we) -- Conservatory Music hall was al "of fashion and refinement 1 culture, which testified to "the enjoyment afforded by frequent and well deserved applause. Miss Gordon's programme was of a high order, we!l chosen, and of auch variety for soms years been a pupil of Mr, Edward Fisher and a successful teacher Her perfor- in the Oonservatory. careful training. Miss Gordon's pro- h gramwe was pleasingly varied by vocal | ¢ d'Auria, who sahg with expression and - AT.0.M, who showed fine training and artistic taste. Perfect Satisfaction. GryTLEMEN,--I have found B.B,B. an ex- celient remedy, both as a blood. purifier and 1 famil; dicive." I was for a long ot emis ith th sick headache aud heart- iain bottle, whi a ch gave me n that I have since | % 4 used: ey cure where all othe x hiay Dear Sirs, --1I was troubled with bilious- hess, could not rest at night, and was very weak, appetite is good and Iam better than for enrs paste I would not now be withont LE. B., and am also giving it to my children, Mis: WarLTir BURNS, Maitland, N.S. 3 ---- Hard on Cattle Men. Ottawa, May 20.--Advice received from Tugland to-day by tlie Department of Agri- culture estimate that, owing to the depress. ed condition of the cattle market, a loast test Excelsior THAT STANDARD BRED Trotting Stallion, Victor Napolen! 3148, Yol. VY. Page 102, Wallace's American Trotting Regier. Half brother of Jerome Eddy 2.165 who stands at the head of the Jewett farm at $500 a mare. The Property of Mr. S. Graham, Port Perry. Victor Napoleon, 3148 is a blood bay, stands 16 hands and weighs 1,150 lhe, finely proportioned, and hand- some in appearaiice, with as good tion as ever d any Horse { has fine trotting action, and shown' his ability to trot in 2.27 or better, but has never been worked for speed. Hoisa great show horse, has been exhibited ten times and has ten first preminm cards to show for it. Is sure in the stud and imprints his likeness and | " fine trotting action on his progeny, as ho naturally would, being bred, as he is; in the | two greatest trotting families, viz, Hum- | Pletonian and Mumbrino, These two crosses have produced the extreme speed. VICTOR NAPOLEON, 8148, was sired by Louis Napoleon, 207 3 he by Volunteer, | 50 3 he hy Hambletonian 10; he by Abdal- { lah, I; be hy Mambrino. ¥ ICTOR NAPOLEON'S dam ic Fale Maid, by Mambrino Patcheny 50 ; by Mambeino Chief, 11, he by i Pay. | master ; he by Mambrino. Over twelve of VICTOR NAPOLEON'S get, in Michigan, ave training for the 2.30 eluss for the Summer campaign, and one of | his colts has trotted in 2 26. VICTOR NAPOLEON'S sire, Louis Nupo- Jeon, 207, is the sire of Jrace Napoldon ...cove... Jerome Eddy .. Charlie Hilton. . Tipseca ..... John 8. (p) . Spica. iad Myrtle . . Jenson H, ... Uncle Sam |... George "LL May Virginia 8 others, a Chimes BE. {p, 2.153) ........ 2.10% Walter Drake .... & Ben-no Nie .... . Peter Hardwood , Ollie Draka... 5.0 0a 2.25 And 9 other standard performers. The sous of Louis Napoleon are also sires of a large pumber of marvelous trotters, emongst whom are Marlowe, 2.15; Lizzic- mont, 2.16§; Harry Noble, 2.174 ; Fannie Willéox, 2.10}. For route, tee a Insurance, pny 0 us MCFARLANE, i 5 Mauager. mance throughout was characterized ' : x by elegance of execution and musical It y & Blong intelligence, showihg excellent and selections given by pupils of Signor | occupied by Mr. Minty in the Blong Block, wack prissse ADH MN h Tail Ee as kad a hy Miss Eva May, g ere ant i oring Er aves. outils, Tiuohion AND GENT'S FURNISHING BUSINESS. tion on cost. customers may rely on getting ihe full advantage of the reductio 1 of Fine ImpettogSaitings and Stet , tablishment Headquarters for TA Complicated Case. "Fashion" and"Money' sWorth" vellow logu--Tiggs, $1 per 19: headache and loss of appetite. I|Suits--HaNDsomE, but after using three Lottles uf B.B.B. my better than you ever were in your life Port Rerry, April 5 5, 1803, grounds or city ; ly. Four blocks f treet or ste: four pounds sterling per head i ia, being ot ipl aly looks io & ee 4 » i er im Port Perry, March 28, Hie on all shipments to date of Canadian catble. | gc Ww. & C,, Wabash, Canadian P ncilic -- News. Chi. & Erie, Monon and Chi. & En i For Pale at a Bargain, Rooms thust be secured in advance. 