La & of tor i Physician, Surgeon, &c., Office hours --8 to 10a. m., 1 to 4 p. m,, amd evenings. Office and stand, E Queen St, - = Port Perry. Joa SILLINGS, Solicitor, Notary ») Publ or the Uatario Bank. Dutario Bank, Port Perry. Jam, 29, 18 7. fi. FAR WELL, L. L. B., Count Grown Attorney, Barrister, Connty Sol- (toe, ko, Notary Punic and Conveyancer, J Hee --spath wing Court House, Whitby, J. at. { YOUNG SMITH, L L. B,, Barrister, XK. Atto .-y-at-Law,Solicitor in Chancery oni nwotyenev, Notary Public, &c¢ © Office --MeMian's ¥hithy Lanth af wl Veterinary Surgeon. HE undergivned having com full Course at the Provincial Jollege and obtained a Diploma as Veterin- wry Surgeon. would angounce that he has office for the practice of his pro- oul whereall calls personal ty letter or telegram, by day or by uigh romptly attended to. iscases of snimals freated fn the atest andl best known systera 18 Cslephone connection--free of charge, pened an onat Port Perry, will bee All "ort Perry, April 8, 1884. & L R_BSON. V8. VRADUATE ~ Ontario Veterinary Col- ix lege, Torouty, Office wud residence Hv eRGREEN COTTAGE, two miles south of Maudhester. phone iu the house--free ' communication HEN they find how rapid, th Ww is restored gu3 Bow sdfidly hese 'saparilla. The reasons that this ouly the purer; kome I" shouted Tn sod receivad . - Interest caloulated "| each depositor semi-annually. i y Port Perry, April 4, 1888. DAVIDJ ei ADAME, PORT PERRY. BANKER AND BROKER. Good Note Discountsc. y 'uysians, Loudon of Physicians tendunt of Soho Hos pital for G vst Ormond Hospital uses of Children; Loudon, Eng. Has any amount of Money to Loan At by per cent. 0 \ r, ke: Solicitor t 6. per cent. on good Mortgages INSURANCE wfjected at the Lowest Rates in Good English Companies. £7 Agent Allan Line of Steam- Port Perry, Oct. 17, 1889, FJYHE Subscriber is prepared to LEND ANY AMOUNT on Farm Security AT 6 PER CENT, a Also on Village Property. £4 MORTGAGES BOUGHT, ®3 HUBERT L. EBBELS, Block, Brock Street, J. A MUR3AY, DINTIST, (ow pitting tu Upper and Lower Sets of 51 10 $75 EACH SET. faving just" purchased the largest stock of sver orought into North Ontario [am ied I can suit you both as to quality price. Come and see.. Rooms in the B ug Block, over Mvssrs. Forman & Son's Office next to Outario Benk Port Perry, May 10, 1885. Insurance and General Agent, _- Port Perry, Ont. following First Class Fire, LiFe AND ACCIDENT. NorTHERN Assurance Co'v. Grasaow & LonpoN Insuranck Co'y Port Perry, April 26, 1889. WILLCOX & HOLT Licensed Auotioneers COUNTY OF ONTARIO AND A SPECIALTY. Sale Bills made out and Blank Notes furnished free of charge. » WM. GORDON, Licensed Auctioneer, Valuator &c. OR the Townships of Brock, Uxbridge, ara, Rama, Mariposa . Purtieseutrusting their Sales to me may rely on the utmsot attention being given to with Port Perry, Manchester, und elevator. 'elegraph calls to Manch warded by stedicines Bvergreen Cottage, Jan. 2, 1838. Nurta Ontario Observer. kby i'olitical, Agricultural awd Livery Remoy EARTILY thanking the public for the liberal patronage received durin, have kept a Livery Estab! went in Port Perry, Ihave much pleasure in announcing that I have removed MY LIVERY! TO MY NEW PREMISES oposite the Railway Staticn $3 W H McCAW, ARRIAGE LICENS - : ES, Port Perry Ont. Perry, Dec. 19, 1883, ET maa tty aople Wonder - Jou erful abi of Hite, be at ull 3 mentioned several physicians 'me without giving relief. Noth- ing that I took seemed to do any per- until I began the use of diced wonderful results. Soon commencing to take tke Sarsaparilla I could sec an Improvement fn my conilition, my appetite began to return and with it came the ability to digest all the food taken, my strength fraproved each day, and after a few months of faithful attention to your directions, I found myself a well woman, able to attend to all household duties. The medicine lias given me a new lease of life, aud I cannot thank you too much." "We, the undersirmed, citizens of Brockway Centre, Mich., hereby certify that the above statement, made by Mrs. Lake, is true in every particular and entitled to full credence."=0, P. Chamberlain, G. W. Waring, C. A. 