'vury valuable in it, not even to or ite know the combination of ton--You bet Tdo. I keep buttons and shoe strings The tarkey vp k bird, a very knowing bait appears he-can be stuffed. When you want to see the crooked : tnade straight look at a railway map. Burfflar Bill--We are perfectly safe, | old wan. Pilfering Pete--How do) you know? Burglar Bill--the papers say that the detectives are working on an important clue. His Last Resort.--The desperate tramp (to the drag clerk)--Hev yer any strychnine or arsenic ! Timid Olork-- No, The desperate tramp-- Well Shee glmme a piece of soap. A Supposed Dinner. ~ Dell --Come on and we'll have old fashioned dinner after our as - try with compound Intervet on he regularfee has some- thing nearly akin to a parallel i in the Buffalo coroner who held an inguest on the unearthed bones of a few Indians whose tribe became extinct prior to the year 1680. " Says Farmer Cob, to me, says he, "That boy o' yourn, Mrs isa genie. He has made two gate posts and a pig- trough all out of bis own head, and has plenty of timber left for more. A would-be wit once said, of the fair sex: 'Ah it's a woman's mission to make fools of men,' 'And how vexed we are,' said a'bright- eyed | lady present, to find that "Nature has so often forstalled us.' The meal checks a person receives at a restaurant sometimes make him wish he had checked his meal sooner. The taste of a pig in leading such a low life may be criticised, but never theless the taste of a pig is pretty good when it is roasted. Physicians use salve because it is the | speaking | PETERMAN'S ROACH FOOD NOT A PoiSON FATAL TO COCKROACHES AND WATER Buss. Te Ef eapiir SPP: EWING, HERRON & CO.,Srioensecnumms, MONTREAL. Sole Mfrs, 579 & 561 Bt. Paul Etreet, --_------------------ spe (, , BROWNE rd Aloante, Foals re WIN E NE 7 «SPIRIT do, sunzuy, Lio Sas & rd Po AXDY, Lion Drand,' phy for Joka Uoberton & Song Booth Whisker | Tames Cognac, CL SR Vin de + Prinoent, Wd 416 St. Paul Street, Montroal. CITY HOTEL MONTE MONTREAL 8 WALL PAPER FACTORY CANADA TRUSS FACTORY Est. 1566. FP. GROSS, Prop. ™ Appliances for all kinds of Phy nen Ces Improved Pat. Artificial Limbs, 2% PLES = © o> FIRST PRIZE AW WHEREVER EXHIBITER. oo | Before | "Using Te | 7 B9OT & SHOE MANUFACTURERS | 1. & T. STEPHENS, Wholesale, Beaudry Et. | DEAGRNING CLIPPERS 9 8. KIMBALL, B77 Oraig MUCILAGE & LIQUID GLUE MANFR. | | BsAULD, Prices Right. 759 Oraig | | = OSTRICH FEATHER MANFR. W.SNO, Feathers Repaired; 1913 Notre Dame SCAL: MANUFACTURERS | W. GORDON & CO, 601 St. Paul WE SEND BY MAIL ee BL TWO WE ra Sheridan's ke AY A [ven Jieh ly Po aaa LES Ta smal. pg wl hang EE y. ETE EEE ana po Samet re Condition : wars, or toed di tot SE ¥ Pai Poe aon REMOVI MERCHANT. THe U store davai that he has remo in the "DI SLAMOND BLOCK" --one door east of Di Hotelkeepers freight saved. and has largely increased his stockof In stock, fine brands, Wines and Liquors for Medicinal Fargas. Prices to suit the timos. #7 Parcels dolivered to any part of the Corporation, or to Pri Port Perry, April 3, 1690, aster, free of charge. A call solicited, Be p, THIS UNIVERSAL MEDICINE IS A HOUSEHOLD REQ } EVERYWHERE. bis PURIFY THE BLOOD, Sturt oie Vv NERVOUS SYSTEM, and act most power. fully yet soothingly on the LIVER AND BOWELS, JCESTION and assimilation, anc Lomas « Slam, iw HAS A WORLD-WIDE REPUTATION wers render it invaluable in all THROAT AND CHEST DISEASES, curing Bronchitis, Quinseys;-and Asthma, re- ducing Glandular Lumps, closing and heal ABSCESSES and FISTULAS, and for alle- viating the excruciating tortures of = RHEUMATISM, GOUT, nd NEURALGIA it is unsurpassed. It never ails to remove Scurf and every species of skin disease. The Pills and Ointment are Manufactured only at And are sold by all Vendors of Medicines threughout the Civilized World ; with directions for use in almost every language: & Purchasers should look to the Label on the Pots and Boxes. If the address is not 533, | | Oxford Strest, London, they are spurious. Emerson Bros. Planing Mills irty dozen spfloraoLEs and EYE-GLAS fL§ . 