by hiv. {llustrions. and lamented pre- decebsor, Bir John A. Macdonald. -- (Applause.) Mr. Robt, Miller the justly popular coming election for the Ontario Lexis: Inture was next called. He mid the more he knew of the Conservative party in the riding the greater was the ation of the honor conferred on 1 him by being selected as their standard 80 100% | hearer to contest the riding at the en- is suing election for a member of the ovobpied the chair, and | ()tario Legislators, With a united ary ably assisted as sec: ofiort South Ontario would be won, LL oy and he appealed to them for that sup- Wiugtey of the Sant saved) port in perfect confidence. He want. od i Koaipirend a Pseriol ed the township organization thorough- Alb Dillon, of Oo {ly perfected, especially in Pickering, iy Dill Oshawa for a speech | y hich js the 'Wing of the riding. He on ization, 3 would like to have Mr. Smith speak _ Uspt. Dillon said the matter of or-| at a meeting in Pickering at an ew zation in political campaigning |date. Continuing, he urged the neoes: was one the importance of which can. | sity of working vigorously until vistory hut tally be _différed about: It was| crowned their ory and warned them burial. Buch action is most commendable and shows that out noble True Blues are true in acts as well as in name, i ction A Grand ectual Enter- mE Several witnesses. amined, but they th bted | From the Dominion Alliance, asking 'expression of the Council regarling the i 'rom Peter H, Bry Provincial Board of Health, nty Treasurar directing the ttention cov liable to be sold for The Methodist « Church Sunday : School are providing something especi- candidate for South Untario at the ally PAE WA for their i enter- tainment to be given in Town Hall, on the evening of Wednesday, March Bara Lord Bailey, of Boston, onc she most gifted and made able addi It was over thres jurors came to an despite the fact it wi arth, w. 1 lot 10, con. 2, 34 acrers, arrears Oleophus Duchesne from poisoning by the jury cannot free § extrao dinary coine chasing of * rough on @ tion of arsenic--on T¢ Duchesne, they cannot dence directly charge | ministration of the poi known as yet if it is | the crown to push the greatly to the enjoyment of the enter- On her former visit to this place the OBSERVER in speaking of her on that occasion said : ** Port Perry and surroundings are indebted to the Sunday School Orchestra, here, for giving the puolic an op of bearing the famous Sara Lor: of Boston, the queen of elocutionista. That eupecially talented artiste appeared in the Town Hall last evening before a represcnta- tive, appreciative an audience, aud the universal verdict was that the gifted young lady far excels any other elocutionist-ever heard in this section if not in the Province, Her accomplishments, well d d| lot 12, con. 5, 13 acres, 1890, E. pt lot 12, coun. 5, 82 ores, 1800. , pt. lot 12, con. 8, -- acres, 1 lot 11, con. 14, 100 acres, 1590-'91-'92. otlowing amounts were ordered to | peid :--J. H, Perry, 81 40, for register ing deed 7¢ John Wakelin; H. Miller, 75¢ the Best Drill Made. egelation of depth of Hoes in all kinds of sofl. THE ONLY output 44 tio offer for repairing road scraper; W. H. Doble Jad, : | PERFECT FO latest improved labor sav the Hoosjer Drill and all h0c for repairing tow! minion Biauk Form $40.98 for statiovery, blank voters headings, aseessor's blanks for rolls, &o.; A 50c for express charges ; John and James Brethour, $10 each. machinery and a largel r implements of our manufactare at prices lower seo our local agents throsghout the conutry, ot send that fn East{of the wiles of their eno He re- | tact and ; 2. for. ¥ : ¢ "Which h ed to have n won, and | said he thought the American people e orth ris, bad van-| were perfectly justified in their course _quished Ba He believed Soath | of scheduling our cattle because of the Qutario' could be won atthe next|action of the Canadian Government. local election. The cause was a good | Mr. Miller expressed the hope that the one apd bound to be a popular one. Conservative party would never Le in ELECTION OF OFFICERS. such a position of humiliation as Mr. The chairman, in calling for nomina | Edger placed the one to which he be- tions for the election of officers, said be [longed by such = sentiments. Mr. wished to be relieved from the presi-| Miller was accorded quite an ovation dency. However, the meeting was|on concluding his speech. unanimously of different opinion, awd The president then called for short on the motion of Mr. W. H. Thomas, | addresses from