'Wells, Druggist. "My brother, in England, was, for p long time, unable to attend to his oecu- Jaton; hy reason of sores on his foot. sent him Ayer's Almanac and th» tes- timonials it contained induced lim to if Aver's Sarsaparilla. After using it a little while, he was cured, and is now a well man, working in a sugar mill at Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.' -- A. Attewell, Sharbot Lake, Ontario. | Ayers Sarsaparilia, PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co, Lowell, Mass. Price §1; six botiles, 85. Worth 85 a bottle. "Like Magic," 1 J TEE effect produced by Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Colds, Coughs, Croup, and Sore Throat are, in ost cases, im- Fay PD mediatély relieved by the use of this wonderful remedy. It strengthens the vocal organs, allays irritation, and pre- vents the inroads of A evory stage dread disense, Ayer's Cherry Pec- « toral relieves cough- jing and induces y refreshing rest. "1 have used Ayer's Olierry Pectoral in my family for thirty years « have always found it the hes remody for croup, to which complaint my children have heen subjéct."= Capt. U. Carley, Prooklyn, N. ¥. é "Prom an experience of over thirty years in the sale of proprietary yoodi= vines, I feel justified iu recommending Ayor's Clierry Pectoral, One of the best recommendations of the Pectoral is the enduring quality of ita popularity, it being more salable now than it was twenty-five years ago, when its meat success was conside almogt given up he Onr family physician, a skilful mon ei of large experience, pronounced it fia less to give her any more me + saying that he had done all it sible to do, and we must prepare fo worst. As a last resort, wo dete It to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, nud 1 ¢ truly say, with fhe 1m After taking a fow doses shes breathe easier, and, within a wi ont of danger. We continued g Pectoral until satisfied slie wes well. This hasgivenine Ya in the preparation, and I ree n confidently to my Customers, Lepper, Druggist, Fort. Wayne, Lod, For Colds and Coughs, take PREPARED BY Price $1 ; six bottles, $5. Worth $5 a bottle. dies Home Magazine. 0 Father nnd Son a splendid Prize. this grea in prizex wii be distri service, and the next si correet hp! ranging trom $26 down to §2, Kv ymp-titors residing in the Southern hn ohunce with those nearer home. as mark will be our authority in every case, companied by § 2 one of the est Home Magazines and to secure hem we propoxe to in rewards Susi fone income. a n cake one ie totat rece ceed the Juels ors ri; Ladies Home Je Rup and : "Consumntlel in] PURSUING AN ET A SroRy or A . BURIED IN THE TOMB OF 2¢ + Hi, you! Molmrak ! Bula yousiy i proves s |of 18, bri ' y British subject Arabia; nected vacution. going to the wharf, Upon the deck stood a tall, brond- shouldered Ethiopian, proverhinl ace of spades, clad m spot. | loss white from head to foot, witha snowy effle hound over his hinck head liy a band of gold. wenlthiest and most notorious of Bom biny's doulitful tinnnciers, ofter: seen hit there, and knowing his reputation did wot tire himself with | formwdity, but shouted 3 ¢ Hi, you Mubarak ! kone I The Bthiopiah started, glanced down into the hont and then away, Evidonly he did not propose to Fespond, Agni, AWHY, 3 where Ryer's Cherry Pectoral Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. THOUSANDS IN REWARDS Great Weoly Competition of The Which word In this advertisement spell the spe Backward ax rorward? Thixisa rare prortunity for every Madam and Miss, every WEEKLY PR Every week throughout t- OW! first Correct ADSWOr receiv- ut i on ehch letiér to he re. X wer, $100; tl Bi hy i ul silver service; fifth, five o'clock iver ) newers will rizes ery fh correct ankwer, Irrespective of whether Ize winner or nut, will get a special ze, as well as other di=tant points, have si equal the poste RULES, --Ench list of answers must be ae- ¥ Elx months subsery fa me NoTE,--We want half a million subserthers, pro atmo the prizes, | treot™t will he made, Magazine Ppomt: en. Peter. 