Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 16 Feb 1893, p. 3

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3 A story is told at the expense of a newly arfived Irishman at Crewson's ners, Pat hired witha farmer and 'one morning they starte | for the bush skid logs. When near their destina- tion the farmer suddenly remembered that he hud forgotten his canthook and was about to return when Pat olaureercd to go. The farmer asked him whether he knew What the cant- hood was and Pat assured him that he as thoroaghly familiar with the tiole. Several hours elapsed and Ny Pat appeared in the bush driving ornless cow. The farmer asked where he was going with the cow, her: Pat replied, "Faith, sir, thats {ie only one about the place that can't " -- a ON TRIAL FOR 90 DAYS. The finest, completest and latest line of Elso" gical ayuilancwn a the world, Thev have never . re s0 positive of it that we A SHOE Cle 120 1 Glitsgow Kress byterian minister gave out a hymn ax the closing meiody of the service, He had no sooner doue so than a voice 'was heard saying, "Gie usa Psalm; we're vo tired o' the Penlms 0' Daavit." Not kuowing what to do with the in- ruption ; he was fairly brought to a udstill at the end of the second line =f gear, the voice that calls me home" a repetition of the yoise, thie WOkIe ye did." Ax . rds say, "Closed with : regime - Tue Cavndian Order of Foresters is a Fraternal Benevolent Society, incor uted in 1879 and registered under he Insurance Corporations Act, 1892, of Ontario, The objects of the Socirty to furnish its members with Sick and Funeral Benefits and an Insurance 'of oue or two thousand dollars. The yments for these henetits range from about one"dollnr to one dollar and fifty gents per wonth, according to the nye of tha member, and the amount of the insurance carried. The membership is composed of men only, and when ad mitted they must be between the ages f eighteen and forty tive. The present iher of mémbers ix over 16,000, and the Society hus a cash surplus on hand E the grandmother, B30 cents in silver) fur three months' subscription to the LADIES" HOME Mox in all kinds of soil. THE ONLY axjuipmens of our factory with the labor saving machinery and a la oy nereascd output enables ua to offer h le edo at prices lower than ever 1 and all | other § ents throughout the country, or send ~ Find The Grandmother. e young lady in the above cut has a grandmother whose pleture is combined In the rtrait. If you can find the Grandmother in the above Portrait you may receive a {which will pay you many times over for your trouble. roprietors of the LADIES' Hose MoxTRLY offer either a first-class Upright He or cheque for Three Hundred Dollars to the person who can firat Find A reward of a pair of Diamond Bar-Rings tothe second 1 person who can find the grandmother. A complete Business Education at a Commercial College to the third person who can find the grandmother. A Gold Watch or pach of the next two who can find the grandmother. An elegant Gold Brooch (Solid Gold) for each of the next five who can find the grandmother. ach Contestant must cat out the Portrait Puzzle and make a cross with a lead pencil! ate LE or Inr on the grandmother's eye and mo Everyone sending an answer must rr with the same Ten three-cent Stamps (or ONTHLY, Canada's The date cf past-mark on letters is given precedence, so that lid a distance have just as good an opp ortunity of securing a valuable prize, he person who ean find the gra hier th t 1s received last is offered a Sim- most popular journal. Tivin, ate Typewriter. Forthe next tot will be given a Solid Silver ex ty To the third, fourth, fifth and sin ik the last received with correct answers will receive each a Solid Qold Brooch. 1f there should be as many as two hundred persons sending correct answers, each wii be awarded with a valuable prize. Names f cg10se receiving lesfling prizes will be lished fn our next Exira premiums wili be offered to nll who are willing to assist tn increasing the subscription Ist 5 this p pular journal. The object in offering this Prize Puzzle is to attract attention, and to introduce our publication. Perfect impartiality is guaranteed tn giving the rewards. Answer to-day, and enclose 30 cents and you may win one of the leading prizes. Address, (D) LADIES' HOME MONTHLY, 192 King St. Was, Jarants, Canada, a Fw Og! Ge SE oh, & Fresh British' Colimbia Salmon