toe Ai he) bad hem all abo ee inion That this willbe promptly attended to. ; TOWNSHIP OF CARTWRIGHT. "In May last, my youngest child, Twice a week Nicholas Pinchon went in. ing blow, saying, 'Open this door." | Watéf: of the fall were gradually but only too |wasa striking instance of tie great results All discases" of animals treated fn the| xp fourteen months oid. began ngest Ohi: | to the village for provisions and to carry! (She approached and mimickidy his as- | =A Wil ery of admiration greeted the | rapidly felt, and looking back on a stretch | following the uso of the pills. Tm not much {test and best known system. aluators, &e., &e. gather on its head and body. We ap- | the news of the forest to the merchant ant, as ed 'What do you wish?' | pommiuiidant, followed by peals of lidghtet: | of time extending five years over a quarter [of a belie rin onde rinl cures 3 Hliephons sommesion ive of hare. | REAL, ESTATE 4 SPECIALTY. | Bah VEorclioritiel Ts Somber | wviad ea, to sions tia. a sl will break the door." | The Frenchiffen pumped in the water, tari | of a century, there i« little more in prospect | eal about," said the ex-warder started early, to announce that a small | "Break it, my good man; try jour best, | by turn. The iron wheel was set in| than a picture of pain and gloom and suffer- | have known Hewitt for ye { u 3 2: d discharged copiously. A physician | jetach f jer i ." fhoti d tly th d of |; fA Port Perry, April 8, 1884. Sale Bills made out dnd Blank Notes ~ OE he. aos Goniived 10 etachment of German infantry had man. | | otion, and presently there was a sound of |, About twenty-eight years ayo I came | change in him is certainly a . sy Z furnished free of charge. Satisfaction guar- bude any hs eh Are Sonu i encamped near him the night «be. dt would have resisted thé didault of a | Water flowing and falling in cascades into | 4, Canada and ami kwown around the country Post was jo. iced to Lear ) 1 T i ry ¥ | fore, about three I It; The forest-girl heard h { the cell Beveral be sed, th } anteé or no pay. Torms lberal. néarly covered the ¢hild's Itéad and body. bie hon ree hours after dinner, and : The forest-girl hearl him go! =o ant veral hours passed, the com- | hore for miles. Until twelve years ago 1|liams' I'ink Pills were extensively uscd 1 ; ; a Ey Tee Cho se of Ayer's Sue. | had finally departed, the officer in command #8wn ard the soldiers cbme Wp the ladder | mandant marching up and down, growing | coqid sit on a chair when placed on it, and | this secti , Howitt ¥y! ir n on aj th tion, but af the I W. M. WiLicox, Perer Hour, tnparilia Too ® fow days @ marked | speaking French. The old forester, who & by tit to examine the Nock, but decid-' very impatient, pressing his ear to the trap- P ivy his section, but uftcr the Hewitt norative Port Perry. Manchester. ¥ a 4 ; il fi do ' : ne 4 discov A manage t0 move myself around a little.-- | Lie was not surprised to hear of beneficial v Perry hester. change for the better was manifest. The | could stall run Fike a fox, Mad come to warn that {t would be useles§ to attempt to door to discover what the prisoners were | Tye, byen that fort wa ldenly take Lts followi \ ¥ ' Aug. 22, 1857. sores assumed a more healthy condition, | Hem. He hud with hint two large bloods k it. Then they returied and talked | doing down below, and asking from time to | fom me. O: Gay I was suddenly taken | suits fol bing the use of the great remedy, 5 ot pa the discharges were graduaMy dimin: | bounds With jaws like Jions, for he feared maticr over among themselves. | time if they were ready to surrender. fom me. h te lay. I wae sidutenkional N Weare disposed to conclude from what sowé . WM, GORDON, ished, and finally ceased, alupether. | the wolves, already beginming to be feroci- o young woman listened, but hearing | At last there was a murmur from the irowh of Fhe shale, the second fa | partics told us, that the base imi ation bust Li i i . The child is livelier, its skin is fresher, | mys t outaide to' wwait her fat} | amently. followed by haki £ the barri may be said to have done all but end mv | ness is already entered