Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 15 Dec 1892, p. 3

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ie ¥ + Ripaas Tahbules : for liver troubles, a e------------------------ 5. For Young or Old. . Children and ad equally benefited by tie vee of alte A, Norway Pine rup, the new and successful cough remedy, | © stops coughs in one night and may be re- | -- lied on us an effectual remedy for colds, ~ asthina, bronchitis sud similar troubles. Price 25 and uc. at druggists, Gives Good Appetite. ; GryTLEMEN,--] think your valuable ~ medicine cannot be equalled, because of the benefit I durived from it. ~ After suffering ea from hcada d loas'of » tite for near- : ; ly three years 1 tried 'B.B.B. with great Faas wie relief at once, and I F s Bu now enjoy good health, ~~ Mes. MarrHEW SPROUL, 4 ¥ * Dunganvon, Ont, COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, HOARSENESS, BRONCHITIS, etc., Jed at once to Dr. Wood's Norws e Syrup, the sn an Lung Specific. a discerning public must judge. Ripans Tahules cure headache. through. Ripans Tabules. Ripans Tabules prolong life. Ripans Tabules cure jaundice. ipans Tabules cure dizziness. Tipans Tabules cure nausea. at 15¢ per yard for A Bankrupt Steck o CAUTION... =~... _ Port P ery, Sept, 7 IS MARKED T. & B. IN BRONZE LETTERS. NONE OTHER GENUINE. HilN © T EXE HE FOLLOW IN Gjfff| gf these beauti Prices for CASH Only.) == Parlor Suite-- 6 Pieces Moquette Plush @ $30. Parlor Buite-- 6 Pieces French Brocattelle @ $30. Parlor Suite-- 6 Picces good Moquette Plush @ $35. sent directly from the publishers, publisher, W. Jeanings Demorest, to by being a reader of the Parlor Suite-- 6 Pieces best Queen Plush, spring edge and back, very large set @ $55, #ar Above are Solid Walnut Frames and well finished, Also Bedroom Sets as low as $11.75. 6 Picces best American Hair Cloth @ 835, | | | Parlor Suite-- Namey..... SRI EAR SPR 6 Pieces Lest American Hair Cloth, fras | [gilded @ $37. Parlor Suite-- | Post Office, . cov... L 8 AND $ WINT In buying he has had this fact in his mind, viz: That crops are bad and prices low and that to do businoss § season the public would demand. that Store Goods should be correspondingly low. How well he has kept this A #* YARD # OF # PANSIES. By special arrangement with the Publishars we are enabled to make every one of our readers a present of one of these exquisite oil pictures, 36 inches louy, a compau'on to A Yard of Roses," which all have seen and admired Yurd of Pansies," was painted by the same noted artist who did the ** Roses." sams size aud pronounced hy art critics to be far superior to the * Roses." and valuable works of art by return mail. 16 East 1th Street, New York. Euclosed are two three-cent stamps. Please send me by | | return of mail "A Yard of Pansies," whith I am entitled | North Ontario @Ebserver. | County...... AL "has received the second in of his Observe that table containing 62 pieces of Dress Goods in Plain and Grey Tweeds and Serges, all wool and Ul | ur choice, and every piece a bargain at 20 or 25¢ per yard. i: Flaneletts (40 Ditges) in all shades and as Chenp as Wheat. preciated on sight, r Suit, The exquisite picture, "* A It is the The reproduction is equal in every respect to the original, wnich cost $300, and accompanying it are full directions for framing it' at home, at a cost of a few cents, thus forming a beautiful ornament for your parlor or a super Christmas gift, worth at least $5, To save you the cost of the picture being mailed to us and then to you, it will be Cut out and fill the blank below and send it to the W. Jexxmus Dexorest, 15 East 14th Street, New York, with two three- cent stamps 