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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 31 Aug 1893, p. 1

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a ---- IM YEAR, NO. 5L} Professional Cards R CLEMENS, Ph Surgeon and Seo Lophans n Oe. fe _ Oct. 2, 1890. : R. D. ARC .D.C.M. Victoria . University HER, En University; ember oF the College of 8 and = i DR. B. 0. McDOWELL, SUCCESSOR TO DR. HAMILL, D., Mastet of Sittgery, Victoria Uni- % . versity; Licentiats of Royal College of Physians, London, Exg., Meniber of oon lege of Physicians & Yargeous, Ontario. -- Late attendant of Soho Hospital for Diseases of women, and of Great Ormond Hospital for Diseases of Children, London, Eng. Physician, Surgeon, &e., Office hours--8 to 10a. m., 1 t6 4 p. m.; and evenings, Office and residence, Dr. Hamill's old stand. Queen Sty : + Purl Perry. ORN BILLINGS; Solicitor; Notary Publis, Conveyancef, &c. . Solicitor or the Ontario Bank. ## Office over the Ontario Bank, Port Petry. Jan, 29, 1887. E. FAREWELL, L. L. B.,, Count s+) . Crown Attorney, Barrister, County Sol- eitor, &c., Notary Public dnd Conveyancer, Office--South wing Court Hotise, Whitby, Ont, YOUNG SMITH, L L. B., Barrister, . Attorney -at-Law, Solicitor in Chancery and Insolvency, Notary Public, &¢ Office~McMian's Block, Brock Street, Whitby. J. A. MURRAY, DENTIST, now putting in Upper and Lower Sets of Teeth at from $4 T0 $75 EACH SET. Having just purchased the largest stock of tooth ever brought into North Ontario Iam satisfied I can snit you both ds to quality gud price. Cote atid see, Rooms in the Blony Block, over Messrs. Forman & Son's Store. Port Perry, Oct. 28, 1891, He EVERY THURSDAY. and Eldon rely on the utmsot attention bein ivi their intrests, Ep w PORT PERRY, PROVINCE OF O! "It is Easier to ), TH Weston, Sank rns Port Perfy JAgency. GENERAL Batikitip Business trans- 'acted. Special attention paid to Collections. Drafts iestied Svaluble at all Canadas, United States and Great BE % ® © W. McGILL, Port Perry, April 4, 1888. assonn, DAVID J.ADAMS, PORT PERRY. BANKER AND BROKER. Good Note Discounted. Has any amount tif Money to Loan At 85 per cent. on good Mortgages. INSURANCE effected at the Lowest Rates in Good English Companies. EZ Agent Allan Line of Steam- ships. Port Perry, Oct. 17, 1889. MONEY TO LOAN HE Subscriber is prepated to LEND "Only the Scars Remain," Says HExrY HUDSON, of the James L 4 me no good, and it was feared that the bones would be affected: At last, my good old - Mother Urged Me to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I took three bottles, the sores healed, and I have not been troubled since. remain, and the memory of the past, to remind me of the good Ayer's Sarsaparilla has done me. 1 now weigh two hindred and twenty pounds, and am in the best 6f health. I have been on the road for the past twelve years, have noticed Ayer's Sar- saparilla advertised ir all parts of the United States; and always take pleas tire in telling what good it did for me." Ayer's Sarsaparilla- Prepared by Dr. J.C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mase. Curesothers,willcure you * # * 5 i 1 also belt. Slie went to the { 0 seuret brypt in the strong roof to get : the pentls, meet orhaments for sich d funetioti. _ * he opened the oaken casket, and behold | there where the milky nock- Bow ® Pearls RR Smith Woolen Machin : : . a HachineryCor | Mr. Enoch Black, awollen face shotid Wy, wis a fitd grey Pa., who certi- | wealth and the pride of aocum wo feathery asiiand the goin wire links. fies as follows: | invited a well authenticated Black bad Lroachetl his| The £20,000 vanished into the air. " Among the correspondent of his house many testimoni- spondent. 