Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 26 Jan 1893, p. 3

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IN FULL BLAST! HE nndersigned takes this opportunity of returning his sincere thanks for the large measure of patronage be- stowed on him since commencing bfiness in Port Perry, and would beg to state that having, at'a large expenditure, thoroughly overhauled the entire Mill and introduced the| £3 best, most approved and modern machinery including the ROLLER PROCESS for the manufacture of Flour, is prepared to do s GRISTING & CHOPPING bo objects of the hse members with Sick 'or two thousand dollars. nee || for these benefits range i X it one dollar to one dollar and month, according: to the oe AN member, and the amount of She e carried. The membershi ip iu d of men ovly, and when ad- must be between the ages and forty-fivé. The present members is over Li , and $100 IN CASH. Jack gnd Gill weil. up the Bll to gut » pal HANKS to the people of Port' Perry and surroundings for the way they have atronised us for the year 1892. Our sales have been 3 far ahead of our expectations, we are more than 2 pleased, and, as we will soon take down stock, we f= will for the « ) fn &, ting to esc BEA lo each of ¢ A committee © ition. to this, the local Court bout half a million-of dollars in their | [SG for the payment of the Sick | ¥ and Funeral Benefits. The High | 3€] 'Becretary of the Order is Mr. Thomas . Whate of Brantford, and it is expected that a Court of this popular and pure: ly Oanadian Society will shortly be or- ganized here. Th Trade supplied with Flour of THE PLANING FACTORY in full operaticn and can supply all kinds of Z| Dressed Lumber, also Lumber, Joists, Scantling, Boards, Pick ets, Shingles, Posts, Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Bannisters and Newel Posts. EZ BILL LUMBER A SPECIALTY. All kinds of TURNING and SCROLL SAWING done on short notice, JAMES CARNEGIE: MEHARRY AGATIN-- Z| 0 Wanted 100 Co green and dry. 2% Marriage License Office. Port PERRY, Jan, 11, 1893. Re So come oick as the first choice is always the best REMNANTS AT GREAT DISCOUNT which will be.placed on Centre Counter and will consist of the following : T.OF & SON. ou m 8 3 at your home for the next year, ¢ oe of Winning me of of the above are not perfect, We after Hi hgh iaged copy ce e you can have your mone; back. this alr. : The envelope which contains a bearing first post-mark will receive first and the balance in order asreccived, Be re answer to-day and enclose 30 cents and yi receive the best value you ever did for the) ROY. Address (K) OUR YOUNG PEOPLE, King Btrest, W eat, Toronto, Canada hares Port Perry Markets. HARNESS AS IT SF BEATTY & BONGARD 'Would take this opportunity of wishing and patrons' : THE COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON. They would return thanks for the libe support, they have received in the past, they are now prepared to supply Dress Goods, Tweeds, Flannels, Shirtings, Cottonades, Tickings, Mantle Cloth, Towellings, Table Linen, Prints, &c. X X IX 2 Odd Lines in the following .--Mantles, Overcoats, Men's and Boys' Suits, Hats and Caps, Sox, 'Hoge, Ties, Men's Shirts and Drawers, Tadies' Vests, &ec. a [Corrected weekly by y Meviry. Ross & Sons] January 26, 18853. a al Wheat. . o® gs! g5 2 8s mowooocrRN®e~oalPooooCOoD SIS me em IIR TI I Methodist Church. REV. LW. HILL, B A, PAstoR: ooo 0 Services, 10:30 and 7. voning: Service; Thursday 7:30 Strangers whloome and conducted to seats Port Perry, Oct, 1, 1891. LANG & gouragement and] d would state that | NESS which for 2882s asuy §385355385885888s8s8558%58¢% Buckwheat. Areive Clove Clover... ss Hay per ton . their many friends) Church of the Ascension, REV, ME. FLETCHER, PAsroR Sunday Services, 10:30 and, 6:30, Week Evening Service, Thursday, 7:80, fre -~ @ 8t. John's Church. (PRESBYTERIAN,) gz 838 Furs; if you want iE in Furs don't go by us. -- = --¥ AVE REV. RICHARD WHITEMAN, B.A, PAsTOoR ath Services, 10980 and 7. ening Service, Thursday, 7:30 woaseceN=Noge © EZ Wo intend making this one of the Greatest £ . X Bargain Sales ever heard of in Port Perry, as we ed i i | CHEAR B58, STYLE, | Batist Church. X are very much pleased with our past year's sales and [N¢ Vi | fiEV. MR. CAMERON, Pastor wish to reduce stock as low as pussible before hy IES | Dateviity and | | eekEvonimg Servioe, Thursday, 130 Spring Goods begin to come in. G/F © Led «1a i . 4 ; \ ST ENGTH, NO COLD OR COUGH too severe to Wishing you all a Happy and Prosperous New ¥N| #1 LP Yiold to the curative power of Dei ) i ' Sabba Week Ex 8 ---- Soft Wood Cannot surpassed in the County. ood's Norway Piné Syrtip: | FOR HEADACHE, Constipation, Biliousness, or Torpid Liver, Burdock | Pills are the best cure. / Bluakets Bells, Trunks, 1 - iv : | Yours very truly, val : ) BROWN, WAITE & CO. ' Robes, Port Perry, Jan. 12, X | i) ort Perry, Jan 1893. ! &o., nial mn icensed Auctioneer [HE COUNTY OF DURHAM.