= (Terms: $1 per Anmbn in 2a ie (WHOLE NO. 1988 got into good condition. climb the few remaining feet thut sep- vg " wa ats than Right Our Mistakes." THURSDAY, NOV. 2, 139. Y ? yi means more work for Yes; there I was, standing as stopid- | arated us at first? 5 Was even tied sup: ii WH ther nee HE WAS AN AUTHOR. di" snid my aunt. anita ly as a turkey in a barnyard the day| «7p, ig kan Hespikith sie | and k ? ups: jour to find. My friend is a writer ; and although | before Christmas, for the moment en-| vo remedy wasn't going to haven the Bi velvet ite } oe I think he never shot #0 much as rely bereft of my wits, with a big pretty prompt effect 1 might as well ith a nian who toe partridage in his life, the work he does | bear not ten feet from me. have saved my medicine. 4 Sy end ang a the best is the writing of stories of| 'I had nothing to defend mysell| ip Loar slowly End with aitieatly 1inughed aloud. wild adventure in the chase. with except my stick. A stick isa, hed her way up toward me. dust and alf tie 1 went to see him the other evening, | good weapon --egainst squirrels--but | o0p to dispair in 'But just "hoe | for the first tite ih several months, | every feature of enemy' pressive igen up all hope. shorti i Fi Sa BS : ? Che > 0 et rot a as led the question for me. I to my a 1 ; i S$ Thar iho by the old rd! fence. t," said Ij "T've got a iHhegu a her mou ex ah { jo $id ' =n E> J ; r own, But hadn't you o a \ Ey he § 8s) 3 3 : : > Ther fragile white race 1s like point de Venise; , stretched before the fender, : heols-- which, luckily, are light--and tatuty passed over lier fuce like a clout De received at the hij t current oF Foy drape the wood places with lypgrauce and » she said, and vanished at « Hello I' cried I. 'Isn't this some- | made a beeline for the tree which d've Sie began to cling tight Mo the t 2 ai Tore cuit nd oes | The Bost Medicine, |..fmintres [Sha CU A jot 01d ou of. Nor stayed 101k it "sfx of fli. | Ymade. up my . SUCCESSOR TO DR. HAMILL, wk sant dle ke Tuas oC eT. lave 4 ng : ¥ A oe ai Brn. a's ng. made up my © D,, Masterof Surgery, Victoria Uni- W. McGILL, J. 0. Witson, Contractor and in childhood they woh oa a EE oaP Ott ne eye, Fan of | Eilluek Inoghed. Haven't you | behind,' as the poet says | mind she was dizzy, : , vegsity; Licentiate of Royal College MANAGER. | Build Toh The wild elder blossoms 3 he 4 B rage. She was |poard that story © said he, 'Reaching the tree, I climbed it.| [j YX fg fi of Phys Loudon Eng Member of Col- | Port P: April 4, 1888 uilder, Sulphur Springs, Texas, That bloom by the old rail fence, an #us owan of 83, nut to Le trifled i p : hii : She appeired to bequite whling yi , Eng. ort Perry, April 4, 5 thus speaks of Ayer's Pills: --The Tndependent. with TL 'What! 1 extlaimed, 'Is there a|No monkey in Africa ever climbed | go. home. She in to hurry io X sure me an acy, too, we Who th PA ) . story connected with it? Let's have it I | tree faster. But I wasn't ten feet up get down the tree, - Her grip wasn't-a¥ lege of Physicians & Surgeons, Ontario, -- Late attendant of Soho Hospital for Diseases " Ayer's Pills are the best medicine b § 1 x R 1 : S | \ 5 Q takes a e Lrouble that we cun with of Great Ormond Hospital DAVID J ADA S ever tried; and, in my judgment, no | ANOTHER MAN S SISTER. Seven te ts of chamiers to be pone Taking the poker Kilbuck settled | before the bear was at the foot, and, to n } i througli®ith, and the bells ringing on all secure, | of women, and \ for Diseases of Children, London, Eng. better general remedy could be devised. ie thie Godl in the grate, laughi ft! h b limbing after me. Physician, Surgeon, &e., PORT PERRY. I have used them in my family and Let us pray to be delivered from the every ging all day long, "Tisn't as if : grate, Inughing softly | my horror, began climbing #7 : 'She came near falling once or twice recommended. them to my friends and | sin of hasty judgment. When