Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 17 Aug 1893, p. 3

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. Advertisement in this space next woek regarding Sale of Bankrupt Stock of Tweeds, Dress Goods, Ladies' Blouses, Hose, Gloves, Prints, Straw Hats, &c., &c., &c. only the PORT PERRY NURSERIES. I have a surplus of the following Nursery Stock which is strictly first-class, and of good size will be sold cheap by the hundred or in quantities to suit purchasers,-- European Mountain Ash, English, Scotch and America Elms, Black Walnut, White Ash, Norway Maple, European Larch, Austrian and Scotch Pine, Norway Spruce, Red Cedar, &c A FEW THOUSAND APPLE TREES OF EXTRA SIZE, Six years old, 7 feet high, incli to 1} inch in diameter. Also a Light Grade Stock--clean, handsome, thrifty trees--just below first-class in size; Apples at 15 cts. Pear and Plum, 40 cts. each. Address, C C.KELLETZ, Box 197, Port PERRY, Ont Port Perry, March 22, 1893, fama oo oa op Baa . = We want a boy In every tow in the United States to sell xingle copies of the SATURDAY BLADE and ¢DICAGO LEDGER, The papers are readily sold toevery shop. « store, mctory, on the street, to farmers, at Bi and to strangers who are in town. ny nustiing boy can start out and sell these bright Illustrated papers. They are the aslest selling papers pub- lished, a as agents testify. papers sell for 5 cents a acopy. The boy sends ns § dents for each copy he sells, and RL the other 2 cents for himself. "It costs nothing for the boy to start in business, and he runs nor risk of having papers left on his hands, as we take back all nngold copies. Not enly hoys inake good agents, but girls, and invalids. or those who cannot do hard work, Ever: one whb wishes to apply for an agency: secure us an agent to fularly, we will glve e agent thus obtain. the town for which There is a boy in would be glad of the make money should To any one who will handle the papers re- a copy free as long ag ed sells the Raper in he was appointed. every town who opportunity to hake and we ask those In- send in the name of lad who will agree 10 The SATERDAY BLADE Is dated and sold on SATURDAY, and the UHIOAGO LEDGER on WEDNESDAY, The BLADE is a newspaper, fully Illusirated. The LXDGKR 18 & family glory paper, also fully illustrated by our own artists. The great popu- larity of these papers is fully attes ed by their immense circulation, The avernge weekly Mreniation of the SATURDAY BLADE Is 275,000 coples, and that of the CHICAGO LEDGER 140,000 8. - Certainly no stronger proof of their se Hing qualities could be asked ; and nearly all The BLADE Is the wonder of the some bright hustling take hold of the business. oe hundreds of thousands of coples are sold by ewspaper world, and the LEDGER is close alter it. Our Boys Everywhere Are Making Money. Here is YOUR Chance. Write for Sample Copies, Terms and Particulars to 1 "AGENTS DEPARTMENT: boys. | CENTS FURNISHING ST Nm Ww {ERC TALORING AND Hl FO N @Exousiongs8 and all can CHEA ESTABLISHMENT. Whitby & Blog have much Dy in informing the pub- lio that they have leased the Store lately occupied by Mr, Minty in the Blong Block, where they intend carrying on The Merchant Tailoring GENTS FURNISHING BUSINESS. OUR GOODS ARE ALL NEW. and have been purchased t redue- Living Canned Corn leet: Cansied owest, Best and Most Fashion: | able Goods and at prices that cannot fail to satify customers to merit liberal patronage. 