Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 9 Feb 1893, p. 4

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--_--a All are entitled to the beat that money will buy, so every family cleanse the system when costive or * bilious, For sale in 75c bottles by all = Teading druggists. He Rode the Bull A boy at Decatur, Ill, saddled o 'Berce bull and rode the aniraat against | * "its distinct protest. A little later, when friends picked the lad from the other side of the fence, he had been i fatal cracked at the point of contact etween his head and his father's farm, Now is the Time. In this the season of coughs, colds, asthma, its and other throai and lung com- Pluinta, } it is well to be provided with a bottle Wood's Norway Pine Syrup which ch discases. A Certain Philistine said to Turner the painter one day, 'I have lived in London a long time, Mr. Turner, but I never seo such sunsets there as you represent." 'Don't you wish you could ¥' replied Turner, People who use arsenical prepaia- tions for their comp exion, do so at the risk of their lives, Ayer's Sarsa- parilla i guaranteed free from avy in WALL =2 PRPER FACTORY FATAL TO COCKROACHES AND WATER Bugs. Write us if not re ie ror appie should have, at once, ® bottle of the DOLLAR wiice 3€ prope "best fawily remedy, Syrup of Figs, to| EWING, HERRON & CO., TE XPM, REROTANTS, Bole Mfrs, 79 & B81 Bt. Pat Etrect, Waiskey, Lion BaaxvY, Lien Agent tor Jen CONVENIENT TO RB. R. DIPOTS AKD STRANDOAT LAYDINGS Electrio Oars I'ass the Door. EVERY KODERN IMPROVEMENT RATES: S1E0 to 82.00. | MONTREAL 2 & gk i ZR FIRST FI Eg, 1] © COUN = x = IMeARTRURS § | i% & 00. F £3 EE Xoyrme® i Dragrid. Wo will pre piETY WE SEND By MAL § ETL Ww ol Mg EE dans Coadition CLINE & Sons Booth wy rikivraty AGE, Yin de Princess, |_Stroet, | Montreal ar Atter or 1 CINCULARS £, Moni roul Using Jurious drug, and is, therefore, the safest as well as the most powerful blood medicine in the world, 11 winkes the skin clear, Make no Mistake. AKE no mistake when buying a remedy for dyspepsia, hea lache, constipation « r ued blood, be sire to gel the kid that cures, Birdoek Biood Bliters. "It isan exceiler t remedy for headuche."--C. BLACKETT RoBIN- sox, Pub. Canadian t'resbylerian, Officer--* Now, Patrick, if you were sentry outside a powder-magazine IY ACTURERS which blew up, and you fortunately ) ¢n1 Bt. Paul €8C i wath Loar WA Woo yu rr -------- do! Patrick (aft mature considein i Pg, DIES, ETC. Xion) Well, sir, I think I shoulu fire] ~W.DAW ! for Prices; 149 Opalg er ---------- afl ar signi IN STRENGTH GIVING and henllrg power Lie is Short |---Get ybur ¢ "i ura's Cod Liver Ol Emulsion Exe Is | gi cht resreo, improved or RESTORED all auaers, | I or your SPECTACLES at Digs A HEALING, SOOTHING SALVE for ents, [by Juying your SEE ol Burns, bruises, wounds and. sores, Viesori. | FELD'S. We sell Spectacles which wit Karholic salve, give comfort and strength to your Eye | Where His Father Wa ler the |anespreserve it. NO Zalithmering diz | law of Feat prop in Ne sland | ziness, or any 'distressing sensation | under the shuple constitutional system {with the so called "Boss" Sp ACLS, | of tie +horigines, the strongest of all | the Bows of which are stamped im + clntins in mses of a disputed ttle 10 gold with the name "Boss" and the land wore based upon proof that the | number of spectacle. No better spec- clatminnt had devoured the forme: | tacles made. Forty dozen of spectacles | wo commer dna nit where the plaiutifi was hit owu counsel, he demanded of the defendant im And crosscexamination. was iy futher then? Th v Biimself up with dignity thn tially padting swag, + A here Thontas White, Que, Willis hier hus stonmeh, ane good portion of him was P.M. River Joseph, | its .