Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 5 Jan 1893, p. 4

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dio just thinking of it Iwasa 'bosts were $1,199.59, "of Hickman county, Tennessee. On one ob you don't agree that you never _jts baneful e hash ok at of the Al -- in Quebec was taxed by "parish, the amount of the oii 1:2 cents. He refused to 'and "the action brought Ly the disniissed, with costs to $500. An appeal chang- was sold to satirfy it, he could appeal and have the decision charg- It is to Le regretted that Ha i of such cares prevent m from exciting more than a pass hig interest. This the debt was 41 cents and the Don't law look lovely? A Bashful Man. Senator Sebastian of Arkansas, says she Louisville Conumercial, was a native occasion a member of congress was la- menting his bashinlness and awkward wess. "Why," said the senator from Rackensack, 'you don't Know what bashfulness is. "Let metell you a story, and when I get through I will stand the bashifulness and I was the most ' in bases, I 3 8 gins uch less speak 1 fell des RoW Susihing ali about old forks saw the and fixed it up. IthoughtT should wky, awkward, country lout, about if your old. She was an intelligent, refined, and fairly well educated girl, in a coun try aud &t a time when the girls had superior advantages, and were therefore superior in culture to the boys. I fixed the day as far as 1 could have it put off. I Jay awake in a cold perspira- For Over Fifty Years, Mrs. Winstow's Sooruixe Syror has been used by millions of mothers for their children while teething. If disturbed at wight and broken of your rest by a sick hild suffering and orylug with pain of Cut- tng Teeth send at once and get a bottle of rs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething. It will relieve the poor little safferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about it. it Sige Diarrhoea, regulates the Stomach and wels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Guns, reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. *' Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in United States. Price twenty-five cents a bottle. Sold by all druggists throughout the world. Be sure and ask for ** Mgrs, WixsLow's SoorHinG Syrup," Rl RN THE PRINCE of PEOTORAL RE- MEDIES. 'Wood's Norway Pine ours cures he Colds, Asthma, j0arsaness and Bronchitis without re URDOOK PILLS never gripe, sicken or injure. The: ite Constipa- tion and Bick Hi FOR CUTS, BURNS, SORES or WOUNDS, Victoria Carbolic Salve is the oust 'healing and and soothing oint- en The question is frequently asked, "Why is Ayers Ch y Pectoral so Ho "other cou The ! ol as 'cause frugtar is the most skilful combination of anodynes and expectorants known to medical science, Life is Short |--Get your eye sight TESTED, improved or RESTORED by buying your Sp LES at Digs- FeLD'S, We scll Spectacles which wiLy give comfort and strength to your Eye tion as the time drew near, and shivered with agony as 1 thought of the terrible | { ordeal. "The dreadful day came. I went | through with the programme somehow | in a dazed, confused, mechanical sort of way, like an automaton booby througha supper where I could eat noth- ing, and through such games as 'pos- | sum pie," 'Sister Pha be, and all that | | sort of thing. The guests one by one departed and my hair began to stand on | === end. Beyond the awful curtain of Isis lay the terrible unknown. My blood rew cold and boiled by turns. I was n a fever and then an ague, pale and flushed by turns, I felt like fleeing to the woods, spending the night in the oarn, leaving for the west never to re- yarn. 1 was deeply devoted to Sallie. I loved her harder than a mule can kick, but that dreadful ordeal I could not, I dared not stand it. Finally the last guest was gone, the bride retired, the family gone to bed, and I was left alone with the old man. "John," said he, *you can take that candle; you will find your room just over this. Good night, John, and may the Lord have mercy on your soul,' and with a 'mis- chievous twinkle of his fine gray eye the old man left the room. I