Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 9 Feb 1893, p. 3

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IN FULL BLAST{ b) | Se nndersigned takes this opportunity of returning his sincere thanks for the large measure of patronage be- pi : edge" stowed on him since commencing business in Port Perry, pk a i Wales Peet ld and would beg to state that having, at a large expenditure, Ee Seta as low as sis thoroughly overhauled the entire Mill. and: introduced the Fresh British Columbia Salmon. Fresh Salt Water Fish. | PARKS celebrated Sugar Cu Breakfast ca 6 Pieces best Queen Plash, Ah : 0 a Rs ' Ee TE " Guaranteed the Best Drill Made. ; Peefeot and Instantaneous regulation of der of Hors in al kinda of oil. THE ONLY In ron bor cinry sh gy Ire cae ec a ok "n n #7 A Cart Souicrrep. - to ovr offic. it} {iA FIG SYRUP CO, BVILLE, XT. TORK, N. ¥ othet implements of our manufacture at prices lower than ever prices and oh w For catalogues, terme, see our local agents throughout the country, or send ANE NEW FURNITURE | NEW PRICES ~The following resolution was mos ed by Mr. Woodcock; at the meeting of the York Oounty Oouncil held at "Toronto last week, and nnunimoun:ly ® curried : * That this covnsil desires to put on record ita belief that the nd vooating annexation sentiment in this county is contined ro wemnll and un ~ important section of the community, aud is one that ie looked upon with abhorance by the vist majority of the citizens, and that the action of Mr Goldwin Smith in pretending that he in any way represents a portion of the Quanadian people in discassing the question with the authorities in the rica States 18 a simple piece of im pertinence, wand owe weriting the © geverest cousure, and that should he © resented by the people throu:h their representatives." i ce itt For Over Fifty Years, Mrs, Winstow's Scoring Syrup has * hecu used by millions of mothers for their . children while teething. If disturbed at . might and broken of your rest by a sick © ghild suffering and crying with pain of Cut- ting Teeth send at once and get a bottle of * Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething. It will reliove the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon ft, mothers, there is no mistak« about it. - Is cures Diarrhoes, regulates the Stomach and Bowls, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. " Mis. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for childien ng is pleasant to the taste and is the cription of one of the oldest and best physicians and nurses in United Price twenty-five cents a bottle. throu, the world. -- HE On a Frateinal Benevolent Society, incor: porated in 1879 and registered onder the Insurnnce Oorporations Act, 1892, ~ of Ontario, The objects of the Society are to furnish its members with Sick and Funeral Benefits nnd in Insurance of one ur two thousand dolinrs, The * payments for these benefits range from about one dollar te one dollar and fifty oruts per month, according to the age of the member, and the amount of the insurance carried, The membership is composed ofmen only, and when ad mitted they must be between the ages of eighteen and forty-five. The present nuwher of members ix over 16,000, and "the Society has a cash surplus on hand for the payment of the Insurance of over $215,000, $50,000 of which is in ~ - Dominion of Canada Bonds, mand the balance is invested in the best monetary ivstitutions -of the Dominion. In ad- dition to this, the local Courts have 'about half a million of dollars in their treasuries for the payment of the Sick "and: Funeral Benefits. The High Secretary of the Oider is Mr. Thomas White of Brantford, nnd it is expected hat a Court of this popular and pure "ly Canadian Society will shortly be or "ganized here, ao. oe Ripana T ¥ "abules sorofula. Ripana Tabules ours Feadache. FHEe--T Singer T's Go, foliar Order of Foresters is] 1 The Subscriber wishes to retupn thanks to his customers for the liberal support since the fire, and is bétter pi d to furnish all requiring anything ir. the Furniture line, good and cheap. 