Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 16 Feb 1893, p. 2

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'Hill. --A| Cheese Fa steaw r s just been erected it Marsh Hill, and .a plant at cost of over $1,000" lin been put in, bei which has a 300 cow capacity. It is to be operated. by a joint stock com- ny which lately. elected an intelli: t and wetive Board of Directors. 1. . Gould, Esq., ex-M.P P., is Treasurer and Mr. Robt. Stretton, Secretary. E7" Browy, Waite, & Co., have "| purchased a [Manufacturers Agent's - pm Stock a ting to $4,000 which they NORTH ONTARIO OBSERVER. have secured a rate on the § und to svi gether with the damaged goods by the PGRT PERRY, FEB. 16, 1893. A meeting of of the Mauchester held in the town ha last. The meeting wa much interest was present iw the proceed Spence, the Secy-Tre fall and concise season's business for of the meeting. The ed that there had b factory during th pounds of milk, whi ufactured into 52.883 requiring an average | of milk for a pound total receipts of sales of Al d dr as. t] which these pills dre sold make a course of treatment comparatively inexpensive as compared with other remedies of ; wiedical treatment. "hig will remem | me ut Bharbot Lake, 'occnsions last winter, us illness of Edward éli-known and respected townshio of Oso. Mr. ow that his friends had 2,337 for 1892. Op umigury Ay there were 24,745% members in standing ; admitted during ; reinstaced, 855; "total 28, as per G. M. W's report, late conflagaration they are running the whole stock off at great burgains, regardless cost or value This is just what the people want these times and But a short time hence when writing sa-of his recovery, aud although "energetic disposition and not the 'of u 'man to give up rasily, he felt himself that life was slipping him, Later we learned that s recovery was due entire of that remedy which has many marvellous cures that nbw a bousehold word the land--Dr. Williams' e. » Lest B 'He wus postmaster at Fermoy "for fourteen years, and a councillor of the united townships of Bedford, Oso, Olden avd Palmerston for ten years. He gave the Whig representive a cordial greeting, remarking that it was his favorite paper and that Lie had been a constant subscriber for forty- nine years. Mr. Botting readily con- sented to give lis experience in the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, saying that he believed it was a duty he owed to humanity te let the publiz know what they had done for him. "It was nbout two years ago," said Mr. Bot ting, "that I first began to feel that 1 was not my old self. Up to that time 1 bad Leen exceptionally strong and rugged. My illness first came in the form of kidney trouble, which seemed to carry with it general debility of the whole system, and nove of the med icines that I took seemed to do me any "good. I am not of a disposition to give up easily, and T tried to fight off the trouble and continued to go about when wany another would have been in bed. Things went on in this way until about a year ugo when 1 Lad u bad sttack of la gripps, and the after effects of that malignant trouble brought we so low that my friends dispaired of my recovery. I did wot give up myself for that is not my disposition, but when 1 found that the remedies I tried did me no good, 1 must adwit I was discouraged. 1 was troubled with | severe and constant pdins in the back, | sensations of extreme dizziness, weak- teas, and was in fact in a generally used up condition. I had read fre. quently in the Whig of Dr. Williams' Piok Pills, and at last the conviction forced itself upon me that they must have some special virtue else they vould not obtain soch stronz endorsa- 'tions in all parts of the country. The upshot was that 1 determined to try thers and I bless the day that T cane to that conclusion. Before the first box was finished I felt benefited, and I continued their use until T was as strong as ever. I have lately worked | hard and find no ill effects therefrom. | 1 consider Dr. Williams' Pink Pills | the best medicine sold, and you may | say I would pot be without them in the house if they cost $5 a box. All| my neighbors know what Pink Pills] have done for me," said Mr. Botting, | "and I would just like you to ask some | of them." Your reporter acted upon the hint, and first saw Mrs, L. Kish, a daughter of Mr. Botting, Mrs. Kish said, "What my father has told you is quite true. It was Pink Pills that cured | _ him and we are very, very thankful. | Fother is now as smart as he was twenty years ago." Charles Knapp, a