the following : Messrs. seconded by Mr. James Rutledge, in- | James Rutledge, reeve of Winthy ; sisted upon his re-election. Mr. Rut-| Walter Coulthard, reeve of Oshawa; ledge paid a graceful compliment to| Mr. Huggins, of East Whitby; Mr. his nominee in speaking to the motion. | Real, of Reach; Dr. Frank Warren, Mr. Smith, in accepting, acknow- {John Bright and Frank Brown, of ledged his appreciation of the honor, { West Whitby ; John Ball Dow and J, which, he believed, with one exception | R, Philp, of 'Whithy ; 0. W. Scott, of (Mr. J. B. Bickell), be had held longer | Oshawa; Dr. 0. FoMcGilliveny, of than any other president in the history | Whitby, and the veteran John Miller, of the association, He would en-|of Pickering deavor to do even better than he had Among others present were Messrs, done in the past in carrying on the| Wm, Jeffrey, Levi Fairbaoks, Jobn work. . Stanton, G. V. Martin, J. B. Powell, For first vice-president Mr, W. F. | Barnabas Gibson, J, D. Howden, Cowan, of Oshawa, was proposed by | Mathew Crawforth; George Thompson, Mr. Rutledge, seconded by Mr. Walter | Charles Holt, of 'Whitby; Messrs. Coulthard, and elected, as were Mr. J. | Wm. Bateman, F. Epton and "J. | W. Meharry, of Port Perry, for| Bartley, Reach; Mr. Huggins and Bar second vice-president, on motion of Dr. | ton Mothersill, of East Whithy ; John | Bogart, seconded by Mr, H, Parsons, | Vipond and Wm. Pyle, West Whitby ; and Dr. Freel, of Brougham, Picker |W. J. Hare and George Hyland, of ing township, for third vice-president, | Oshawa. on motion of Mr. J. H. Long, seconded | The president announced that ar- by Mr. Charles Scott, of Oshawa, | rangéients had been made for a meet Mr. J. R. Philp, who has acted as |ing in Pickering for next Saturday, secretary of the association for some | when Mr. William Smith, M.P., would time, said he had only done so until | be present and deliver an address, more permanent appointment could be| The meeting closed with three cheers made. He believed be had found a |for the Queen and for the candidate. most capable candidate for thejotlice in SE Mr. John Burns, of the town of Whitby, and he bad much pleasure in Another Gone. moving his name. Mr, John Bright, | pat Perry is again called to mourn West Whitby, seconded the motion, | the Joss of Ts of her valued sons in which was at once carried the Semin of F, B. Lindsay, proprirtor thet Mr. J. H. Long was reelected |of thef Railroad Hotel, which" took In accepting, be said he | place on Monday, 20th inst. Deceas- hoped the Liberal-Conservatives would | od was a young man of'mach intelli- carry and keep South Ontario for the | gence, correct in his habits and kind Ontario Legislature. (Applause). and courteous in his manner. As a Chairmen for the different munici- | hotel keeper was honorable and upright palities of South Ontario were chosen |in his treatment of the public and by as follows : | his genernl manner secured a large Town of Whithy, Mr. James Rut. | share of public patronage and had the Jedgo ; township'of Whithy, Mr. John | esteem of all his guests, he did rouch Medland ; town of Oshawa, Mr. W. H. lin securing for Port Perry her excel: Thomas ; village of Port Perry, Mr. | lent reputation for well conducted H. Parsons ; township of Scugog Mr [hotels and desirable transient homes W. R. Ham ; township of Reach, Mr. | for the traveling public. It is admitt Wm. M. Real; township of East|ed by all who know anything of the Whitby, Mr. Chaplin; township of watter that Port Perry occupies Pickering, Mr. A. Johnston, a foremost place for respectable, President Smith next asked for sub- | comfortable and well-conducted hotels scriptions, and a handsome sum in cash | and the orderly and proper manner in was collected in short order. which deceased managed his hotel did DOMINION AFFAIRS. very much in establishing the excel- Mr. William Smith, M.P., was|lent reputation of "the hotels of the received with great applause on re-| town. As a host he was affable and sponding to the presidents invitation reliable, as a husband he wus loving to address the meeting. In congrat- and indulgent, asa father he was ex- slating the audience for their atten: |emplary, asa townsman he was much dance despite the severity of the respected. He leaves an estimable and storm, he said it was just one year ago intelligent widow whose well directed that they had fought a battle in which efforts as a hostess did much towards victory perched upon their banners building up the reputation of the Rail- and South Ontario again was within | road Hotel. the fold. The agitation of the Opposi-| Much sympathy is expressed for the tion press was largely responsible for | mourning ones in their bereavement. the uneasiness throughout the country | The funeral took place ou the 22nd on the tariff question. He paid a warm | inst, and was conducted in a manner tribute to the eloguence and earnest-| which reflacted the greatest credit on ness of the Finance Minister, Hon. |ull concerned and displayed much re- George E. Foster, and said that his spect for the deceased. The fact budget speech on Tuesday had caught | of the young man being cut off in life's to a great extent the lar ear.