reached into the crown of ¢ hat with his 8 fund and drew gut drev ' 3 : ; {a six shooter like Sludge's. A shot ! Jiitcaer > J. 8. Larke, 1 ot fang through the close room and the 8 Hi 3 Fair Commissioner, speakil card fell on its face on the floor, pierc with reference to the wif ed through the center. 'onl an ai Mpoitoba from The nine of hearts,' said he, | oi : other provinces and the Ope of the gaping crowd slowly J the Canadian exhibit at 3p thence d turned the fice that while Leswna sorry Ma uy; ; It was the vine | As he on san thin 7 nodded and f him/| wou on { 'whi Wo 3 ; od' he remarked. | After this had occurred hint a dozen | ate i {rooms eet ap manifestly an assumed one, althongh| fcidas; icy cold nnd pure | times, he uaid : That wil do. Now,| The officials busied themselves in the ly in the s £1 it was accepted in that rough Western yA astonishment was un. |8ince the gentleman is so urgent 1 'will| final preparations, and the throng be-| office purposes, have been alistted {gs ; Abie region without demur, 5 ! thatll bad overooked this |Plny a game with him.' He put the | came hushed as the shadow of death | the North-west territories, bat if the, W. M ia Lo A : A New Englander by birth, I found | tre y very door, which » Six shoter back in his hat as he apoks. fell chill upon it in the clear noonlight..!| provincial Government still desire to: 3 MILL, ; y myself at 30 hving nlone in a rude Ang t first glance. Then he passed me a moment later | Suddenly the doomed man stepped utilize the rooms and pay its share. of; ary. Vistirie Uni. | Port Perry, April 4, 1888. | ; is Tedicine TE oil Pah among the foothills of the Sierra | visi Boning my ignor- | his hat was still dangling from his left | forward to the edge of the platform. the cost of the building the federal te vin Udlioge K AB p bottl: Hels Novada. I owned some land there and h tepaid my hospitality a hand, empty. } «My friends,' he said in that low, | commission, will lie able to make satis- ra, Ontarite DAVI J ADAMS is py had come up to verify the surveys and as we returned to| Itsoon became evident that Sludge but wonderfully distinct voice--and | factory arrangements respe sting them, 0 Hospital for Diseases 8 3 Ham before making arrangements for irrigac | the hat, anked him warmly, was hooked to lose that night, while | every word reached to the confines of | Pressure is being brought to hear upon of women, aud of Great Urgond Hospital * PORT PERRY. _ "In May last, my youngest child, jo jt A number of miles from the | tle otifng,' he said, dismissing | the stranger had phenomenal luck. It} the crowd: I understand that you | the World's Fair authoritics here to ap: far Diseases of @fildren, Loudon, Eng. 4 Flr SA ginio line sorss town nd'T wim the snow savered peaks |the su vith a wave of his hand. | i8 due to him tosny that he won fairly | are under the impression that I murder [point a womun's commission for . Physician, Surgeon, &e., BANKER AND BROKER. plied various simple Temodin without | were my neizhbors, and the smoke of | Let Ww gk no more of it.! So the | and by no mysterious means. They ed Mr. White and stole his horse, { Canada ; but the general feeling ap: Office houra--8 to 10a m., 1 tod p.m, 0 ia rg i god 00 ed ae the far off Indian encapments my i prforce dropped and we re. | ambled with gold pieces, and Sludge! An andefined murmur responded. | pears to be that this would he innd\ie. % % . ¥ Kin 5 nc py i i lost| «Will ¢ gentle kindly swatch | able, as those who are urgi it hav d eveittuye. J Was called, but the sores continued to [human companionship. My surprise | nces before the fire, and I | cursed voluminously every time he ill'any gentleman KinGly © y 10 are urging it have Otfion and residence; Dr. Hamill's old | Good Note Discounted. multiply until in a fow months they |, pane Ye ol ir hi I pked again, and his opponent raked the pot. Sud- the turn in the road ¥ he continued. | farled to show where the henefit would 0 ) 0 ad 4 or 3 : : x" : stand. eR ere he I sat one evening reading within the 1 sy hink we talked. T am not denly he dashed down his cards with al There Was a moment of dead sijence | come hy it "a huppens that the Queen St., - = Port Perry. Has any amont