upon by uuprincipal: € NV. § icensed Auctioneer, Valuator &c. | and its appetite betsef than we have ob | "fi, wife and 'daughter were left hing, went outaide to wait her father. | smety, followed by a shaking of the barri | jife, There was nota ray of hope forme, |ed persons, aud the public will do wel 19 5 Ls: R:JuBSO a Ev -- served ior months." --=Frank M: Griffin, | oooh, ghte Mg ie eft alone, "UA distartt barking reached her ears. She oA ward eight o'clock a voice was | uot u sign of a break in the dark clouds. -- | .ee that the Pink Pills they purchase have YOR the Townships of Brock, Uxbridge, Yong Point, Texas: A Wi a The v e the door as night istled like » huntsman, and two! hea soning through the aperture, an un- | Byer since them my pitiable condition is | all the marks of genuinencss advertised by N\RADUATE Ontario Veterinary Col- { Scott, Thorah, Mara, Rama, Mariposa "The formula of Ayers Sarsaparilla i ie Dt py old Jong oman feared sous do, » sprang out of the shadows and mista) re le German voice speaking with a | own to every one in these parts. All| the Dr. Williams' Medicine Company Forouto. Office aid residence | and Eldon presents, for chronic diseases of almost | io to 8 vos dread <"THid o Lropuatings d at her feet. She seized them. | sung jerman acoent. ; wer to use either arms or hands, legs or | Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are not a patent C Corrade; two miles south of | Partiessutrusting their Sales to me may oxery hind, die Yosh rerned known to i trouble fof ti. Whit Will he father ; Jollar 1 Ay Jacl from uaning 1 would ie to say something to the | feet, completely left me. I could be prop- | medicine in the sense in which that term is Manohester. }4 years practice. Tele- rely on the utmsot attention being given to he * medical Oral he Ae " ry » 4 pond oa aloud, he, papa © commanding of oer. ped upright in a chair, but something had | usually understood, but a scientific prepara- : tunth 8 MM. D., Wiggs, Arkansas. feturn ? ! 4 8 y 3 prey phone in. the house--free comimbnication | their intrests. g dle " . The daughter replied, "Oh, very late, for Js Yoice from the forest answered, "Obe, | Lavigne answered from the window, [tobe put in front of me to keep me from | tion, They contain in a condensed form a¥ with Port Perry, Manchester, and elevator. Wi. GORDON, a ho will Gio with the sf Jury , hine ! i ; i without going too near, "Do you surren- | falling forward. Usuilly a chair like this,' f cle slefeirts necbssmy to give life and Telegraph calls to Manchester will be for: Sunderland. J H Wags koeps Him late." mandant, who al==SiBhe waited a little while and again call-| der? " and ax Mr. Hewitt spoke he lifted and | ricfiess tg, tHe (16bd and restore shattered warded by eleplions, All Veterinary | ---- ee yor S arsapari dy She op dod to tak d th out, * he, papa l--and the response a surrender. rer drew forward a chair that was near him, | nerves. They afé an nnfafliig speci 4 Medicines in stock. Joan e Jown Lhe saucepan; again, ""Ohe, Berthine. Then pass the guns outside. * was placed in front of we aud on this 1 | such, diseases as locomotor afaxia, ven 1, to One gun was passed through the hole, ( would rest my arms. Not only was all | cheumatism, nervous headache, the after I . . from its hook near the fire, and . him i ice of Evergreen Cottage, L Yer Removal | PREPARED BY ' m she came to him in a voice of wara- d tl Tan. 2, 1888. } | ' Dr. J. ©. Ayer & Cow owell, Mass. | h sound having hii paused suddenly, Sug Don't pass too near the air-hole ! | then another, each falling in the snow, until | power left my limbs, but every fecling like: | effects of ln grippe, palpitation of the heart; Price $13 six Bottles, $8; . \Waith $54 bottles Forged yeas her ears through are Prussians in the cellar." Present- all six were delivered. Then the same voice | wise, Why, you could run a needle right | pale and sallow complexions, and the tired 8 EARTILY thanking the public for the sa ¥1 six bettie, $5 Nei mS ee iey: red, "Some cub. ia ; full figure of the forester was visible said, "I have no more. Hurry! We are [into my flesh and I would not know what | feeling resulting from nervous prostrution ; ; - pric left, standing out plainly against the drowning. you were doing unless I saw the act. A |all diseases depending upon vitiated hnmore . 