roadway grant if possi- ved that it recive only $60 1 Perry and ht ut sucha grant. Durham berland had appointed yer, and Ohtirio only $50. $150 wou'd uke it even. As rt Peery and Scugog supplement. the grant, they had done so until ] Id not afford to spend any 'm on the roadway. vote was 12 to 20 against Mr. ton road' grant had been the committee under Mr. right's guidance. He has always _ voted for the Scugog roadway grants, but will probably oppose them in futare. This council had been given to understand some years ago that if certain grauts were mde the county would not be asked for some time to come. Mr. Graham (8cugog) aid this was 80, and had the county council granted the sum asked for the roadway would have been completed ere now. Only a fow dollars could be secured at a time, and this had compelled him and Mr. Wright to continue their asking. Mr. Coulthard was again voted down on the same vote as before, Then the clanse passed. The new clause to grant money on the Kingston road then came up. Mr. Mowbray, (E.- Whitby) said his township would not supplement the county grant with even a dollar, Mr. Gibbs pleaded eloquently for a grant. He said he did not thank any municipality to come here and ask money to spend on its roads on condi- | tion that it spend a like sum, but when Whitby and Oshawa were willing to] meet grants in Whitby township he | believed there cause ust be a worthy one. Mr. Gillespie said that was his opin: ion exactly, and he would favor any grant the two towns would meet, Mr, May said it was unreasonable to offer $200 on condition that these towns grant $400. He moved that | the condition be $200. This was voted down, Then he moved $300 and it was voted down. Then the clause was voted down, t00, and that ended it. THE NEW RAILWAY. The clerk read a letter from Mr. W. : McWillinws, Toronto, Gravenhurst, & slaty ta La ted to the company. On motion of Mr. Treleaven the petition was ordered to be sent in. SECOND REPORT ON EDUCATION. Mr. Gillespie brought down the second report of the Education com- mittee as follows : Granting $744.14 to Whitby col | legiate institute, and $681.67 to Port | Perry. Refusing in future to consider | insurance premiums as necessary ex- penditures of schools. Requesting the | representatives of the several high | schools boards and the Whithy col- | legiate institute to meet the committee | at Whithy on the first Monday in June, to discuss the new school law and re concile the different opinions and inter- pretutions now manifest from the re- ports handed in. Laying over the Ux- {ar tinned the doctors' treatment and about a a hox of Dr. Wil ams' sed theifi withodt ferling any benefit aud quit' ik 1 used another box without any ¢ and again stopp ed. You swe I vxpected too much And seemed to think that a Lox of Pink Pills ought to do whut year's of doctoring did wot do. In July I read about the case of Mr. Condor, of Ouk- ville, who had used, [ think, eighteen boxes. When I gead bat he was so fully cured that he was able to work again, and even base ball, I took courage and saw that 1 had not before given the pills a fir trial. 1 then got half a dozen Loxes and ¥ns on the fifth before 1 felt nnyibencficial effects. T had run down so low and my appetite had left me. I mow hegan to feel my' others and went the rounds secing the stock and other exhibits." I tried to keep|up with thei and walked so much that/|day that I felt some bad effects afterwards. But [ vow knew where to look for relief and continued using Dr. Williams': Pink -Pilis, and ever since | have felt a steady improvement. My legs have gained strength wonder fully, and the doctors tell me that if I was a younger man I would be still more benefitted. My general health has also improved very much. About six weeks ago I was in Toronto and walked fully five miles that day, sone: thing I could not have done before, In fact I feel so much better that I Inve taken a two year old mustang colt to break it in" At this point Mrs. Hellems, the life partner of the venerable gentleman, 'who had come into the room while Mr. Hellems was relating his story, said that a friend, when he heard that Mr. Hellems had taken a colt to break, said he was go- ing to commence using Pink Pills too. Then the lady noting the Standard man writing at the jtable asked Mr. Hellems all this wasito ba published, " Yes,' said Mr. Hellems, "if there are any other poor creatures who are suffering as [ have done I would be glad to have them know the great good Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have done me, nk "Bite for Pale Peoply and | and be benefitted in the same way. am glad to have my experience publish- | ed for the benefit it may do to others, | and I cannot too strangly resonymend | these great pills." quiry Mr. Hellems said he had taken three half dozen boxés sinee he began | to take them regularly and was now | using the fourth half dozen, | The Standard reporter called upon Mr. A. J. Greenwood, the east end | druggist, doors from the residence of Mr. Hel lems, to enquire how the sale of Dr. My to enquire | of their effect in Mr. Hellem"s éase. "Pink Pills for Pale Prople have a great sale,¥ said Mr. Greenwood, "and | Streets and Si I am continually asked for them. | With regard to Mr. Hellem's case I | knew. that for years he had suffered | from rhenmatism aud other disease and that he was thoroughly run down He now speaks very highly of Pink Pills though at first he did not think they were doing him any good, but that may be accounted for by the hold the disease had on hiz system, He now feels like a young man and is able | to attend the various animals, horses, | ete. After he lad taken aboot as dozen boxes he came into the store one day and started to dance around like a | Bal school boy. "What's the matter," I! exclaimed, perfectly astonished, and Io reply to an en |) whose store is only a few I A \ J. MONarLy, dealer in Furniture, has iustructed Mr. Holt to yy will be a d opportunity to Por vn uraiture at Aion See posters. NORTH ONTARIO OBSERVER. PURT PERRY, FEB. 9, 1898. Port Perry Oouncil. The regular meeting of the above Council was held on Monday last, Members all present. The minutes of last meeting were read and approved. Tenders for wood, stoue, cedar and lumber were opened ; niso the tenders tor the corporation weigh scales. On motion of Mr. Phillipo, the tender of Mr. Crozier for wood, it be-| a|ing the lowest, was to ng | --$2.75 per cord. Y . On metion of Mr. Purdy, the tender of Mr. C. L. Vickery for lumber, being the lowest, was accepted--$12 per thousand ;; and Mr. Whitter's tender for cedar was also accepted. Mr, Nott moved that Mr. McDonell's offer for the Weigh Scales, $67.50, be- ing the highest be accepted.--Lost on a division, Mr, Gillard came before the council, asking nid for Sidney Houck. On motion of Mr. Phillipo, $3 was ordered to be paid to Mrs. Lewis; $3 to Mrs. K. Cameron ; $8 to Mrs. De- shine ; §2 to Mrs, Nichols ; $3 to Mrs Wilson ; $3 to Sidney Houck. Mr. Austin Platten came before the council, he complained of the stop- page of the culvert on venr his residence, No action was taken by the council notwithstanding Mr. Platten had just cause of complaint, On motion of Mr. Purdy, $4.17 was ordered tobe paid to Mr. 0. L, Vick. ery for fire wood supplied to indigents, said amount was ordered to be charg ed to the poor fund. On motion of Mr, Nott, 5 ordered to be paid to Mr. Jamieson, for draw- ing the fire engine at the late fire, The Auditors' Ruport, a neatly got up document was now presented, which on motion was referred to the Finauce Committee, RECEIPTS, Balance in Treasurer's bands . ... Towa Hall Revenue .. loenses . . Schools, Gov. g Weigh Scales . : Vines .. : Road Machine Sinking Fund and Debentures Bills Payable ... ... .. ... Taxes, 1891 $ 3208 6 50 467 00 152.00 5) 00 14 00 13632 30 5400 2388 70 115 49 670 54 Interest on tax 19 47 858 es, 1802 . Non-Resident Taxes ... EXPENDITURE. Town Hall a TE I dewalks alaries < .7, i. Fi Department . Debenture Account 695 00 296 65 13180 00 106 50 380 19 6718 33 4104 00 Printing Yard iynednn ans Street Watering Water Tank Iusurance Bills Payable Contingent aos Baluvce on hand 6S 68 | 156 00 | HIGH SOHOOL--RECEIPTS. ance from last year. . Tuition Fees Government Grant bridge high school demands until June. | with happiness ring' ng in every tone | Cousty Grant .. (A motion was passed granting $500 in the meantime.) Jt passed without amendment or dis cussion. LAST WORD ON FINANCE. Mr. Rutledge read the last report Jor the session of the committee on Finance : That the committee has overhauled ~ the report of the county auditors and ~ find it correct, and the accounts are pow declared finally audited. © It was Li, Mr. Edwonson moved that when = the council adjourns it stands adjourned "until the first Taesday in June. . Mr. Coulthard moved in amendment or the first Monday in June. 