604 West 50th Street, BY. AHINATION 5 itoring sash a; Primary, Junior Leaving, and . a digposi- | On JULY 1311 and following days, com- IMPLEMENTS SUNDERLAND. sale the following Agricultural Mach- ines and Inplements manufactured by the TAILORING AND OF PETERBORO : Binders, Reapers, Crown Mower, Daisy Seeder, Tiger Hay Rake, Two Furrow Plow, Three Furrow Gang, Combina- tion Plows, Champion Plows, S. T. Cultivator, 8. T. Harrow, Land Roller, Steel Frame Spring Tooth Cultivator, Binder Trucks, &e. ESTABLISHMENT, ave much pleasure in iuforming the puh- c that thay have leased the Store lately m-- Also the following, the munufacture of JOHN ABEL, Toronto! where they intend carrying on Huiller, Portable Tiinmph Engine. farmer requires in way of Machines, Imple- v ments, Repairs, &e. OUR GOODS ARE ALL NEW, ¥a. A call solicited, nd have been purchased at a great reduc: | McDonuld's Hotel. One door west of R. K. BRYANT. Sunderland, April 8, 1503, tion to busiuess, Best and Most and at prices that cann by Staley att ay the Tuy Blue An ae rod from Dustan's fumous Prize Winners--Egys, §2 per 13, Black Minoveas, fine single comb--Eggs, We intend to make our Es- $1.60 per 13, £2.50 for 26. Barred Plymouth Rocks, large, heathly and finely developed birds with handsome Call and secare your Spring and Summer | Styrisn and Caear | | and dress you March 22, 1893, ALEX. STIRTON (Landscape Gardner.) N. INGRAM, Box 147, Port Perry. We will treat you right, WHITBY & BLONG. JARTIES requiring my services' will please addiess communications to or apply personally at the Ous v Office, to ast ort Perry: Tutnished Rooms fo Reat. | N ENGLE WOOD, t two and one half miles from World' Fair, $1.35 per day. STIRTON. top at Englewood, Write for par {MARLEE Splendid, Yonng, Padigreed Short-Horn Bullet All from Rigen stock and of nist select bréeding. WM. 1 JARSON. MISS E. L. PALMER, Englewood, Chicago, IL [oie March 20th, 18983. ret Weaving and Coloring. REFERENCES, Ross, | Agrinltrel Machines | 803. Own" Marriage License Office. Port Peery, May 3, CH pn ms ave eawane| LLNTS FURNISHING jpymen BAMILTON MOF 0, ™ siete A Spring and Sum A very large assortment of Ladies' Tie and a full line of Dongola Kid Bid Men's Boots and Shoes of all kinds dnt §1 and $1.50, and fine Dosts from Children's Boots of all sizes and quali First-class Groceries of Lam prepared to supply, everything the | Tha A 1 «Opient" and Ram Lal Teas, | money to be had. A first-class assortment of On Fine Dinner Sets of 90 to 100. to $30 per Set. at 10c per cake, O Sponges, &o., &e, In.fact we have so many goods 'we could hg part of them, and all Cheap, Cumap, CHE IN ALL THE NE n Black, Russet, Tan and Red, lippers, from 90c per pair up. por pair upwards. Sod e really the finest Teas for the Ta Sets at T. C. FORMAN & SON. 1893. MoO ARN" sS --- GO TO-- A. Da Ww. OH. MoC. AW, 3 Port Perry, H. VHE UNDERSIGNED begs to retorn | I I the liberal patronage bestow= ed on him in the past, and would state that he is better prepared than ever to execute all order for Weaving and Coloring. I am introducing new styles and patterns which canuot fail to please, and my charges ave moder Parties requiring anything done in my line will consult their interests by calling at my place north end of Bigelow SAWYER. AT ALL GRITICAL PERIODS AND CHANGE OF wire. Sold by all Driggists, or by mail price 50 ix bases, $2.60. The Celery Pill, ----Q Matriculation Will be held ou the JULY dru and fol- lowing days, commencing at 8.45 a. m., And the Senior Leaving and Honey Matriculation mening at 1.30 p, m. Candidates should notify the County In. spector not later than the 206h May of their intention to present themselves for examina. tion. JAS. McBRIE 'N, Connty N, Connty Inspector, Entrance Exam nation! | 4 he Annnal High Schoo] Entrance Ex« amination will be held at PORT DERRY AMD CANUIRGTO On the 28th, 20th & 30th June, Beginning each day, at 8.45 a. m, La | KA LEOMINING. &C. at Can. | TPIHE nadersiqied would take this oppor- 1 tunity of tharking his numerous pat Writing and Drawing books must be handed to the presiding examiuer on the morning of the 28th. Candidates who intend to write