'A splendid paper, (Canada) up to the government station where he found telegraph operator was off for the day Land the fellow at heen enlling steadily since noon with no one at Bushite who was able to re- spond word of gaitch and sent over the wire the brief instraction, 'Fire away, : The fellow dul fire away. been kept in his chair nearly seven hours waiting for the opportunity, several with nger across the © Bassara an Arab, high rank, came on servants. He might dj from India or China, Egypt, from Syria or p the Arab is cosumopolits His costly effie and hrates atid Tigris river, Bagdad. | Paul was the son of an American Ayer's Barsaparilla, which las Tre missionary, though horn in Indin,.a Except his college days lie Find kpent his life in Tudin and For a year he hac been con with the Northern Division Telegraph corps of the British-Indin army, nud with almost w year's pry in his belt, he Logan his first month's He had been for the day among the pearl divers and their dhows in the Gulf of Lingn, and, returning ran under ths lee of the steamer before almost concenled his only two flashing hinck ever, to suggest that he bby handsome wan, while a of swords and pistols in aggestively said : 'Stand the party with in | blocks of stone, The only entrance | op oo onhition was to conquer the | and intemperence are freqaently com sap Wiles o ilo ; 5 . o One of the serv. | was doubtless at the very top, and |world, but Holloway has done gome-| 5, ions the latter 1s more often the 2 dl peculiarly as he ck, which caused Paul to |The water was rising rapidly. It was that the great toe was |alresdy above his knees, ed 7 £ 8 joy among the poor sons and daughters | .jo00 desirous of diverting the mind of inissing of he foot. psurprise- the Arah proved He was one of the enough to remark that ra just in time to see the | Hips hg vp the river, and when Higher and higher it crept steadily ud arranged a cumfort- | upwitrd. It was about his waist, then | jug soothed the pain-worn, and corn- variety of answers ; but when asked,' 5 # him on deck, he Brished Paul by an invita. |~tealthy motion; up, up, up. ppon his mat and have a w Arabs better than he did | still wading round and round the vault, | gilently borne on the bosom of old With youthful bravado Paul enlled This tune Mobiark solemnly | they rare uever imparted correct information except t ® trusted friend. This fel- | fur I ¥ talked with strangers, and | wired his hand, in the Mohwmnivdinn slam. Haven't you lost your way i" Paul Tow, however, wis 80 extremely. civil | and 180 very cosniopo itan, and Paul b. vir nnxious to know if by nny rak had landed at shouted, at Bussarn, go over the desert and return by the Red sea to Bombay. + Well, God be with you," Paul eall- Mohanimedan farewell, hud done with them, to re- it the cosmopolitan Aral had ot out of him a complete de gy of Mobarnk and the unavoid ed in the coming into the wind sailed away te pu : As lie moored his boat the pression that he was following thie shore, stoner started, He watched it sail rab only shook his head, how- muttered : vd smiled --at least the hand- wouldn't give n rap to know fos seemed to smile--as he re- oue thing, he is not intending to stop ither saw nor heard of such a at Bassara, He ix 'not going over the the desert to Mecen and he ty bnek to Bombay by the Red Sen' i Having settled this he ninde his way Migris was high and rapidly ris they approached Bagdad, and |ed a loose block that had parted above | wonderful curative properties about poi them almost at the height | the water, and dragged it from its place. | his PM and Ointment.--Poet Closes wks. The tener was old and | [t' threw him off his feet in falling, nes weak, and ten miles below | hut finding a place to stand upon it he himself in great demand the captain made fast to tho pushed his hend out of the water agnin, , of tl ine : [twelve inches at least higher up than : : t of ote of he ruined princes i F If the flowers in your window box famous plain stretehing south- | he was before. There was a space of | corm blasted, or of a faded, sickly viver will break its banks! be | water was fast filling it. bind flood the desert before to «Jt is strike in the dark and cut n pulverized charcoal. The roses that {scivnce has made in this centory. She : e : iossom in the next few days will have ai .i a Then the current will | shadow," he muttered, quoting an Arab a fine, lively ross color. Charcoal al has of course had her medicine adminis 3 1 shall wait for it. proberli: 'hut I'm going to chance it." | ways gives great vigor to the red or tered regularly. 