I first be- 1 wish af my work, for | ues kop the while, . "Here I was, treed by a bear. In and When abot teh Fest prism PRE § nyse 8 wi 3-- " s . N : i Ad o y isa litle pin 'If 'you were the friend you pretend fictitn the situation is a good one, i i i ! groupd actually did so, landing with a fiice he --8 tol0a. mm, 1to4 p.m a iy : Ei BANKER AND BROKER employes for more than twenty years. | held four or five modern comedies adapt- | | "UES itl Bet wv »| To my certain knowledge, many cases ed from the French languige, wherein wr Lugyy neither. But when that lady ; i ' i lg the situations were all due to somebody, on the sisircuse spoke to me un' (le me | to be,' he said, 'and called as often as though » trifle--just a trifle--overdone. terrible thump { ] " Office and residence, Dr. Hamill's old rain ge Shoe stand. of the following complaints have been 3 : he | that I inattentive an' Lucy. too, an' i " 1 chiefly a she, enterin somebody else's | x y J y. too, w ' : 1 Jif didn't ; : Queen St. - = Port Perry. Good Note Discounted. ad ont Cured apartments, hiefly EE I ared.andi. Yuta etlabunt Your soon. svi Yael Yoox Sigh to, you a hoon Sut Jat Bot J sonfers thet It 168 3 ife 1 ne + But she inmediately raised horshlE Te bly. The thing was absurd, outwor a a you, sir, sprin, was completely run down. nd it so good. struck me as ORN BILLINGS, Solicitor, Notary ta ! y ht bly; _ ng axa asun, ogisors put out Du as yould Le done by, I spring pletely R up on her haunches, and gazed doubt. J Public, Conveyance, fe. Solicitor | gy, by the use of Ayer's Pills alone: Third | 030 ny (Lo used me to know a gent | thinks, an' slow no favor to any cham- just packed up my duds and went to a | senshtional, fully 'about her. 1 think thes {i or the Ontario Bank. gar Office over the as any amount of Money to Loan 2ep Shillsy Sump agus, bilioms fever; | deal more about French comedies ro | hgh 1 opr ior Souicons little farmhouse in a mountainous and| 'At that moment I pitied every hero aos hovel on colon i RY ¢ i sick headache, rheumatism, flux, dys- riti i a § 3. | E28 iF aL; and isn't you it wi Xapih A : re be revolving and tippin Ousarie Baste ron Rosy. M 8 per cent. on good Hortgages. pepsia, constipation and hard cori. I exitival Situations thas sll He os SUC | be some. other gentleman. An' toil wooded district of Canada, There isn't i I had ever put up a tree in the whole round ir linrl id y A . mr rer ---- know that a moderate use of Ayers In ay Ee Bend (and still | aren't BO Smuts in your room not to be | another hose witliin ten miles. The [course of my career as a writer. My Wine Peon larly rapic way about E. FAREWELL, L. L. B., County | Pills, continued fi few d: Io ds ¢ a od ey of | S0eNy an' Lucy, I know she 'us been on . 2 : 7 | that time, for I noticed her foirefeet JE A busines, County Sob. | TINS TR ITOH | a the ontisned for u few days or weeks, | Jo RCL connected iy hich conaiat of | he fouefiiour since, come down with | nearest ¥ Cafe is a dozenZmiilts dway, (heart was flled with remorse for mY, piunted very far apart, as if her . ' 5 nt x re Y Y 8 H t say nink aL . ? $ o A citor, &o., Notary Public and Conveyancer, : | would be found an absghtt dor the | Riving on to the landing by one door. the stops; but I did't say uotnink to | and ctnsfhts of a church and three | misdeeds toward them. . } part, SOE Ah wing Court House Whith effected at the Lowest Rates in Good ound an absghtte cure for the | FIVIEE B80 Col 071 in to the me: that lady wuen she said what she said-- body needed bracing. Cg outh wing Court House, Ys Enidioh Ch i disorders T have named above." Eo tig hg es | 2 ir, what "ave you bin doin' to houses. . Then 1 remembered that Taalways| po 00 Looe Dainfall i s lish Companies. Q tha A D 're sr | x : ainfu up on a 4 patie «I have been selling medicine for | by the enemy the only other exit is from | i 3 puiled across the | «Near the farmhouse i§ "4 brook | got them down again with no bones y 20.) Y..3p.on A y 'asn't been 'ere no more | " four legs and lurched off into the broken and was comforted. And I bushes. That was all she could do.