'of his, bouge to The noble dame gave ono despairing andl LS ) i URSDAY, AUGUST 3; 18%, was just about &o Inform hic.' t Why; how could you know | Tt is {ess than bat an Bour wince we found it! a 'Didn't T promise you I would ex: pose his imposture f 5 1 dwt know what tit. 1 think its a % ah ila wilh Trace Sunday with him we 98 | at OvinES yond impress NS more than my own case. Twenty years ago, at the agd 0118 years, Thad swellings come on my legs, which broke and became runs< ning sores: Our family phy siclan could do kof m WE fe ey: frgumnavigated the globe and 4 fleet of Spanish galleons off . You may have cotié across dent io your reading.' seid Mr. Black, who must ppened upon it in a neWspaper th ee Ad thus giving to courtesy tho zest of th oT compliment, {tr Now in their poorest days little Mrs. Black had never dared resist her husband, and prosperity Lad deadened hier with the bludgeon of surprise. So when Enoch Black announced that his particular frientl, Mr. Ohdaocey Auvekinnd of England, "an out and out swell and a lititnmer; too," would be down on the morrow, and that they must all "dust pretty lively, for he knew what was what, and no mistake,' Mrs, Blatk faintly smiled--an expres sion, by the way, as devoid of comfort ag a martyr's resighation. Her husband understood this pecul- iarity through that intuition which is such an aid of marital infelicity, He straightway grew angry and sotght au explosion in argument, Craving a subject of common interest for disagreement, 1 hope they dbii't hake any noise or do any damage, father, said little Mrs. Black, meekly. 'No, madame,' said Mr, Auckland, turning courtebusly to the affrighted fnatron. 'The disintegration is sud- den but noiseless. Science bias this far failed to explain its cause, although a good guess is one of subtle disease.' ave LABEL AS been sacredly preserved as tloow ever since. Even iff the days of Charles I., when our gold and slvr ware protlaimed our loyalty from the melting pot, it was untouched. Even "after the fine and sequestiation resulsing from Prince Oharlie's rising it 'was spared by distress. Aud so, £00, would the pearls have been, but infortenately } { Pearls' interrupted Mr: Black. 'I think I can match you there, or any one else, for that natter. You must have heard of the great Llack pearl, so | called, mot only on nccount of its hue, There's the ormolu desk hy the window but because it had Leen in our family | in the library. for many hundreds of years, since the | lattice work. Here, Emma, my child, day of--of- Richard the Conquerer, in just put the peatl in there and bring fact.' me the key.' +I didn't bargiin to buy an explo- sive disease,' said Enoch, ruefully, quite forgetful of Richard the Uon- queror and the Mayflower. 'Is there nothing one can do to prevent stich a flare up ¥ 1 would stiggest that it be kept in a cool place where there is a slight current of dif.' Only the scars 'hen the inner compartment of ny ornamental fire-proof btagere #afe is hattlly the place, Let me see.-- The sides are mere he found one in the absence of his daughter: ¢ Where's Emma I he asked fietcely. +1 doo't know,' answered her mother, ANY AMOUNT ott Fatin Security AT 6 PER CENT. #7 Also on Village Property. A MORTGAGES BOUGHT. ®3 HUBERT L. EBBELS, Barrister. Office next to Ontario Benk, Port Perry, May-10, 1885, "WM, GORDON, Licensed Auctioneer, Valuator &c. OR the Townships of Brock, Uxbridge. 1" Scott; Thorah, Mar, Rama, Menon Parties éutrusting their Sales to me may WM. GORDON, Veterinary Surgeon. fHE undersioned having full Course at the Provincial Vcterinary College and obtained a Diploma as Veterin- ary Surgeon, would announce that he has opened an office for the practice of his pro: fessionat Port Perry, where all calls personal hy letter or telogtan; by day or by nigh will be promptly attended to, All diseases of animals treated in the fatest and best kitgwn system ar Telephone connection--free of charge. ORR GRAHAM. Port Perry, April 8, 1884. @ L ROBSON V.8. RADUATE Ontario Veterinary Col: lege, Toronto, Office and residence EverarEEN CoTTAck, two miles south of Manohester, 14 years practise. Tele- phone in the house--free coittminication with Port Perry, Manchester, and elevator, Telegraph calls to Manchester will be for- a by telephone, All Veterinary Medicines in stock: Evergreen Cottage, | Jan. 2, 1888. North Ontario Observer. Family- Newspaper, 18 PUBLISHED AT PORT FERRY, ON EVERY THURSDAY MORNING H PARSONS, TerMA.--$1 foot $1.50 sper diseontin a are perline ..... 