2 Prompt attention to all orders and Prrrear Firs guaranteed. Spring Styles of Fine imported Suitings and Trouserings. We intend to make our Es- tablishment Headquarters for "Fashion" and*"Money'sWorth" Call and secure your Spring and Summer brought info Canada. prices. Suits--Hanpsome, StyLiss and Cede | We will treat you right, and dress youl better than yon ever were in your life. WHITBY & BLONG. Marriage License Office. {PETER EAMILION WT'G G0, W. D. BOYCE, 115 Fifth Avefitis, Ohicago. | i 9 Port Perry, April 5, 1893. Port Periy, July 26, 1893. | BAMPING Now is the time and every o at such prices as will make Fearman's Smoked and 8 Fresh iy Bannons, M The celebrated " Orient" T Cannisters ; Ram Lal and Liptows in in all at same prices--these Teas are: Japan Teas in BOOTS AND SHOES FOR And just received some. of the fin ever yet shown by us, and all Cheap Pic-Nics le Bt havo their supplies, ed at ing Chedper than le. : ed Haus, Bacon, &c. ; Chipped Beef ; ers, Sardines, ib., or 45c in 5 1b. . and 11b. Packages, he fitlest that are at variety and at all E MILLIOR. sets of Dinner Ware Cash. T. 0. FORMAN & SON. Agricultural Machines IMPLEMENTS CARNHGIE'S re nndersigned takes this opportunity of returning his Rotter Mie! INiFULL BLAST ( sincere thanks for the large measure of patronage be- stowed on him since commencing business in Port Perry, and would beg to state thidt having, at a large expenditure, thoroughly overhauled the entire Mill and introduced the best, most approved and modern machinery including the ROLLER PROCESS for 'the manufacture of Flour, is pr GRISTING & CHOPPING Expeditiously and in a manner that cannot fail to give satis- The Trade supplied with Flour of the finest brands. ada THE PLANING FACTORY Prices for CASH buy: 2arlor Suite iv 7+ 2 Parlor Suite-- Parlor Buite-- . Parlor Buite-- Furniture Rooms, IN O T E) THE FOLLOWIN 6 Pieces Morgustie Plush @ pe 6 Pieces French Brocattelle @ $30. 6 Pieces good Moggette] Plush 8 $36. 6 Pieces best American Hair Cloth @ - Parlor Buite-- 6 Pieces best American Hair Cloth, frag gilded @ $37. Parlor Buite-- 6 Pieces best Queen Phish, tog ed and back, very large set @ ( pie 2 - ar Above ar Solid Walnut Frames sid well finished. Alb Bedroom Sets a8 Tow as $11.75. er A Cann SOLICITED, JW, DAVIS, Queen St. Port Perry, Sept. 29, 1892. BOOTS & faction to my patrons, AS THEY SHOULD BEI HE Sndengaed has on hand a stock of Boots aud Shoes of his own make which he is prepared to SIHILI. CHEAP! : They are manufactured of fhe material a very. beyt nd for clieapues and good works in full operation and can supply all kinds of Dressed Lumber, also Lumber, Joists, Scantling, Boards, Pick ets, Shingles, manship cannot be excelled in this or ad: joining counties, My life-long experivnew in the mantfpcture of Boots and Shoes gives trie ah advantage over more inexperienced balers dnd my present stock is such ns Is Posts Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Bannisters and Neuel Posts. EZ" BILL. LUMBER A SPECIALTY. All kinds of TURNING and SOROLL SAWING done on short notice, JAMES CARNEGIE. Port Perry, Oct. 1, 1891. SUNDERLAND. FHE undersigned a kebp on hand and for T sale the following Agricultural Mach: ines and Incplements manhbfactured by the OF PETERBORO : Binders, Reapers, ©Crown Mower, Daisy Secder, Tiger Hay Rake, Two Furrow Plow, Three Furrow Gang, Combina: tion Plows, Champion Plows, S. T. Cultivator, 8. T. Harrow, Land Roller, Steel Frame Spring Tooth Cultivator, Binder Trucks, &c. Also the following, the musnufacture of JOBN ABEL, Toronto. High class Threshing outfits, Traction ingines and Macliines, Victor Clover Huller, Portable Triumph Engine. Iam prepared to supply everything the farmer requires in way of Machines, Imple: wents, Repairs, &e: ta A call solicited. One door west of McDonald's Hotel. R. K. BRYANT: Sunderland, April 8, Fn Harvest Tools, Barrel Churns Oils MACHINE - McColl's ARE THE BEST, LARDINE CHAMPION GOLD MEDAL OIL OF THE DOMINION. were CYLINDER OIL wear twice as lotig 89, any other make. OlL The Finest High Grade Engine Oils are Manufactured by McColl Bros. & Co., Toronto. " SALE BY ALL Pun LEADING DEALERS IN THE COUNTRY. ALEX.STIRTON (Landscape Gardner.) ARTIES gers Port Perry, July 20, 1893. please address communications to or apply personally at the Osserver Office, ------ Cornice Poles, &c. régquiring my services will Has just to hand a large shipment of First-Class Binder ™ Twine -- WHICH HE AT PRICES AWAY DOWN He also has a large assortment of SELLING --~-- @eain Cradles, Barb & Annealed Wire. Rope for Hay