3 pay for the packing, mailing, ete.,, whicl will eutitle you to receive one ul You will be delighted with Canada, 4a A Cant SoLiciTen, : | J.W. DAVIS, Furniture Rooms, Port Perry, Sept, 20, 1892, Queen S?. AS THEY SHOULD BE! 7 HE undersigned has on hand a stock of i Boots and Shoes of his own make which be is prepared to McCAW'S Golden Opportunities are always Shared with his Costomers. ----- SLL. CER AP. They are manufactured of the very best material and for cheapness and good works manship cannot be excelled in this or ad. joining counties, My life-long experience in the manufacture of Boots aud Shoes gives we an advantage over more inexperienced dealers and my present stock is such as 1 warrant tu give satisfaction and the prices are right. ALL KINDS MADE TO ORDER. SEWED WORK A SPECAILTY. Repairing promptly attended to. Cement Patches neatly executed. Ladies' Polish, Heel Plates; Button Fustners, the same put in. Laces in Cotton, Leather, and Por- sise. All kinds of Findings on hand, also Rubber Ceuient. Rubber Boots aud Coats repaired, B= = OTEWORTHY Grand Display ! JEWELRY INDEED ! DIAMOND RINGS and BROOCHES. Gold & Silver Watches § Valuable and Beautiful Holiday Presents. oT What 8 5B AEESNITEN Silvermares= The Best Material! No S8hoddy! No heepskin I! 43 Prices to Suit th Times. Give we a call at the Market Block, Port Perry. - WAM. BOND. Port Perry, Sept. 22, 1892, New Milch Cow for Sale TJYHE Subscriber offers for sale a first class new mileh Cow---due to calve 1st Nov, RENAE Solid, Triple and Quadruple Plate. PLUSH GOODS-- Ths Newest and Rares*. Aonly ab ouge to the owner lot 15 con. 3, Reach, JOS. RALPH. Reuch, Oct. 27, 1892, | BERKSHIRE BOAR. T= undersigned keeps of scrvice at | ** HILLSIDE," 9th con. Reach, that i Spichdid, Youu Puve-bred Berkshire Boar, FREEDOM." He was bred by Mr. J. G. Snell. Brampton, aud his over = Stock of Books, Stationery, to sell our choice and hardy ry Stock. We have many new des, both in fruits and orpa- SANTA # Pay commission or salary. t once for terms, and secure LY BROTHERS, Rochester, N.Y. RAND rhe =A FANCY GOODS- Newest Styles and Immense Variety. EZ I have also purchased the whole of Mr. J. J. Minty's School Supplies, &e., &c. and added it to my already large stock i i III III SIOIICIIOK = SEES HOLDING A these 1 and now - CLAUS! 0 X'S: Holiday Season! T,1 (89: els i By IR @ GOODS 124 Prints for 8c per yard, Also a lot of Special Bargains, ~~ WM. BROCK. "und no factory work key stalment Call and see some of the Bargains whether you want them at present or not as we will be pleased to yo | Flanuels cheap and good, Men's and Ladies' Dongola and Calf Kid Boots at less than 75¢ on the dollar. Come and ee them. Men's Doug Boots at prices to be ' Men's Under Shirts and Drawers at 40c Men's and Boye Tweed Suits at Wholesale Prices. REV. L. W. HILL, B A,, Pastor. Sabbath Services, 10:30 and 7. Week Evening Service. Thursday 7:80, Strangers welcome and conducted to seats. Church of the Ascension, REV. MR. FLETCHER, PAsToR, Sunday Services, 10:30 and 6:30. Week Evening Service, Thursday, 7:30, Bt. John's Church. (PRESBYTERIAN) REV. RICHARD WHITEMAN, B.A, PAsToR Sabbath Services, 10:30 and 7. Week Evening Service, Thursday, 7:30. Baptist Church. REV, MR. CAMERON, Pastor. Sabbath Services, 10:30 and 6:30, Week Evening Service, Thursday, :80, Canadian Pacific Railway. ONTARIO DIVISION rains will lcave Myrtle as follows GOING WEST, -- . . y " 25 a. OING EAST-- - 10:36 ph " 7:05 pon A. J. DAVIS, Agent, Port Perr Sittings of the Division Conrts COUNTY OF ONTARIO. 