0 to this Office, pre-paid and "LIVERY STABLE gompleted his [ A Weekly Political, Agricultural and annum, if paid in advance; be No subscrip- than six months ; and no until arrears are paid ip | on ie 006 SIE, ered wih Letters containing money, Whe addressed egistered will BARTILY thanking the public for the _ liberal patronage received during the many years Fave kept a Livery Establigh- ment in Port Petey, Ihave much pleasure in announcing that I have removed MY LIVERY! TO MY NEW PREMISES Opposite the Railway Station where from largely extended premises and increased facilities for busivess the public can be accommodated with safe and desirable RIGS AT MODERATE OHARGES. R. VANSICKLER. Port Perry, July 21, 1886: H. McCAW, x ISRURR OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, Port Perry Ont. Port Perry, Dec. 19, 1883, Solentifio Anetigat Attention In time to any irregularity of the Stomach, Liver, or ] macy. 6, sugar-coated, easy to take and quick to assimilate, this is the i family medicine--the most pophlar, safe, and useful aperient in phar- Mrs. M. A. BROCKWELL, Harris, Tenn., says: "Ayer's Cathartio Pills cured me of sick h h a jgia; We TE Ra NN sea, bilious« ¢ Bat, father," again ventured poor, little Mrs, Black, 'burglars.' Mr, Black hated to be called 'father' by his wife; for he was her Abtiiot by a faintly still, but no longer smiling. 1 'Ohl long before that, papa. Queen «And haven't I told you that you |Quinevere wore it, you kntw, said must watcli over the child 1 Don't yoo |Ewma, laughingly. r know that she is young and foolish, | ' Very likely, my dear, very likely. of Bowels may prevent serious and that designing people know it, I have a printed catalogue describing | §00d many years, and it made him eonsefuences. and know, too, that in the course of |'t of about that date. My ancestor, feel. She was well aware of this aver- Indigestion; [nature she must inherit all the Black|{¥ho €atto over in the Mayflower, |S10T but unable to break the habit costiveness, |wealth? I shouldn't be surprised if she brought this pearl with him, and with- frotn nervousness. headache, nau- |was walkitig with Frank Maxon thid very moment" ¢ I shouldn't, either; * Nonsense I" he blurted forcibly but inconsequently out any primogeniture law it has been Hwnded down from father to son ever tloce.. Emma just step to the library 'there ain't burglars ness, and vers v in these days, aud haven't I an electric indicate and the faint ¥ has He'stoléin it 5 +Oh, dear! There you go agnin.-- Now listen stupid, That famous pearl, of which father was so proud, is ruin- ed, destroyed, a little heap of dust. Why, who sthashed it 'Noone; it exploded ! terrupt me, sir. Don't in- You see papd had promised to exhibit it at the loan ex- hibition. So this noon he took the case frow the desk And opened it. And there in place of that lovely gleaming, as I tell you, was only a little heap of dust, of feathery ash. An if it only had been stolen, wa might recover it.' * It seems to me that I have fell of such a casuality, but its happening is You say your father took the pearl from the desk ! Didu't he keep such a valuable article in his safe 1' 'He used to until Mr, Auckland warned him. Oh, it's such a' coinei: dence! The vety same catastrophe happened to an heirloom in his family over 100 years ago, That poor Lady Oatherine | Her fate was so tragic!' 'My dear; I don't believe in coineci- dences. They are often an excuse for a lack of reasoning, The only heir- loons Auntkland ever had in his presi- ous family are a noose and handcuffs. a pair of If he 'predicted siich a probability as this it was because he was prepared to make It a certamty. I have only just obtained proofs of his rascality.' 