-- My £ YOUNG SMITH, L L. B., Barrister, ££ Agent Allan Line of Steam- eight years, and I can safely say that | the window by way of the gutter pipe-- | ' ah' : a Bc TBeg A38 0 ; 3 ter pipe-- | . 'ou 'avin' to see your | W : v . Attorney-at- Law, Solicitor in Chancery ships. Ayers Pills give better "satisfaction | 8 vertical distance of three stories. There | than thes rn Saab hal ind | which in spring has water enough in it % ¥ to turn a mill wheel, and at that sea- wished to goodness T was one of them | And once there fhe stretched herself i . ino! | should always be two ways, not intlud- | our fault and Insolvency, Notary Public, &¢ than any other Pill I ever sold."--J. J. ian' 0 ol - oh i i wo oe--=Molim lock, Brock Street, Port Perry, Oct. 17, 1889, Perry, Spottsylvania C. H., Va. ing the window, out of every set of LC A vg ki. been | son my landlord, Farley, saws lamber 'But I wasn't. Thera was no trusty out at full length, comifietely dono up 3 . Take, ob, |; : b 2 . " : take those lips away--here's a half | in a little sawmill ho has there, suthor about to manipulate me od She was n dreadfully seedy bear. 4 my bear, and consequently I was afraid FYE rT ad {She was pretty near the trol § but soversigah® , 'The ptire aif; the quiet; the whole- was a damning confession of guilt, : n . ), Fy ue becriber 3 a receivedras sucht Fan removed herself {some food, together with entire mental | matters wouldn't end happily. I thought, under the circumstances, I i Subscriber is Bropred to LEND , I valv A with an unholy light in her eye. and bodily rest soon put me on my feet. 'Meanwhile I kept on up the tree| . : : oe gray skirt and black velvet hat, charged | 150d Fan, and this stil furthe ., | might come down. She did not stir > "er | | became strong enough to take short | and the bear kept on, too. It wasn't when 1 landed on the earth once more e ANY AMOUNT on Farm Securit; DENTIST, AT A PER CENT. y into my room, after the most approved | gp ic iny nerves: Worn with a thou- INTL | w i Y v ! the t d ; \ walks, studying the flowers and the | very long before I was at the top, 80% | joy § dif fit gop. I étarted for now putting iu Upper and Lower Sets of | garAlso on Village Property. fashion of, all, the comedies, crying:| gq conflicting emotions I fled to the eeth ay; rom £4 MORTGAGES BOUGHT, W3 sidebourd and pulled myself togeihor | i4e and to go fishing occasionally for there I stood, clasping the tree with ) 7 " Farley's about as fast as I could go. one arm, my feet resting on two little ', . ¢ You sec there might Le other bears My name was not, and never will be, BR § HUBERT L. EBBELS, 7 05y uae WaB oh, A or expla: | v0 itpeeseiry: liquids, Mol ness : . Barrister. tions. Sister, and only sister, was tal 5 The a ag ter auy | trout ib the brook above the mill, i . iy " 5 3 © prosaic | ' Having just purchased the largest stock of Office next to Ontario Bunk. = stamped all over the face of the maiden. | rij olen! life. y prosulc | « Ag for shooting, you know I never stumps of branches. in the neighborhood, and my stock of toeth ever brought into North Ontario Iam Port Perry, May 10, 1885. 'And yet I remember noticing, in in the neighborhood, y satisfied 1 can suit you both as to quality : : spite of my fright, that the nest I had seén up there was a crow's, and aban- Everybody who had been possessed of an > ay : : A only sistér understands the manner in Re Esa it on ian mn had a gun in my hand in my life. I and price. Come and see. Rooms iu the J 0X ce . : couldn't have done any of that; be- Blong Block, over Messrs. Forman & Son's W. M. WILLC AN doned. "Fhe bear came steadily up; but which oue of the tribe enters a brother's "I've took tiem in their tees," shesaid t sides, I should not have expected to Store. 