of Money 1a Loan Supariiia. <i as days 3 marked door of my hut, a shadow fell between | sure, becuse 1 must have fallen asjeep | SEO of oaths. ' ,| Then a faint sound of galloping hoofs | women's building at Chicago is being N BILLINGS Solicitor, Notary hd 5 EE FO rr Saalthy condition, we and the setting sun, and, raising)" n singplarly sudden and unexpected | ¢ Blast you ! he roared. Get out 0' | was heard, which grew louder and | managed by Mrs, Potter Palmer and i 2 Xo. Solicit, At By per cent. on good Mortgages the discharges were graduaMy dimin- | ny eyes, I discovered it to Le that of | manners © 1 distinetly remember seeing | this before I blow you into cat's meat. | louder, until a man on a horse dashed | her lady friends, and they will not ot the Outario Bank. sr Qffice over the AI Te Tiveltor, ipo a man, Lhad scarcely time to wonder | MY xe gs face 'turned toward. me, | You Rfe3 swindler! Get out I say, wround. the bend and. drew up on thejallow any space to Onnada. 4 Con-, Ontario Bank, Port Perry. and its appetite better than we have ob: | nt the sight of a gentleman in black | veiled the phantom arabesques of | OT : | outskirts of the crowd. {sequently the Dominion authorities do Jan. 29, 1847. INS URAINCH gorved for montha."--Frauk M. Griffin, | broadcloth and immaculate linen at his cig he smoke, The next 'mo.| 'Gently! Mmonihod the gnrufed What in thunder ara you doin' to | not feel disposed to take any ution ; BE. FAR WELL, L. L. B., Count ; ! i dong Point, eXas, large among the foothills at'that hour | ment anit seemed, it was broad day. | Stregone. ¢ These got riends of [that man? yelled Bandy White's] LL A t J. Crown Attorney, Barrister, County Sol- effected at ihe. Loweat Stee gn Good a oF Br: Yet Le noldgized itl n polite re | ight" and I was 'sitting hefore™ the will bear witness that my play was| voice, * He ain't done nothin't I sold | Entitled to the Best ied bo, Rovers A Co a English * Companies. every kind, the best remedy known to | moval of his silk Nat for interrupting | ashes, : BHivering in the keen morning | fur and the game not of my own seek- | him the hoss and lit. out, between two| All are entitled to the best that --3o A Ww ; ' " : . | ay Ri I'd 8 » » £7 Agent Allan Line of Steam the Tnedical world! --D. Wilson, my studies, and begged me to have the breath (of the mouutains that blew ing. 1 have been fortunate enough to {days with the cash. But when I heard | their money will buy, so every family 5 ; 4 ; ire + Bay 8% nas, kindness to direct: him to thie town by | down into my hut. My companion Ja but as it would probably anngy |a set of fools had jailed him for it I {should have, at once, a bottle of the xX Joona ibid Ene TR Port Perry, Oct. 17, 1889, J : the shortest road. | was gotiey but when he went I can | you to see me pocket my ging, Lowlli awed I'd conte back.' | best family remedy, Syrup of Figs, to by fond Notary Public, &¢ > : yer BN) arsapariliay 'There was no trace of foreign accent | edhjecture j. probably when the Mi you the unpleasant sight. | Every eye. was fastened on the new cleanse the. system when costive OF Office --MoMian's © Block, Brock Street, at ot in his soft nnd peeulintly distinot tones, | st light of dawn wade the way visi- | He was standing close to the outer |arrival, and the sen of spectators had | bilious, For sale in Tc bottles by all Whitby. MO NEY 10 LOAN FREPANSD Nat I.set him down on the instant as | bles At first waking I thought his | door, bat back to it, And as he spoke | surged up and broken against him.-- | leading druggists, J Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, WEBS | 1 hi Chich is probably the only | visit must have beenn dream, but the | he took up one of the gold coins lying { For a moment - the man under the| 3 fog, PRB p EE Subscriber is prepared to LEND Prise $1; six bottles, 83. Worth ba bottles y,5, 1 concerning him in which | ever | cuanrette ends showdd me that it was [00 the, table before him, and lightly { hangman's loop, was forotten, Row! Mitburncs God Liver oil Rxuiston Face' ] . § 3 T ANY AMOUNT on Farm Security --= lemme anywhere near guessing the truth. | & fuste Si moreover: hes 1 wont aut Js Ti go Ihe i val eg Somebody reise i Hh ig! 