'Then he is the 'he' whose 'impos- certain func. tional derange- alarm at every window ¥ ¢ Yes, father.' Phint's & curious little key,' said M1 smile reappeated. ¢ Well, I won't have it, that's flat: would say in your molish way. Hel an old friend and industrious and talented and all the rest of the twaddles po ot ta ot iw ' But daughter! My dollars fLESIS 10 m years: before, © an: how Oh gi ! "Tos -- rringe we want | alt Europe hind gossiped about the enor- it's an alliance ; that's the word ; and mous price which the American par- ind fetch it, there's a good girl. the key.' itn tormation rey Anckland, for ck Pearl" he couffery knowing. In or. He remembered its sale in Here's Ba Auckland; by way of diversion," on presuutey EE -- Ee -- t Yes, Burmah.' This visit proved so pleasant that Ohauncey Atickland repeated it several times during the simmet. and my of think there No Better Medicine; 4nd hive Induced many to use it. "Thirty-five years ago this Spring, I was run down by hitfd work colds, which made me so feeble that it was an effort for me to walk. I consulted the doctors, but kept sinking lower until I had given up. all hope of ever being better, Tappening to be In & stote, one day, where medicines were sold, the proprietor noticed fay weak and sickly appearance, and, after a few questions as to my health, recom mended me to try Ayer's Pills. had Httle faith in these or any other medicine, but concluded, at a box. Before I very much better, and 1 ani now 80 years old; but I believe that it it had not been for Ayer's Pills, sould have been in my grave long ago. foxes every year, which make 210 boxes up to this time; abd out them than without bread." --H. H. Ingraham, Rockland Me. is i 1 paid he t sve tay friend Auckland, you ¥éou Lad paid. ) ! ' . WA = oe one ? re He knew, tod; where a teddy tiarket | tion to Ewma became & subject of least, you would, if you could see any ® aited it without the attendance of | neighborly comment, which did not ast, h e i r fail to teach the ears of Frank Maxon. thing beyond Jou a: Bue Bh * = But he was prepared to swallow all At first he outwardly ignored the the crusaders and knights of the round | the gossip, much as Ire feared, but soon : J a 4 table with the excellent dinner, in|an incident caused hinr to act with an order to get a glimpse of it¥"glory and | energy which was his characteristic.-- He met his lady love one aftéfiroon, any embarrassing questions. i 14 und a succession Of | (uo q ond preached And 80 on, brr--brr--brr--while poor Mrs. Black closed her eyes as one will before the incessant din of a mill. There was a light step, nu graceful a hint of its hiding place. Emma returned with the shagreen | and began operations #t once, a8 fol- ease, which her father opened and |lows: ) [handed protidly to his guest. The| Don't yout love ue? teat getir lay in a white satin nest and womberly glowed, like the moon behind | Why else woul. I be here ¥' « And yet you are going to marry 1 suppose on Ac- young arm was thrown protectingly around the matron, and a clear, sweet voice cried : * Why, what's the matter, papa § Are you talking about mef There was a hidden flaw in Mr. Black's patioply of conceit which the candid gldiice of his daughter's eyes could always pierce. Somehow when she looked at him he felt unworthy of last, to take his advice and try had used them all, T was two boxes cured me. a cloud. Into Auckland's little eyes came a this Englishman. responsive glitter which honor never | count of his wealth.' kindled. The sinews of his hands ¢ Frank; be careful. 1 buys 1 would no more be with If you doubt tare' you would expose 1 ' Yes, dear. Don't you reniemiber ?' | ' He has not troubled me lately, and I've been so happy that I bad forgot- BR {WHOLE NO. portunity, for the warrant of which { hil 'his tilipostiie' so rare as to be almost impossible.-- | spoke is for 'obtaining money on false pretences,' and a score of such charges will sucoeed it.' oY Mi. Abickiabd tarhed about i his chidir and faced his aocuser with the trong dir of a successftl beisiness n, # ir . "Yo bkvé ind of the hip be seid, ! Now what amicabl ean we make! ) 0 i a % "No. Old Mr. Black is fond of yo and very Eensitive to ridicule, would not expose his credulity anlesd necessary .' * You would best keep papa-in-las under a glass case---for jerked Toef] he's very fresh. Well, here it is) nd Auckland, took *the shagreen case from his pocket and dig' played its shinfinering' contents. It will be an heirloom," he continu: with a smile, ed, as Maxon opened the door; so I fully understand your interest. And I sincerely trust that your good wife may be preserved from the untoward fate of my