4 He pulled himself up through the | violet colors of flowers. White pe Husband--Not a drop since her : Arab seemed quite indifferent feluy ; but when he learned that opening ns quickly as possitile lest as in haste, with most astonish. tesy he dispatched a servant to and found him®If in a narrow space fh hoe That yollow flowers are style of gown. miles for the entire [not over three feet square and five feet | copgible to its influence. --New York Mrs. McOordle,--It strikes me tha€ | Piu) seated himself, and without a | EAs it is rather dangerous to Le | high. Recorder. it is awfully disagreeable for you to {orders to 'rush', Jhligations to an Arab, Paul in- upon paying for his own mule. rode Away together nx the moon | long brenth, ting behind the distant hills, | me ngain something else may turn up. wale drivers moved along Yike Nothing did torn up, howover. faster and faster. He had taken every thing but the last half of one messw ce | which wns not clear, when there cnnig] a quick * G od night," and all was still, I stantly he called for a repeat, | there was no response. The A Past n ¢ To Colonel] Charles Northern Division, Military Police} Motmink, Ethiopian. feet two. Persin from Bomlmy. his family escape.' metimes they could hear 2 mountain. His head was onely Inpping its banks [the top. The water rose over hi¢| EB. Jardine, North Sidney, C.B., | a : and the feet of the [shoulders again. He gave up thinking | suys:~'I have used your Dr. Williams sent a load of rock-salt into the fleeing" musio in the sand as they of learning to swim when he returned dily onward, to Bushire. He gave np planning how Eni we Tid roniwenkness ao ere. passing throngh the | he should punish the handsome Aral 1poserished: blood. ~ Your pills have Brond. On board 8. 8. s of ruins when the mule [or follow the Ethiopian. He knew he | afforded wonderful relief and 1 believe p to gutteral chant, now | was penned. vild 2 qd i t of a wild cry, and the For a moment he stood in a sort 0 et 02 50. are William and luggage. Let nothing hideous kroan in echo. {lethargy an the water stealthily and yjoq 'go, Brockville, Ont. Balmoral Bulletin. Then followid something ' | avout a counterfeit rupee mint and the nny | official signature of the chief of the Bonrlay porice. Paul made two copies. ina water proof memoranda ease in his pocket to use if he should be call upn to account for the error. Th th an' explanatory net 1 whistle sounded, not [swiftly now erept up his neck and . 3 i : . 1a rele tit 1 tried Hi The muleteers at once | touched his chin, Then he roused Barnes (laying aside a letter)--1'd A Baas ts ®lad to say 2. himself. ywi on the ruin yonder,'| *I will not die like this,' he mutter. | "0 It has no Equal. to Paul. 'These men |ed. " en, for that is the| He braced his feet aginst the wall the beautiful wife of |of the vault in front of him and his other, wi he give Nichols. ¢ i "Colonel Nichols F sa | officers gut of | days. ed. Are you? behind, The water covered hie lips from becoming dry and harsh, awd e could meither cry | pushed and pushed, It was the price Reduced to a Solence. 8 carried for a short |of another breath he fought for. Quecd to n selence. A selentifie prodoc of S.A -------------- Se -------- rane saying: 'Bury him in the tomb of and presently stop sonked and gasping Zohwide," and the hoarse laugh that mn the as night. | persisted in soanding to him vow. re-| The distant blast-of a steam whistle | markably like the voice of Mobarak, |soanded, andfis saw the lights of the | the Ethiopian financier; After what |littie freight ¢ 08 she made her | seemed an eternity uf pui and ghtienss wny up to Bage RA % Paul worked himselt free from the 'I was ton clever y ) By degrees be regained the start' he said, and:1 made a beginning | ; hebombed logs and aris. {that was poor enough ; lut I bave got pon the gr. und |the facts. Tok out, Mobarak | You |) AY, FEB. 2, 18%. tan t] J it saddenly occarred to him that the water could not have been running long or he would have heard it before: To his horror he discovered that his feet were ankle deep in water. A cold chill ran over him. The Tigris had alienable right to folll " his own in, clinntions so far as he does not use his. freedom to infringe upon that of athers, the design of legislation lwing to wy to fame and fortaue, we nay | gyeure this right. Prohibition attempts name, AS AD example to nll, worthy of | {5 regulate society independently