'The y t carried, und the sdjourned . ST. CATHARINES A aiRacLE ; | of hiz voice, he ealled out, | There are many people in this district ~ {ataxin, Bt. Vitus' dunce, '0, I'm| young again; I'm young again' He | ascribed as the reason for this that Dr, Williams' Pink Pills had performed the miracle. He has frequently told me that he had tried doctors without number, besides other patent medicines but without any avail. My sales of | Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are constant. ly increasing, and all agree that these excellent little pills are bayond praise, who 'have enuse to be thankful tried Pink Pills." The reporter called upon Mr. W, W. Greenwood and Mr. Harry Southeott, the well known druggists, and both spoke highly of Pink Pills, saying that they ure the urost 'popular remedy in the stores, - and . thase using thew are loud in their praises of the results. Dr Williams' Pink Pills are a per fect blood builder and nerve restorer, curing such diseases as rheumatisn, nearalgin, partial paralysis, locomotor nervous head- they County Grant (supplement). . Departmental Fees Assessment EXPENDITURE, D. McBride, salary Geo. Stone, Miss Spence, AL. Merdill, Miss Eby, A.W. Laidman J. A. Underhill} « Mrs. Moore, Caretake: Miscellaneous Balance on hand. . " " g oSE2TR | g222888 5 - PUBLIC SCHOOL--RECEIPTS. RBERER gesgsse § i | | i tH 888 8 Queen street | J Mr. F. B. Lindsay, Scales, beace On motion of was instructed to Board of Education held in the town hall evening, 1st inst. Returning Officer, reported that at the | following were duly of the Board to fill ¢ Messrs. Major Forman, Wm. Ross, J. M. Da Philp. 4 Present--Mussrs, Fore Kennedy, Ross, Yarnold, C Brown, Clemens, McGill a Major Forman was electe and Mr. F. M. Y secretary. On motion of Mr. Dav Brown was appointed salary of $20. STAND) On moti al House and Wen. ¥ Wi Grounds: )- 3: M. Dav A L. W. Parrish. J. W. Curts, T. C. Nichols, T. BR. Philp. ~~ The following Reports of i Committees were submitted.and ed : Finance : REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON FINANCE. Your Committee on Finance beg te report that they have examined all accounts presented and find them cor AR Hs payment, viz : T. H, Philp & Oo..... John Powers T. A. Wharton. ...,. . Ewerson Bros 9 $ 7 2 75 £51 5% Mrs. Moore $74 31 REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON HOUSE AND GROUNDS. : We, your Committee on House and Grounds, beg leave to report-- Our late Mr. Moore having notified us too late for regular meeting before new year, of his intention not to continge the position of Caretaker, we adver tised for applicants, received two, Mr, Sisson of Prince Albert and Mr. W. Crowles, Port Perry. We accepted | Mr. Crowles offer and understand he bas signed the necessary contract with the Secretary. We also have taken the responsibility of advertising for year's use ; received two tenders, one from Mr. Geo. Stewart offering to [furnish the requisive quantity re | quired at $2 a single cord or $4 double {eord, the other from. Mr.-Alex. Stew [#1 92} a single cord or $3 85a do ; lcord We nceepted the intler tender, We recommend that Mr, M lowed §2 4 | gular meetings of the for the first Wednesday in | to meet at 8 o'clock p.m, On motion the Bowrd adj EZ Browy, Wantk & Co. ably tuke the public into ther full con: idence in matter of business, "at this particalar time they are anxiods to let the public know the bargaing they are offering and t sparing neither effort nor exp order to acquaint all of th bargains, The energy, enterph liberality of this successful wioney in the pockets of their eu as. well as supply them with ¢ desirable goods. As the firm all to get advantage of this great e for choice and chenp goods t all to go and sce them. Ti hurrying "off their fine, varied sirnlile stock of such goods ne to have. Don't fail to visit th The worthy representative Outario rose in his place ig on the evening of Mon ask for the following impo mation theygranting of which i importance to the farming munity :-- : Mr. Smith of Sonth Outarip' ¥ for copies of all orders iu cous in forev regulating the slauy swine for exportation mn under authority of .ana customs, chap. 32 revised statue 93, and for a copy of the gq regulations governing t of such swine into Can; pose of sla has ge {their most desirable. manufactures, i {every other drill now in the market = | that parties who know its great super- rect and certified to and recommend {ol 200 single cords of hardwood for thas|: © seen this and tried thy really min Drill yet offered to the ng public rdmit