-- | morning added to the sorrow. The There had only Leen a féw months be-|day was 'most unfavorable, winter tween the formation of the new Gov- | weather in all its severity, but this did erntent ly Sir John Thompson and |not prevent a numerous and most the meeting of Parliament, but in that | respectable gathering. Loyal True brief period for consideration two im- | Blue Lodge No. 9, Port Perry; Oshawa, > changes had béen decided | Blackstock andPort Perry Courts of oil to be import- | the Ancient Order of Foresters were by reducing the | largely and intelligently represented. e half [he O brethren tarned out nobly, |. vin the form all the way 'to assist at the funeral of their worthy ry | deceased brother. If one thing more than another could add the public and favor for these Orders-- the Loyal True Blues and Ancient Order of Foresters--it is such displays of genuine brotherly love. which is never withdrawn fronffa worthy brother and {in the article of death their love is still | manifested by their kindly placing the remains of the ¢ her in his silent tomb and committing the oare of these remains to Him who "slumbers not nor sleeps." pie Deceased was buried with the honors |of the L. T. B's and A.O.F. and the e were most impressive through- 'paid owin e fact ti d the p1emises formerly occ dy readers of the United States, ap- peared for the first time and more than sustained the great reputation that had pre- Her readings were articularly her renderin, Staples, Thomas O'Bri n © Mr. Gibbs, seconded by Mr. Umphrey, introduced and carried through a fixing the number of taverns iu the town- to uot exceed five, and fixing the license at $100; and for wine and beer (O'Brien and Burns r the other three in the field. township turned out to Wilson says he can qualify no Lindsay Post :--It is ramoal equalled in Toronto. his brilliant reader is already becoming quite popular witn Mr. Umphrey, seconded by Mr. McCully, and carried through a By-law Messrs. John Francis, W. G. St. ohn Kirton members of the Local Board of Health, and Mr. Toronto World :--Miss Sara Lord Bailey of Boston, is a finished elocationist, and her rendering of "Life for Life," perhaps has never been equilled in Toronto, possesses a voice of wonderful flexibility, and has become a favorite with Toronto G) © © © THE BALANCE OF STOCK OF HARNESS Collars, Horse-Furnishings, &c. Will be Sacrified--Prices will be Cut to suit purchasers. spatchers will be removed fi say and Allandale, quart rs of the Northern and | divisions of the Grand Trank to Orillia, where the two roads | each other, in order to permit y| During the passage of the By-law and while the Council were in committee of the whole, a motion was mude by the reeve, ® | seconded by Mr. Umphrey, to appoint Dr. McDermott medical health officer, at a salary of $10, but was lost, the other members of council objecting to such an appoint A Cantata, Tableaux, &c., will be included in the program. None should | oon being done with a smal { In that case it is not inprobab | the locomotive shops wiil be RRR A Most Desirable Residence for Lindsay and Allandale \ Si Mr. Bott came before the Council, he stated that he was prepared to give $15 for Tt will be found from our Advertis- a ten year's lease of the old road allowance ing Columns that that beautifully locat- |ed residence the property of Mrs. F. Paterson and residence of N. | Paterson Q.C.. and family up to the | | time of his moving to England. | property is just such a residence as one | Tugersoll's works. x select for comfort health con- | telegram informing him what venience and profit, every inducement |y,ne and éxpressing the hope t! is offered to the purchasers, an Orchard | ,o0ks would arrive safe and soun| | of choice fruit, vn acre and a quarter of | fow days alterwards he! recoil | choice land and a most desirable loca- | (see this advertisement ) Oysters