--*Having wed Dr Pink Pills, I find that they are undoubtedly the b st blood purifier and reconstructor of a weakened and debilitated constitution that ean be found." All dealers or by mail, post pnid, at 50¢. a box or six hoxes for £2.50. Dr. Wilhams' Medicine Co, Brockville, Ont. Sir Charles Gavan Duffy tells this story : An artist named Crom!y paint ed his portrait, and bestowedom him a dieamy poetic face which might have prssed for Shelley's. The portrait was shown to Daniel O'Connell by the urtist in the presence of Duffy. 'Is not that very like Duffy ?' said Cromley. *H"»,' said O'Connell, looking from tye portrait to the orginal --'1 wish Duffy was very like that I' S8ife and Sure. ARGFACTURLRS lesals, Pequdry 8 au 53 CLIPPERS | £71 Craig | MUSILAGE & . AULD, sire ire, 1013 Notre Dame Notre Dame ET i | | Se? - Not 3 fety from mineral poison (of o which B. does not contain the slightest truce), but prompt and certain action in the cure of disease may be confidently folied oh from the use of this unrividied natural & fie for Dyspepsia, Constipation, Bad Bl pg Hendnche, Billousoess und all disesses oi the | stomach liver, bowels aud bloot. Ripans Tabulcs : pleasant laxative. A Forioer Vicar of a country parish | &f not far from Sheffield was a gentle for the position he took at Cambridge. One day nu visitor to the village got into conversation with one of the parishioners, and the talk turned to the viear. * Your clergyman,' said the vistor, 'is os Able man, Why, | (0 is "I never beard man distinguished for his learning and | to select from, from 25 cents up to $6, AT DIBSFELD'S Cold § billy, ei. bth HALP- The offered by Itte hes oartain and speedy cure for KR. the Head and you are troubled wi any ot these Or kindred wyinyion Tous have Catazrh, and should J tim uring ® bottle of » most Interesting Contest ever Cataxrhin all its FEN HE Undersigned begs to announce that he has removed his bus 1 store im the "DIAMOND BLOCK"--one door east of Dieatold's and has largely increased his stockof enter, free of charge. Port Perry, April 8, 1800. THIS UNIVERSAL WEPICINE IS A HOUSEHOLD REQUISITE EVERYWHERE. PURIFY THE BLOOD, wn tone to th NERVOUS SYSTEM rod act most power Tully yet soothigly on LIVER AND "BOWELS, Onll Wholesale and Retai Hotelkeepers supplied at Toronto and Montreal Pr freight saved. In stock, fine brands, Wines and Liquors for Medicinal Purposes. Prices to suit the times, A call solicited. #& Parcels delivered to any part of the Corporation, or to Prince Albert and | Manor M. WILLIAMS. John Bull on one side of the wall, Find Sir John Thompson's face in the above cut. The publishers of * The Canadian Music Folio" will give h to first person sending in a correct answer to the above puz: X); $28 in cash to the second cor $10 to the fourth corred answer, and 85 in cash to every tenth correct answer to thexclosg. e, but we award every dollar just as atest. prize-winners in our last conte in Cas! (by having the face marked thus : answer; $15 to the third correct answer; These prizes are not lar; tised. See the list o at the bottom of this advertisement. If you are in doubt concerning the merit we claim for this beauti publication, write to some friend here or any Toronto papers, who can eanily vouch for what we sa ou wart latest and most popular music, and yo Send us 30 cents, and after receive the Folio if you are not satisfied, write us, and we will che: The most prominent musical people in Canada ai want it at the lowest prices. return your money. AMOR our sybscribers, Ol same ten three-cent stamps (3o cents) for one th's trial & the Folie; which eon containa | this month the Tatest music "LA » Waltzes. ™ ES" al TRAN NEW Lt Coon," kn. "MY MOTHER'S KI88S, Vooai eo and Pol Comic. A ANDALUOIA " Waltzes. Oontaining in all B50 pages, Write to-day and you may receive a prize that will repay You will not lose anything, for alone cannot be bought elsewhere for five timié§ the amouut times over for your trouble, remittance. List of prize-winners in