ments ally said, 'Amen' to his 'Heaven help you.' and when I heard him close a distant door, staggered to my feet and seized | the farthing dip with a nervous grs I stood for some minutes contemplati my terrible fate, and the inevitable ar speedy doom about to overwhelm me. I knew it could not be avoided, and yet I hesitated to meet my fate like a man. I stood so long that three love-letters had grown on the wick of the tallow dip and a winding sheet was decorating the side of the brass candlestick. "A happy thought struck me, I hast. climbed the stair, marked the 8i- of the landing and the door of the bridal chamber. I would have died be- fore I would have disrobed in that holy chamber, where awaited me a treme bling and beautiful girl, a blushing meion, + clothed upon' with her own beauty and modesty, and her snowy robe de nuit. I would make the usual reparations without, blow out the ight, open the door, and friendly night would shield my shrinking modesty and bashfulness, and grateful darkness at least mitigate the horror of the situa- tion. It was soon done. Prepara sions for retiring were few apd simple in their character in Hickman, alto- ether consisting of disrobing, and qw- ing to a scarcity of cloth in those day man was somewhere near the Adamie | state when he was prepared to woo | sweet sleep. The dreadful hour had come; I was ready. I blew out the light, grasped the door-knob with a deathly grip and nervous clutch; one moment and it would be over. One moment and it wasn't over by a d--n | sight. I leaped within, and there around EY 'lowing hickory fire, with candles brightly Burning on the mantel and bu- reau was the blushing e, surrounds ed by six lovely bridesmaids." "You've frozen your ears," is a ommon remark. Bathe in Johnson's | Anodyne Liniment. Ripans Tabules cure headache. Ripans Tab ules. Ripans Tabules cure nausea. ies : for liver troubles. AWAY Fh and Forty one andsome. Photograp tn One Grand | anespreserve it. NO glimmering diz ziness, or any distressing sensat.on | with the so called "Boss" SPECTACLES, the Bows of which are stamped in gold with the name "Boss" and the number of spectacle. No better spec- tacles made. Forty dozen of spectacles to select from, from 25 cents up to §6, AT DIESFRLD'S good list will not fail (9 receive a vauable the three words. one meaning hut Spelled tie sume San 22 Rix oT 6th TLFTRRY oC COMPETITION The most. Interesting Contest ever offered by The Canadian Agri- culturist. Thousand Dol Hangin Shetland Nass 4 in Cash, a Pate of Harness, and over t es, able prizes for th 2 tious 1 nd oh Ntest 3 lor the culturst's brightest aders | Who will have ther 7 A In lo the usual custom for some years publishers of Tak ASK RICLTUIST NOW 0 oe grand Com petition ih no Igantic and & one' hve 0) hie of the Ue Onitid Bea the pec ie housand Dollars bi jeles will be paid person sending in the largest list of AR ivi constructed m letters in the words "The Canadian ARTIC TIAL, " Five Hundred Dollars in cash wiil be given Wt the second large: Handsome Bair of Shetland Ponles, Cartons and Harness, will be given for the third largest list. Over one thousand additional prizes award- ed in order of merit: One Grand Piano, $300 Organ, $:00 Plano; Dinner Sets; Ladles Gold utches; Silk Dress Patterns; ~ Portlere Curtains; Silver Tea Services; 'Pennyson's Poems, bound In cloth ; Dickens in 12 volums, bound in cloth, ete. As there are more than 1000 prizes, an, who takes the trouble to prepare an ordi he one ary prize. This is the biggest thing In the com- petition ine that we hive ever placed before the publie, and all who do not take part will miss Li a oppotionlly of a life Lime, A letter cannot be used oftner than Ta appears In the words "The Canadian Agriculturist," For instance the word ** could not ul at there is but one fg Words baving more than Used but once. Names of place barred. 