1 : liberal patronage received during the : North 0 ntario Obser ver. many years 1 havekept a Liver Establish- } ----m------@m ---- -------- Shrangh tho Tarent--&t least six of the trees, i . | The commandant ordered the pumps te | myraid of flies might light and revel on me, | ju the blood, such as scrofula, chronic ery mentin Port Perry, Ihave much pleasure in Fite terrified other sto herapl fe asked with anxiety, "Prussians in the | b8 stopped; mid filling the kitchen with | hut I would be in happy iguorance of the | sipelas, ete. They are also a specific for A Weekly Political, Agricultural and announcing that I have removed H ee he eh alg @dllart What do you mean ¥/ soldiefs, arated from head to foot, he slowly | fact. When I was laid in bed I could not | troubles peculiar to the female up- Aad 3. £1 : : Nr - Lf ty wid cried, Mow Died | &ad the father Whe young woman laughed joyously. and carefully raised the trap-deor. Fottf | cot up or move umaided if I was given all pressions, irregularities, and all forms of Family Newspaper, M Y 1 1 VE RY | Great Woekly © titi £ Th gent Bid are the same who passed yester- | damp heads appeared, four Blond; drippitiy | creation. The ouly part of my system in DeSagfoms, Tho build np the blood and re- ap : 4 41V . Teal eekly Competition © €| She had seatce fmished speaking when Mbox were lost in the forest, and I | heads, aud four pale fos ; then two more; | which a iui i VII cap We hy 18 PUBLISHED AT TO MY NEW PREMISES Ladies Home Magazine. dvoral violent blows made the door srérbled ; v | which any sitength seemed to remain was | store the glow of health to pale aud sallow put them in the cellar to cool." | until the six stfvering Germans stood beford k fi PORT PERKY, ONT. ; : : Which word in this advertisement spell the | Ag there wag fo on oh : h | th ith web : my neck, but at last my head fell forward | cheeks. In the casa of men they effect a » cy Nan Forward? Thixis 4 response from the wo 4 od to relate the story of the | them, with wel triforms, chattering teeth, a tot lical cure i ' Nii fa mental (Opposite the Railway Slatign jaumehuckward as Korwanis Liles, vary oi om my breast, and I was indeed n pitiable | radical cure i all cases Atising fro menta EVERY THURSDAY MORNING, a deep guttural voice called to them "Open how she had frightened them by | snd subdued mien. A 3 a ab Kali en 5 boa oom: largly _sntanded promises wud | Nerd Son io secure w splendid Prive, | and after a moment of silence, again J vl anevolvar, and had indue- | They were seized and handcuffed, arid i oo, firmerty Je hl hi 24 averwork. of exéesics of Whutéver \ re WEEKLY PRIZES --E yw throughout | real pr % i : S ind in as 8 ~day; seemeq e 9 a g KEKLY PRrizEs.--Every weel ughou 'Open, or I shall break the door! to hide in the cellur which was | fearing a surprise, they set out, marching roth and fooling fhoth the i afm ire. Pills are manufactared by €he Dr, 5 BY p 1 increased facilities for business the public thix greut oom petition prizes will be distribu. f : . : . PARSONS d i » oP arrect answer receiv | Berthine slipped the big revolver intd 3 ' can be accommodated with safe and desirable | 0 13 O00E 0" dite on each letter to be | the folds of her dress, and her rarnum, i pds advance; | RIGS AT MODERATE CHARGES. taken as the date received) ad the office of the | to the door demanding, 'Who are you?' ¢ what do you expect me to do at this | wounded baker on & mattress: " ; 4 : t tof a double-quick in two squads, ote IX ¢ Williams' Medicine Company, Brockville, i / 3 . | and sometinies I 'wonld be scarcely able to iy still uneasy, asked-- | of the prisoners and the other carryhig make myself understood. kor yout hear Oat., and Schenectady, N, Y., and aré fold me with inc. ndelity, for you can scarcely | only in boxes bearing their trade dark and Sp 2 being Mousicur Lavigne asd bis | Gime stored the. village of Borthiel; | Tt