Fresh Salt Water Fish. PARKS celebrated Sugar Cu " Breakfast B 0 Spiced Roll Also big piles of other Groceries, B &c., which they will scll CHEAP FOR Oi T. C. FOR! #¥ Marriage License Office. Port Perry, Feb. 8, 1893. HARNESS AS (T SHOULD BE! BEATTY & BONGARD Would take this opportunity of wishing gheir many friends | and patrons THE COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON. They would return thanks for the liberal encouragement and | support, they have received in the past, and would state that | they are now prepared to supply Harness which for CHEA PN E88, STYLE. Dutability and STRENGTH, Cannot be surpassed in the County. | | Winding Up Business Sale IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT TO" BUY HRS On HARNESS, SADDLERY, &C. B. F. ACKERMAN having decided to go out of business in Port Perry announces n General Clear: ing Sale of the fine stock of Harness, This atiords a good opportunity for farmers and others to replace their equip: nient" with new goods of best wauunfacture and design, Saddlery and all goods now in stock, | | | &c., in abundance, Comparison of Prices Courted. BEATTY & BONGARD. Port Perry, : Dit 1892. 838880080888s00ds 390088008 PORT PERRY NURSERIESH- I have a surplus of the following Nursery Stock which is strictly first-class, and of good size will be sold cheap by the hundred or in quantities to suit purchasers.-- European Mountain Ash, English; Scotch and America Elms, Black Walnut, White Ash, Norway Maple, European Larch, Austrian and Scot¢h Pine, Norway Spruce, Red Cedar, &c. Also, A FEW THOUSAND ArpLE TREES OF EXTRA SIZE, Six yea 'S old, 7 feet high, inch to 1} inch in diameter-- Varieties Ben Davis, AG. Russett, Mann Apple,N. Spy, &e., 25¢ each, | | | Robes, Blankets, Bells, Trunks, IN FULL BLAST ! ree nndersigned takes this opportunity of returiliy his sincere thanks for the large measure of patronage be- stowed on him since commencing business in Port Perry, thoroughly overhauled the entire Mill and introduced the _ best, most approved and modern machinery including the ROLLER PROCESS, 19 the manufacture of Floap, is p Expeditiously and in a manner that cannot fail to give wath faction to my patrons, The Trade supplied with Flour of the finest brands. THE PLANING FACTORY in full operation and can supply all kinds of Dressed Lumber, also Luniber, Joists, Scantling, Boards, Pick els, Shingles, Posts, Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Dannisters and Newel Posts, EZ BILL LUMBER A SPECIALTY. All kinds of TURNING and SCROLL SAWING done oti short notice. JAMES CARNEGIE, Port Perry, Oct. 1, 1891. LAING & MEHARRY -- HAVE AGAIN-- | OPENED OUT WITH Aes Magnificent Stock of everything in their line. ~~ -~ LAING & MEHARRY. ! and would beg. to state that having, at a large expenditure, Queen Finks and back, very large set ie el £2 Above are Solid Walout Frames sod well finirhied. Aleo Bedroom Sets as low as $1751 Tie undersigned has tas on hand a ok of Boots and Shoes of his own make whiclt he is prepared to SKLL CHEAP. They are manufactured of the very hest material and for cheapness and good works manship cannot be excelled in this or ad- joining counties. My life-long experience in the manufacture of Boots nud Shoes gives me an Advantage over more inexperienced dealers and my present stock is such as I warrant to give satisfaction and the prices are right ALL KINDS MADE TO ORDER. SEWED WORK A SPECAILTY. Repairing promptly attended to. Cement Patches: neatly executed. Ladies' Polish Heel Plates; Button Fastners, the same | put in, Laces in Cotton, Leather, and Poi- | poise. All kinds of Findings ou hand, alsa | Rubber Cement. Rubber Boots aud Joats repaired. | The Best Material! No Shoddy ! Sheepskin! | #2 Prices to Suit the Times. Give me a call at the Market Block, Port Perry. Nd WM. BOND; gprt Perry, Sept. 22, 1802, M ethodist Church. REV, LW HILL x, B A,, PasroR Sabbath Services, 10:30 0 and § 7 eek Evening Service Thursday 7:80. Strangers welcome and conducted to seats Church of the Ascension, REV "Suhda Week MR. FLEQOHER, PASTOR, Services, 10:30 and 6:80. ening Service, Thursday, 7:30, Bt. Jon's Churels (PRESBYTERIAN, ) | REV, RICHARD WHITEMAN, B.A., Sabbath Services, 10:30 and 7 k Evening Service, 4 Thursday, 7:30 PasToR Baptist Church. REV. MR. CAMERON, Panto. Sabbath Services, 10:30 and 6:30, Week Evening Service, Thursday, :30 Taluaky Vilage Dry for Sea | | HE undersigned offers for sale, at a | Bargaiu, that desirable property situat- | ed in the northern part of the Village of | Prince Albert, containing Nine Acres o first-class land. On the premises there ard |a Dwelling House, an Orchard, u good well | and cistern, &e. | This property is beautifully situated and | would doubtless prove a safe a profitable | investment. | For further particulars apply to the pro: | prietor, | JOS. BROWN: | Or to H. L. Essrvs, Esq, Barrister, &c:j Port Perry. | Jan, 25, 1803. for the payment of the Insurance of over $215,000, $50,000 of which is in Dow n of Oanada Bonds, and the tance is invested in the best monetary ituti of the Domini In ad: Inti to this, the local Courts have about half a million of dollars in their treasuries for the payment of the Sick and Funeral Benefits. ~The High Secretary of the Order is Mr. Thomas White of Brantford, and it is expected that a Court of this popular and pure * ly Canadian Society will shortly be or- sanjsed | here. FHE= a@GNPRICES HAVE BEEN REDUCED to 'make a clearance of the stock which must be effected before March, Out standing accounts now overdue must be settled at ones and all accounts not arranged for before March 1, will be placed in my solicitors hands. The husi- ness has heen disposed of, the stand has been leased to Beatty & Bongard who will move from their present premises in March 1st next, and 1 be speik for them a continuence of patronnge with which I have been favored. B. F. ACKERMAN. : HO | Also, agood selection of other Nursery Stock to select from. | ) | Send list of what you require and get prices, or call and see| HA R N E S § stock and have your order booked for Spring. | Address, ry CO KELLETT, HAS NOW ON HAND A FULL STOCK OF Box 127, Port PERRY, Ont. Feed of all kinds, Port Perry, Jun, 5, 1803, LI DAY Gl 0D S Barrel and Dairy Salt, cheap ! Roller and Stone Flour, Port Perry Dec. 22, 1802. OAR 10g ay Mr. Edward Edwards, of Derryville, informs the Independent that the first sawmill was erected in Cannington by | Messrs, Michael and Joel Horner H @Eminne) in 1830, wholesale and retail. later they built theiirst grist mill. { few years after the Horners sold their {mills to Messrs, McCaskell Bros, wt dee oes) The Newest and A Quit ou Novelties ! & ALSO, A FULL STOCK, OF N returning thanks to the public for the _ patronage extended to me for over 30 years, 1 would respectfully intimate that I am, as usual, now oy for busincas, and have a Large & Assorted Stock OF DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNESS which I am determined to sell very | McMullen, and they in turn sold out po the late Alex Munro. The late Jaseph Davidson started the first store here 'oa the site now occupied by Mr. Eadiery' s house. The first bridge across r River consisted of two logs, Singer Mf £ Co.,| 1 OF Rew York FRESH GROCERIES & PROVISION Cheap for Cash or Produce. wrme 2 Zan" © ¢ throvgh Tara | Now ; Salley 3 Just received a car load of pure Land Plaster. he Miche Brin pid ot of ims io Cos. ori EF GIVE ME A OALL €3 E H PURDY. he ti bs Ne first mill in Canning he fous hi Go MA Watahi (on with a 3 okw oF oxen, and he was ha Gol Brooch: the clehh tha SN: the first man to build a frame barn in destin i von Bortrarg the township of Mariposa. n Yalu and no factory work ke superiority of my goods at ---- ad apparent. utending purchasers will find that by giving me a call before looking ey they can be suited in qnality and price, m; long experience in the trade heing ai india. putable guarantee that will be given by any article forbs Everthing in my line of gsi constantly on hand and repairs promptly attended to, Tepeise : JOHN ROLPH. Port Perry, Dec. 1, 1 CHANGE OFBUSI HE UNDERSIONED & ithe inhabitants of surrounding country th of MR MR. ADs wi ------ Port Perry, March 10, 1802, For Over Fifty Years, Ee ae pt sep, rie fo JEWIEILR [= = & : OTEWORTHY INDEED ! JUST | RECEIVED children while teething. If disturbed at Grand Display ! night and broken ao rest by a sick IAMOND RINGS and BRO! child:suffering and with pain of Cut- tin and get a Fotile of Consisting of : TOILET SETS in Plush, Persian and Ozidized Silver, Leather, &c. PIRES frm rom the pi maker, in Cu Glass Bottles, Bohemian FANCY 0UPS ries SAUCERS, VASES, 4. PIPES and OIG4RS o fhe. Finest Quality Wishing you all the Compliments of the Season.

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