4 | oo ry Concoaling my Astonishment I assured | of door8i the new spring was running |him. It glittered in the lamplight, | prisoner,' and the growd rolled back | ior, x : DENTIST, Ah A es gy adeni-hmt and rang as it struck the rough board- | towards the scaffold. The platform | Washington Letter. ff him that the town was fully twenty | merrily; and it ranx, so far as | know, | 1 it did fall | A | [ow Our R C y J ho . N PR rom u 3g 2 now putting in Upper and Lower Seta of 2 MORTGAGES BOUGHT. WX un erers miles away, and the road, which I in-| to this day, | ng, ut dic nat full or ye oud. Hy as vacant. j * Reguior Correspondent.) Teeth at from HUBERT L. EBBELS, dicated, rough, and that he would cer »* *% % | nppenred to sink into the wall an There was a moment of astonished | : : : y § Yo : The death of the ex-premier was lik Barrister. ad inly h i a | The next time T saw this remarkable | leave no sear behind. Oue at a time |silence, then a bahel of voices. Men | ue ¢ \ P req ROM Sto a: Liver. d tainly be overtaken by night before A ; { . | ) 3 | the fad 8 . i $4 10 $75 EAGH SET. Office next to Orutario Brok ts--Dy gia, Bili Lia An half the digtunce should be accomplish. | MAR I' was in a small mining town [he flung each piece of money until they | ran hither and thither ar d searched he fading of a spark; and the premoni- Havin t purchased the largest stock of Port Perry, Mey 10, 1990. Headache, and Cox p find asafe (ed. [ added: | several handred miles from the scene of { had all disappeared. Then he stepped | every nook aud corner about the gal ii pi? Huexpestedly, ns the doctors ity a Fonts into North Ontario Tam fn and certain. relief in +The best thing you ean do will be | 98° first meeting, where 1 was detain. | to the door and smiled back agreeably [lows, in vain. Stregone, bound and | iat t pri oid The 1 uid Tok I A i) : h p | cre ple » life satistied I can suit you both as to quality WM . EDME T, 3 Avers Fils, Inall {46000 pt my hospitality for the night ed by engineering business. The only {at the spellbound gang around the| bleeding, surrounded by a thousand oi 3 hi on it as Bie a . os aid price. Come and seo. Rooms in the cases. where aoa, "hotel" in the place was also the prin. table. eyes, had vanished as completely as if || y ch 1k woy ave made had it : ) 3 b Your Lorse as well as yourself must be y | . ? Blony Block, over Messrs. Forman & Son @ thartic is needed k 1 nS y 8 . § 'Rood tie AAW rho \ » / [been unexpected, For more than a Si « : o an on's Insurance and Goneral Agent, : Shartie, is sede: Liiredac aud it will give me plinsiire: to cipn) grog shop and gambling establish @ood night, gentlemen,' he~ said, { the earth had opened and swallowed | ant i Blues death has ond i, Port Perry, Qct. 28, 1891. : m : hihi : mended by leading | to have even one night's compnnionship ment, and rows were of frequent oc and vanished intd the darkness, Ihim. 1 have neither seen or heard of | Port Perry, Ont. ha 3 3 in any solitude, My shelter and food curnitve 1 was sitting in the barroom | * * * i * | him since, nor have 1 been able to-form | matter of duily anticipation. The flags ; ! ud elter and | | a Mas t piso that IT' saw mei y thi y upon the Government buildings were Representing the followi i -\ Hastings, |. of the rou but, such as the v Dus "Rhye third and last. ime that 1 saw Lang conclusion congerning this man, , fi Rad Riget Clase aN a ate tne are, yon SS tn share hen ¥ wapaper by the light of the ill Stregone was in a half civilized "Ari who choose to Dury his strange power bizendly Sut hallniisl fori Rrmifant ef : : s : Fear. Lire any Accipess. best cathartic and 'I thank you," he said at once ; 1 ng lamp, when 1 heard, above |Zont town. Thad ridden in from the |in the obscurity of frontier hfe. Per-| Hayes, and 'the departments were NORTHERN ASSURANCE Co'Y. Hod : rg NT a accept your offer gladly" And he en the holbab of the gambling, swearing [country and found preparations mak- | haps he has returned to civilization, 0. PH®NIX Assurance Co'v. gio) tered the hut. and drinking, a soft, well bred voice | 10K for a hanging. The evidence from {and is now astonishing blase metro-| | draped in black, as they have been to often during this