ington, with please notify J, Mcbriny, Esq., Prince Atbert ; others will notify the FoB3 fur their liberal and still increasing Principal of the Port Pi erty High School, fe atronage during the time be has carried on the business of PAINTING in Port Perry, and would state that he is { butter prepared than ever to execute all ders for Ripans Tak Ripans Tabu pleasant laxative. Ripans Tabules cure nausea. Ripans Tabules cure hives. Parties entrnsting their work to me muy OTICE is heréby given that the first SoIY 00 having it neatly and promptly exe sittings of the Court of Revison for the} Hy sontinnuioe of public patrovage soli- Village of Port Perry, for the yoar 1893, will he held in the Town Hall iu said Village, on Monday the Nineteenth © day of June now next, at the hour of Ten o'clock .in the forenoon, | for the trial of coniplaiuts in reg rd to per- My cliurges are moderate, an also prepared to supply Paiuts, &o,, when co ing WM. TREMEER. Port Perry, Mar, 23, 1893. Lake Catario Steamboat Coy, Go'. STEAMER - Ap bs by Full list free. on this feb. WT BAER 400 Wind, Onte Port Perry Perry Mar Market. [Quotations by Messrs, A. Ross & Son] Tinsday, June 15, 18¢8. Fall Wheat 65¢ to 68c. « fit Rit ih NORTH se G. 0x a s 0, 'AST AND Ligure. at Port £0.46 a.m. on arrival bolt Arrives at Charlotte at 2.20 p nu, p.m.) Will call a Colhorne on a anid Fe day at 4.00 a.m,, and Brighton on Monday and Wed nesday at 2.00 a am. Ask Jour. Jocal apps for Thro! HAL peop PRR HE teria hee keeps for service at hi® place, Prince Albert, a grand, young | HY i Short-horn bull--adjudged by competent | yy' judges, one of the best anywhere to be ound Rervice, $1. , B.R.&P. Lhe Gen, Manager, Kingston, H. NICOLSON. JAS. McCULLOCH. Gen. Pass. Agt, Prince Allert, May 10, 1893, ow Returning, leaves Charlotte at 11.15 p.m , except Tosavat dba in nd auras ot £1 po. - 7 riving at Port Hops at i a No TR & P., and re A Checked Port Hope. such as you want ; of rare beauty and exceedingly Cheap. to select from, Port Perry, April 6, 1892, ; my supply is unusually 1 arge, GOOD, STHLISH AND CHEAP! very variety of handsome Wall and Ceiling Paper A magnificent stock WwW. H McCAW. 233584008 PORT PERRY NURSERIES} I hav is stelotly first-class, and of cheap by the hundred or in quantities to suit purchasers.-- luropean Mountain Ash, English, Seotch and America Elms, Walnut, White Ash, Norway Maple, Enropean Larch, Austrian and Scotch Pi ine, Norway Spruce, Red Cedar, &c TrousAND 7 feet high, inch to Black A FEW old, Gre ado Stoe Kel an, e (s880886880800880888088 surplus of the following Nursery Stock which food size will be sold IN FULL T a Homey Blow Tots stowed on him since commencing business in Port Perry, and would beg to state that having, "at a large expenditure, thoroughly overhauled the entire Mill and introduced the HE nndersigned takes this opportunity of returning his sincere thanks for the large measure of patronage be- best, most apptoved and modetn machinery including the ROLLER PROCESS for the Fan heture of Flour, is pit ion to m patrons, in full operation and can supply all kinds of uel Posts, EZ BILL. LUMBER A SPEOIALTY. 5. annisters and Ne 'The Trade supplied with Flour of the finest brands. THE PLANING FACTORY Dressed Lumber, also Lumber, Joists, Scantling, Boards, Pick ets, Shingles, Posts Doors, Sash, Mouldings, All kinds of TURNING and SCROLL SAWING done on short notice, JAMES CARNEGIE. Port Perry, Oct. 1, 1891. Magnificent pet ainati Village Pop Sto ck dig ii Bs propery Hinely APPLE TREES OF EXTRA SIZE, SiX years 1} inch in diameter. Also a Light handsome, thrifty trees--just below | freee class in size; Apples at 15 ots., Poar and Plum, 40 cts. sacl. Box 127, arch 22, 1303, Port Pei h Tickets to i Lehigh Val- | © THE "BEST. JARDINE McGoll's ( Oils = MACHINE OIL 0 Engine Oils are Manufactured by & Co., Toronto. rey; COURT OF REVISION. posi Kalsomining and isin Cc. KXELLETT, Port Perry, Address, HAVE MOVE D our a busigess to The , South side of A en Street and now occupy the extensive premises just vacated by Mg. B. KE. ACKERMAN N, be I prepared than ever to supply our customers and|ALSO, A FULL the public with everything in the. MarmrMmess J 7 You Will Be Robbed In