of overflowed its banks, as the captain of ai be Jumous aud jusly ele} thin rule, for the. vendor of iutoxicat: ated Thomus Holloway, better known | ino jquors certainly does not encroach the steamer had predicted, and was) oughout the "wide; wide world" for 1 3 ' § irouy wide upon the liberty of the purchaser who flooding the valley. his Pills and Ointments. Of these| necessarily acts of his own volition ¢So that is why try handsome Arab wedicines it is not our purpose to! Fyn "though prohibition, whet speak----wo are not writing puff, hut adopted, caused general prosperity, its. salid plain facts, to show what can bel underlying principle is so destructive te done by great strength of mind ; and | to individual liberty as to overbalance some means of escape. that what one man has done another [the facts alleged in its favor. Onon He found the water came from under | nay do, pros ided that he bas the| universally adopted they would serve the foundation. He could not follow mhifity i Seer to use it| go precedent forall manner of special y : oo | wi Il his soul ! i i i it. The walls: were solid, well laid with a A and oppressive legislation and arbitary, 3 We reafl of the Great Napoleon, | fictary regulations, but while poverty Men of Extraordinay Nerve! and Firmness of Purpose. A nongst men who have forced their did not marder me outright ¥_ be mut- They were tered as he began a rapid/search for walked | there was no possibility of reaching it. thing else; for, instead of shedding result than the enuse of the former.-- Ing OCEANS of human blood; he has | Prohibition is a failure, and the agita- cured his thousands; and spread great tion in its favor is lur_ely the work of ues of the TA sot for this, my hand | iti i adl- X you ye ig, my of affliction by his wonderful med-| jo magkes from the actua some AruhP he muttered in helpless |icines ; and, although he does not | day desperation as the water reached his | pretend to 'raise the dead," yet he FrepErick W. TAYLOR. has given strength to thie halt and 3 ert eee ¢ soundness to the lame ; and if he has To the question, Which is your. not "opened the eyes of the blind," he | favorite poem 1 there may be a great forted those on the brink of the grave; | Wich is your favorite bloodpuritier § and in the four quarters. of the globe | there can be only one reply--Ayer's his preparations have found their way | Sursnparilin, beennse it is the purest; --mot hy the force of the sword, nor | gafagt and : Wi i a i 3 put, most economical I learn to swim I' he said, deci ledly, with the aid of legions, but. have been | still | touched his elbows with a silent, 'The minute I get back to Bushire | Here is the way a student in a | ocean, in our hugh merchant ships oa Kansas college wrote a piece of news | every corner of the civilized world | fob a local paper. 'A epidemic has where suffering man is to be found. | broke ont among the students. It But to do all this gigantic work, to | made its appearence on a certain even: | accomplish so w onderovs nn deed, re- |. rho or 1 I pel ing, when 5 or d flont who cannot swim? I'll soon have | quired much thooght and much orev) 2 1 5 or 6 students tock down. a chnacd to learn for it's up to my |for without these combined, this | The doctor declared it was poision. A: shoulders. There's a way out dirough | wikhty work could not have been no | young calf was killed and eaten, and { complished. . And thus he did it~ | (hat is supposed to have been tie X | There ia a wise saying, 'Don't spare y ceprnherp my: head op ll the water lifts printers ink I and tohoway ohare Eee : ; me to where I can reach it I'm all neither * printer's ink," nor vast piles McHafly--Fhwat are yes doin', © ? right. - Ten minutes more and * lof the precious metal, gold. He |Jerry! 