prominent farmer, | said : "I consider Mr. Botting's cure a | most wonderful one and 1 believe he | owes bis life to Dr. Williams' Pink | Pills" Your reporter called at John 'W. Knapp's but found that gentleman away from howe. His wife, anjestin- able an intelligent lady, suid, "we are mware that Mr. Botting was very sick ov 8 long time and considering his age ught it uvlikely that be would re- cover, but he is now as smart as he was lon years ago and be ascribes it »ll to Dr. Williams' Pink Pils." Mr. Avery, Reeve of the Township Oso, and Warden of the county of tenac, merchant, told your re that he has a large and constant ng sale for Pink Pills, and sll quarters has good reports of a commissioner and had known Mr. ¢ oon- the Political Obituary of the Mowar Governwent, the only heading possible will be: Dirp of INca- PACITY, EXTRAVAGANCE and Broken Promisis, after 100 many years ung rofit- able existence. And all the people shall say " Amex!" Mr, W. ] York is an event in the history Canadian horse. The horse should figure at least as latgely in the export trade returns of Ontario, as does his lowlier brother the shorthorn bullock, 1f the McKinley bill and quarantine can together kill the gxport of eattle to New York state, neither of them will stop the wealthy American from getting his pleasure horses in the only, plage where they are procurable, Mr. Grand was the first Ontario dealer who exhibited enterprise and skill calculated to bring the American buyer to a Canadian auction. Success having also crowned his efforts to dispose of Cauadian horses in New York, he has had toelect between these two methods of reaching his customers. He has de- cided to go to New York, and after he has sold the 150 splendid animals which he will take down with him in April, he will beat the service of any Canadian exporter wlio gets together a lot suitable for the American niarket. The place in which Mr. Grand will sell is said by competent judges to be the Lest in the world for the purpose. Corner 50th Street and Broadway, New York. Easily accessible from all parts of New York city, and almost contiguous to the fashionable west end hotels, for location it cannot be beat. For special exhibition of riding and driving horses no place cab be better adapted. "Take lim over once more, Paul," has elicited wany a bid from hesitating purchasers at Toronto, and the absence of space to jump a horse has always been a"great drawback to| the sales of jumpers at New York, while even the harness horses have | been unable to show their paces and | actipn to advantage round the dark arches-of the rotunda. The prophecy that Mr. Grands business in Canadian. horses st the American Horse Exchange is bound to work a revolution in the business is no h>zardous statement. The stallion owner will be on the lookout for a suitable thoroughbred, and farmers will avail themselves of his services with the assurance that before the colt is four years old; the of the they are largely taking advantage of the opportunity thus afforded. The ladies are availing themselves of the opportunity of securing choice, fashion- Those who may not have been there should able goods at their own terms. not delay in giving them a call. EZ The Anniversary in connection ion Sons of with the Port Perry Di Temprance will ba celebrated by Grand Ooncert in the oy the eveniag of inst tainment worthy of such. Valuable assistance is promised from RBlack- Prince Albert, Greenbank, stock, Manchester, Sonya, Myrtle, Utica, Sunderland and Sougoy. SEr10Us ACCIDENT,-- As Miss Flor- Ww. Jones 'while on her Way to school yes- terday, was struck by a bandsleigh on which a number of children were to- boggoning, with such force as vo knock ber down, Ler head striking the ice and rendering her unconscious for some ence, eldest daughter of Mr, OQ. time, See Wairey & Co's new advertise They bave §got something grand to offer their patrons as well in the quality of the goods us Mr. Whithy bas a thorough knowledge of all the improved evory respect a thoroughly qualified and first- Read the advertisement. | ment in this issoe. in their make and style. most recent and most methods of Cutting and is in class cut: er. A Grasp attractions will be held. patronized. Fire at Seagrave.