18902. | 2 | BS 0) Cy No. B® FiElEElEE FIglE "Ie FEE +f Whitby | | 2 E 2 [2 [2 Oshawa | 2| 2l 2 lof fal lo 9, {Brougham| | 18 [43] | | "(Pickering | 5| [3] || | || 3. Port Perry 2| [15] [16| [1310] | | 4 Uxbridge 127 16/17 (10) | | 7 3.Canvington 28 17) 18 fisje1l | | 8 6. Beaverton | 18] 119 | [22 9 7.0ptergrove! [iol '20 | foal | lio By Order, INT of the Whitby, Dec 22, your em DRESSMAKING. MISS NELLIE CAMERON Begs to intimate to the Ladies of Port Perry and vicinity that she is prepared to do Dressmaking in the latest and best style, Having taken a course in Cutting of one of the most cxpert Dress and Mantle Cutters in the Dominion she feels confident that all orders entrusted to her cannot fuil to please her patrons, A staff of competent assis- tants steadily engaged. Rooms ut the residence of her father, Caleb street. Port Perry, June 30, 1802. -------- CHANGE OF BUSINESS TJYHE UNDERSIGNED begs to announc: to the inhabitants of Port Perry and surrounding couvitry that he has purchased of MR. A.D. WHEELER the Butcherin; Business lately carried on by him, also hi: sood will in said business, and "i§ now prepared to supply all patrons with JUST - SUCH - MEATS as cannot fail to meet the requirements of all, and trusts hy offering only Cuore MiATs at moderate prices, and promptiess in hosiness to receive a liberal share of public patronage. #7 All orders left at 'my Stall in the, Market Building, or with me on my roumd: with conveyance, will receive immediat and careful attention, ISAAC J. WHEELER. Poit Perry, April 20, 1592, HARNESS! 15 returning thanks to the public for th patronage extended to me for over 30 years, I would respectfully intimate that J am, as usual, now ready for businces, anc Lave af :\Large & Assorted Stock CARITAL T= OF DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNESS which I am determined to sell very CHEAP, As an inducement to CAsn purchasers will be allowed on all Sales from now until Jan, Ist next. All work being MADE BY HAND, superiority of my goods will at once becon.e apparent. 5 lnk utending purchasers will find that by they can be suited in quality au 1 long experience in tho trade So Poy putable guarantee that perfect satisfaction will be given by any article purchased. Everthing in my line of busivess kept promptly attended to. | JOHN ROLPH. Port Perry, Lee, 1; 1802, PR J. B. FAREWELL, 4 Doh of 0 or he in stock, tle giving me a call before Jooking elsewhere | ° constantly on hand and repairs neatly and | 7 Broken Loaf Sugar Ta SCI + PFilberts &ec. 7 SOK \, INN NS KR NIN SORCHCHS 8 Goods for the Least Money Possib ayer Valencia: , Svedless Raising, per 1b... .......... yer Table Raising, per lb. ............... 15 New Currants, 3lbsfor ,................. 25 Fine New Currants, per 1b , New Figs, per 1b je, Now Figs--Cooking--3 Ibs for . Icing Sugars-- White and Colored .... New Alponds--shelled and Finest New Florida Oranges, i Grapes, Lemons, Oranberries, &¢ * Condensed Mince Meat --beautiful nnd same as last = year which gave such satisfuction. And a large assortment of all kinds of Candies, &ec.,&e. S| "AS ALL REQUIRE offer you the isins for . Raisins, pe rab unshelled-- Walnuts, Valencia Oranges, Tuex ror Christmas Presents we lave u fine assortment of Gentlemen's Boots of all kinds, fine Embroidered Slippers, &e., little Boots for the Babies, and bigger ones for the Boys and Girls with a fine assortment of Ladies' Laced-- Rubbers, Overshoes, &e., and a beautiful assortment of Stand and Hapgirg Lamps. Tea and Dinner Sets, China Cups apd Saucers, aud other First Class Goods. Bring on your Casu and we will try to please you, and wishing all A Merry Christos aud Happy New Year. T. C. FORMAN & SON. Zo Marriage License Office. Port Perry, Dec. 13, 1892. a Ah Sin a A ety SGOMING "01S UJ Y0J5 