4. Roh Will not eRe ey the wrong words will simply not be counted. Fach list musi contain one dollar to Ly vA for month's_ subscription to ot Jake jor these magnificent rizes 1s to Introduce our popular magazine nto new homes, In every part of the American continent, Every competitor enclosing 30 cehts in stamps extra, will receive Tree, by mall, post- bald, one of THE AGRICULTURIEMS Elegant poons of Canada. Prizes awarded to persons residing in the United States will be shipped from our New York office free ofduty. All money letiors should be registered. Our ForMER CoMPETITION--We have given away $25,000 in prizes during the last two years, and have thousands of letters. from prize winners in every state in the union and every part of Canada and Newfoundland. Lord Kilcoursie, A.D.G, to the Governor General of Canada, writes; "I shall recom- mend my friends Lo enter your competitions," M. Branden, Vancouver, B.C., "received $000 a gold" and we hold his receipt for same A few of the prize winners ; Miss J. Robinson Toronto, $1500; J. J. Brandon, Fenelon Falls Ont, $1500; David Harrison, Syracuse, N.Y. 535; H, Beavis, 81. Louis Mo., $3800; Jas Baptie, West Duluth, Minn. $500; Miss | Ly / | WE SEND By and has now on hand 'Whol Hotelkeepers freight saved. In stock, fine brands, Prices to suit the time esale supplied at Wines and Liquors! 5. A call solicite #7 Parcels delivered to any part of the ester, free of charge, Port Perry, April 3, 1800. NERVOUS TER fully yet soothingly on the plometing DIGESTION and ooh PILLS 1D BE | -- THIS UNIVERSAL MEDICINE IS A HOUSEHOLD REQUISITE EVERYWHERE. ; PILLS , impart th LIVER AND BOWELS, nih FEMALE COMPLAINTS, kin edicinal Purposes, tion, or to Prince Albert and Manck Georgina Robertson, Oak 8t., Brooklyn, $1000; Fred H. Hills, 859State St., Bridgeport, Conn., and thousands of others Address all communications to THE AGRrI- cuLTURisST, Peterborough, Ontario. BT Ripans Tahbules cure colie. Ripans Tabules banish pain. supply in & condensed the substances ' tually needed to en- the Blood, curing diseases coming D, or from i SverEM, when broken | down by overwork, mental worry, disease, ates and indiscre- correcting ULARITIRS and Who finds his mental fac- EVERY MA ulties dull or failing, or 8 owers_ flagging, should take these ill restore his lost energies, both and mental should take them. |" EVERY WOMAN 5s en pressions and irregularities, which inevitably entail sickness when neglected. should take these PirLs YOUNG ME ER They will cure the re- sults of youthful bad habits, and strengthen the system. _YOUNG WOREN ake them regular, should take them These Prurs. will hE le by all druggists, or wi sent upon xoseipvor peice (500. Sgists. o% by! ruse, i BR. W. HED. THE D. ILLIAMS rockuilly, | ia IMPROVED YORKSHIRE WHITE BOAR KING OF . BACON | | FIVHE undersigned kee place, lot 15,con. 3, p 8 for service at his Resich, that splendid | young Improved Purc-Bred Yorks} White Boar, King of Bacon, 717, O. bred from imported stock on both sides; piged Nov. 10, 189], atthe Experimental Farm, Guelph, and prorounced by the authorities of the Farm one of the lest of | his class ever raised, and they placed a jewel in one of his ears bearing the in scription #717 0. B. F." | Terms, $1 cash at time of service JOS. RALPH, | Reach, Oct. 25, 1892. | IMPROVED Largs, Pn Dnd Duckie Dor FANCY BOY! Bred by Mr. Sohn Adams, ** Ambleside," | Seugos. THE undersig red will keep the above named Boar for Service, on lot 21, con, | , Brock., He is from Snells' Tmported Breed "on both sides--which is admitted by the LY to be the finest breed of Berk. | whires in Canada. Service £1 WM. MEDD. Brock, Nov. THE PRESS (NEW YORK.) FOR 1893. Has a larger Daily Circolation than any other Republican Newspaper in America. DAILY. SUNDAY. WEEKLY. Aggressive. Eemblioan Jowriial A NEWSPAPER FoR THR MASSES. Founded Tecombes Ist, 1887. Circnlation over 125,000 Copies DAILY. 5, 1892 F DR. WOOD'S 3 = Rich in the lung-healing virtues of the Pine d with the soothing and expectorant Ce of other pectoral herbs and barks. A PERFECT CURE FOR COUGHS AND COLDS Hi , Asthma, Bronchitis, Sore Thr Croup and ail THROAT, BRONCHIAL un CONC DISEASES, Obstinate coughs which resist other remedies yield prom to this pleasant piny syrup. Nonquon Island (Summer Resort) VISHING AND SAL Lake Sengog will b ing open Fishing Season, the middie of June, wit Meals Moderate Prices at any time during the day by calling at my Residence on Nouguon Island ALF Nonquon Island, June 8, PUBLIC | ANNOUNCEMENT | NG PARTIES on commodated dur commencing about BTEVENS. 