Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 15 Dec 1892, p. 4

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fad ao das wakes A feat Boer Trust. | 6(h HALP-YEARLY COMPETITION Eid Vii Tot of Wo = mn ~ 8t. Louls, Nov. 28.--Adolphus|The most Interesting Contest ev ] : FS Busch; president of the Anheuser offered by The Canadian Agri- a: & Busch Brewing Conipdny; says there is culturist. renson to 'believe that tlie four mam One Thousand Dollars in Cash, a Pair of 3 2 Hand Shetland P i . . su moth breweries of the United Btates, Horne and er THO lot, eng, vt 3 his own and the W. J. Lemp of Bt, able prizes for the Agricultunst's brightest g ; i Y 3 readers! Who will have them? According to 4 : Louis, aud the Schlitz and Pabst, with | the usual custom for some years past ihe a \NG ON ith f illari ill 1 rplishors THE AGRICLTUISE DOW offer (heir 4 SW onr auxillaries, will be consolidat: | Sixth Hall-3 early Literary Com petition. This " q 3 & grand Coth petition will, no doubt, be the most WILL ol, ith a capital of $40,000,000 and | Ei OR Cioasarul' oe ever presented to - §200,000,000 bounds, to supply the |the people of the United States and Canada. WE SEND By Mi \ MA y world. with beer. "The 'English Roth | One. Thousand Doliurain cash will be paid : 3 HER) ; to the person sending In the largest list of Neu schilds are said to be behind the | English words constructed from letters in the 24 QU! A LIKE D 36 ie Words "The Cunadlun Agrioulturist." GE } A & SC hehe (ive Hundred Dollars in cash will be given A Tw § r, Busch says: "Several months ASSEO0IL Targont lite ( £2 ONDITIO Jo. 4 A Handsome Pair of Shetland Ponies MAL PAC 1 i ago A representative of the Rothschilds Currlage and Harness, will be given for the S KS 4 . Q : --M, dé Friese of London--came here | "Over one thot: rida q 'ondi 3 5 P er one tholisahd additional prizes award- AER > Wi Both the method and results when |,.q ttifolded the plan to me. Its |edinorderof merit: OHb rand Plano, $300 She , One ounce tion Po der Gp " Be | ial it} $100 Piano: J 1s absolutely hy 0 _ NW ' . Organ, 3 G3 is worth nd of Syrupof Figs is taken; it i8 ub maghitade at first appalled me, but, Wiicnes: ai Dro arperhe Fartiohs 5 14s Sr "when, aE and vob Fi af Surat dicta \ N and refreshing to the laste aud abt oowing the Rothschilds to be | Guriains} Silver Tew Sorvitex; Tennyson's | by mail » d and to keep the in hosing" etdmoniats son Troe AND T NX | 7 i y y . 'oems, bound In cloth ; Dickens in 12 volums, | once to us 0 b ea AN ently yet prom tly on the Kidneys, practical men, 1 listened, became in. | bound In cloth, ete. oh ted ie FY RAISING GUIDES. (heise CR §nlatged, | 7 0 the bond«, * After M. de. Friese return- | RuLES--1. A l6ttir cannot be used oftner duced, pleasing to the taste and ac~ | i 1, [ondon we corresponded, 1nd |!Panltappearsin the wozds «The Canadian ) : 3 tig he is now in a better position to turn out first-class have not apparently been invited to |currvwist; If two or more tle, the largest endowing the whole bodily frame wit} E 3 po at vospsly known, pparey een flat which bakes the eatiiest postmark will : a STRENGTH and vigodr, Nervous. Head 'F iver and Bowels, cleanses the 8Y8- | to reqtud, snd now I look favorably on | AS thers are more than 1000 prizes, any one and con gad Gu o, 81. of Powder for (0 cents; or, one large 3 14 es ceptable to the stomach, prompt in AgricullUrist" or Instanve the word "egg" OPPOSITE THE ©"OUNDRY) < 3 . : | enter the mammoth trust, ke the first pri nd the otk. 1 Ey ¢ 4 i i § : se WwW is sale in 786 x Lie Rule tho Oink prize, ani he ott ay 1 BR ) ) ] i aches, Trembli IY Lassitude a Carriages, HE 1€ : 0 [] [2 [PhS ge : The iti ras that [good li iil not fail 15 recely sauab) é aches and fevers and cures habitual | 1c "Rott iie Touhy negotiate the | Bri Thit isthe Dligont Shing in the. com: IS A HOUSEHOLD REQUISITE : > fully yet soothingly on the blesubstances barred. Ji twill not