1 respectfully invite inspection of my Stock. Just arrived a splendid lot Gilt and Marble Mouldings for picture framing and all kinds of frames, Ny Unfeloking Destment is replete with everything necessary for furnishing Funerale. Charges reason- thle. EAA EW EERERnaae Sop --One door West of the St, Charles Hotel, £3. A call solicited. JOH NN ITNOTT. Port Perry, 18, 1803, Winding Up Business bale IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT TO BUYERS OF HARNESS, SADDLERY,&C. B. F. ACKERMAN decided to 2 Lusiness in Port Perry announces a General Olear- ale oF ther tine Wack of Hamies Seddiors and all goods now Tn stock. affords a good opportunity for farmers nud others to replace their equip ment with new goods of best manufacture and design, WOVPRICES HAVE BEEN REDUCEDNSv to make a clearance of the stock which must ba affected before March. Out standing accounts now overdue must be settled at onee and all accounts not arranged for before March 1, will be placed in my solicitor's hands, The busi- ness has been disposed of, the stand has been leused to Beatty & Bongard who will move froin their present premises in March 1st next, and 1 be speak for them a continence of pntronnge with which I have been favored. B. F. ACKERMAN. Port Perry Dec. 22, 1802. l A PRIZE PORTRAIT PUZZLE. | Find The Grandmother. above cut h Fraadumather whose 1 bined In the A ER cr her In the shove SPR your LaDiEs' Houe either a first-class U i - Hundred Dot ho same Ten three-cent stamps th Ba Dano yee adn ia: has bute a luitnges ttoir on the Mersey, w - The innuguration of a President is Finot n very costly affair if Me. Harn: "| son's innuguration is any criterion. Of ;conrse the features of the celebra attendant "on the inauguration--the decoration of the streets, cost of the {tnll, eto. --are investments made by the citizens of the District the actual "| cost of the inauguration jtsel ne hy the Senate of the United State ali 'less than /a Senatorial | d { The items of four * HE Also big piles of other Groceries, Books, Shoes, Rubbers, &c., which they will sell CHEAP FOR CASH! wn i T. 0. FORMAN & SON. #% Marriage License Office. ek Port Peery, Feb. 8, 1893. ' HARNESS AS IT SHOULD BE! BEATTY & BONGARD Would take this opportunity of wishing their many friends and patrons THE GOMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON. They would return thanks for the liberal encouragement and support, they have received in the past, and would state that they are now prepared to supply HARNESS which for CHEAPNESS, STYLE, Durability and STRENGTH, Cannot be surpassed in the County, Robes, Blankets, Bells, Trunks, &c., in abundances BEATTY & BONGARD. Port Perry, Dec, 22, 1892, 2 INE IL NIL IL PING 2 PORT PERRY NURSERIES: I have a surplus of the following Nursery Stock which is strictly first-class, and of good size will be sold cheap by the hundred or in quantities to suit purchasers.-- European Mountain Ash, English, Seoteh and America Elms, Black Walnut, White Ash, Norway Maple, European Larch, Austrian and Scotch Pine, Norway Spruce, Red Cedar, &c. Also, A FEW THOUSAND APPLE TREES OF EXTRA SIZE, Six years old, 7 feet high, inch to 1}inch 'in diameter-- Varieties :--- Ben Davis, A. G. Russett, Mann Apple,N. Spy, &c., 25¢ each, Also, agood selection of other Nursery Stock to select from. Send list of what you require and get prices, or call and see stock and have your order booked for Spring. Address, C&C. KELLETT, Box 127, Port PERRY, Ont. Port Perry, Jun. 5, 1893. OLIDAY. (0008 The Newest and Qu \JOTEWORTHY INDEED! Grand Display ! | : Expeditiously Qomparision of Prices Courted. best, most approved and modern machinery including the ROLLER PROCESS and in a manner that cannot fail faction to my patrons, The Trade supplied with Flour of the finest brands. THE PLANING FACTORY in full operation