3 2 a pe Pore Prey, Oct, 28, 1891. Licensed Auctioneer, when she was within a dozen feet of YOO, oracularly j 'an' sue was tellin' 'im ali find any but small game about. When, FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO AND me I n oticed with joy that she showed The maiden gave a little scream as I'| oii Ging js i real nice little lady, oa : . as occasionally happened, a hunter gterina rao. | sar or ryourg VALUATOR, &c., Sbo dooked dow, MO N EY 1 0 LOAN AYER'S i LLS This need had never presented itself to | pared Mi me until one memorable afternoon, ; Pe ¥gDi.4,0, Ayer & Oo, Lowell, wlien, without knock, word or warning, | n . i 8 5 ! Ea | a round faced, golden haired, blue eyed Every Dose Effective maiden, mn un asirakban faced jacket) a tobaced Wits limited. Besides, it wna not mine; and I had no right to be giving it away to bears. +1 told the people about it af Far ley's. They knew I was a story writer ; in fact, I liad been incautious snough to read them one or two. ried, and chambers were ? her whereabouts Mr, Joseph Rupards Lf of had bo be torned, She apologized. Could I tell | gq jg gnt--an' Ldun's want no 'urf suf- brought in a report of bear tracks on e 1 4 4 $ « rr REAL ESTATE A SPECIALTY. 77 one of your fellow av ; sou'te ; p ous Took i cubeaveriog 0 ood 4 that she should speak to tie house wep it. Few yeople return money. | + Well, it happencd one time that I |at the ground and then up at me. my best bent bored, thought I was giving them anot i undersioned having completed . his 1 full Course at the Provincial Ve terinary rt College and obtained a Diploma as Veterin- TAKE this opportunity of returning vé Ws TRB! a ary Surgeon, would announce that he has| 1 thauks for the very liberal patronage - guid, ill ob \ | K 3 opened an office for the practice of hia pro- | which I have received in the past, The A L ttl D ht J on wil of serve ii there was noti- She withdrew slightly alarfed, fessionat Port Perry, whereall calls personal increased experience and extensive practice | e aug er ew / » Blover an Insge proceadings Wl J stepped into the hallway and set by letter or telegram, by day or Ly nigh | which I have had will be turned to the ad- nie a lus A io the t binniest cheek. down tie empty soda water siphon in will be promptly attended to. vantage of patrons, and parties favoring me Of a Church of England minister la apo a id general-| (yon ce appointed. The door leading ? with their sales may rely on their interests | cured of a distressing rash, by be BE ing abut on the anding for Bix | g; the linding was balf cpen, I heard » hillings a week, wet we in the halls Soioes descending the stairs. and escorted ber to the tiny hail afore vor dismiss preconceived suspi- A mm twaor en she growled and v three feet nearer. Then she stopped 'ynrn', They didn't seem inclined to bitlisve me, anyhow. 4Bdt 1 show td thei" that a part of ' . Pp the tobacco was gone, called their ats tention to the fact that 1 was extreme- wanted some things that could only be got at the nearest town, and I deter mined to tramp over there after them. again. «J saw that the tree was getting too I spoke of my intention at the house, . small about the trunk for her to climb and one of the mill hands asked me to A All diseases of animals treated in the ; atest and best known system being fully protected. "No effort will be | Ayer's Sarsapari : tries Yan 4 Telephone councction--free of charge, | spare 80 make it to the advantage of par: ee hi parilia, Me, RICHARD way, sizing} ty and. gentiomuytgy Nai desconding tested oo bout | et him some chewing tobacco, I will-| it easily. ORR GRAHAM. | tien to place their Bales iv my hands. 8, 18 Wor nown Druggist, Jou. Si 5 it. Said he had a sister of his own and R wing tohaceo, wy PT) § Port Perry, April 8, 1884. Sale Bills made outgand Blank Notes McGill st., Montreal, P. Q., says: k Beliind jm stood tuo Aftres iat 11 laugiied.' ingly promised to do this favor. 