our last competition: Mise Clara Melbourne Place, Toronto, $25 cash; Miss Mary Hamilton, $15 cash; Mrs. W. Vanalstine, 60 Oak st., cash; Miss Ilva Bonner, cor. Yonge and Queen sts., city, Miss Carrie: Davies, cor. Sherbourne and Carlton, $5; Bx Pembroke st., $5; Mrs. H. L. Aylmer, 141 Alexander st., Mrs, F. Mackelcan, 102 Calhemié st., Hamilton, $5; Green, Prof. of Music Trinity College, Port Hoy care of Dr, Young, Virden, Man. Man., $5; Miss Crawford, Brandon, Man., st., Winnipeg, Man., $5; Address: CANADIAN MUSIC FOLIO, Uncle Jonathan on the other. x NDITIONS. --Every person sending an answer must eoclose. Mrs. Dr. Gs St. Isidore, Que., $5; Geo Moirisette, Three Rivers, Sues $5: pe, Gertrude L, , $5; Mrs. Rev. G. Lockhart, » James Leckie, Chas. Becker, ud Hotel, Vancouver; $5; Miss Susie Extence, Mount Pleasant, Vancouver, B. C., $5 * You are missing a big snap if you miss this month's number. 19 Victoria St. Toron N and ski Te mom sin Neh # med cine known. His Stock i and Sram my Stock and you will be ed tha tor Quai 3 Style and Fivish our Furniture is unsu HAS A WORLD- WIDE REPUTATION, It heals every kird of SORE, ULCER and WOUND more certainly than any othe: known salve. Its marvellous penetrating powers render it invaluable in all THROAT AND CHEST DISEASES, suring Bronchitis, Quinseys, and Asthma, re- Jucing Glandular Lumps, closing and healing ABSCESSES and FISTULAS, and for alle- viating the excruciating tortures of RHEUMATISM, GOUT, md NEURALGIA it is unsurpassed. It never ails to remove Scurf and every species of ikin disease: The Pills arid Ointment are Manufactured only at 78, New Oxford 8t. (late 533, Oxford 5t. ) London ; And are sold by all Vendors of Meicines throughout the Civilized Word ; with directions for use in almost every guage. 6& Purchasers should look to tha Label on the Pots and koxes If the address is no: 533, Oxford Strest, London, they are spurious. Amerson Bros'. Planing Mills, PORT PERRY. YHE Subscriliers beg to announce the they arc vow prepared to manufacturs Diestelds Forty dozen SPECTACLES and EYE-GLAS © + Kine Stock Fine Jewelry-- Latest Styles and Patterns. FINE GOLD WATOHES-- Latest Styles in Cases. lhe Latest Styles in Ladies' and Gent's CHAINS, CHARMS, EUTICN: from 28 van to SC REGULATORS and OLOCKS in great variety, Everything Warranted as Represented. REPAIRING in first-class Workmanlike manner ab DIESFELD'S YOORS, SASH, BLINDS; casiNGs, FRAMES, STAIRS, iTAIR RAILS, STAIR BRACKETS, BANNISTERS, NEUEL POSTS; MOULDINGS, &C.,, IN GREAT VARIETY, Scroll Sawing, Band Sawing and Turning done th icatness and dis- FANOY FENCE PICKETS Tanks and Cistern Tubs made to ordet: Flooring and Siding constantly on hand. Planing done to Order. I The patronage of the public is respect: fully solicited. Factory on Lilla street, just south of the Lown Hall. Port Perry, May 6, 1886. DRESSMAKING. MISS NELLIE CAMERON Begs to intimate to tH® Ladies of Port Perry aud vicinity that she is prepared to do Dressmaking in the latest and best style. Having taken a course in Cutting of one of the most expert Dress and Mantle Cutters in the Dominion she feels confident that all EMERSON BROS. | -YEARLY CORPRTITION The Canadian Agri- culturist, One Thousand Uollars in Cash, a Pair of "y, Handsome Shetlard Ponies, Carriage and | | Harness, and over two thousand other valu. | able prizes for readers! Who | the usual cust Jobishersof THK Att LTUIST now offer their 1xth Half} en grand Com petition will, no doubt, be the most gigantic and xuecessful oné ever presented to | the people of the United States and Canada. One Thousand Dollars in eash will be paid to the reson sending in the largest HAL of For Tox Hig sucocieh English woids Sonststioed Tram letters inthe le Tosioror To foe Jiao ts suicecstl traimenss words "The Oa n Agricolturist." Five Hundred Dollars (1 cash will be given fuuber fre. to the second A Handwom: Over one Lh Urgan., $00 Watches; ian lst. Pair of Shetland Ponjes, Gurviage and Jiazneus, will be given for the thi est wot thousand additions} prizes award- 8410 order of meri; One Grand P the Agriculturist's brightest | will have them om for some According to | % past the riv Literary Competition. This Cures Throats on a Guaran! | Fora Lams Side, Bonk or Cort Bi Shiloh's Forous Plaster will rs. T. 8B. Haw SHILOK'S V ViTA ee Love feat For ER ty Liver Kidney OHS SA CATARRH ve REMEDY. ? {hte you. rice lowih thas, Oonghs, rons foro rantee, Qongranp Seld b moved into his exte give greet aatisfaction.--aj cents. =i Shiioh's Vitalizer BRE on beat remedy f ous to all doing business till increasing patronag remind the publi Piano, $300 Dinar Seis: Ladi, on Gold Sittings of the Division Courts COUNTY OF ONTARIO. its work to perf rely on anu F[YHE undersigned takes informing the ii NewBrickEstablig where his superior and facilities for business will With many thanks for vi has all the latest improvem ection. ders entrusted to her cannot fail to please her patrons, A staff of competent assis- tants steadily engaged. Rooms at the residence of her father, Caleb street. Port Perry, June 30, 1892. UNDERTAKER, and Funeral Director, COMMERGIAL HOTEL, = MANILLA, ONT. VHIS HOTEL has been remodeled and renovated and newly furuished. No aing will be spared to make guests com ortable. The-Bar and Dining Room will always he found well anpplied. (300d Com mercial Boome . First-class Stabling and an id = train. H. PARK, nd pA 5, 1801. Proprietor SE Set Sohp | JOHN GOO, TOR TEE ---- Price of Oae IRR XIMIXIKIXIXXK We have made an arringonont with *" FARM. POULTRY', a monthly paper published in Boston; Mass. By this arrangement we are enabled to furnish both the Observer and Farm-Poultry Jor+: the price of our single paper, namely, 81. ~ AmY person sending us this amount will receine the Observer every week for one yeat, and the Farm Pouliry every month for one year, from. recoipt of order. Old subscribers who are in arrears must pay up their Sarroarages and one year's subscription fo the Observer in order lo lake advdntage of this offer. EERE TESS y les, m. Orders "left ot Graham's Blacksmith Shop will immediate attention. Charges moderate. Satisfaction Haan : B. F. CRANDELL. Port Port, Sept. 21, 1592. 0 JERE RA SumioRaEls®. ~Rosidences Prince Albert, April 14. 1°8G ~~ FOR SALE. ersigned d offers for Bale two in Frikee Alber tivala apply to 2 J. TAIET The und "| Rund oe en) EL THE PRESS 'FOR 1£093. Has a larger Daily Clreutation thar an 6. fon r Republi ean New reaper In _Ametiea, DAILY. SUNDAY. Wi iL The Aggressive Republican Journ»! of the Metropolis NEWSPAPER FOX THE Misule Founded December Ist, 1847, realation over 125,000 Bupa The most remar! ble Newspaper -Buccess in os ep: York. 5 "THE PRESS SUNDAY FE endid Puper covering every currer vs interest. THE PREAN WEEKLY LDITION ent tm il the good things of the Duily wid Sandpy «tions, AS AN ADVERTISING M IN¥ THE PRESS has no superior In New Y. rk THE PRESS Within the reach of all. The Best and . Cheapest Newspaper in Americ Dally and Sunday, ONE YORT 1, Thi six 'montbe one month Daly onls. ane year A jour mont one yeur Weekly y Press, one 'year.. 10 Send for THE PRESS circular. Samples free. Agents wanted ever where Liberal Commissions. ? Address, THE PREES, 38 PARN ROW, NEW YORK : Improved Pure-Brod YorkskireWhite Bos pus undersicned keeps for gervice at Mis place, lot 23, con. 3, Brock, that mag- nificent young Improved Pure-Bred York- shire White Boar. This fine young avinial is How only alabt five months old, and "at prevent weighs 250 Ibs. so that in the past fou: moiths he has gained in welght about 55 Ibs. per! 3 mon Service, $1 cash, DEAN RUNDLE. Bruck, Oct. 27, 1890. P y LE: IMPROVED ~~ YORKSHIRE | WHITE BOAR (NEW YORK.) es =

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