and can supply all kinds of Dressed Lumber, also Lumber, Joists, Scantling, Boards, Pick ets, Shingles, Posts, Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Bannisters and Neuel Posts. EZ" BILL LUMBER A SPECIALTY. All kinds of TURNING and SOROLL SAWING done on short notice, JAMES CARNEGIE. Port Perry, Oct. 1, 1891, LAING & MEHARR -- HAVE AGATIN----- OPENED OUT WITH Ame Magnificent A J- KH. ¥X. HAS NOW ON HAND A FULL STOCK OF wholesale and retail. Barrel and Dairy Salt, cheap ! ALSO, A FULL STOCK OF Cheap for Cash or Produce. Just received a car load of pure Land Plaster. £7 GIVE ME A -CALL E. H. PURDY Port Perry, March 10, 1802; give satis- Stock of everything in their line. LAING & MEHARRY. PURDY Roller and Stone Flour, Feed of all kinds, FRESH GROCERIES & PROVISION J.W, DAVIS, Furniture Rooms, Queen Port Perry, Sept, 20, 1802. oT. AS THEY SHOULD BE! T= widersigned has on hand a stock of: 1 Boots and Shoes of his own wake which he is prepared to ~ ga SELL CHEAP. They are fiantfactured of the very hest material and for cheapness and good work- manship cardnot be gre) in this or ad- Joining counties, My life-long experience n the mannfacture of Boots and Shoes gives me an advantage over tiore inexperienced dealers and my present stock is such as I. warrant tu give satisfuction and the priced are right, ALL KINDS MADE TO ORDER. 3 SEWED WORK A SPECAILTY. Repairing promptly attended to. Cement Patches neatly executed. Ladies' Polish, Heel Plates; Button Fastners, the same put in, Laces in Cotton, Leather, and Por- poise. All kinds of Findings on hand, also ubber Cement, Rubber Boots and Coats repaired. The Best Material! No Jpoads | No Sheepskin | £2 Prices to Suit ths Times. & Give me a call at the Market Block, Port Perry. WM. BOND. Port Perry; Sept. 22, 1802. $ . Methodist Church. REV. L. W. HILL, B A,, Pastor, Subbath Services, 10:30 arid 7. Weck Evening Service, Thursday 7:20 Btrangors welcome and conducted to seats. Church of the Ascension, REV. MR, FLETCHER, PAstoR. Sunday Services, 10:30 and 6:30. Week Evening Service, Thursday, 7:30, Bt John's Ohurch. (PRESBYTERIAN) aaa REV, RICHARD WHITEMAN, B.A, PAston Sabbath Services, 10:80 and 7. Week Evening Service, Thursday, 7:80, Baptist Church: REV. MR. CAMERON, Pasroi. Babbath Services, 10:80 ahd 6: Week Evening Service, Thui Tats Wage Prope br Sal FPHE undersigned offers for sale, at a Bargaiu, that desirable property situat- ed in the northern part of the Village of Prince Albert, coutaining Nine Acres o first-class land, On the a Dwelling House, an Ore, and cistern, &e. This roperty is beautifully situated and would doubtless prove a safe and profitable | investment, | For further particulars apply to the pro | prietor, Jreisen there arg ard, a good well JOS. BROWN. Or to H. L. Eserrs, Esq, Barrister, &c., Port Perry. Jan, 25, 1803. N returning thunks to the punlic for the patronage extended to me for over 30 years, I would respectfully intimate that I; am, as usual, now ready Tor business, and have a , Large & Assorted Stock OF DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNESS which I am determined to sell very EAP: Asan ind t t v : will be allowed on alt Sales. Jan. Ist next. All work | MADE BY HAND, und no factory work kept in stock, the « | supeiiority of my goods i at ones become apparent. giving me a call before looking elsewhere Oonsisting of : : TOILET SETS in Plush, Persian and Oxidized Silver, Leather, PERFUMES from the best makers, in Cut Glass Bottles, Ware, §e., at all Prices. FANCY CUPS AND SAUCERS, VASES, do. PIPES and CIGARS of the Finest Quality. Wishing you al the Compliments of the Sonon. A J . LL JUST RECEIVED. Rs The Subscriber has just received a Complete Assortment of they can be suited in quality aud price, my Fr Caen in foals fed an Indic: putable guarsutee that perfeet a will be given by any article purchased. ntending purchasers will find that by 5

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