nvalidate a list-- y " 4 . ' Bm ee masndit settled, Che wrong Words #11l simply nat be counted, HE Utidersigned be 2 unce that he has removed His business to that fine LIVER AND BOWELS, r[YHE UNDERSIGNED would return his sincere thanks to the public for the ver and i petition line shat we have ever placed bef 7 constipation. Sysup of Figs is the consolidation of the concerns and place | the public, and all who do not tke. part wil . Nw EVERYWHERE. only remedy of its kind ever pro- miss portuiiity of a life time, ; § Each ist must contain one dollar to pay f store in the 'DIA OCK" i ) i imilati liberal patronage accorded him in the past, begs to state that with ihers fe rol and have made it the most The largest New York breweries |," O% Hh. gist Souiein one do az to pay for a a 0 x -oue door east of Diesfeld's Jewelery Store-- | promoting DIGESTION and assimilation, anc Pi ¥ n the pa g! at w creastd facil fom effectually, dispels colds, head- | 1. \ came. who takes the Lrouble Lo prepare an ordinary tof go Sond : RECO Danio Hots Biss Sasson Hoes THIS UNIVERSAL MEDICINE ROL vs our corre lence re i could not 1, ab there Is but gr Y : i i its action and truly beneficial in its | 1. or EPAICERE resulved nay ore Ir tore ion n PURIFY THE BLOOD, impart tone to th: Hoots. ared only from the most naking a trip to the other side of the |uhe meaning but spelled the sume can be used NERVOUS SYSTEM, and act most power i eliects, pre r Atlantie," The watter ie practically | put once, § Nutties uf places and persony 5 . Erro it | Genuay x Okks--Tha |® Kon 8 E8 hens' magnineont| ANAS BN er I 31 YT prin 2 Tura i SEER | { 3 ; y 'Ey TER) : high butter, half a pound of pulverized sugar | continent. - Ewomplly for SH Whorrishes and three quarters of a pound of flour. Every competitor enclosing 80 cents in 7 : y i 4 ng [iOnS; Ie hes - if] stam xtra, will receive free. mall, al : p i 1 f; p Beat the butter and sugar to a cream, paid, one of Tu DTT and has now ol d a fine assortment, in all lites pimples and boils, bettér than any #2 { waiild algb intimate P a poons of Canada. med cine known, placein Pott Perry to get your CALIFORNIA Fig SYRUP co, id the eggs well beaten and then the Prizes warded to persons rexiding in the Wh 1 4 d R ¢ il 1 y y abi Yof vanilla ex. Df s will be shipped from our New i i SAN FRANOISO0, OAL. Sout, and biespoontas of ania = York oMae fren of duty. All money letters oO es an etal . Pott Petty, April 2, 1890, KY, NEW YORK,N.¥Y act, w Which will Fghould be registered. A ) I | LOUISVILLE, be SHIM enough for the purpose, between | 00x Forts Conperrmax---wo navegiven | F70lelkeepers suppliediat Toronto and Montreal Prices--\y\q \ WoRLD-WIDE REPUTATION ST your hands, and form into cakes the a have, thousanas of ae freight saved. . 1 v i f SORE, ER the bank clerk's|share of the letter S.- Ice with a |Prize-winnersin every state in the union and ¥ It heals every kind of SORE, ULC 5 4 every part of Canada ahd Newfoundland. Fo > and B more certainly than any othe : C d N In stock, fine brands, Wines and Liguors for Medicinal Purposes, 3 WOUND rininly th y .othet thread of icing before baking ; bake in | Kilcoursie, A.D.G over 3 ) 3 ' v : v i 5 read of icing before baking ; bake in | Lord Kileoursie, A Dd, to, the Governor | pyjoeg to suit the times. A call solicited. known salve. Its marvellous penetrating fl it An adders bite lunch. A man who isin society and wants |® VCTY hot oven. These cakes are Condo boiinalilng our competitions," | #4 Parcels delivered to any park of the Corporation, or to Prince Albert and Manch powers render it avaliable fn all to kevp iu wust Le continually goi g easily made, and are not only good to | 36M. Branden, Vancouver, B.C. received | ester, free of charge. i THROAT AND CHEST DISEASES, out. [nt but are go Jock ut, ee 5 M. WILLIAMS. [Si Cina Sm doing and besing es ine TENE | ont alah Duta Harrnon, Syrictagy NX | Port Perry, April 1600, : ABSCESSES md FISTOLAS and for alle: said Johuny, as he sneaked the lust 3 Pa 3 gative Medi- cooky out of the jar. . They ore & The kind of a race he made.