greatgreatigrandmother, 3 Lady Outherine, Good night, sir. I am most pleased to have met you.' THREE DOLLARS A WEEK FOR LIFE. Meteo 18 & Snap for Brainy People--The Latest Thing Out. In ordet to introduce The Canadian Agri culturist Into New honiés, the publishers have decided Lo pgesent an unusually attractive ro; red 11st for theft Great Riglitly Half ¥ early. Literary Attrtiction for t ummer of [Nt which closes Octe1. They written agreement to pay thre all the rewards of fered below How T0 SeCGRE A- RRWARD--Those who be. come subscribers can com pete free of charge. ve entered dnto ib pugh Lite Judges All that 18 necessary 1s to 2 ft few sheets of paper and make all the words you ean aut of the letters in the three words, "World's Columbian Exposition," and ser ineclosing §1 for six months su either The Canadian Agriculty Ladies' Home M zine; Lwo of t i rated periodicals of the day Th ze rl 9 gest, 1ist will refoive $8 jer week for life ; 2nd, § oo Lh $250; 5th, $100; ih, T ind ten davs expenses}. pianos vis 0 and gents' gold and silver si Lew services, diamond rings, and over 10,00) other rewards, making altogether the mos nabled prise list ever offered by any publist Send 1 list of former prize-winners. orelgn or obsolete wonls not letters cannot be used uftener ppear in the words "World's Cod Lat is, the @- ) tn the three words, Names of persons and places barred. 4. rge for packing or siipping but alle prize winners will be expected to help us to extend our elreulation, All lists coulaining over 100 correct words will receive a speciu Hasten, Emwa, to the happiness. house snd bring me some of that dust. +1 will, oh, I will! You think it His devo-|isn't destroyed--that he way have |cq, (Lud), Peierborough, stolen it ¥ '1 am stire--=' + Oh, joy | Papa would do anything for us, And it 1sto be mine some day--you know when. Wait, wait, I'll be back instantly I It was late the following evening son, President Times PHNTINE Comey Peterborough. i AGENTS WANTED, --We pay £1 to $5 per aay hoy 8 salury (no eonrntisfon)io men, and girls. Write for parti money leiters. Address, --- Not Intended as an Infult. 'Do you call that thing a veal cut- let? remarked a testy youth to the waiter 1 a restanrant as he pointed to a leathery wass on the plate beford that Mr. Chauncy Auckland entered him. his hotel and sauntered to the desk. ¢Yoil sail td morrow, sir; said the clerk as he handed him his key. 'Well, 'Why, Frank; you know 1 do.-- | goodby ; a pleasant voyage to you.' Despite his habitual !an:our, Mr. door of kis room Auckland started as he opened the for the gas was insult you. burning brightly, the wardrobes and trunks were ina state of confusion, and lolling in the easy chair smoking The waiter assured him that it was: * Why," said he angrily, 'it's an in< sult to serve such a thing. It's an in< sult to the ciilf to call that veal' ¢ I beg your pardon, sit,' replied the' waiter humbly; *I did not intend i6 AYER'S PILLS Prepared by Dr. J. O. Ayer &Co., Lowell, Mase. Every Dose Effective CAVEATS, TRADE MARKS, DESION PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS, eto Far normal Sh Oe AY Naw LORE. Oldest bureau for securing patents 1 America Ee Be los piven free Of charge in the y _* ope . Scientific American Largest efrculation otany scientifl paper | es with it, Weekly, 33 0 oni Address MUN way, Now York City. WM. SPENCE, Township Olerk, Commissioner, &ec. is prepared to Loan nity of Money BE For Over Fifty Years, Mus, Wixstow's Soormixg Syrup has been used by millions of mothers for their children while teething. If disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick 'ehild suffering aud erying with pain of Cut- ting Teeth send at once and get a bottle of Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers, there is Do mistake about it. It cures Diarrhoea, regmutes the Stomach and. Bowels, cures Wind Celie, softens the Gums, reduces Inflammation, and givés tone and encrgy to the whole system. "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the es Vi PS i" nurses A twenty-five cents a bottle. Sold by all drnggists throughout the world. Be sure and ask for '"Mns, WiNsow SooTiiNg SYRUP." "Mrs. Winslow's - door wost of Town Hall, , April 11, 1888. be at our risk. Spy. fio Advertisements measured by Nonpariel, and charged according to the space they oc- Ripans Tabules : a family remedy. Ripans Tabules ¢ure colic. Ripaas Tabules : for liver troubles. Ripans Tabules prolong life. T. SWAIN, Licensed Auctioneer s ived for ; without speifc instructions. willbe inserted entil forbid and No t OR THE COUNTY OF DURHAM.