PIO ON---Spood MALTR Kid Roots-- Buttoned and JHRISTMAS FIXINGS! being scarce every one will wish to make it go as [far as possible and by calling at HEAPSIDEx WE WILL DO OUR BEST T0 HELP YOU. m this date till 1st of January we are prepared to 4 le. g2 ¢ iy \ Se & &B a ZEN EPALACE (rocay STILL LEADS IN PRICE AND QUALITY OF 7 75 6440545445444 0537%% &N SPITE of hard times, Sales are going on briskly and | every one acknowledges that the Palace Grocery is the place to secure BARGAINS, JUST TO HAND: A Special Line of Fancy Crockery} BOOTS & SHORERS== PRICES ERY LOW. | A complete line--Sales daily incrensing | £2 Japan Tea, 25¢ and 35c--stitl unsurpassed in flavor. THOS. J. WIDDEN. CURRIE BLOCK. Port Perry, Nov, 24. 1892. ------ pA - A PRIZE . 2% NO PRIZES FOR STUPID PEOPLE. Wx to the person who can first find the PU bove Sketch Six Faces are to be Found.) ZZLE., Home MoxrtaLy will give a frat.clss Upright Plune, of the a x fuces. A rewn fine room Bet (v of alued at Oak Bed: vi for each of the next two correct answers. next three correct answers. Rebus, make ross with a les the six faces ind in aiver tr thrce months subscrp: bearing first postmark will receive first reward, Ty prize in this competition will be faithfully awarded. Our ® 30 cents, and receive a valuable prize fe ome Monthly, 192 Ring Stn West, Toronto, ay and The un much pleasure their en public ge patron, them : ee huriness hy their most tations, ai red entire section, and every etlort will be put forth to make t our establishment stiil more deservedly popular. in every department of the business gives us confidence all who may patrouize us, shes, &c, &c. n early callsolicite ITE THE WESTERN BANK. ks, Valises, Whips, Combs, BEATTY & BONGARD TR A ag IN FULL BLAST | sincere thanks for the liirge meastive of paffonage be< thoroughly overhauled the entire Mill and introduced the best, most approved and modern machinery including the The Trads sapplied with Flour of the finest Brands: i Ts en THE PLANING FACTORY in full opération and &an siipply all Rinds of Dressed Lumber, also Lumber, Joists, Scantling, Boards, Pick els, Shingles, Posts, Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Bannisters and Newel Posts. EZ" BILL LUMBER A SPECIALTY. All kinds of TURNING and SCROLL SAWING doneon short noties; JAMES CARNEGIE. aasdt Port Perry, Oct. 1, 1891. I OIKIBOCIOIORICK EK. Z¥. PURDY HAS NOW ON HAND A FULL STOCK OF Roller and Stone Flour, Feed of all kinds, wholesale and retail. Barrel and Dairy Salt, cheap ! | 4130, A FULL STOCK OF RAN) clasni Sloss FRESH GROCERIES & PROVISION Cheap for Cash or Produce. | | Just received a car load of pure Land Plaster. | EZ" The Highest Price paid at all times in Cash for any quantity of Oat#; | Beans, Flax, Eggs, &c. EZ GIVE ME A CALL "§3 E. H PURDY. ISCIIHSICICIH LAING & MEHARRY -- HAVE AGAIN -- OPENED OUT WITH Amur MAGNIFICENT. NEW STOC of everything in their line. ~ LAING & MEHARRY. JUST RECEIVED, Port Perry, March 10, 1892, SRICISICIACIACK The Subscriber has just received a Complete Aphrtment of ousisting of | oT VR TOILET SETS in Plush, Persian and Oxidized Silter; Leather, §e. PERFUMES from the best makers, in Cut Glass Bottles; Bohemian Ware, §eiy at all Prices. g 3 : YANCY CUPS AND SAUCERS, VASES, fe: PIPES and CIGARS of the Finest Quality. Wishing you all the Compliments of the Season+ BLONG BLOCK, rE nndersigiied takes this opportunity of returiing hi¢ ; stowed on him since commencitig Husitfess itr Poit Perty; ; and would beg to state that having, at firge expenditure; ; Expeditiotisly sind iff i fitaier that camo ffl to give satis¢ Z| fuction to my patrons;

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