Forks. Paints, Oils, Glass dtd Putty | Window Blinds, in all Shades at 50 cts. up. ALEX. STIRTON. Port Perry, March 2, 1603. TO LET. NINE ROOMED F ED HOUSE on Simcoe street, with good cellar, barn and woodshed ; a number of Apple trees in full bearing and a good well of water. Apply to Me. F. M, YARNOLD, or MR. STRAIGHT ; or to the proprietor. Address, JB8, LETCHER, Home for Incurables, Parkdale. OAL v @O®@ SES Sos The undersigned while June 15, 1893, AT ALL CRITICAL PERIODS AND CHANGE OF tire. Sold byall Druggists,or by mail price 50 ~ a@Fort Perry Market. [Quotations by Messrs, A. Ross & Son.] Thursday, Aug. 17, 1893. Fall Wheat 58¢ to 60c. Kpring Wheat 550 to 58¢, Goose Wheat 65¢ to 5c. Barley (6 rowed) 30c¢ to 40c, Barley (2 rowed) 30e, ls. GEO. JACKSON, pared to attend with the utmost care al Oates 32 to 33c, Deas Blackeye 60c to B5e, oas-- Mummy 55¢ to 60¢y ual 55¢ to 58¢; uchwheat 35¢ to 40¢, Beans 75¢ to §1, 4 ke Clover $5.00 to $6.50; ted Clover £6.00 to $6.50, s Seed $1.50 to $2.00, afrangetiients ihay be made for sales. Al P.O., will receive prompt attention. furnished free of charge. Poultry that Ihave on handand for sale Rock Chicks, soe stook, GEORGE JACKSON. Sougog, July 18, 1508, Licensed Auctioneer, Wishes to inform the public that he is pre- sales entrusted to his charge in the Town- ships of Reach, Scugog and Mariposa. A register of dates of sales will be kept at, the ye o0¢, office of Mr. Orr Graham, V:S.; With whom #ovrespondence addressed to me at Scugog 4% Sale Bills made out and Blunk Notes I would also inform those interested in upwards of 100 fine, pure-bred Plymouth in Port Perry, and would state that he is If your want anything iu that line please write me for Drices or comg and cents, six boxes, $2.50. Cos, Toronto, Out, PAINTING KALSOMINING. &C. The Celery Pill before inspecting my stock. 1 returni |and steadily increasing patronage mencing business in Port Perry, w is in receipt. of large co; Celebrated Sera and desires to solicit orders for it. the town and Prince Albert. gz I have just had placed in m thanks for the liberal wed on him since com- ments of the ton Coa Deli d beg to state that he on't place your orders is made to any part of ¥ards a superior Weigh : LANG & MERARRY Warkanf to give satisfuction and the prices are right, ALL KINDS MADE TO ORDER. SEWED WORK A SPECAILTY. Repairing promptly attended to, Cement Patches neatly executed. Ladies' Polish Heel Plates; Button Fastners, the saue put in, Laces in Cotton, Leather, and Pur: poise, All kinds of Find tubbér Cement, on hand, alse Rubber Boots and Coats fepaired, The Best Material! No Shoddy ! Ne heepakin | | £3 Prices vo Suit the Give mo a call at the Ma urket Block, Pork Perry. WM. BOND: Port Perry, Sept. 22, 1892. --H HAVE AGATITN-- LJ WITH A "Magnificent --~ a Stock | of everything in their line. - LAING & MEHARRY. KK. IX. PURIDY HAS NOW ON HAND Feed of all kinds, Barrel and Dairy Salt, Roller and Stone Flour, wholesale and retail; cheap ! 1 HE Wadersiind w would take this oppor- tonity ot thanking his rumerons pat- Scales of the Gurney make, so th patrons may rely on ALSO, A FULL STOCK OF rons for their liberal and still increasing patronage during the time he has carried on the business of PAINTING obtaining correct weight. better prepared than ever to execute all orders for Painting, Kalsomining and Paper Hanging . Parties suttieting their work to me may Pout Perry, July 19 1893 . ' " FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO AND TOWNSHIP OF OANTWRIGHE VALUATOR, &¢., I TAKE this opporti thanks for the very liberal patron which I have received in the ast. The reased experience and ext: PP | A contin * | cited. REAL ESTATE A SPECIALTY. of returning ol on haviy or neatly and promptly exe- are erate. of public patronage soli- WM. TREMEER. Port Perty, Mar, 28, 1503. For Sale at a Bargain. a haved wi Je turned ® the ad- val pa an rties fatori with their saley may re their Fete LI van por: y hands. Manchester, March 20th, 1898. Furnished Rooms