-- F Satisfaction guaranteed and terms liberal. A Office and residence #t Césares. Orders charged accordingly. i he Sakon out unit paid or. A liberal di 4 allowed to Merchant snd others who advertise by the year or a sees, Mone Bros; Hiackstock, |X will receive prompt attention. A re , | bus place. These young sprigs ares Horrowsy's PiuLs.---Impurities of the Blood.--To ensure health it is absolutely necessary that the finids and | Tolids of the human body should be ept free from those impurities which inually getting sdsrission to tightened. He had a fortune in his| me you wiil tb lotiger be the man that his parentage ; she was 80 dainty, 80 charming, so beautiful, 'like the first: bloom of the arbutus, while he was ol rough, so coarse, s0 uncouth, like sodden rock which it disdained. : He now twitched and shuffled feet as he faltered ; 'We were wondering where yotl were! "Oh, been walking Frank Maxon. He is a good com: dor't you think? 'Hum! Perhaps st; as & co ov «1 wouldn't want him as a groo I mean as a servant, He is amu and clever and so fond of mamma 3 Well, well, my child, it's natal suppose, that you should your old playmate, Bat keep 1 have to Le presumptuous. You have was that French motto you expluined to me! Nob--nob--' ¢ Noblesse oblige ¥' - it, that the possession of stocks a debentures and obligations of all so confers a nobility. Now we are ri by err poverish the and invigorate and give They are applicable to young or old, robust or delicate. d i ting a) = > ¢' Quinine i' living, | 1 blood, which they purify general tone. all alike-- A SURE AND PLEASANT TONIO Milburn's half-year. - ~P,& No oh ade. for selling for |into the syst : on These terme will im all cases be strictly ad- achicneers in any, other County. anwholesome atmosphere or diso ered | | Yery ny yey fo. fos : . Goren, Nov. I . stomach, The only safe and certain Rather, gepe, that position imp blots. Hand Epa BFMEN Reo grams P ~ \ | way to expel all impurities is to take | lofty princip noble actions bi Heads, Fo Receipt x ASTURAGE. Holloway's Pills, which have the| *Well, that's what I said, isn't Baines Cae Bal C TE TE strc eas Ee oe em te oe. Fie Ausiing, ib Ps 5 3 noxiou 1 3 odd - &o.of style and color Jarge number of cattle on bis fart, nent | Loving any irregularities which comes tomorow, you will find of ptlyand ~~, | Greenbank. The pastureis o. | id thers eR cade ny have already. pro- who is your equal in birth, culture 3 "at lower ) abupdan run 4 3 other estab A ein qe Se 8 aderate | duced in any organ. Holloway's Pills wealth, I know, therefore, that! ¥ i eo pnd per -- Apply at| expel all humors which taint or im- | will appeal to your--ur--higher naturs in a way that no paltry 'good coral could." 3 *We know that I shall hate don't we, mamma, dear ¥ said Em) The Black family, with their | guished guest, lingered over the fr position to maintain, you know. What! ¢ Ah, that's it, That tems, I ta e very giasp. I love, andso I shall no longer love The windows were wide open, and | you.' from the brow of the adjacent hill, over| ¢ But your own father told me so.-- Frail womén and a pudgy old wan 1 plot. But, no, violence was not. his forte. | (hat you love doubted Languor had bacome a habit and ence * No, dear. a requisite. A night of concealment | rusted. Poor papa! Despite all manner of creeping followed by drys of pursuit! always had, but after his own of them.' which left no clew for regain- «1 believe he is an 'closed the box and returned shall make it my host. one.' unique, it's superb! he ex-} Why do you still dott ¥ with mnfeigned enthusiasm. on iy 4 s should be so fragile I' tion." gile I! repeated Enoch, turning the thought. * What do you on inquiry. A by that? No one is going