it to be all that nufacturers claim it the "Bsr "Map." Noxon Bros. & ©», an lending, energetic and relinble Agri. itaral Implement Manufacturers ave a thoroughly established, reputa- uw over the whole Dominion and 'wir famous Hoesier Steel Frame Gran Drill is prominent amongst most valuable and important im plement in the hands of our furmers 18 doubtless the grain drill, Lut the above referred to isso far ahead of iotity over all others wil huy no other. Farmers wanting a first-class grain drill will consult - their own interest, mi his wife, who discovered which was a frame structur tire; Mrs. Mark eded, aftec br ng a window, in. getting five of 'the children out in their nigh Mr. Mark went up stairs' to mother," aged 84, who was' hearing and: was aslerp: A little: girl] aged eight years, seeing her fac upstai . posed all v ere gvercome by the smoke, as they were overtaken by the flames and lost their lives. Thee being no assistance at hand, the house nud con- tents were soon destroyed. The poor mother, with the remmining five children, the youngest of which is a baby and the eldest. only fourteen, managed to reach Mr. Heury Mark's house, a. distance away, when the alarm was given, but too late to save the unfortunate grandmother, husband aye, and their own pockets, by securing 'Of Interest to thé Boys. Agent wanted for the Elmira Tele ram in Port Perry. 'Greatest family puver on earth. Sixteen pages. Lively y can mike mongy. Address, EvLuira TELEGRAM, Elmira, N.Y, a ae To the Editor of the Observer : DEAR S1r,--Some time since a large fund was created in this village to organize a detective fofce or to secure the services of #0 expert detective to nuravel late mysteri- ous doings in our midst. Is it possible that no further action than collecting the funds been taken. A SussCrIBER To THE FUND. ai [20 the Editor of Ontario Observer : Election of Officers. At a late meeting of Rescue Fire Company | Fthe following officers were elected for the | year 1893, | William Kennedy--Chief. Arthur Allen--Captain. Thomas Cook--Ilst Lieut. Willi m Mills--Ist Lieut. of Hose, Wesley Powers-- 2nd Lieut. of Hose. . Frank Williams--3:d Lieut. of Hose, R. McKuight--Treasurer. William Boud--Secretary. John Corrin--1st Blanchman. "Oren Powell--2ud Brunclimaa. Harry Hall--3rd Branchman Fred Smith--ath Branchwaa, William Clarke--lst Axeman, . James Johnson--2nd Axeman, H. Roberts--Engincer, William Corrin--Ausistant Engineer, Charles Powers--Pike-Pole man, Report oF THE Fire CoMPANY FOR | 1892, -- of Port Perry,--Gentlemen,-- The fol- lowing Report is certified to as correct, | The Cowpnny has Leen in attendance | at four fives during the. year, The fist oye occurred 'Sunday, Jun, 11th at: 8 o'clock a. m., in' the Church of the Ascension, and was quickly ex- inguished ufter the arrival of the fire ne. The next fire at whioh the se gust Wright's grain "shed ; the devouring element when the alarm was sounded hnd complete control of the building {80 the cfforts of the lrigade were di- rected in saving adjacent Laildings in | which olject they succeeded: The next fire demanding the attention of the brigade took plice at 2.30 a. m. on November Yih, when Mr. Curts' extensive Eug Factory together with the entire contents were completely destroyed. The fire when discovered at attained such headway that all the «forts of the brigade to save this fine property were rendered fruitless, -- The fourth and last fire of the year was located in the FurratureStore of Mr, Jolm Nott and was first observed ut about 4.20 on the morning Dec.10th. The building and n portion of the 2on- tents were destroyed but the buildings adjoining were deluged with water and' suved. The Company find since olitain- ing better cogh that they are'in posi: tion to do far better execution than when handicapped Ly an inferior article which, until lately, they have been compelled to use. Good will and harmony prevail in the Company.