administration. Immediately upon learning of the. rT : : Crrizgns' Instance Co'v. Dr. John W. Brown, of Oceana, W. oY , : that I instanti ized. although I | What I could gather, seemed by no politan audiances. Perhaps his bones | ® . : Bath Ih our horse, 1 hinted. A y recognized, although JO ' f ' F | de s Presi Veterina Sur eon Grasaow & Lonvon Insuraxck Co'y yaiyrites TY Sa a 'My horse Pardon me ; 1 Five no had not heard it for two years. "He | means to justify the extreme penalty, are scattered among the harsh rocks of death of Mr. Blaioé He President and, iL [ Y g . Port Perry, April 26, 1889. cellent: firgo their general use in |liorse with me,' sid he i co final a | "ne inquiring of the man behind the but hamap lives vere cheap on the|the Sierras or lie bleaching on the | members of his Oa inet visited the : ¢ : : : A | Blaine m toe heie 3 families." y : t £1 1d ol i" wild borderland, and hanging a pleas: | plains of Mexic Thare. the mystery | > tine mansion {a express thew: sym-, : Ravi T 1 tone that I zoul d Inusibl | bar if'he could obtain accommodation s ging | plains of Mexico. ere the my ¥ | J : p f HE 4 d having leted 'his WILLC 0X & HOL # Fora pumber of years 1 was adlicted i . A 4 find no plausible £3 for the night. ant break on fronter monotony, The | stands, and be may solve it who can | pathy with the family. Mr. Harrison's + full Course at the Provincial Veterinary with biliousness which almost destroyed | cuse for asking him how he got twenty J | ¥ J ETRE i i s6 Were, | message to Mrs. Blaine, sayi College aud obtained a Diploma as Veterin- my health. I tried various remedies; | miles away from civilization without a Helstood there, looking identically | general circumstances of the case were | -- Romance: message to Mra. Blaine, saying thit he : . but nothing afforded me any relief until 3 | p imi i s follows | could sincerely and thoroughly appre- ary Surgeon, would announce that he has 8 et horse. and yet looked as fresh as if he |" when 1 had last seen him in the wild | 8 -- -- . py opened an office for the practice of his Lat Licensed Auotioneers Ln ta. eS 8 had just wai i 2 hi : foothills, his broadcloth as black, his A stranger had came into town on,| Ag a cure for cold in the head and] N ne She great oe ¥ hich Fr ud og hei Pory Fer: i ig ay FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO AND a] have used Ayers Fills for the past 1 During the process of cooking and linen hs white, himself as impertorha. | foot, and stopped for the night at the | gatarrh Nasal Balm is endorsed by 2usiaings + varied Hinge Of persona b gram, rf ears, and am . by v 4 snhi i ehile se "or 3 itize v : ib bap will mptly attended to. TOWNSHIP OF CARTWRIGHT. HL today {5 Tad not been | eating our simple supper, in the pre ble and Mephistophelinn as ever, while | house of a "prominent "citizen, who | prominent men everywhere, D, Derby- | qpe funeral wns as unostentatious as All "Jiseases of animals treated in the Valuators &e &c for them. They cured me of dyspepsia |paration of which I at once engnged the landlord said that the house was had a masterful wife aod a remarkably | shire President of the Ontario Cream Fie w thie to make N A - latest and best known system - - x Bo '3 . when all other remedies failed, and their tvself. Laxamined Visitor closely. | full. fine horse. In the morning the. Association, says: 'Nasal Balm |it was possible to make it. Mr. Blaine &% Telephone connection--free of charge. REAL ESTATE A SPECIALTY.| occasional use has kept me in a healthy yuelh, RMI IY VISILOF Glose!y. The's po ith : i | stranger and the horse were gone and | 1,0. N 2 rkat ; M had m great repugnance to public ex: ¥ di '--T, P. Brown, is age might have been anywhere I Ar Lo) eee : ¢ ald 1d_cole ibi g i GRAHAM, condition ever since."