--'Let's see ; vou ran for office a week ugo, Gidn't you ¥ 'No, 1 walked.' 'West Duluth, Minn. $5007 Miss viating the excruciating toftiires of p | Georgina Robertson, Oak St., Brooklyn, $1000; r---- RHEUMATISM, GOUT, | | Fred H. Hills, 359 State St., Bridgeport, Conn. TS Ad 4 "TA ii : Loo a | and thousands of others.' spots, ! ind NEURALGIA it is unsurpassed, It nevet ? 2 Ry Address all communications to THE AGRI- ails to remove Scurf and every species of | BIR supply in a condensed | CULTURIST, Peterborough, Ontario. kin disease: fh form _ the substances * actually needed to en 3 ° a0 ich the Blood, curing Ripans Tabules cure colic. The Pills and Ointment are Manufactuted only at | I all diseases coming ~ i rom POOR and WAT- Ripans Tabules banish pain. N EW FU R N IT E | 78, New Oxford St. (1ate 538, Oxford St.) London; jeny Broop, or from bat And are sold by all Vendors of Medicines theughout the ViTiATED HUMORS in | = a. a Civilized World ; with directions for use in almost every «I say, waiter, 1've dropped a six peice. If you tind it let nie have it back ; if you don't you can keep it. --OR ITH -- the Broop, and also . iy 1 : is : language. ] oD, en | The Subscriber wishes to return thanks to his customers for the liberal support % Purchasers' ble sprici tite: : . ie . : ad : 3 ers should look to the Label or IFeeble and capricious Appetite; wre rs vr bres DR. wOooD'S |since the fire, and is better prepared to furnish all requiring anything ir. | the Pots and Boxes. . If the address is not 833, best regulated by the use of Ayer s | down by overwork, . » { the Furniture line, good and cheap. - Having added new Store Rooms, 1 res | Oxford Strest, London, they are spurious, Uathartic * Pills, They do not de | ineutal worry, disease. | « of A | pectfully invite inspection of my Stock: Just arrived a splendid lot Gilt| os a nn nlitate, Ly excessive stimulation ; but | 18 K tions. They have a | 4 3 | B SPECIFIO ACTION on the SEXUAL SysTeEM of Bboth men and women, restoring LOST VIGOR cause the stomach, liver, and bowles to perform their functions properiy. | As an after-dinner pill, they are un- | Marble Mouldings gel ch of frames suitable for Emerson 5 F 1S ; i My Tderking Toparhmant and correcting all Price of One. [ | 3 ing Mill MOA | equaled. RG I osions. | Planing 1118S MMMM MASAMI 257 Visitor. --How does the land lie iy EVERY MA Wiles dui or Tabing. or | 1% 5 Hf : PIRARZIRZIR ARRAS AAS ISA ISIN AUN this way Native --It wint the land | J pvsisal PvE Taste Sot enorgios, both a] Pa ] ; 74, is replete with every thing necessary for 7 PORT PERRY. that lies, sir, it's the agent, | physical and mental. furnishing Funerals, Chargesreason- | We have made an arrangement with FARM-POULTLY', ine ! able. TEE Subscribers beg to anrounce the One door West of the Post Office they arc now prepared to manufactura DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, 3 ' : i ie should take them. she--You forget yourself, sir--| EVERY WOMAN Botsniz i Norway P He--How could I think of myself in| BrestSis Moss when neglected. | our presence { should take these PILLs. Jun [ YOUNG BIEN oy iii cure. the re: rup. sults of youthful bad habits, end strengthen the | [RR fl a monthly paper published in Boston, Mass. By this arrangement SEVERAL noblemen in England ar EH IN NOT CASINGS, FRAMES, | ll we are enabled to furnish both the Observer and Farm-Poultry for SEVERAL noblemen in Englan e : . 3 y duit I bs ine STAIRS, in the habit of giving special orders to eyaHem should take them | { Rich in the lung-healing virtues of the Pi ' : ¥ i . 