the. hoiplchs sud hopeless fu. | Wrapper, at 50 ots. box, or six boxes for io wi so delighted 1" Siampbant. Monsieur Lavigne was dn: | valid L have described in the man who now | $2.50. ear To mind that Dr, Williams' captured an advance. | itt cont CCL, vigorous and hope | Pink Pills aro never sold iu hulk or by the ed as follows: Terms. --§1 t $1.50 i subscrips hr LADIES HOME MAGAZINE (each and every A voice replied, "The hes 2 R. VANSICKLER. week during 1892) will get 8200; the second cor- , $100; i 3 fourtl terday. open the door, ¢ | uch drm, he, hind, gon fortis | yonierday. Now opsn the door, or. © PT LA ISSUER OF ves B y iistant points, have an equal 7 t 8 ] WARRIAGE LICENSES, Port Perry Ont. | on re oon nearer nome. as the posi- | men, six terrible Prussiaus, the same Lotter containing money, when addressed | port Perry, Dec. 19, 1883. Oe ne thority In every case | bad passed the day before. £0 this Office, pre-paid and registered will 4 2 3 Rures,--Ench list of answers must be ac- | Taking a resolute tone, she asked 5 be at our risk. id companied by $1 to Py £ix Months Bubkerip- | do you wish at this late four" - Advertisements measured by Nonpariel, Yowicone eftie best Home Magasines Hr) "iy Lo jout and have eaten nothing PB and charged according to the space they oc- NoTE-- We want half a million sabgeribers. | since yesterday i I b wu capy: A pnd to suoure thom we propnse to gite away this house." X Advertisen:ents received for publication, n'rewards one half our lice, gre foro, i ra, eH oy in cake one half the total receipts during nh dntil forbid and charged accordingly. No advertisement will be teken out until paid A service, and the next 50 correct answers will | "pg fipine pad choion: ji livin feign Sama@hiighing no She sli " guard of the Prussians ; the fat baker was Y ' _ h dealer Who off ] eitiyliks i och na ea al id mong | ELL nadir 8, 9 00S TLS HR 0 an i Sed : Subseque ns, pet ahd Le Or Klik 1 tha Bomihern Staion: | © Khe sas J ot Fone fla ope: the "ensmy ; Al ine, the | ere Be tle ansistanoe, heing ble Ist | should be avoided, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills 2 Cards. under 6 lines, per annum mrs , he 'saw in the pale, snowy lig hen depart to the village. The | forester's daughter, received --nothing ! evening to go to my room with -- arm on | can be had of all druggists or direct by mail A onted gh ai 4 Eo acs shoulder, Why, man, a few | from Dr. Williams' Medicis 6 Company front ussians, heari: voices, remained Careers of Eminent Mon. months ago] could not do that on the either address. THE price at which these f Washington was commander-in- | promise of inheriting the kingdom of | pills are sold make a course of treatment Ina quarter of an hour, the old | 4. 4 A 8 Be ; i ' a 'and Berthinc sat down again chief of the army at the age of 43; Crom: | heaven' Here Mr Hewitt stamped both comparatively inexpensive, as compared | ell antated upon his remarkeble sarees at | feet on the igor with much JHigor and en- | with other remedies or medical treatment: 3 Napoleon conque! ly ore he was | thusiasm* * In those days,' he resumed, 30 ; Gladstone was a member of Parlisment | 'if I ever wrote anything ih was by placing Her 4423; Macaulay bogan bis ltorary carset | the handle of the pen between my teeth an Got the Best of Her ; ing: BoA § Lot nDuUR of out on his voyage | getting through with the work in that way. ay 5 ister. wil ia Toon he ba fins" 3 vey a 3 Frade sh ret | Dosh me 1 ed shot doctors. | un T EY Bott" er will , on the thirty years' war at the age of 30; | spent a fortune, thousands of dollars, in| ™ own in a minute, Bobhy. 5 week exceed Lhe ensh value of the prizes, sueh excess will be added pro rata to the prizes. If| be an honest man, answered, thé reverse, a pro rata discount will be made, g 1 for. | Rurgeksces. The ladies Home Naf Asine must be fed pn amiog ud iy uta, Blackstone had finished his comuwen- | tryiug to get cured. 1 cousulted physician good news, 1 didn't know but what ; A liberal discount allowed to Merchants Boron (Canada) Times: "A splendid paper, | BUDger: a Tehatcd. hie noise an | fries before he was 36: aftor physicias and paid some of them high | she wanted to be excused, as she di a and others who advertise by the or netally ktrong."