-- This morn- ing (Thursday) at about six o'clock the residenee of Mr. D. King, Scagrave the contents were de stroyed by fire caused by a lamp lieing upset which rolled down stairs and soon the whole building was in flames, Very together with little was saved. Much sympathy expressed for Mr. Kiug in his misfor- tune, We are much pleased to learn that our Foundry has of late been deluged with orders'; 5 they pourdd: it necessary to work overtime, largest ever made here. The report is current in Ontario that middleman will be round to offer him donble what a slabsided mongrel used to fetch for horse cars. { Canada now hasan enviable reputa- | tion for plensure horses, and next year's | operations should increase it ten-fold. | BREE EAI The Provinces Are Free. A nation like this, made up of pro | vinces differing in intercst and re-| eources, can only thrive under a system | that grants to each province the fullest freedom to mind its own business. Whether it be the Manitoba school question or the Nova Scotia coal ques tion, the rights of the provinces can only be limited when their assertion constitutes a clear violation of law or a danger to the interests of the "whole sople. The Legislature of Nova Scotia must represent the desires of the people of Nova Scotia. Legislation and people are supreme in their own shpere, and that sphere is not to be lightly invad- ed by the Federal power.--Telegram. - License Commissioners. South Ontario--Frauncis Rae, M.D, Joseph Watson, John Tweedle. North Outario-- William McPher- son, Peter Thompson, Willium Thom- son. bs 3 the provincial elections will soon be The term for which the | Legislature was elected does not expire and Mr Laurier and all the other great Liberal thinkers clearly showed in the Domin brought on. till midsummer of 1894, ion campaign of 1891 that it was wrong and unconstitutional thing for a government to dissolve a legislature | report that Sir Oliver Mowal is to go counter | to such good Liberal doctrine should | through a By-law to provide Nevertheless the f erection and maintenance of before its time was up, The surely be incorrect. Town Hall, on TiME AT THE SKATING Rixg. -- Preparations are bejog wade | for a splendid time on 'the Skating Rink on to-morrow (Friday) evening, | when a Grand Masquerade, with all its The Carnival is under the auspices of our Curling | Club and doubtless will be extensively in as to tax the. ful capacity of the establishment and made On Saturday lust an immense casting was successfully turned out; one of the diture for all purposes ing a balance of $56.34 was distributed at the rata among the patrol reasons operations ha sucsessfn! was admitted patrons expressed much at the financisl result, was highly spoken of as thoroughly experienced and the patrons have tl 0 be . that has so far attends prise. Mr. Thowas * \ elected President, and Mr." Spence, Secy-Treas and Silesma oe ------t Concert at Gree The concert given in the To ance hall, Greenbank, on the e of Monday last, under the lauspi Greenbank Court of the Indepen: Order of Foresters, was quite a Buo- cess ; the turnout was large, the hall being packed. Mr. E. H. Purdy produce merchant, Port Petry, one the visiting brethren, was called fo'the chair, and gave. a nent opening ad- dress, aud called on the Port. Perry Orchestra which responded in fine style. ! Rev. A. McGilliveay, High Ohief Runger for Ontario, aud Mr. Wilson, bothof Toronto, delivered excellent addresses on Forestry, The skillfully drawfi outline of Forestry by these [ gentlemen could not fail in greatly in- orensing the desire of all present to become more familiar with the aims and objects of this Inghly prosperous cer. | A namber of members of the Or: | chestra™ gave vocal « aud instrumental solos. Mrs. T. C. Nichols has a fine voice aud made goo | use of it. She sang charmingly i she has a magnificent voice aud has perfect control over it. Miss Ruby Gray gave a chayming solo on the violin, : Mr. Jolin Diesfeld, leader and man ager of the Orcliestra coutributed largely to the pleasure and interest of the evening by his delightfol flute solos. As a flute soloist we feel certain that he has vot an equal in thé Pro- is were : and the soligs were g and were well received. The performances of the Orch were pronounced grand. Mra. N. Griffin and Miss, E. played the accompaniments w taste. God Save the Queen proceedings to a close. brougi Port Perry Counc! ¥h a adjournment, oo Monday last, All members present. The minutes of the previous s were read and approved, ; Mr. Purdy introduced and Conservative Opposition should see ing machine in the village that its arms be bright. Mr. Jos. Letcher of Toronto in visit- His nom- ing in town for a few days. erous friends here are much please meet him, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Brook, Oshawa, are visiting at Mr. CO, L. Whitby's. Mr, N. Swan has fully recuperated and on Wednesday last returned to Peterboro to resume business. Mr. J. B. Lindsay and daughter, Horuby, are visiting at Mr. F. B. Lindsay's. Regulir Meeting of Loyal True Blue Lodge No. 9, to morrow--Friday-- evening. Gente | Get Your Outfits Now The Toronto street railway has given a first mortgage on its property for $4,650,000 to Messrs. George and P conversion nd in new year 107,180 orned cattle, $7,749,399. -- these: England thok 101,426, repre- senting in money $7,481,713. The United States bought 550 and paid 21,777 for them. 