8 4 aon sends roe 2 : h with the soothing and expectorant aT 3 QT CATS I the price of our single paper, namely, 81. Any person sending us makers in Virginia for their supply of | YOUNG WOMEN Those Pinus wil | § Somtinet VHC er Pectoral herbs and barks. § | ------------------ ~ Eo STAIR RAILS, ~~ STAIR BRACKETS, pried gz papers 2 Z smoking tobacco. There is no doubt | axe Siem ree lins. A PERFECT CURE FOR IRS, NEUEL POSTS, I i ; a EE PT : 5 F le by all druggists, or will be sent upon (GS ' this amount will receine the Observer every week for one year, and that Ly that means they get the very | receipt of price (0c. per box), by addressing COUGHS AND COLDS MOULDINGS, &C., it y » % . . } it. Coie 7 WILLIAMS MED. CO. , Asthma, Bronchitis, Sore Throxd i gs 3 ? i best tobacco to be had, bat it costs za8 DR: Brockville, Ont iL THROAT, BRONCHIAL and IN GREAT VARIETY, | ll the Farm Poultry every month for one year, from receipt of orders them about §2 a pound. The Working: | see---- EE. LUNG DISEASES, Ohstinate co to this Seroll Sawing, Band Sawing and man of Canada are smoking the very For Over Fifty Years. pleasant piny syrup. Turning done with neatness and dis- I Old subscribers who are in arrears must pay up their arccaregs sawe quality of tobacco at The cents} oo \iviow's Soorrivg Synoe has PO a AD BO STILE patch. Se wd ad , WinsLow's f oLo BY A ; ¥ pound, ag is 18 Knot to them by | been used by. millions of mothers for their ALL THE LATEST STYLES IN and one year's subscription to the Observer in order to lake tie name of "Myrtle Navy." children while teething. If disturbed at - Perry SN PF ; > night and broken of your rest by a sick ANOY FENCE PIGRETS |g oo ooo pn m0 ec Mrs. Figgs-- Where is that custard | child suffering and crying with pain of Cut- Tanks and Cistern Tubs made to order. adcantage of this 5 a ii) I put away this noon? Tommy--I-- | ting Tceth send at onco and get a bottle of Flooring and Siding constantly on hand. | ake it vapished'in the empty hel Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for guess it vanished in the empty heir. Planing done to Order. Children Teething. It will relieve the poor = = REGULATE THE = « ' STOMACH, LIVER > BOWELS, = AND = PURIFY THE BLOOD. A RELIABLE REMEDY FOR = . . - . in the Pate: Indigestion, Biliousness, Headache, Constipation, Office and before the Cotte Dee she ont 1 J ' ] ; snc: el sand | hp Dyspepsia, Chronic Liver Troubles, Dizziness, Bad pon receipt of model or sketch of invention, I 0 Complexion, Dysentery, Offensive Breath, and all el Aino, #14, 4dviseasto patent al B disorders of the Stomach, Liver and Bowels. With wy office directly across from the Patent ' d Office, and being In personal attendance there, it ap The patronage of tha public is respect: fully solicited. ¢ ¢ Sie 0 Factory on Lilla street, just south of the a (@ on C Town Hall, (ATC 7K, EMERSON BROS, Port Perry, May 6, 1886. PATENT A CAVEATS, AND RE-ISBUES we registered, and all other patent Tatheram-- Barbers scrape an ac- | little sufferer immediately. Depend upon Q Gat ory Joely ioe Victio | its mothers, there is no mistake about _it (Summer Resort) L iy J ? : - [t cures Diarrhoea, regulates the Stomach ------ and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the | MISHING AND SAILING PARTIES on even less time, Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives fone | |; bake Season will be neconimotited aur and energy to the whole system. *' Mrs. " die of ime 8 Marion--My finance is very excit- | Winslow's: Soothing Syrup» for children he Middle of Jey Wil able, When he proposed to me Le | teething is pleasant to the taste and is the Meals at Moderate Prices acted like one insane. Martha--Per- | Pr cription of one of the oldest and best haps he was dear. female physicians and nurses in United | 1tany time during the day by calling at my ps : arn States. Price twenty-five cents a bottle, | tesidence on Nonquon Island. School teacher-- Why are the prison | Sold by all druggists throughout the world. | co guo taiand, June, bE. © ers who are executed called 'poor a ura and. ai lor MRS, sows > . SooTHING SYRUR," - sinners ! Scholar -- Because rich en " sinners always get off. Ripans