1802 TITHE undersigned takes much pleasure in informing the public_that he has now moved into his extensive, well arranged NewBrickEstablishment where his superior and greatly 'increased facilities for business will prove advantage ous to all doing business with him. With many thanks for very extensive ard | etl increasing patronage. I need scarcely remind the public that my Approved Oven | has all the Iatest improvements anda does its work to perfection. The public may | rely on an unlimited supply of CHOICE. BREAD. Every variety of FANOY BREAD, CHOICE CONFECTIONERY, 4c. : firing on short notice, Everything in the line Cheap and Good. WM. HISCOX | Port Perry Sep. 9, 1891. ON TRIAL FOR 90 DAYS. «Tho finest, completeat and latest line of ra? The most remarkable Ne Success in New York. J THE PRESS IS A NATIONAL NEWSPAPER. Cheap news, vulgar sengations aud trash find no place in the columns of THE PRESS. THE PRESS has (he brightest Editorial page In New York. Itsparkies with points. THE of interest. TH all the good things of the Daily editions. AS AN ADVERTISING 'THE PRESS has no superior in New York. THE PRESS Within the reach of all. The Best Cheapest Newspaper in America, PRESS SUNDAY EDITION is a splendid paper covering every current topic E PRESS WEEKLY EDITION contains and Sunday M DIUM in the world. They have never a nae IR KO Pitan ts ye we will back our belief and send you any El Appliance now in the market and yon rion for Three Months. Largest list of testimonials on earth Bend for book and journal Free. WT. Baor & Co., Windsor, Ont. NEW STORE NEW FURNITURE I The Subscriber wishes to return thanks to his customers for the liberal support since the fire, and is better pre pared: to furnish all requiring anything i the Furniture line, good and cheap. {Having added new Store Rooms; 1 res | pectfully invite inspection of my Stock. Just arrived a splendid {and Marble Mouldings for picture framing and all kinds of frames suitable for HOLIDAY PRESENTS. My Tudntaking Department is replete with everything necessary for {furnishing Funerals. | able, One door West of Charges reasons the Post Office NEW PRICES lot Galt Indigestion, Ripans Ta druggists. disorders of the St tion. Pleasant to take, safe Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Chronic Liver Troubles, Dizziness, Bad Complexion, Dysenterys Offensive Breath, and all th, Liver and Bowels. bules contain A trial bottle ReqULATE THE STOMACH, LIVER BOWELS, PURIFY TH HE BLOOD. A RELIABLE REMEDY FOR jail on receipt of 15 cents, Address {CHEMICAL CO., Headache, Constipation, 8 to the most delicate constitu Give immediate relief, Sold by New York City. 1 re EEE Improved Pus pTisi HE unders place, or, nificent young Tospeos shire White Boar, Conga, a; Cron Bo: Sor. Fora EEE 8Lilok's Frio: Flastor will give ght 2otis{aclion.--ag Cents, ILOH'S | LE a; le EER This fine yo! five skid Ci s., so that ich, $1 cash. four hes guibed i in ight shot in igned seeps for wrvios ash Brook, ia 04 Pure- Bred a Bruck, Oot. 27, 1500. od Begs, ik to inform the public iad to Clip and Trin (10.0ld a other styles, all horses en- Oidérs left at Mv. 8. en tion. te. Satisfaction Guarant- po all les and boils, better than oy other family icine known. HAS A WORLD-WIDE REPUTATION, It heals every kind of SORE, ULCER and WOUND more certainly than any other known salve. Its marvellous penetrating powers render it invaluable in all THROAT AND CHEST DISEASES, curing Bronchitis, Quinseys, and Asthma, re- ducing Glandular Lumps, closing and healing ABSCESSES and FISTULAS, and for alle- visting the excruciating tortures of RHEUMATISM, GOUT, nd NEURALGIA it is unsurpassed, It never ils to remove Scurfl and every species of ikin disease. The Pills and Ointment are Manufactured only at 78, New Oxford Bt, (late 533, Oxford &t.) London ; And are sold by al) ¥endors of Medicines threughout the Civilized