being plentifal down to old prices, and a fresh every week at Mrs. Min On motion of Mr. Umphrey, seconded by Mr. McCully. the Clerk was instructed to bill Scott Council for $5.50 said amount be- ing one-half of the expense incurred in sur- -{veying the town line between Brock and A ¥ A New Yorker forwarded to The | his friends in the west a sit © 'Now is your opportunity to se- 'sure these goods. Investigate the Unmatchable Bargains! we are offering. g= We close business here 1st March. ; B. F. ACKERMAN, On motion of Mr. Umphrey, seconded by Mr, Gibbs, Mr. Brethour was instructed to the timber on the town line between Scott to be credited with one-half of the proceeds of the sale, The Auditors, Messrs, J, S. Brabazon and A. Lyons presented their report, the docu- ment was in every respect highly creditable, avd, after being thoroughly scrutinized by the Council, the Clerk was ordered to have | 200 copies printed for distribution, Mr. Matthew Taylor. complained of the telegram from his friend--who orthodox Presbyterian--which "Books arrived safe, Prince Albert. Washington Let [From Our Regular Correspon That is a very absurd theory wh holds that Cabinet officers should be d large salaries--say $25,000 |--80 as to permit them a style suited to thejr official station. It is advocated quite eagerly in Binny quarters, and is making so much that people are giving it ab an dig new | But why should a Oabinet offie habitant of our town, T. H. Alderman, died in Toronto, on the 7th inst, was well known and highly esteemed { by all who knew him. | of the Apostolic Oburch here for some much respected by the His estate is valued at | adjacent to the town-hall. The Reeve announced before the ( adjourned that the appointments of path. | masters, poundkeepers, &e., would be made at next regular meefing of Council "in Port Perry Dec. 23, 1802. In praise of curling Harper's Weekly "there is no game in the whole {realm of sports more free from the d at the Spring | tino of bi Endorsed by the Leaders. When a remedy 18 endorsed hy ministers, editors, merchants, farmers and leading men of all classes, it is strong evidence shat that remedy link great merit does what is Buch a remedy (8 Burdock Blow Bitters, its wonderful rn iy ford. fli i bad blood, ¢! 19 old & yl tt E aha ll FOR SALE "Apparel Doth Oft Proclaim the Man"--- a man never looks niore like one man, { nor feels more like two men than when he's comfortably ¢lad in a perfeet fitting Suit. THAT WELL DRESSED FEELING STEALS OVER YOU. On jon the C i mgtion he Conn Lis! of Prizes to be awar( Show of the Reach, Port Perry and Scugog Agricultural Society to be held at Man- chester, on Tuesday; April 25. housekeeper, Elizabeth Pointon, re gnwe in the world is more truly a game advertisement in this issue. al Conventi ; i customed to on any oF be hd d av farnished" w Whitby to-morrow (Friday.) #4 The Liberal Conservative Association 'and he is paid a salary upo; of West Durham, meet on Tuesday, March | modest American citizen 14, to select a Standard Bearer to contest | shle to maintain himself. that riding at the approaching election for the Legislative Assembly. 2 np Drauy] 1 three yre old | Road and Carriage Stallion, shown in har- 3 ness . 10 Road and Carriage Stallion, shown in har. Ts a ob ood Stallion with pedi- etand Bay or Coach Stallion ; | | Span of DraftHorses, geldings or mares. Span of Agricultural Horses, geldings or Brick Dwelling with Gronnds, | ui neds with the Governni He is not required to keep uj residence ora princely re {is no law compelling him | unless he wishes to. {a public officer should liv -- {style than a private cit! It is now six weekssince Miss Jessie | Alexander was first prostrated, her unfortunate illness still continues. | already with people sedd Her case is a peculiar one, few, if any, | bent on parading their of exactly similar nature being on re- | distance from its more or le cord in medical annals. ww. The funeral sermon of the late Mrs, | Porteous will be preached on Sabbath even- ing in St. John's (Presbyterian) church, on Ella St., Port Perry, suitable for a gen- vd Imported Draught Brood M orchard, kitchen garden, lawns, stable, &e. Miss Jessie Alexander. Canadian Brault Brood Mare, in foal or Also stable aud lots on the corner of North These arc geometrical figures and speak, Agricultural Draught Br MRS. PATERSON, Saddle or Carriage Brood Mare, in foalwor to | Or to H. L. Ebbels, Esq., Barrister, &e,, Washington is sufficient! Single Driving Horse, gelding or mare, 16} © © Single Driving Horse, gelding