1) 3 5 {| 3 3 It heals. every kind of SORE, ULCER and WOUND more certainly than any other known salve, Its marvellous penetrating ; | JUST OPENED OUT A ine Stock Fine Jewelry--Latest Styles and Patterns. 19, Rew Oxford Bt (ats 898, 0xtora 8t Londons FINE GOLD WATOHES----Latest Styles in Cases. We The Latest Styles in Ladies' and Gent's CHAINS, CHARMS, } T1910! ¢ . , from?25 cts te §C REGULATORS and OLOOKS in great variety. Everything Warranted as Represented. The undersigned Tots to WL A] that he is prepared to Clip and hate Country and other styles, all horses trusted to him. Orders left nt ny ; Graham's , Blacksmith Shop will received immediate attention. Satisfaction Guaran Charges moderate. : B. F. CRANDELL Port Port, Sept. 21, 1892. V0 DESIRABLE NEI FOR SALE. ed a offers for Sale two idencés in Prince The unders Oomfortable Albert. For particularsapply to } J. BAIRD Prince Albert, April 14, 1886. ~~ i THE PRESS (NEW YORK.) FOR 1893 Hasa larger Dadly Circulation than any her. Republican ewspaper in Ameriea. REPAIRING in first-class Workmanlike manner at DIESFELD'S best remedy they know of to rode] STENCILS, STEEL STAMPS, DIES, ETC. John Bull on one side of the wall, Uncle natin on the other, G. W. DAWSOY, Send for Prices, 149 Craig Find Sir John Thompson's face in the above cut. The publishers of 4 The Ganadian Music Folio» will give 880 in Cash to fest person sending in a correct answer to the abi > Pade DAILY. SUNDAY. WEEKLY. The Aggressive Republican Journal PORT PERRY. the physical salve action of their patients in certain cases First Hushand--Mercy ! what have you | got all the. gns turned on full force for ?| Wife--As a matter of economy John | I want to consume a thousand dollars' | worth this year so's to get the discount | «of ten cents a thousand. One of the candidates for the repre sentation of a west country borough, in the course of a speech just previous 40 the general election, had occasion to | yefer to the Hogging of children folks nowndnys, he said, Some obije cted to with the wrath conveyed in saying of the wise man, "spare the rod and spoil the child." + "I suppose I was no worse than other boys," he went on to say, "hut I know I had some flog ing my self, and I lelicve it did me good. | Now, no one ocension 1 was flogged for | telling the truth I" * It cured you, sir!" | #aid a voice front the back. | | A hoy of seven protested earnestly after sent back to school, | "What !" said his father. "Don't | you. want to go to school 1" i # Yes, bat not to that school." | E # And why not to that one 1" « Because there they want to teach me a lot of things that I don't know | ® anything about I" { An Awerican Traveller in Switzer land found on the menu of the hotel a | dish called Ariostu. The name piqued his curiosity, and he risked a trial of the delicacy. It was an old friend-- Insh stew. A Teacher was conversing with hix pupils about the five senses and their importance. Teacher-- Suppose we had to be deprived of one of our five senses, and we were af liberty to choose, "which of them could you most readily dispense with, Freddy? Freddy (recently chastised for misbehaviour and rubbing the part _ affected)-- Feeling.' sWhat is the matter? asked a lawyer of his conchman. 