fo Rent. IN ENGLEWOOD. YARTIES of trove or more can be accom- modated with rooms at $6 per week in- cluding breakfast. Rooms must be sedtired fn ad tan as Short: Horn Bull 602 West 50th Steests ood, Chicago, Ill. A. 3. DavIs, WW. H. McCaw, Fort Perry. H. Parsons, 4 HE andrsgned kee keeps for iinet FA a Tali by competent potent judges, one of one of tha best anywhers to be J "JAS, MCCULLOCH. Prince Albert, May 10, 1803, Also keeps in Stock Lite, Wi All kinds of Lumber, Timber, WOOD--various lengths, E HAVE MOVED ourb HREE Splendid, Young, Pedigreed : Short-Horn Bulls: al ri Satarted Queen Street and now o © | stock and of most select breeding" 3 J 3 se RON. just vacated by Mr. B. F. be better prepared than evet to 0 the public with everything in the ime, Plasterers' air i &c. ICKERY. Shi extensive premise ty and d in the County. BS" renin i oe OO0\I=----= 'the South side of serene JUST RECEIVED. customers and ine NGTH, FRESH GROCERIES & PROVISIONS ! Cheap for Cash or Produce. Just received a car load of pure Land Plaster, EZ The Highest Price paid at all times in Gash for any quantity of Oats Beans, Flax, Eggs, &e EZ GIVE ME A CALL €3 'E. H. PURDY. Port Perry, March 10, 1892, The Subscriber has just received a Complete Assortment of CONBISTING OF : TOILET SETS in Plesh, Persian and Oridized Silver, Leather, ge. A FULL STOCK OF VOTERS' LIST 1893. HARNESS! 1 N returning thanks to the public for the patronage extended to me for over 30 years, I would respectfully intimate that I um, as usual, now ready for business, and bave a Large & Assorted Stock OF DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNESS which I am determined to sell very CHEAP, As an inducement to Casi purchasers b Dowd of 10 por oende i be allowed on all Sales thm nowy until Jan. Ist next. All work being and no factory work hebh | in stock, wd | superiority of my goods will at once become apparent. Intending purchasers will find that by | giving me a call before looking elsewhers they can be suited in quality and pri | long experience in the trade being an indis putable guarantee that perfect satisfaction | will be given by any article purchased. Everthing in my line of business kept constautly on hand and repairs neatly and promptly attended to, JOHN ROLPH. Port Perry, Dec. 1, 1802, Municipality o of the Township of Reach, County of Ontario: NICE is hereby given, that T have AN transmitted or delivered to the persons, mentioned in sections 5 and 6 of The Ontario ' List Act 1389, the copies required sal delivered of the list, made pursuant to said Act of all persons appearing by the last revised Assessment Koll of the said Mun. i itled to vote in the said ctions for Members of bly and at Municipal Bi said List was first post-. ed upat my office, at Mauchester, on the 10th day of August = 1893, and remains there for inspection. Electors are called upon to examine the said list, and, if any omissions or any errors are found therein, to taki ngs to have the td ed according to law. Dated, Naochester August 10, 1808, WILL NM SPENCE. Clerk of the Township of Reach, Methodist Church. REV. Lo W. HILL, BA, Pasron: Sabbath Services, 10:80 and 7. Week Evening Service. Thursday 7:30. Strangers welcome and conducted to soats, # Church of the Ascension. REV. MR. FL. ETOHER, PAsToR. i Sunday Services, 10:30 and 8:30; Week Evening Service, Thursday, 7:30. ow 8t. John's Church. (PiEaIERIAN, ) tL REV. RICHARD WHITEMAN, BA, Pasre' Sabbath Services, 10:30 and T. Wock Evening Service, Thursday, 7:80. og Baptist Ol Church. REV. MR. CAMERON, Pash, Sabbath Services, 10:30 and 6:80, Weeki vening Service, Thursday, 80. PERFUMES from the best makers, in Cut Glass Bottles; Bol Ware; §o, at all Prices. FANCY €UPS AND SAUCERS, VASES, §c. . PIPES and CIGARS of the Finest Quality. Wishing you all the Compliments of the Season ods DAVIS, | BLONG BLOCK: varpet Wearing and s LEE bce Fd on him in the p Sa "moderate, Chemist and Druggis ret PORT PERRY os

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