Tabules: pleasant laxative. PU BLIC Ripans Tabule tre hives. --Yes; but they can cuta man in ' TRADEMARKS wr Jule 1 parent that1 have superior facilities for making A Dangerous Cold. IMPROVED Ripans Tabules edotain nothing injurious to the most delicate constitue prompt preliminary searches, for t y Dean Sims. My little girl last 'winter | tion. Pleasant to take, safe, eficctual, Give immediate relief. Sold by and successfal prosecution of applications for p JUST OPENED OUT A SIRs, -- My as 3 o + o Address and for attendin, all business entruste NI £ had a very bad cold which almost resulted - { \ . druggists, "A tial bottle scat by mail on receipt of 15 cents. Gro, in Alia shortest possibio time. | in congestion of the lungs. After doctoring Agt, ih fel pends i Mar Su THE RIPANS CHEMICAL: CO., FAES MODERATE, and exclusive attention giver to patentbusiness, Information, advice and specia : t ) es ; 10 Spruce Street, - = New York City. references sent an application. [ ) yy ~ &D gry J. RK. LITTELL, BH ( be? bo He Be i 2 VVLVVVVAA Solicitor and Attorney in Patent Causes, 4 nF BRP BL Wasiringion, D.C. Opposite U.S, Patent Office with her for three months without success 1 HE undersigned takes much pleasure in ¥ {ried Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam, aud two FAN C Y BO Y | informing the public that he has now bottles of it cured her. She is now strong : moved into his extensive, well arranged amd healtny. Ms SANOKL MULHOLLAYD, Bred by Mr. John Adams, "Ambleside," N B . kE b . h - Tr Mention this paper.) 5 i Latest Stvles snd FPattcir: Hamilton, Ont. go, ew ric sta lis ment : tire mmo seit fr Eon Fine Jewelry La S vies and LL 6 4 5: J TYHE undérsigned will ol ve . 5 PREETI Kitty Winslow--1T doo't see why it] VEE auficrsignes een, thin, above where his supérior and greatly increased ZU S EET. JOHN NOTT, FINE GOLD WATOHES--Latest Styles in Cases. should be so hard for a young man to | I, Brock., Heis from Snells' Imported Breed adn wl re Svasing UNDERTAKER, gay 'no.' Tom de Wilt--No; you |--on both sides--which is admitted by the 5 288 with him, ) 3 : sd y re (OF IQ OR 1 ¥ I girls seem to find it easy enough, YOU | Lest judges to be the finest breed of Berk- M Cc C O L L S i The Latest Styles in Ladies' and Gent's CHAINS, CEAEMS, 11 CI biopi hiol deoy ® ith many thanks for very extensive and : 5 Lg . 8 . till increasing patronage. ce ) +1 don't think that man is acquaint WM, MEDD. cider A rnin eed soarsely od with his mother tongue.' * He has | Brock, Novas, 1692: remind the public that my I, M Or, rrp ea Forty dozen SPECTACLES and EVEGLAS 11 0 . no need to be, * His wife's tongue is ARDINE ACHIN e's COTTON R 0 REGULATORS and OLOCKS in great variety. wore than he ean satnd.' IVEN Approved Oven === "Tis love that makes the world goround,' Sra COMPOUND. 4 : ion mond wt often ea, AWAY same meee ool A NT) CYLINDER OIL | spears Everything: Warranted as Represcrice Fut the sanie phemonenon is found, 1 on publi 8 by thou Iu drinking wine and beer, rely on an unlimited supply o Ol LApuEs, 8 theonly per. ; : = A i ise aren ule REPAIRING in first-class Workmanlike manner It has heen wisely remarked that 0 4 0 | CE i R EAD o'---Beware of imitation. ware of unprinelpled druggists who offer in- you uever ought to ask any one to give One Hundred and Forty-one ® yon his word of honor, If you are # s dass Every variety of talking to an honest man it is super- Handsome Photographs FL tious ; if to a rascal useless, tn One Grand 3 FANCY BREAD, CHOICE ferior medicines in place of thir. Ask for Cook's N RooT COMPOUND, take no sub- T D < stitute ; or inclose $1 and 4 three-cent Canade a EB | i 15 postage stamps in letter, and we will send. sealed; by return mull. Full sealed particu- . ! ; " B | jars tn plain envelope, Lo ladiesonly, 2 stsm ps, @# 7 Address Pond Lilly Company, No.3 Fisher . be A : A Block, 181 Woodward ave., Detroit, Mich. es TERE _seant cup of buttor all often CONFECTIONERY & ( Agricaltural Implement Agent, Port Perry. | oud in. Port Tore ! by Ao Davie. z, ------ : a than a full ope. ' 5 : : pha 2X ; ke thao a full oue. | MA a woos IF YOU ARE IN NI Jpver |: "IT BRIDAL A RE Eo in sno tins than is a larger © supplied on short notice. t y 4 1: A | J ia lf HUE 3 Yaga! bi gs 01] 2 kept over in one vessel. Members of Fg Everything the line Cheap and 'Good. di 4 ih Rn Ly i pn h ; Tt is said that to chew parsely after| === . ---- WM. HISCOX. i. i adersigned begs to inform the public Dr a BER er _ NR eating onions will remove the order of 1882 ar lament Port Perry Sep. 0, 1801. T pu Ty i# ; hep he prepared Yo Clip and Tein on old TP EO ey Jemuieled ghd i ; : the latter from the breath. Orrisroot| © -- hire W 5 | Country and other styles, all horses en-| ji will he spared to make guests com: 8 + thir Inchiding extra large size photographs of Sir John L tr to him. Orders left at Mr. 8. pare Take. gissts ¢ Fas the same effect. Abbott, Dromice, and Sir John leader i ortable. The Bar and Dining Room will ' TO ALIAS TU pao taatas | on vu ron go ones. Span (Eble Be BR er mow PAY YoU 10 : ' pi , t Aft " x i 3 le Ei iarsecs suse tals depEh | BET Abas Lop To ST Se [om fmnistou in Ga wort Thor bare some RINE one muda. Sattuction Goan En et rls ae J ve e » 141 failed to cure. . . J iy He y 4f a quarter of an inch. They will | ®73 nT. ne porfest Whereas, by Ph Bs aio Dosttive of yt. tint ve : 3 B. F. CRANDELL. Give we a call. W. H, PARK, X 3 keep for years if this is done, gravure process on Pate of the picture | Appliance now in the market and you ean try i _ This fine youl Port Port, Sept. 21, 1892 ¥ Manilla, April 20, 1891. Proprietor eae op presented to Sir John Thompson by the Conserva | for Three Months. Largest list of testimonials five months old ; - - Lk a A spray of pure-oil of turpentine | tive Members during the last scasion. on earth. Bend for book and journal Free. y 0 . a . . OF > Mas with one cent ;. of lavender| THE ORIGINAL PICTURE | WW. T. Baer & Co., Windsor, Ont. x : oil' id*to have an astonishing effect . COST OVER 8500. ouses al 0 S$ or S é | in purifying the air of living room, 2m Baris has secured the copyright to repro, : ' ¥ . rR tiie he wolion 5 to the Grand Piouer. 1t Is printed on IN PORT PERRY. a ------ RW 4 i fhe. sation is attributed to tlie ozone pli oper haggle tnd) ot SHILOH S ; Regulates the Stomach, - . pb . did picture for framing. A key giving the name of mem Don't bake wife-during the holiday iE work of covey CONSU M PTION ) ay a horse in bad NO EXTRA CHARGE 2.8.2 iL el oe y CURE. For terms and particulars apply te "one GIVEN FREE This GREAT COUGH CURE, this success ag { C ii W. EDMETT, Yo Every Subscriber for the fal CONSUMPTION CURE, is without a par- y Insurance and Gen. Agen. Weeki Em ire Er rut Svein ignad Reatlfoe ig Sept 10, 1880. Soden) Ea SECS aE ROL J : Liver and Bowels, unlocks TE nd eriged ou or es the Secretions,Purifiesthe | properties : bia residence on Caleb street, ( | Blood and removes all im- and lots. | purities from a Pimple to the worst Scrofulous Sore. WHITBY 5 His Stock js complete and when you are 0 dont ask advice of i £ ¥ : ! E k =] i { i 2 for it will cure g Tue Weexry Estpraz is without doubt the best | the or Whoopi it 0 rd lo 4 Fo ¥ Le. esky for Bre Jn Conde, -~ leg ugh. She promptis, FOR SALE. # CROFUL A Furniture ei unsurpassed assed. op i % disease CONSUMPTION, dow'? fasito use it, - L T of Upholstered Chairs, and Ottomans, in Silk, Velves will cus you_os cost Ask your The undersigned offers for Sale two | | Ss. DROPSY OF CE phosterey 5 Sh Drug or SHILOI'S CURE, Pre lo ct "| Comfortable Residences in Prince ISM. SKIN DISEASE: CR wi a Back ime, ase Shiton's kin i 25 cts. ] Albert. tenleten is ih : Ry tation is extended to all to visit my Establishment Ripans Tabules : for torpid liver. Piss Len BAIRD ; : x : Lee Ripans Tabules : a family remedy.

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