2 advertises in all the languages spoken Gurrity--Nowlan's many goats if among civilized nations--and whether yon go into France, Belgium, Holland, another and another, and then a swash: [goto and Prussia, Denmark, ing sound ns though sowething slid | Russia, Greece, Spain, Portugal, { 2% our 0 into the water. Paul held himself | --nav, we might say all the kingdons] fin} of the world--and in a thousand He knew that |searcling for some fragment upon which he could lift himself, I wonder low high the roof is. It cannot be wonder how long a fellow can that ceiling somewhere, and if I can A splash sounded upon his right. It was followed hy another and still afther aitin' th' paint off me back dure; an' it's stalkin' him oi am, wid th' aid Id Billy's rerains, hivin rist The first steamboat in Great Britain motionless ; in the darkness it seemed ; th hth ti ral' misht Ye, janguages they utter * Hollowny's ns. though. the entire vault might Be pijjs 1° jn a thousand languages they | ¥A8 tha Comet, forty feet long, built coming down upon him. After a|,iter "Holloway's Ointment I" Wein 1812 for the navi ation of the Olyde ; moment he moved to the spot. are filled with boundless wouder and | gt before this time Falton and Living 3 rat] irec . & s p y man, one mind, 2 Directly ahove the place where the | astonishment that one man, one mind, | oo © a begun to build steamers at one head, could plan and devise a this; and we say that, if one man i ) a ttle > . 3 y tion the wall had settled. Paul grasp} really done so, there must be sone water was rushing under the founda | Pittsburg. From experiments made by Eaglisk scientists it appears that camphor and Historical Notices oxygenated water are the most ener et e---- A --enee | getic excitants of growth, not only ag For House Roses rounrds the consideration of germina~ tion but as affecting the vigor of plants. Doctor-- Your wife's sudden and some sort beyoud thedpenigg;- but the | color, cover the earth around the marvelous improvement since yesterday roots about half an inch deep with|sir, only shows what strides medical tunias become varied with red or violet | iilor called yesterday morning and tints; violets becom» eovered with i i ircegular spots of a bluish or almost more of the wall should fall on hms unve her the first choice on a new ERIPDOUPNUBPUP RSS rn Dime Museam Manager-~What's 'I've gained three feet more on the talk in your sleep every night. McCordle.--1I agree with you, my dear; but I have to improve my op- portunity, you know. 'Tdon't think that fellow will be, quite so fresh hereafter,' remarked old Farmer Huskey, the other night as he water, nt any rate,' he said, drawing n and before it is up with that in fernal racket upstairs? Assistaut--The [ndia Rabber Man fell down and broke his leg, and he's the deepening | Every Llock about him was as firm as kicking because they're carrying him against | out on & stretcher. Pink Pills with decided success, and | fizare of the chicken thief, \ would recommend them to anyone Mrs. Binks--How does it ha] * that Mrs. Nexdoor ean afford to dresd hwtter than I can? Mr, Binks-- them to Ye unequalled. All dealers | They haven't heen married long, and or by mail, post puid, at 50c, a hox or presume he jsn't quite broke yet." : &rrs I had a Jraihlerome eold which noe Jike t' git this ere feller for a hired completely cured me. ? ges LR g RosT. Mrs. Barnes-- Why, Josh FAR STRR --[ have used your Hagvard's Barnes.--'Cuuse 'he signs himself Food 1 requ ot Pima Co 4 'Your obedient servant." MARY A. CoLLETT, aroun al Raschid. | hack against the mass of fallen ruin Ayer's Huir Vigor keeps the sealp Mr. Hobson (during the spat)-- free from dandruff, prevents the hair Marin. I'm astonished. You's: talk . diy spoken when [and bubbled about his nostrils as bel kg it fiexible and glossy. All the ing through your hat. Mra, | suddenly seized, | drew a long hreatha--the last which he | a ements that nature ives, to make (with siguificance)--Well, it , his hapds and could draw in there--and with all the th: hair abundant aud beautiful, are same hat I've had for going and a cloth tied [strength that was in him pushed and supplied by this adwirable preparation. | winters now.' : Rn a The treatment of disease 18 now J + "for th 1 bloc was thrown down || He won. The wall jost over the Feomo cam mon. pple prerind 'nes h fearful force, [npertore gave way. Everything, seem Tah ho aie BO ul m_ Lor . ingly, gave WAY. Mud, water, rocks |'s Burdock Blood Bitters. cures prove its) = worth, a iE himself all was [surrounded him. But just at the in| The Discredited Epidemic. o tried to realize stant when he thought he was strangl-| . Little drops of ¥ater 0 could only [tng his head camo out, and he crawled yd with lever germp = handsome Arab | along over the wreck of Zobeide's tomb, 'Aud the patient, : £ " i He Tm En