--T. P. B . |H " ght h } y wl _Theistranger, with a courteous good ' heats the world for catarrh and cold in | hibition of sorrow, and in accordance Port Perry, April 8, 1884 Sale Bills made ont and Blank Notes | Chester, Pa. between 20 and 50. His fice ~was | Dich turned to leave the room, when | the prominent citizen had also vanish-| the head, Jn my own case it affected | ii) his of : : ¥ * . . furnished free of charge. Satisfaction guar- " Having been subject, for years, to RR o was necosted i tho & ed. The prominent citizen whose | cio af die ig yn [WILEY his: 0 ten expressed opinions, Mrs, g 8 he was osted by a man who start Pp lief Sold z antee or no pay. Terma liberal constipation, without being able to find smooth and unwrinkled, hut there was 5 ' was Handy White t Belcan a on the first application." Sold | gine determined to have a private, ' ¥ : try much relief, I at last tried Ayer's Pills, |an incipient baldness about the crown ed up before the door. The fellow, |uame. was Jandy lite--not. 1€INg | hy dealers or sent by mail on receipt | para) At he t solicitation it W. M. Wirrcox, Peter Hour, and deem it both a duty and a pleasure | of hic well shaped head, although his who was called Sludge was recogniz- [on the best of terms with his wife, he | of price--50c and $1 a bottle. Ful Romar A oT tarnes gg tat ation it Port Perry. Manchester. | to testify that I have derived great ben- \ . pe ' & Ld loapbrate o er gv oo | had for the past few months been ac- Tov bik | was eventually arranged that on ad ed agg de ite character even there P ford & Co., Brockville, Ont Aug. 22, 1887. efi from their use. For over two years | black hair had no touch of gray. For F tere, | ; or o., Brookville, Unt. ditional emblem of mourning would b : he moral se w 1 customed to sleep in the shed with the nung: would: be past 1 Java talked ong of hese Pills | the rest, his general appearance was of | where the moral sense was nearly stone ¥ H d I N I The king can do no wrong--if th lisplayed at the State Department . M, every night before retiring. I would not 13 v bh A hes hi i ore, e had taken the stranger out RO ef isp a) - 4 hent. : WM. GORDON, willingly be without them." --G. W. the Mephistophelian cast affected by lind He, had been gambling with se the }in th bg other fellow has the aces, | The morta! remains of the "Plamed ce Licensed Auctioneer, Yaluafor &c. | Bowman, 25 East Main st., Carlisle, Pa. | prestidi itateurs. He was elu and | his companions and. had had bad Tuck, | to see the anima the. evening, and | Raight" 'were interred in: Oak. Hill Q L. R 'BSON Y Ss eee "Ayer's Pills have been used in m; tall. and wore a small pointed beard | * hich had put him in an ugly temper. she overheard the stranger offer to buy | No man can tell how much it would | o pls : jute Tres i a : i k g ~ ' «Dy, OR the Townships of Brock, Uxbridge, family upwards of twenty years, an aud a iastiche. Sthe straight | « What's your name, tenderfoot he it ; ier husband saying he did not | take to make him rich Jemetery, a beantiiul resling. plasma RADUATE Outario Veterinary Col- Scott, Thorah, Mara, Ranma, Mariposa have: completely verified all that 1a : SE EE Aw wed wish to part with it, they passed out the dead, situated on the slopes. of JX lege, Toronto. Office and residence nd Eldon : a Fo a ends of whichiran upsard. Ilia air of or ; . lied th 3 of hearing. After ; long time the Don't waste time, money and health, | Rock Oreek's banks, in West Washing. 3 . : f . " i Tp A i ame, (3 PY £. p " y 3) fiysrorerx Corrace, two miles south of Partieseutrusting their Sales to me may | afforded er roe hon any Lave dignified courtexy sat as easily on him | 3 Nr a dl stranger came in and went to the hed trying every new medicine you way | ton. Although Mr. Blaine's name an Manobester. 14 years practice. Tele rely on the utmsot attention being given to | icine I ever tried." --Thomas dams, | ax his &lack clothes, and he betenyed | pausiig, Is Rone, ol see advertised in the papers, If the | fame are inseparably connected with' cnuse of your trouble is ia the blood, | the State af Maine, but one of his phone in the house --free heir Holly Springs, Toxas. neither cariosity nor surprise at any of | Well, Mister Stregone,' said Sludge, [allotted him earlier, and Mra. White . i ics | ) Ya A ver's Sarl y warded by tele; All Veter Riss Ayer's Pills, hig sh my primis. wt down and have alittle game of |the stable for the night, fell asleep and stomach, or kidneys, take Ayer's Sar-| fumily lies under its soil. His eldest y one. rteripary ; ! ; Jan. 2, 1888. Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co. Lowell, Mass. |. 