Chicago h 9, 1802. Wa w on Zle where we will & BONGARD. AING & MEHARRY ----THAVH AGAIN-- WITH Ae - ~~ LAING & MEHARRY. Church of the Ascension, : REV. MR. FLETCHER, PAstoR. Sunday Services, 10:30 and 6:80. Week ening Service, Thursday, 7:30. "Bt. John' 8 Church, of everything in their line. Suite-- Sa 6 Pieces best Giroen Plush, and back, very large sey @ x . i Above are Solid Walnut Frames pre Shbaia k of. po "undersigned hag in ils 0'vu make which Boots and Shoos of he Is prepared to SEIIL CHEAP. They are manufactured of the very bept material and for cheapness and good Wiirk. manship cannot be excelled in this or ad. Joining countics, life-long experiente in the manufacture Nine aud Shoes gives me an advantage over more. inexperienced dealers and my presont stock is such ns I warrant to give satisfaction and the prices are right, ALL KINDS MADE TO ORDER. SEWED WORE A SPECAILTY Repairing promptly attesiddd to, . Cement, Patclies neatly executed. :Ladies' Polish, Heel Plates; Button Fastuers, the same. put in, Laces in Gotton, Leather, und Pur- poise. All kinds of Findings on hand, also Rubber Cement, Rubber Boots and Couts repaired, The Best Material! Mo Shoddsi Kd Sheepskin! | £3 Prices vo Suit the Times. Give me a call at the Market Block, Port Perry. WM. BOND Port Perry, Sept. 22, 1892, Eo r-- Méthodist Church, REV. L. w. tht, BA, Piston, Sabbath Services, 10:30 and 7. Week Evening Service. Thursday 7 Strangers welcome and conduc: fod ti to se, {FRESHY TE AX.J REV: RiciHA RD Wins MAN, TLA., Pad, Sabbath Services, 10:30 and Week Evening Service, Baptist Ol Church. REV. MR. CAMERON, Pastof. Sabbath Servidds, 10:30 iid 6:30. - 4x Week Evening Service, Thursdny; 0. ty for Sal od in the northern part of the Village of Prince Albert, containing Niue Acres o. first-class land. On the premises there are, a Dwelling House, an Orchard, a good well and cistern, &e. This property is beautifully situated and would ties prove u safe aud profitabld investment. For further particulars apply to the pro' prietor, JOS. BROWN: Ef#gns, Esq; Barrister, &ey wholesale and retail. STOCK OF Cheap for Casb or Produce, Fort Perry, March 10, 1892, Just received a car load of pure Land Plaster. HAS NOW ON HAND A FULL STOCK OF IOURL? Veo 'Roller and Stone Flour, Feed of all kinds, Barrel and Dairy Salt, cheap! YT.ime FRESH GROCERIES & PROVISION EZ The Highest Price poids at all times in Cash for i nantity of Gate | Bea Eggs, ks aif E H rar. HARNESS! N returning tr to the public for tha patroniige extended to me for over 30 years, 1 would respectfully intimate thas I am, a8 usual, now ready A business, and have a OF DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARN which I am def to sell MADE BY wd no factory work kept in superiority of niy goods ok at v rent. During the World's Fair If You are | N ot Posted Every subscriber LxpGER will receive A at our office at Any h Kair, ang we will loca We personglly inves fu te., and can save yi as a post office, re Slograph Shlce un room. All ie priv; re Absolufely Free to overy sobaerihor The RATURDAY Bia Ex a highly wa WE CHICAGO a are ek de ting I oats elroulatioft of uny weekly. holt Th in the worl 00 gl ofelther paper IR H2,.00 PER SEEK is ONTaN, OR THRE 5 eT i york anh pete: NT Lo 3» Soli al fo wi Sani pie coples sent free to wo! LEADING DEALERS IN THE COUNTRY. ~w i Consisting of : DE oF ClIuAGo sg oe holder to call uring the Workl's d room you wish. "rooms to rent, Hotels, This deparument baggage and parcel ay Blade Ware, §e., at all Prices, FANCY CUPS AND SAUCERS, VASES, §c. PIPES and CIGARS of the Finest Quality. Wishing J all the Complimentsof the Season, JUST RECEIVED. The Subscriber has just received a Complete Aseortment of TOILET SETS tn Plush, Persian and Oxidized Silver, Leather, §e. PERFUMES from the best makers, in Cut Glass Bottles, Bohemian useh, inl find qiving me Lan be before Tore they caf be suited pd ji ty, RE long experience in the trade bei i putable guirautee that sling af will be given by any article purchased. Everthing in my live of promptly att nded- to. JOHN ROLPH Port Perry, Dec. 1, 1892. T UNDERNIONED bers to the inhabitants of Large & Assorted Stock -onstantly on hand and repairs ary