'But this did not comfort me much. | ely unlikely to have met any one to i = ' Lt any u v y . : ¥ -" . furnished free of charges Satisfaction guar- I have sold Ayer's Family Medicines a ier tue would hase a mph, Then, 1 m inks Lik for A 'I started early next morning, my I was too tantalizingly near for her to] gite itaway te on that ln &y rifnd] antee or no pay. Terms liberal, for 40 years, and have heard nothing but The lady at my heels lost her singular sister, that's all. lo ¢rings Lie 8 Gal. N i d i bone 1 if they had know L RJBSON V S 3 ' : x * p ast niz [ y i give me wp, and I felt in my bones and asked them if they had ever known . . hsv J 2 a ood said of them. I kn ore head, and, wi , et Wily, only last nicht I found him on his only weapon, a stout stick that I cat i 8 : » [Port Perry, July 1%, 1803, good said of them. * 1 know of many ly ray oo 3 be Xv lispe mug "What | puis knees on the secon l floor, and |i the wood " voy | that she could reach me if she tried. | me to use it in any fofin.§ ~(RADUATE Ontario Veterinary Col- Wonderful C shall I do?' bolted back into the sitting} jij 1 1e'p him to bed." |in the woods, and took a path which . ; lege, Toronto. Office' and residence GEO. JACKSON, ondertu ures ro this was strictly in accordance The next chambers! As Thope toolear | led ovet the mountains, 'I was right. The bear again ad-| 'They yielded to my reasoning at KEvERGREEN CoTrAcE; two miles south of ' performed by Ayer's Sarsaparilla, ond | with the rules of the stage § but why it ny Blrunier, oat all jade bd had | "At #thout 11 o'clock I reached the vanced a little ; but again she stopped, | last, and the next day went to the ; > y | and, grasping the tree stoutly, rested, | scene of my adventure. They found Tele: i i in particular being that of tt ve take se Licensed A uctioneer, =» Tn 5 t oh i' g a o : Jivld should have taken place iy my chambers | pear the infernal din of that episode at | town, made my purchases--not forget with Port Perry, Manchester, and elevator. | Wishes to inform the public that he is pre aughter of a Church of England minis: | 1 sould ue yer on Borsa: 5 And yot Ll giiiioc: in the morning and a fow of |. . : 4 ; : . v red vo oply k at gl . ewi p or alla. to. Manchester will he for. | pared to Re i he. Hist are al dor. The Shilg a Liarally ove hii deeply tunktul that glo, ad Hos Jows comments as he left the drunkard. ting the chewing tobacco that the warded by telephone, ~All Veterinary | sales entiusted to his charge in the Town: | 1 oot with a red and ex- | BRAC 0 LL Tr 0le | John--<yes, it How should the maiden know exactly | sawyer wanted, took dinner, and at 14 seedingly troublesome rash, from which y X Fy yes; Was | jes whose rooms she had penetrated? iy % an uncle, even as is ihe case in a Comedy | Jug ji.re was Joe saddling me with my about 1.30 started back toward Far panting. no bear, but they did see the place 'Her jaws were open, her tongue | where the bushes had been crushed hanging out ; there was an immense | down, and observed that the bark on eagerness in her eyes. Her resem-| the tree had Lcen scratched off as if by Manohester. 14 years practice. phone in "the house--free communication Medicines in stock. ships of Reach, Sougog and Mariposa. A Dy road 1 i Evergreen Cottage, register of dates of sales will be kept at the | she suffered for two or three years, --wou'd have linghed ; and, since she - > Jan. 2, 1888. } office of Mr. Ore Graham. Vv So with whom in spite of the best medical treatment | was another man's stater, that world ighbor biel onbers, x 2 aso ley's. k - . ] is pn ide mae oo] sie pa aaiiette. Hor father was in great | Lave boon even wore [has Aut Ales ow The steps were alinost vied +1 had traversed about half the dis- Llance to a dog 'begging underneath | q bear's claws. They conceded that I STEPS 3 addressed to me at Seugoy tress about the case, and, at