-- guaranteed and terms wae WITH Aci Magnificent Stock of everything in their line. HARNESS! | | | | | son of Prices Courted. | TTY & BONGARD. TYRE TOE] Besssseseosengbonssesases 'PORT PERRY NURSERIES: I have a surplus of the following Nursery Stock which is strictly first-class, and of good size will be sold cheap by the hundred or in quantities to suit purchasers. European Mountain Ash, English, Scotch and America Elms, Black Walnut, White Ash, Norway Maple, Europgan Larch, Anstrian and Scotch Pine, Norway Spruce, Red Cedar, &c. Also, A rew THOUSAND APPLE TREES OF EXTRA SIZE, SIX years old, 7 feet high, inch to 1} inch in. diameter--V arieties tae 1 Ben Davis, AG Russett, Mann Apple N. Spy, &. Also, a || 200d selection of other Nursery Stoek to select from. Send {list of what you fequire and get prices, or call and see stock land have your order hooked for Spring. Address, C. Compa - = NEW FURNITURE | NEW PRICES The Subscriber wishes to return thanks to his customers for the liberal support | + since the fire, and is better prepared to furnish all requiring anything iv the Furniture line, good and cheap. = I respectfully invite inspection of my Stock. Just arrived a splendid lot Gilt and Marble Mouldings for picture framing and all kinds of frames. Jt { Mo Ondertobice Dopactment is replete with e very i necessary for furnishing Funerals, Charges re ason- able, Suaop--One door West of the St, Charles Hotel. ES. A call solicited. AS THEY SHOULD BE! HE undersigned ba zs on hand J stuck u eis Be Shoes of his own make whic SETL CHEAP. They are manufactured of the very hest * material und for cheapness and good work- thanship cannot be excelled in this or ad: ning counties. My life-long experience n the manufacture of Boots und Shoes gives BE advantage over more inexperienced dealers and my present stock is such ns I warrant tu give satisfaction and the Pijees are right. ALL KINDS MADE TO ORDER, : SEWED WORK A SPECAILTY. "Repairing promptly atten to. Cement Patches Eo ig Ladies' Polish, he Plata Button Fastuoers, the same ces in Cotton, Leather, and Por- Ag All kinds of Findings on hand, also Rubber, Cement, Rubber te and Coats N returning thanks to the public for the patronage extended to me for over 30 | years, I would respectfully intimate that I | am, as usual, now ready for business, and have a [large & Assorted Stock {oF DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNESS which I am determined to sell very CHEAP! Asn inducement to CAsn purchasers =A Dogount of 10 por condos | { will bie allowed on all Sales from now until Jun. 1st next. All work beiug i MADE BY HAND, y land no factory work kept in stock, the | superiority of wy goods will at once become | apparent. | Intending purchasers will find that by | giving me a call before looking elsewhere | they can be suited in quality and price, my | long experience in the trade being an indigs, IS £4 IN NZ OK ASICS CHICK MEH a 7 HAS NOW ON HAND A FULL STOCK OF Feed of all kinds, Barrel-and Dairy Salt, C. KELLETT, ¢ Xone 16 DAR > JOE N INOTT. ht me Port Perry, Ont. 5, 1893. Port Perry, 18, 1893. OLIDAY (3005 =| Roller: and Stone Flour, wholesale and retail. cheap | The Best Material | No Shoddy | No #3 Prices vo Suit the Times. Give me a call at the Market Block, Port WM. BOND. Perry. Port Perry, Sept. 22, 1892. O T Eli Winding Up Busi ness Sale IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT TO BUOYRRS OI HARNESS, SADDLERY,&G. sz B2 RICE. 5 7 o make 8 chases of the 'at once = wll accounts. solicitor'y hands. has been leased to" Beatty | ne I bave Leen favored. pot By FE ACKERMAN. y Bongard March 1st next, and I be speak | The Newest and Quaint A FULL STOOK OF FRESH GROCERIES & PROVISION Cheap for Cash or Produce. ALSO, { Novelgies ! Just received a car load of pure Land Plaster. The Highest Price paid at ; er ave we Port Peery, Marsh 10, 1892, E. H. PURDY. HSCICICICCISICRIBCRIIRICIR JUST RECEIVED. EERE Ci The Subscriber has just received a Complete Aseortment of FANCY + ; Consisting of : TOILET SETS in Plush, Persian and Oridized Silver, Leather, ge. PERFUMES from the best makers, in Cut Glass Bottles, Bohemian Ware, §e., at all Prices. FANCY CUPS AND SAUCERS, VASES, $c. PIPES and CIGARS of the Finest Quality. Wishing you all the Compliments of the Season. patable guarantee thut perfect satisfaction will be given by any article purchased. Everthing in my line of business kept constantly on hand and repairs nestly and promptly attended to, JOHN ROLPH! Port Perry, Dec. 1, 1892. Canadian Pacific Biv rains will lea ;| CHANGE ORBUSIN HE UNDERSIGNED IT to the HS be <urrounding conntry thas he. of MR. A.D. WHEELER the Business lutely carried on by him, good will in said business, and is. prepared to supply all polos 3 JUST - SUGH - ME ee Fri VLEATS at no erate prices, and n husiuess to receive a oublic patronage. gar All orders left at Wy Market Building, or with me an vith conveyance, will ad careful aftention. act Parry, April 5

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