'The horses arc 3 )g away, sir." 'Can Jou puli 'them op ¥ 'I am afraid not." 'Then,' : Innyer, after Judicial delay, thing cheap,' his vacation against being d to the Receipt for a domestic broil : eatch the hair on your husband's coat collar, If yon can bear all your small trials you will never break down under your great one, | He--Is that your school friend f| she isn't so very ugly. She--Ugly He--You said all the girls loved her, AR NOT a Pur oe SADby ih & condensed i gona the substances diseases Sorging Ly irom Poor and WA wy Broop, or om invigorate and BuiLn Broop and {down by overwork, mental worry, disease, os and indisore- They have a y ACTION on correcting BOULARITIBE And SUPPRESSIONS. Who finds his mental feo- VERY HA ulties dull or failing, or his AL pONor flagging, should take t Lose Pris. They will restore his lost energies, bol physical an mental. should take them. EVERY WO They caro all sup pressions § and irregularities, wiiioh inevitably "You ckness when neglected. MEn should take these PrrLs. They will cure the re- H su! jo of 'bad habits, and strengthen the sys! "YouNa w WOMEN fic fi." For sale by all agian, or will be sent upon receipt of price (50c. per box), by widroming; THE DR. WILLIAMS » DE D.. 00. pth HALF-YEARLY COMPETITION The most Interesting Contest ever offered by The Canadian Agri- culturist. One Thousand Dollars in Cash, Handsome Bhetland Ponies, Se ringe and Harness, and over two thousand other valu- able prizes for the Agricultur ys rt htest readers! Who will have thew ing to the usnal custom for some Fearn fi ihe gublishernal Tug AGRICLTUIST now offer thel ixth Hait-yearly Litera ry Competition. 'Pots rand thine oh will, no doubt, be the most Pair o% ud Dollars in cash will be pald to Che vo op soning 1o 4 the largess hi of English 'words con Id from letters in tl wogds "The Canadian Agricultorist." a the a Dollars in cash will be given 8b. Pair of Shetland Ponies, VIL bs Elven fur the, (by having the face marked thus: X); 8285 in cash to the Second react answer; $18 to the third correct answer; $10 to the fourth answer, and 88 in cash to every tenth correct answer to the These prizes are not large, but we award every dollar ju: a tised. See the list o prize-winners in our last > at the bottom of this advertisement. easily If you are in doubt concernin publication, write to some frien: vouch for what we say. ou want latest and most popular music; the merit we claim for this want it at the lowest prices. Send us 30 cents, and aft receive the Folio if you are not satisfied, write us, and we will ch return your money. among our subscribers. CONDITIONS. --Every The most prominent musical people in person sending an answer must enc! same ten three-cent stamps (30 cents) for one month's trial subs the Folio, which gontains | von "ANDALUCIA ™ Waltzes. Containing Ly all . Write to-day and you may receive a prize that will times over "for your trouble. s month the Olli latest musi : Cy "MY MOTH Vocal You will not lose anything, alone cannot be bought elsewhere for five times the amouti remittance. List of prize-winners in our last competition: Mise Olara Melbourne Place, Toronto, $25 cash; Miss Mary: Hamilton, $16 cash; Mrs. W. Vanalstine, 60 Oak iva Bonn cor. Yonge and Queen sts., ci Miss Carrie Davies, cor. Sherbourne and Carlton, $s; E. H. Pembroke st., $5; M L. Aylmer, 141 Alexander st., Mrs. F. Mackelcan, 102 Calhemie st.,, Hamilton, $5; Mrs. D St, Isidore, Que., $5; Ge Moirisette, Three Rivers, Sues Green, Prof. of Music Trinity College, Port Hope, $ ot De Young, Virden, Man. 51 Mrs. Rev.G: Lockh M. st. Cures Con! te an., $5; Miss Crawford, Brandon, Man., $5: James st., nani eg, Man, $5 $5; Miss Chas. Becker, Imperial Hotel, Vi: Susie Extence, Mount Pleasant, Vancouver, B. Ci, You are missing a big snap if you miss this month's n Address : Comsumption, Gough, « Croup, Soro Sore at Bhilobs Porous Sold by all Drug Throat Fora Lame Side, Back or © Plaster will comeiderts the best i versed For For trouble it give great satisfaction, --25 cen! SHILCH'S VITALIZER. Mp. T.8 8. a CS gg) TE r*SAVED MY LI 2 I remedy foradebliitated LO LOWS AAC CATARRH BI REWEDLL CANADIAN MUSIC FOLIO, 19 Victoria St., > ANNO informing the moved into his e; NewBrickl Yiere his superio D; yer ianoy acilities for bi oy a +ous to all doing by Bik many thi reasin Sittings of the Jiri Courts barat, ie fous OF ONTARIO. here or any Toronto papers, whe g ------ Bo 4 Bus! ef p{ Manilla, April 20, 1891. - HE Subscribers beg to announce the T they arc now prepared to manufactura DOORS, 'SASH, BLINDS, CASINGS, FRAMES, STAIRS, STAIR RAILS, STAIR BRACKETS, l. BANNISTERS, NEUEL POSTS, MOULDINGS, &C., IN GREAT VARIETY, | Seroll Sawing, Band Sawing and Turning done with neatness and dis- Tanks and Cistern Tubs made to order. , Flooring and Siding constantly on hand. * Planing done to Order. The patronage of the public is SS fully solicited. Factory on Lilla street, just south of the Town Hall, CMERSON BROS. Port Perry, May 6, 1686. DRESSMAKING MISS NELLIE CAMERON Begs to intimate to the Ladies of Port Perry and vicinity that she is repared to do Dressmaking in the latest 8 pi Having taken a course in Cutting of one of the most © xpert Dress and Mantle Cutters in the Dominion she feels confident that all orders entrusted to her cannot fail to please her patrons, A staff of competent assis- tants steadily engaged. Rooms at' the residence of her father, Caleb street. Port Perry, June 30, 1892. JOHN NOTT. UNDERTAKER, COMMERCIAL HOTEL, MANILLA, ONT. rps HOTEL has has been remodeled and renovated and newly furuished.® No Foil will be spared to make guests com: The Bar and Dining Room will be Sound vl sw plied. Good Com ol. +1 ms, he ass Stabling and an s to train, W. H. PARK, Proprietor (ive me a call. HK SISIOIOR © % < SSR 3K We have made an arrangement with FARM-POULTRY', a monthly paper published in Boston, Mass. By this arrangement we are enabled to furnish both the Observer and Farm-Poultry for the price of our single paper, namely, 81. Any person sending us this amount will receine the Observer every week for one year, and the Farm Pouliry every month for one. year, Jrom receipt of order. 0d ailacritire who are in arrears must pay up their arrearages and one year's subscription to. the 'Observer an order do lake . advantage of this offer. ] of the Metropolis. I NEWSPAPER FOR THE MASSES. Founded December Ist, 1887. Circulation over 126,009 Copies DAILY The most Hohiorkalile; N Success in New } Daily only, ane Year | ot ~ THE TPREGY Within the reach of all. The Best Cheapest Newspaper in America, i x Dally, and Bondage ane year. six 'months 3 one mouth ir mont Sunday, ny yer | Weekly I'ress, one 'year Send for THE PRESS circular, Sam ples free. Agents wane Liberal Commissions, urfed sre whers Address, 3 THE PRESS, 34 PARK ROW, NEW YORK. | Improved Pure-Bred orkshire White Boar TH undersipned keeps for. service at his place, lot 23, con. 3, Brock, that ik h nificeng- young Improved Pure-Bred Yor : shire White Boar, This fine Fone animal is now only-ahon! | ive months old, and at present ne X i fo s., ao that in the past in oll in weight about 08 lbs. pe Service: $1 cash. | Brack, Oot. 27, 1890. IMPROVED