my | hawkeyed inspection of the muiden and 2k Ble ore was Ar al n ea hove him sudden] P.O. will receive prompt attention. recommendation, 'at last began to ad- | subsequent Sctoription of her face, Yn A Sods tance 'and was passing on the way up 80 1 - t Bed ab uy d lang told the truth, . Lo otion exhausted | the mountain, a place where the trees tickled me. Some men would langh & A hunt was organized a few dnys North Ontario Observer £ar Sale Bills wade out and Blank Notes | [oo ioter Ayer's Sarsaparilla, two bot- figure and dress to ull her righteous + | furnished free of charge. tes of which effected & complete cure, world, " 4 . received my people in the hallway. wush to her relief and her father's | pp jnspiration Bis to get rid of ic _ delight. I am sure, were he here to-day, | coat and rumple my hair. Desperate a funeral. ater, but to no purflose. 1 SO8T cb and the infer: fteelf with a f Beemed to roar Sere!" said Jue. "You hear, Milly? e, spit and grunt. It| were for the most part scriibby and rough the house. : small, with here and there a tall hew- «Then notitig her open mouth, a | that the Lear was so ashamed of her A Weekly Political, Agricultural and | 1 would also inform those interested in great hope surged "up within we. 1! self that she left tha neighborhood.' Family Newspaper, Poultry that Ihave on handand for sale : 15 reap i" : Upwards of 300 Sue, parerhred Flymouth he would testifyin the strongest terms | fear made me very wise, most eourteous: Thavs a soda. water siphon. He's at it lotk rising from among them. But.' sid I \ Killick bad 0 ckes. want anythin, t XC in--so early. T y . A . ' pl ok bi PORT PERRY, ONT. line please write x ias Or ps Ar ua to the Teste of . A you." said I "but SBut he didi look as if he took " 'I noticed one tree in particular | PEVET expect, honestly, to forget the fini sy _-- v y oi Js 2 fe) gi sce stock. 3 fun ' you! sal tI "ie sweet voice died away and 1 was | which was tall i 'i exuitation of that moment. I fairly | finished his story, AI you didn catch EVERY THURSDAY MORNING, GEORGE JACKSON. Ayer s Sarsapatilla Pm afrald you te Come bat REmailRliene with ray sorrow And siphon. all wnd tapering, with| X30 tol ood uve' danced To the bear, whut has all this to do with BY ' Sougog, July 18, 1893. Prepared by Dr.J.0. Ayer & Co, Towsit Mase. | Chitin room is ujwide ow hat fool duy I know something of piot and | Stumps of dead branches sticking out | shouted, and would have danced op 1 i onstruction; and, as I say, I understand | all over it. 1 i+ | I been able, your rug a oll H. PARSONS, T ~~ Cures others, will cureyou | ofa lioussmaid has been doing somerfpi vor similitude of the moda Fronch |" te; Only. at. the top had 16170 . C Oh,' fenid Kilbuck, ' forgat aft Trrus. --$1 er annum, if paid in advance; 8B ATTN, ithe hk, and a Sade pe pe 3 ve. Yet would I sell all my insight a tuft of live foliage. There seemed Ihad a better idea than any hero bout the rug. lt isa't that bear's y 2 the single priviiege of explaining to | to he a crow's nest or a hawk's nest up of a ber story that I ever read of. It|* L ve & A CONCLUDED ON FOURTH PAGE f not $1.50 will be charged. No subscrip- } i . everything out again. But come into Fe: fd A v Millv--she has duste 3 Licensed Auctioneer ALL MEN the "bedroom, since you've taken the jis 44 Ais Yay 1 dated my there ; and I thought that if I wantéd | was superb, and I knew 1t. tontaken for less than six months ; and no b trouble to ehmb all these stairs," EB 3 : 3 : 4 3 al villian that Joe painted me.