World ; with directions for use in almost every language. ow Purchasers should look to the Label on the Pots and Boxes If the address is not 539, Oxford Btrest, London, Hoy are spurious. Emerson Bros'. Planing Mills PORT PERRY. FYHE Subscribers beg to announce the they arc now prepared to manufactura DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, CASINGS, FRAMES, STAIRS, STAIR RAILS, STAIR BRACKETS, BANNISTERS, NEUEL POSTS, MOULDINGS, &C,, IN GREAT VARIETY, Scroll Sawing, Band Sawing and Turning done with neatness and dis- patch. ! ALL THE LATEST STYLES IN FANCY FENCE PICKETS Tanks and Cistern Tubs made to order, Flooring and Siding constantly on hand. Planing done to Order. | The patrowage of the public is respect fully solicited. Factory on Lilla street, just south of the' Town Hall. EMERSON BROS. Port Perry, May 6, 1886. * PATENTS, dd A CAvEaTs, AND Re.issums secured, Trips: J aakh registered, andall other patent causes in the Pa Office and before the Courts promptly and oy | prosecuted; Upon receipt of model or sketch of invention, I | make careful examination, and advise santo patont- ability Free of Charge, With wy office directly across from the fice, and being in personal attendance there, parent that I have superior facilities for iy prompt preliminary searchos, for the wore vigorons of patent and Tor eadiog to all business entrusted to my care, in the shortest possible time. FLES MODERATE, and exclusive attention given to patentbusiness, Information, advice and special references sent on sppiioation. LITTELL, Solicitor amd Attorney in Patent Causes, Washington. B.C Opposite. U.S. Patent Office Fasent Mention this paper.) J OHN NOTT, UNDERTAKER, _~ and Funeral Director, PURE RY 7% TE Be COMPOUND. A recentdiscovery by an old physician, Successfully used monthly by thousands 0 ES & the only per- fecily ®afe. and reliable medicine discovered. rincipled druggists who offer in- ines in place of this. ware of bol fertur med Cook's Corton ROOT COMPOUND, take no sub- Stitaie orinclose $1 and 4 three-cent Canada postuge stamps in leiter, and we will send, nid by return mall. Full seale pariise tars in plain envelope, Lo ladlesonly, 2 stsm Address Pend Lilly Company, No.3 Fier Block, 131 eda ave., Detroit, Mic! g)- Bold in Port wir' by A.J. Davia, T, [ehols, and respousl druggiate every: Is HOTEL has been remodeled and renovated and newly furuished. No aing will be spared to make guests com: The Bar aud Dining Room will always be found x supplied. Good Com mercial Rooms. trot Stabling and an attentive I ji Bues to train, Give me a call. W. H, PARK, Manilla, April 20, 1891. Proprietor TRE KES 14 HEALTH, Ask for] SENERERRERE (OPPOSITE THE FOUNDRY) PORT PERRY! HE UNDERSIGNED w oily return his sincere thanks to the public for the ver; _ liberal him in the 8 to state that with increased facili- is ph in now # bette first-class #7 I would also intimate to my numerous friends that this is the BEST and CHEAPEST placein Port Perry toget your Horse Shoeing done. TAS. SWAIN. Port Perry, April 2, 1890. 2 PRPERS TOR, TET HE-- Price of One. MA SISIOIIBISIORE HK We have made an arrangement with SPAS FAS FAS EAS Fa i 7 SHS 2:3 4 | « FARM-POULTRY', a monthly paper published in Boston, Mass. By this arvangenient we are enabled to furnish both the Observer and Farm-Poultry for Any person sending us the price of our single paper, namely, #1. this amount will receine the Observer every week for ome year, aud the Farm Poultry every month for one year, from reecipt of order. Old subscribers who are in arrears must pay up their arrearages and one year's subscription to the Observer in order to lake advantage of this offer. Diesfeld's Diamond Kall. The Latest Styles in Ladies' and Gent's OH A IN! JUST OPENED OUT A Fine Stock Fine Jewelry--Latest Styles and Patterns FINE GOLD WATOHES- Latest Styles in Cases. CHATEME, CEU $I dozen SPECTACLES and EYE-GLAS REGULATORS and CLOCKS in great variety. Everything Warranted as Represenic REPAIRING in first-class Workmanlike at manner -DIESFELD'S IT 'WILL PAY YOU TO =BU Y=

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