or mi For Exchange or to Rent THAT FINE PROPERTY NITUATED on the west side of Rosa St,, Port Perry, containing shout Light Acres of beautifully situated and highly On the premises there are a frame dwelling and a frame barn, a good well and cistern and other conveniences. -- This desirable property will be rented for a term of years if not rented it will be ex changed for farm. property. Tniported Durham Bull (aged) Imported Durham Bull, two years ol Iuported Durham Bull, one year old Bull Holstein or other breed --any age Lumber ¥agon, thimbleskein " : » There is no reason "reese By an unfor- | sources. Alexander's | gress should award great system was poisoned by turpentine. |the express purpose of lend Her brother mistook in the dark a countenance to the orgie. bottle containing tufpentine for some | which his sister asked for | land had never seen Walter Qi To-day Gresham is the acl Secretary of State of Cleve proaching administration, words, illustrate in a most 01940 8 © will give a SpecialPrize of $6 for the best Colt, gelding or filly, two years old and under, sired by & bred Stallion (pedigree of sire to be produced) ; avd . | the Society will give # for the second prize. Less than four weeks ago after retiring. The turpentine was old and perfectly ocorless, and the mistake was not discovered until Miss Alex- ander had swallowed a tablespoonful Antidotes were promptly ad- ministered, but in a few hours convul- sions, followed by unconsciousness, re- When she rallied it was dis- covered that the turpentine bad left its traces in a large blister or burn. The slow process of healing this burn has been the ciuse of Miss Alexander's For some time it was feared that her system Would not sur- vive the shock, Lut her general health is now almost entirely restored, though it will be some little time before she will be able to be out again. Alexander feels deeply grateful for the many kind expressions of sympathy from her numerous friends in thie city and throughout the provinces. --Globe. The Russian government is about to abolish the flogging of women exiled to Siberia, and the manaclicg of their feet, during transportation, the government of Dahomey could be induced to stop the burying alive of prople. when a king dies; and the United States could be induced to stop the torture and burning at the stake' of criminals, there would be a percepti- ble advance in the direction of common Gresham's personality, Hi further information, apply at the power to impress those wit] comes in contact. Washington not very lon] said to have had no idea t be called to the high pos is soon to occupy in a D [IONS anv HI LVM ffi Port Perry, Feb. 23, 1893. NOTICE. HE FIRST MEETING of the Town- Scugog Agricultural Society for the Election of Officers will be held in the Town Hall iu said Townsbip on THURS: DAY, THE 2XD DAY OF MARCH, next at the hour of Two o'clock. in the afternoon. A full attendance is ri ssssssspssnsssssssssesssedl An article on .snow-shoeing, | Harper's Weekly, longest travel on record is that of a party of surveyors, who made nine bundred miles, going from British Cpl- lumbia, in 1875, to Edmonton. New York, where Mr. Whi upon him and asked him so unless the invitation shou direct from the President latter at once sent the req Cleveland was captivated by' Reeve of the Municipality of Scugog. Dated, Feby 22nd, 1898. GREAT AUCTION SALE. a hint of his intention at Qleveland wrote a al A Oase of False Pretences. One of the greatest boasts of the economy. Time and sgain comparisons | w have heen made between the salaries paid officials in the sorviee of the Pro- vince and those occupying other public positions, with a view of proving how cheaply the affairs of the Province are To Rell by Public Auction, on lot 12, con. 12, Reach, On Tuesday, Feb 28,1893 The following First-Class Horses, High- Grade Cattle, Farm Implements, &e., ger pressure had been. brought appointment was acorpted. We have no time to write long-winded ad- vertisements, but say this, if you want Bar- gains now is your chance to Save Mo inform the pablic that wé have || have just renaeived a i Mr. MarteP'on Saturday night thor Black Team, well matched, & and 6 years old. oughly exposed the hollowuess of this ery in at least one particular. Taking the case of the Superintendent of the Toronto Asylum as an instance, pointed out that this gentlema {as stated 10 the public accounts, is only But in addition to|could not erintendent is, as was discovered by the Public Accounts [bY session, allowed 8 free ave Money