5" Cite cignrettes that he you,' responded Stregone, leaning easi- stable. deserted she raised the alarm. | Tt is harder to set a good example with Port Perry, Manchester, and elevator. WM. GORDON, you ain't goin' yet. You're agoin' to sapposed that Brandy had retired to > 3 2 Ilia at once and be sure of a cure. d daughter, Walker Blai d i : rst,' did not awake until morning. When sapari son an ghter, Walker Blaine an Medicines in stock, cnrds first, : I bY ph calls to Manchester will be for- : 3 s i ov After supper we drew up before the 3 h cok df i the} 4 | Take no other, Mrs. Coppinger, are interred in Onk Evergreen Conan) Livery Removal J Wazing fire, 1 with my pipe wnd he * Ido not eare aliout playing, I thank Fhe .awoke: an ound the: Hons Hill, in a lot that the dead mp him- % : A Sold by all Dra . ch i ; ii: self selected and purchased three years J ARTILY thanking the public for the by ggista and Dealers fo Medicine, | 1 0 Cpu oked. He talked wel) ly ngainst the bar and waiting for A posse was sent out to scour the { than to set a hen ago. The View from thiagrave is: tos = liberal patronage received du the Li : Sludge to get out of the d His | country, and the next dny the stranger , . td : : v z i duri € | um Jjots of g 1 Sludy Fd he door, is 3 f : It doesn't always follow that shakin North Ontario Observer many years I have kept a Livery Fetninh 5 s o SE pd bE Minisdiy for "1 1eft #lhow rested on the counter and | WAS overtaken, leisurcly crossing the | ay goquaintance Ftties him wards 4 heastiful stretch of suturean Re I | ment Port perry, Thuve much plensarein | | Hy YOANUD IN REWARDS one Aime, and LAC HR SBP his left hand carelossly held his ul Mexican border ou Bandy White's 9 : conntry, and within its. mnge. lie yi TR ; : . wnnounciug that I have removed 5,05, that 1 was listening attentively until | "® t hand carelessly he his glossy | i Reduced. to a Science. Sheridan Circle and Kalorama Heights, ¢ dibnalty Political, Agricultural and v Y : IVERY } Great Weekly Oom tition of The the fact dawned upon me, to my great hat by the brim. I saw the hana of foc, Browghe nek wo Just feet os The tréatment of disease 1% now almos' ro-| in one of the most attractive portions ramily Newspapory a foot L i | 4 h Ladies Home Magazine. surprise, that the conversation hind | # well known London maker in the { md remnined entirely calm And told a due.d to anclence, A scientific product of of the Capital City. HRD AT TO MY NEW PREMISES 5 Which word In this advertisement spell the | lnpred tito my hands und that I was | ® I was so near him, straight-forward story. He said that | medioal skill for the SH 008 ie Worst acrof-| No event since the acquisition of a v Go, cura Cal same Backward as Forward? This isa rare : Ls aR , hay x White had sold him the horse, after |ulonssore which has held popular esteem for q Tk, ) a fat] I portunt 4c bE adie by enlirging +o. this gt ranger upon various t [carey damn you; and so frelac : af lud. | yenrs and inoreases steadily in public favor | Téxas and the subsequent war with | LY. DLL her and Kon cure a splendid Pri pling aud anxieties us freely as if he hound to ere, you see," annovnc some show of reluctance ; alter conclu: fiw Burdock Bivod Blttets. Iis cures prove its | Maxico is so fraught with significance ry week throtwhout. Lcame ou vk Dye see this ¥ and he ex- ing the bargain and paying White in worth. to the future of the United States ; ied & olnmay six shooter ; '1 make | Kod, he went into the house to bed, | It wasa Frenchman who refused to| ps overthrow of the Hawaiian mor leaving White in the stable, Wishing | fight a duel because, he said, he didn't archy, the news of a ? {t0, tein the journey before, the heat | want to live. : ashed around the obi day, he'arose at dawn and rode!" Baim poral - Pu Te: Er | of your solitary. life rere in the" gor : ; distances you have to io for water dr did not stir. away on his purchase, having first look: | mres,--1 had a troublesome cold wh 0- The xmake from the cigarette wn fis he asked. ed into the ous hy loft for hit lost thing woud sellers yntild tried Hagyarse Gngers flonted up between me and. hi pointed. to a greasy pile on and found him absent. © house | completely cured