-- ow, Mr. Editor, while recording the list of officers apd submitting the Annual Report, let me here sound a | note of warning to those who may as A | semble around fires (should any occur) {#8 there seems to be considerable nus- understanding as to the duties of the 'firemen when on duty, and in order that parties 'not members of the Company may be in a position to dge, 1 will, 'for their information, | Commercial To the Council of the Corporation | ad] we understand it, and the children suffered he 00) fire Mr. Wiman Expresses Himself Freely op the Question of Commercial Alliance. WasHINGTON, Feb. 4. --That the question of anuvexation with Canada will be discussed in open House now srems to be beyond a doubt, Repre- sentative Cummings bas introduced in the House u bill providing for com mercial and political union Letween Ontiada and the United States, also for the admission into the Union of all St tes formed in the Dominion ot Canada und their representation mn Congress in accordance with ther: pop'ation, Tae bill is in the hauds of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, and nday with in all 'likelihood be set apurt for its consideration. The pre. sence in this city at this time of two [Beef .... prominent Canadinug, Goldwin SBmith and Erastus \Viman, is taken as an in- diention, Mr. Wiman is credited with saying : 'The American people do not under- stand the real condition of sentiment that prevails in Canada, or they would not think of annexation, = It would he impossible to-day to. elect a pound- keeper or an alderman who pronounces in favor of political union with the United States' He is further reported to have said regarding the accomplishment of the Allinwce, 'The only thing necessary is to pass a resoiution in Congress on the one hand and the Domimion Parliament on the other, to the effect that no duties shall hereafter prevail between the United States and Canada, and that a tariff in Canada shail prevail never less than that which prevails in the United States. You will ask me for this palicy, and at a'general elee- tion, which must soon be held, they would sweep the country if the people onee undfrstood clearly that this policy would be acceptable to the United States." eg Eats em For God's Sake let us Alone. J. Herbert Mason, of the Canada Permanent, has written this letter to Erastus Wiman : "s [have received a circular to which your name was attuched on 'The Con dition of Canada,' accompanying a long letter from Mr. Farrér, of this city. both referring to 'the unrest' existing in this country. ¢ Pernfit me to say that in my judg ment this much magnified unrest is very much more attributable to you, Mr. Farrer, and a few others of like tendency, Shan to all other causes combined: "J do not propose to discuss the question with you, hut I tnke the] opportunity of expressing the deep ro- gret 1 feel that one, who in many re- aspects | esteem, can find no Letter use' for his activity than embroiling his| vative country in an agitation which, if successful, means civil war, and the destruction of its prosperity. For God's sake let us alone." v An Unwise Decision. The Judicial Committee of the Privy Council has just decided that Man- itoba had thewight to aholish Separate schools. The courts will now be nsked to say whether the Dominion Parlia- re-establishing those schools. - This, as is the situa od followed him, and it was sup-| | and child. Mrs, Mwik 'had ber feet | badly frozen, Geese .... lat 2 o'clock, to make arrangem went has power to enact legislation |- choice Stock of Hurness, d&c., at len 5 per cent cheaper than 'any ot house in town. #1 well to give 'us a their orders, Port Perry.Markets. ., [Corrected weekly by Messrs. Ross & Sons] February 9, 1893. "wil Wheat ; Spring Whea Goose Wheat 7 Barley (6rowed)... Barley (2 rowed) Rye... .. Oats ... Peas--hlack-eye Mummy Peas. ..: Peas--small. . Buckwheat .. 8 -4 <2 &5 apsvgzs on @ Alsike Clover... Rod Clover ... Grass Seed Hay per ton .. Sheepskins Wool... Hides ... z22 28gas® §555555555588358558538s8gg88¢8s8 rorooomNOa~coPococoo Seba e-enya elias SEBEL NSS SERE2582238832853388887 Pork .... Turkeys Ducks Chickens . .. Ss5588 88 ° Butter Lad... Potatoes .. .. Apples per hus. Hard Wei Soft Wood © 8% 1 0a g - ° won Annual Meeting! pis ANNUAL MEETING OB THE ¥ y a Fr SOUTH WILL BE HELD AT TOWN or WHITBY, at the Conneil Chamber at 2 o'clock, on Saturday, Feb. 18,1893, for the Election of Officers and General Business. All Conservatives Should be Present. Addresses may be expected by WM. SMITH, ESQ. Hp and others. wa The Executive will meet at the Royal Hotel at Ove o'clock, J. L. SMITH, President Whitby, Feo. 6, 1603. CHEESE FACTORY MEETING. MEETING of the Patrons and others interested in the Manchester Cheese Fuctory, will be held in the Town Hall, MANCEESTER, On Saturday next, Feb. 11(h. ents for next ~ Blection of Officers, pre- Beg- Treasurer's Report, &o. © WM. SPENCE, Sec'y. Manchester, Feb, 8, 1898. J. R. PHILP, Secretary. scason's busi) sentation of NTARIOLS I--4 J EIRIBIRERiA G00DS ~ DAMAGED.