--Hasting (Canada) | She stood aside and bade them enter. : FREE her, A tempest of s - i ) 4 ' vy, y year A ery prize. winner wil] be sre to prised ny al aman miat bi dno d in her ; she would like to - fees for their services. They all failed utter: | (he other day. half-year. veeive Jkt what Fe in entitled tod' -- Norwood carrying on' their oapa 8 sort of | boy d rascals tif A Pleasing Sense fy and hopelessly failed, to give me the "pio Noe this time, Fplayed & 4 lightest relief, ¥ t that d i As ke | Of health and strength renewed and of A ek Terrase OF conte you a trick on her. ® | ease and comfort follows the te of | w ut it he wo rin) change in me. | Dashnway--What did yn do Syrup of Figs, as it acts in harmony [1 read in ost & pars of the Bolihy (triumphantly) --I said you i iraculod cones cffectsd by ; ) with nature to effectually Henne the Ei vig inesieg ab Ne Hid were another fellow, system when costive o¢ hiliots, For | wasn glimmer of hopé for ime the . Canad) Register, Money should be sent by ost office order or registered letter, Address, ome Magazine, Peterborough The i i - These terms will in all cases be strictly ad. meringue mass of miow. They were evi- hered to. 2 dently exhausted, and as they seated them: 30B DEPARTMENT. pcs ct Be Al lets, Hand Bills, Posters, Programs, benches, she said, "You certainly look worn 3 ank FF eck. roar . : Cock New BarberS op Oe Fiat. cloning. the door with' thee Cards, Ball Cards, burs, she returned to her saucepan, to wl sale in 75¢ bottles by all leading drug: f this h pdveptissd ren; irs A Ci plicated C i oo she added a double quantity of . Ale y § drug: | use of much adv 4 y. Mir Complicated Case. ; TOELIN COOK, |e i a wth we gts,' eon every ls. of but tort Warn + it GCE IOC oied with = oy : together to make a bouillon. The six prin-- chance for fie; 1 Wad like the doomed loper biliousuess, headache and lost appetite. : | Artistic Barber - ~ Port Perry.|men followed her movements eyes a ; u hopeless onteast, » belug whose sufferings | T couid not rest at right, and was very WM SPE CE, y m "which A oven us with yb " This is the road to Cork, ix it not} and. disabifieg ould end onl! with the weak, but after nsing three bottles of B BB. iy Clos. Gomtiiast, "| FYE undersigned begs to inform the | oa! They. placed their guns asked a counfrymveh of a Quuker he | per earthly dxistence. ay I|my appetite is good and Tam better thao To 2, Go ner, Se. T public that he hax purchased the | and caps in a corner, and waited for their met, 'Friend, was the reply, 'first picked up paper and the Saratoga for Sos past. I wonld sot now be without is prepared to Lean any quantity of Money a il " ke miracle, that case where Mf, Quang wd¥ so gp 5 1, lso giving it to my children," and good will supper like good children, seated on school Bi BUB.T., and am also giving it tomy ¢ on Improved Fart Security at 6 and 7 per of Mr. Galbraith, and is prepared to, Shave 4 Jou tell me alie and then ask & quest miraculously restored bythe lls, and Mis, Warren Burss. Maitland U.S.' cent. (Trast fun ; and Cut Huit on the most approved rinci-| The mother had resumed her n. p tion. at cee. 20 to ti¥ the cure ji Al) kinds of Conveyancing executed with [es «t moderate charges. call solicited. | casting now and then furtive, timid mn . Every niother » Rould have Johnson's il oR There Hn | dre Shanes foi Vitie. No Et faa) loeald - neatness and dis N Ra emeniber the place in the Courtice &| to the intruds Not : 4 fice--One door west of Town Hall, | Jefrey block. flo t the turning of the vies, the watched Anodyne Linitnent for cuts, barns and hel as ir Quazt got Jock relief. x in the Swiss cheese for? Ma- Oy hls } JOHN COOK. | orackling of the fire, and the Vroises: iad no movey, but 1 sent for Mr. Wo J], io are to let the sell out. April H, 1888. s Port Perry, April 7, 1802; ! ! water. But spddenly a strange us A 2 : Mills, our popular an ried gewor- be a (X

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