me. information nt relate, have an equal | dnrk, politely attentive feature Something in the stranger's | being on the edge of the town, horse hops. Moquaam Balmoral, Man. interest. The official information : ¢ hone nearer home. a8 her variously complicated curls and rings, Pos 4 manner crowded him «|and rider had left without being ob- Against the Goal Combine, |ceived by the Secretary of State ka Loh lik, of answers must be ac. | which interlined and twisted for a Ye served. al instantly conveyed to the P | Gon ine Sl HAR eid time without fading. yes. May T troable you fora| On the other hand, Mrs. White! Rochester, N. ¥., Jan. 26.--The|and led to an immediate con| | «Yes! 1 returned, laronienlly, & > nts I Jooking at me for the [vowed that her husband valued the|, rand jury to-day indicted eighteen | between Secretary Foster and Secre! terniined to speak us Tittle as possi p , with a bow of recognition. | horse ns the apple of his eye and would | {yal conl dealers for conspiracy on two Tracy relative to the naval strength if 1 could not oper my lips with up the cards mechanically, {not have parted with it on any. terms | cognts. The indicted men are members the United States in Hawaiian water letting out a yuxh of perconal © roomful of roughs, who had | --she had herself heard him refuse the | of the Rochester Coal exchange, and {In the Senate, too, the importance of 4 dences. v ; ded private business, looked on. | stranger. If he had sold the horse, | are charged with conspiracy in illegally the event was quickly appreciated, as is 'Why do you not use the wat | play cards with this gentle | he would have at once put the mooey | sombining to advance the price of coal. | #0 executive session at once re r | the: spring near the corner of i ing foward Sludge, 'perhaps [in her hands, as 'she had complete | The second count charged thom with itself into a four hours' discussion | cubin © he inquired. 'ls it unl like to have a little shooting.' | charge of financial affairs. Finally, | reventing other coal dealers not the starting development; Hi rink? : } : regone blandly. 'I notice | White was gone utterly. With ques: | nembers of the exchange from securing | The general tenor of the sp There is no spring there,' I sa \ sittin behind the geatle tionable haste the stranger was brought | 4 supply of coal and preventing others ed annexation, and Senator Surely Leannot have been misty holds the cards. «If he will fto trial for horse theft and 'murder, | from joining the exchange. The grand and Senator Dolph expressed :. replied, jt A card toss it edgewise in the and found guilty on both counts. jury "also returned a presentment selves strongly in favor of the pe "of st ard 80 ban ie ured as a target without | The execution was to occur at 12 | against the members of the western It is generally conceded thab:| of door, is. : Ser ia uman life, The back of | 0 clock, before the jail. As the hour | gnthracite coal committee, reciting the United States does not 'e. e iW po spring within pe fhe company, if you Sppraach-d; (a She innbitante of the | fact that its manors are representa. faite action tows) H eh i sl de we, . town thronged about the rough gallows, | tives of coal and railroad isations | will pass into con ! \ card in the air as he di- [the platform of which was raised - five or eroihag the EE py nt 'out, that [ may sve r t left my hand, 'Will yon |or six feat, that all might have a fair| Pennsylvania, and that the said com- ned 80 absurd a mist a 4 he asked Bludge, politely. | view of the tragedy to be enacted | panies and their representatives have Germany, wv rant to shoot,' Sludge | there. Drees by thx hateful fascina- | conspired to cantrol the shipment of could" hardly be suce ily. | tion that attends such scenes I found | conl to prevent fres competition for| . 1 was onder the im. | myself in the midst of the crowd, &|the pre of controllin, Sh and enor Teams the caine Thales crude Shak someon new wood shove in the sunlight, and BE aa eH there was a pleasant smell of fresh It has 3 no Equal . rst. | chips in the air. At the pointed AR RTRR I hay rd's ia | hour the jail gate opened Rr grovp Dhow oil RE, Si nave hoot appeared, ding, the' : eT A ; ; y =