--St [to climb it it wouldn't be hard. «I reached into my pocket and drew paper diswontinued until arrears are paid up. OR THE COUNTY OF DURHAM. -- Young, old or middle aged, who find-them- 4 0 BE 3 g : Rates of Advertising: * | Satisfaction guaranteed and terms selves, neruous, weak and exhausted, who| 88 I spoke iu ihe hall, I heard the heat es' Gazette. are broken down from excess or overwork, ae Bir ¥ heeled up against my Bil a +I did want to climb it pretty soon ; forth the plug of tobacco I bad pur- door, % sa sound $ 3 be The British Empite: but T haven't got to that yet. chased from the man, With my knife Sob A Lt ie d A C: Orde ulting i { the following sympts ub : 1 g x co and residence at Caesarea. rders | Fes ng in many of the following symptoms: iH 1 b pip Dor line § left with Messrs. Moore Bros., Hiackstock, Mental in, prematare old age; loss emphatic dusting. I thanked hea will receive prompt attention. of vitality, loss of memory, bad dreams, thal was pleased to afflict me, th P.S. No charge made for selling for dimners of sight, palpitation of the heart had sent at least "ove heart still rs in any other County. emissions, "lack of energy, pain in the kid- | © play out the play. neys, headaches, pimples on the face aud | Into my humble bedroom 1 fed tf v rd the 8 . body, itching or lin sensation about the relatives; and my aunt, afwr the mal re and oivilization. This is the es. . y asting of the organs, dizziucss, Beret women made searching in i ind i wlegraph line from | warrant I Well, sir, do you know when oy es, twitch hi es with her eve aud inqui 1 ria to Cape Town, through the : : \ h art of the continepls It will tra- I really saw a'bear cub in the path I wanaged to saw off it a good gener ous hunk, The bear, still panting, watched the proceedings with interest. +1 poised the tobacco carefully over her open jaws. Sho growled and shut ie Soudan the region of | before me I didn t know what it was § her mouth, Fora moment I was on I i i , : N - ' is an Mm { hadn't any more idea that the little needles. But only for a moment. She ese ious, Mashonaland, | beast I saw was a baby bear than 1 opened her mouth again, exposing the it A sense of ease and rest. It in the un had that it was a dromedary or an full length of her red tongue. country, DBachuanaland. the , the Orange Free State and 3 x werited imputation of evil that str ¢ alony. Contracts have already ornithorhynchus. + Then--carefully, for my life de- the ncrves. BIg for constructing the line for 'But I wanted to kpow what it was. pended on it--1I dropped the piece of {8Great Britain is entering upon another I'd like to know, just for the fun of at enterprise in Africa, starting in its | . A . ness and magnitude, and making it, how many times I've descrilied bear sly toward the extension of both | cubs in my stories. A hundred, I'll pe ot Valnator &c. oe deposits in the urine, loss of will power, tenderncss of the scalp and spive, weak and flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failure to be rested by sleep, constipation, dullness of hearing, loss of voice, desire for solitude, ex- citability of temper, sunken eyes, surround: ed with LEADEN CikCLES, oily looking skin, i rgpd accordingly. No NOR the T: : s of Brook, Uxbrid, : I be taken out until paid Fat Thorah, re Rama, Maripos va an on ; a discount allowed to Merch Parti usting their Sales to me may who advertise by the year or | rely on the utmsot attention being given to iron. Lo Ky Sin their intrests. ro in ri aebilit ? ose terma will in all cases be strictly ad- - WM. GORDON, io Ay symptoina o nervous. fe y My aunt would fain have had tea, half the distance; and work is M0 RO 5 Sunderland. that lead to insanity unless enred. The f J herythat girl had fi # ed p | 2 1 hat th hole {So I fter i d tobacco ! Eig : spring or vital force' living lost its teiion ye (hab The aish ed clean ebected oe in a SN ran after it, and when I got near M = ) your, bed! r ¢ cl k : i ' H Sittings of th Di isi 1 Conrts Who th h frig itted in i hose open. assured my aunt that fp ar. At this rate the title "Dark enough struck it a blow across the side y Toast Raven great thiols of joy results wher 4 8 DIVIS 0 {nay be permantly cured. Send your ad-| fie folly of that, housemaid prevented fi nt will soon be a misnomer, with my stick, which