hammer, is there Why; bave been worn by the Queen of a for aught we know. - ibly it was,' retorted Auckland, | after all, it was none of their affairs. But that doesn't aflect the this | Auckland's name was mentioned. « Perhaps he was all right. destruction. Pearls explode. I started to tell you about those | represent, mdhds the honor of being heir in our fawily. pt we see; was it my greatgrand- r1 No, my great mother, the | Emma in a whirl of excitement. Qatherine, of course. was the eve of the majority ball fortune ! + eldest son; Chauncey; whose binself' was ready to strike. which the curtain of night was descend- | He said it was an alliance which your ing, stretched miles of woodland. Was| affections and his interests made desir he not a fool to yield it back to two able, and he asked me not to be a mar- Jan you wonder that the man Yet you might have his in the cold, wet brush, surrounded by | wonderful executive ability he is as things, and | simple as d ofiild in his weaknesses.-- Oh, no !| This man has studied his weaknesses, * What he desired he should take, a8 and for some reason fakes advantage imposter and yo business to prove him « Because it 8 my right and duty to | what a pity that anything so shield you fro annoyance and persecu- Frank Maxon found many suspicions His city friends smiled at it| and shrugged their shoulders when He was plausable and gentlemanly; bhit--well, Frank Maxon persisted, and his chance which always exists | patience wag rewarded, He learned that Auckland had no connection with you kuow it. Why, that is| the English liouse which he claimed to He found that he nd simens which once shared with | obtained money through ths represen: tion, Warily he laid his plans, He When to their trysting place came| \. cround glass, and several fulse | ¢« Oh, Frank,' she cried, 'such a mis- | found in your drawer Poor papa is fairly beside was Frank Maxon. "What aré you doing here t asked Auckland, fiercely. Maxon raised ltis Underneath Syfopilicy the re- hat from Iny a volver, which he leisurely pointed at center table. the Englishman. 'Sit down," hesa'd, and the man sullenly obeyed. He sat fora moment in silence, until he had recovered his ; _ | Both the method and results when «I have been looking for Mr. Black's Syrupof F is taken; it is pleasant pearl, but haven't found it. Doubtless | and refreshing to the taste and acts' u will kindly assist me.' ently yet opty on ike idneys; 'wels, ly self-control, and 'then-he agaiti asked, * What are you do- but more affably. ing here 1 ¢ What preposterous nousense | Liver and cleanses the sys Why, Hetold me this very morning el y EN that it had exploded.' «Pardon me. That was a slight mistake. The pearl is all right. It ie only your ridiculous story and your career of chicanery that have explod- duced, pl bh C ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the mos, ed.' healthy znd agrecabl esubstances, 1s +Y 't bull ir. 1 shal]| manyexcellentqua commend Yaad hve ye sr, Ll} ee os pads it the most ring the be an ave you kicked out. po ular remedy known. ¥ «You will admit, as a man of acute- 2 rup of Figs is for sale in 786° poly lf Se Ww Any reliable ruggist ul ho ness, that I can prevent you if 1 choose, Well, go ahead. A detective 2 (ith 8 warrant is awaiti such ao have it on han we ; 8 srotptly for any one Ww. o wishes Simons, to try it. Manufactured only by the' ¢ You haven't the proof for a war- rant.' « For the theft of the pearl 1 = Well, perhaps not. The time has been so ghiort. 1 have the evidence of "your contortion, an enulysis of the dust in the shagreen box, which turns out CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO., BAN - , OAL. - £OUISVILLE, KY. NEW YORK, N.% From India's Coral Strand. KAR RIRB.--I have much pleasure ' several) mon! m 3 Ee came. nitet shidbiv, Teeviohu to whieh Li fered from dysentery for some cured by Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Stray keys and black beards which I just berry. : " « After a while I can make a case, 1 Axxim M. Grmsgn' oi tian think, aud there will Le plenty of op- Ripans Tabules cure paused

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