'The trade with 'Newfoundland amounted to 2,812 {| cattle, with Germany 1,778 and with bumors | the little island of & je i .086 's last See Whitby & Oo's new advertise- They have just got in a dash. A. Oox | ing new Stock of Spring Goods war- aud RB. B. Angus. The company will ranted to give satisfaction in style and ment, price. Go and see them, y | kick, a, Perry, and charging fees for k thereof. : The By-law provides that or person in charge of scales, shall demand and col following fees, viz: For weighing a'load of hay. Slanghtered ment, or grain an other articles exposed for under 100 pounds... Over 100 pounds and up 1000 pounds . A Live animals, other than and pigs, per head ... Sheep and pigs, if more than per head . . PAE If less than b sheep or pigs, the lot "irate For measuring a load of The bylaw also requires, to be in attendance at the required, every lawful day, o'clock @, m. to 6 p. m. : The tenders for the wi 1893, were now opened. :M. Purd, th to of tied of ed to $5034.80 and : | 93 ; certificates annulled, 533 ; mew: 4 BY: | hers suspended, 791, leaving a not from Port Percy. Fications, is prepared to discharge all just de- council proceeded to read the detailed | cerned. | Treasurer's accounts as set set forth in membership in good standing of 27.080 "The province of Ontario has passed from the fifth position among the grand 18dges of Auerica to the third, there being only New York and Musi: chusetts with a larger membership, the former having 31,168 and the latter 32,230. The total membership e whole order on Januar, Y rted - 804,064, the Re that young, saintly A cannot embrace ay ww | 'The rose can : a Some droop and fall in early spring, + And some in summer glow; a er veh raves, ------ tee Reach Council. The regular meeting of the Reach Oouncil was held on Monday last. All members present. Minutes of former meeting read and confirmed. The Clerk read numbér of commun From A. Miller, Esq, Seagrave, tating that there must be an error re- garding the back taxeson the Flannery property on which le has a tien § should such he the care, however, he mands against this property, From the Solicitor of the Oanada Pacific Ruilway Company stating that the Assessment of the property of the | Company in Reach in 1892 was $100 | for four acres of land. i From the Co. Treas. giving a return of the lands in Reach hable to he sold for arrears of taxes in 1893, viz : Block D.--Prince Albert--pnart of village lot 3-- lot 17, con. b, 31/100] acre, for arrears in 1890. Block D.--part lot 1, Prince Albert-- con b--}% acre, 1890-91. Block D.--pt lot 1--Prince Allert-- eon, H--11/100 were, 1890. Part <} of s} lot 4, con. 2, 48% ser s, 1890. . Block F.-- Manchester, lots 12 and 13 -- lot 13, con. 5, 4 ncre, 1890. North-hulf lot 20, con, 12--100 acres, 1888. North part lov 8, con. 4-170 aeres, 1890 - Part lot 15, con. 9--90 acres, 1890. Part lot 14, con. 9-60 neres, 1890. j nnd & 4 of n § lot 17, con. 9--150 { 3 of lot 10, con. 13--75 acres, 1890 . From the Solicitor of the Grand Trunk Railway Compnuy stating thit the land owned and occupird hy the Compang at present is the sane as last ear, 4 On motion of Mr. Real, the Reeve and Clerk "were instructed to sign in behalf of this Council the Petition from the Dominion Alliance for the total suppression of the liquor traffic. On wotion of Mr. McCulloch, $1 was ordered to be pid to Mr. Robt, Robertson, he being charged for a dog in error. The township Auditors, Messrs, W. M. Weir, and W. FE. Weir brought in their report and at the request of the statement At the close of the nudity the auditors paid a well mented com: plement to the treasurer and clerk for the correct and accurate manner in which they keep the books of the cor- poration. The audit was got up in a thorough business manner, creditable to all con- On motion of Mr. McCullach, the the Auditors' Report were finally and- ited and passed, and the Clerk was in structed to have the same published the law directs and have two podred copies of the same printed in 'sheet forw for distribution. On motion of Mr. Munro, $15 each as ordered to be paid to Messra, W. Weir and Walter F. Weir for their rvices as Audtors. * n motion of Mr. Munro, $1.50 was d to be paid to Mr. John Heron, rk on the Brock townline ; 83 "Shaws' Neighborhood. Geography Examination, TV Class, for January. Tptal number of lessons in the month twelve, Maximum 100, 1. Bertha Stone, present 9 lessons --82 2. Lizzie Dreuan, 7 --82 3. HuroldOrchard, --76 4, Nora Orchard, --T75 5. Lizzie Blight, 5 6. Willie McCoy, « 11 wu Absent.