made it cry out when iv landed fairly and squarely on itis pleasant Ler from finishing anything this side of] aw with pain and dash into the bushes. the back of the bear's tongue. Bylgn ho DS ad y, and that the dust would ne L The Attractious of th Suse down till twenty minutes : s Jeune, in an experience of ten 1 stopped, out of breath. says she has never knowti of a| (My first thought was that, for so family that has left London to 3 x the country, She adds: "The small an animal, it made a tremendous great good luck it struck just where nly yet promptly on the idneys, she must swallow it, willy nilly. fe os cleanses the sys- « And swallow it she did, though it | Yom effectually, dispels colds, head- aches and fevers and cures habi was a big mouthful, Itssharp corners .,,g ination. Syrup Ty UNTY os NTAR dress for book on diseases peculiar to man, : co 7 OF O 10. 'send 10c in stamps, sealed. add ois M.V. LUBoN, 24 Macdonnell Ave., Toronto, nt. a. MAN, Horroway's Pivts.--Impurities of There was a crowing, choking n that might have been a the Blood.--To ensure health it is Sw or oii people 10 | row in those bushes. Then I realized 0 abeolutely necessary that the fiuids and | "What u very superior voice sho ha of the life. that some bigger animal was there, too | hurt her throat, and the water came | only remedy of its kind ever solids of the human body should bo sed Anh los, "Quila ike lady BE ing. Jie shar. tha {<a stray. 'cow,' probably, T thought. |into her eyes but with & fonrful guip Suded, plassing Io ibis laste ads many ways. The gamin in the strects spends an existence so 'Instedid there came forth, amid a SAoiioment hat a great crashing of bushes, a huge she Sock, sous vehemently d t The isolation of the country, | bear, snarling and vengeful ! ; one choked with the dust. want of the daily and hourly LE i es y 1 : to or Take it very diss Well, knew her at once--recogniz- way to expel all impurities is to take) the women, while the diffi [ed her from ber ph hs, so t Holloway's Pills, which have the of ettin supplies and of arrang- fuk. P otogrep By 30% T she backed down th ; power of cleansing the y i ly life so 88 to have some See 41 ished. Th temper. Trae S18 he oh ie of Figs is for sale in 760' noxious matters, and at the sam [i Tit's, meee id nee time for marketing Is almost in- { first I was astonished. Then-- | tree two or three feet om receiving the botles by. al druggists. Seren pa by the "hardened prof . b 8 for thume wlio have on | I make no bones of saying it=I wes| dose ; but & woment latet she came up| Any ov : : nt lt very J : osc or what tliey Soke] frightened. I kvew she could do} gain with renewed energy. Fu ay more damage to my health By ¢T felt' confident that the tobacco, |. jh which taint ¢ cor Ine I inutes than threes months iti Canada ich black a hat, and as the blood, which th il Irst | How Z min es which was as as wud invigorate and giv i a housewitely zeal ph : il you. marry mel She-- | could repair--to say the best of it. strong a8 hercules, would make her # ciphers are there in your| ¢ Besides, I naturally hated to be | dreadfully sick--in time. But sup- They are applicable to ® ; ! Young or old; robust or delicate: 1 He--1t is all ciphers! penten after having taken such pains to| posing she mustered wp courage to she got the tobacco down. Then she growled, and eyed we with an gir of mingled wrath and astonishment. « But (he tobaceo seemed to hate no othet effect than to increase her ill: kept free from those impurities which sho greuyT: J ER ahold with that are. inually getting admission to} innocence that in EE into the system by erroneous living, | stow. 1 half opened. the eitting unwholesome atmosphere or disordered hed and stomach. The only safe and cortain fo and have made it the ma "Gloek of th Pe : remedy known. e Peace. . . 2 1inaid, who was Fan of the , 'hints «nn the best ma ment of and the prover care of tho room. wr