-- Mary Lamb and Laura Orchard. C.P.S, ei To the Editor of the Observer, Notice. " 12 6 "n 1" Al persons interested in the Detec- tive Fire Fund will meet in Mr. F* M. Yurnold's Law Office, on Saturday morning at ten o'clock, to receive re. port and distribute the funds on hand. JOHN NOTT. Port Perry, Feb, 15, 1893. Newcastle. Ou Friday morning the funeral of the late Rev. A, Drummond took place. Service was held in the Presbyterian church of which the deceased hand Leen pastor for many yenrs, Among those present and who assisted in the service were Reve, J. Aleaham, 'Whitby ; 8. H. Eastman, Oshawa ; R. D. Fpaser, Bowmanville; J. A. McKeen, Orono ; A. Leslie, R. T. Courtice, Newtonville and W. F. Allan, Newcastle. After service the remains were interred in Bowmanyjile cemetery. The funeral service of the Inte Rev, F. Gee was held on Wednesday morning in the Methodist church, con- ducted by che Rev. T. W. Jolliffe, Chairman of the District, Bowmanville, and Rev. Bs Roberts, (President of the) Bay of Quinte Conference. The follow | ing clergy wen were present, several of whom took part in the service :--Revs, 0 W. Watch, W, J. Jolhffe, Oshawa; R. T. Courtice, A, Leslie, Newtonville ; J. Buchanan, Norwood ; K. D. Fraser, Bowmanville; R. McCulloch ; W. F. Allan, Newenstle, and several others, After a very inipressive service the re mains were taken to Markham for interment. Cartwright. " Rev. R. L. Edwards is conducting specinl services at Camsarea. » Blackstock Preshyterian finances were inn Houlishing condition at the yearly meeting, Caesarea Methodists and Blackstock Church of England have each procured an excellent library, Dr. McKibben bought Mr. George McLaughlin's residence and purposes waking several improvements. > On Friday afternoon the Literary Society of Blackstock Public School had un open program. About 30 from Cesarean school and a large number from the village attended and report an excellent program of kindergarten sons, dinlogues, eto. 'Society had five new members, 140 in all. The same' evening Prince Albert and Bougog Island lodges visited us and rendered an excellent program aftér which they were treated with re freshments. "Ondwus Presbyterian church have erected an addition to their sheds of L100 feet. The Ladies Aid furnished the church with na new bible, table, chairs, carpet, etc. A choir was form. ed lfitely with Miss Mary Watson organist. Our young pastor Rev. R. Phalen is doing a good work On Friday evening our Temperance : of customers by dealings. We wish to inform the public that we have have just recceived a SPLENDID STOCK .. HANDSOME CLOTHS 'all the Newest Shades for Suits, a nabs Protingu foe superior Gah ity and etyleto anything ever offered in th locality and we trust that our patrons will show their appreciation of our efforts to give them the very latest wud most Stylish Out fits. WHITBY & CO, MERCHANT TAILORS. Port Perry, Feb. 15, 1693. GREAT AUCTION SALE. THR UNDERSIGNED HAS BEEN INSTRUCTED BY MR.GEORGE O'LEARY To Sell by Public Auction, on lot 12, con. 12, Reach, On Tuesday, Feb 28,1893 The following First-Class Horses, High- Grade Cattle, Farm Implements, &c., HORSES. 1 Black Team, well matched, 5 and 1 Bay Mare, 6 ycars old, in foul by Lord Erskine, 1 Black Mare, 12 years old, in foal by Lord Erskine, 1 Picbald Mare, 9 years old 1 Bay Colt, § yours old, got by Gola Note, 1 Black Colt, 8 years old, got by St. Ledger. 1 Pair Piebald Fillies, one and rs years old, That celebrated Road and Carriage Stallion, ** Young St. r i 1 A Stallion, 2 yrs old--with pedigree. CATTLE. Cows in Calf, Helters, Soming 2 years, oom! Lars, 6 years old. 5 * IMPLEMENTS. Toronto Binder in good working oider, xon Mower, new, 1 8eed Drill e Rarww a d oF 0 HH qa i i 1 Cutter, 1 Small Anvel, ing Chain, : 'ears Harnéss, i i fi 1 1 3 2 Sets .. 1 Nerk Yol Hoes, &0. "A quantity of Hay, SHARP.TBA. i Whiffietrees, Forks g€2zasP aps £8885558s8s8 LGowsogen--®wmed © ooo C00DS ~ DAMAGED IONS anv LYM \ = if = a NOW BEING

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