Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 2 Nov 1893, p. 3

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Sleigh Shoe Stoel ! : Cutter Shoe Stoel | esiniths ahd Car- Ohuidh of the Ascension. REV. JOS. FLETCHER, M.A., INCUMBENT, Sunqay.-Maun 158) a Im, Fveusong, 7 p,m. His 0 8 Sa Bahu i Be WEE chy 7.80 p.m. Methodist Church. mr "® REV. L. W. HILL, B A, Pastor. th Bervices, 10:30 and 7. Bahba Week Evening Service. Thursday 7:80. Strangers welcome and conducted to seats. 610 Er 8t. John's Church. We have up to this_tinte i (PRESBYTERIAN, ) = 2.5806 of Ladies' and Gen! REV. RICHARD WRHENAY, B.A, PasTo Sabbath Bervices, 10:30 Week Evening Service, Pharsdy, 7:80. Baptist Ohurch. REV, MR. CAMERON, Pastor. Sabbath Services, 10:30 and 6:30 Week Evening Service, "Thursday, 130, $ NEW cir, EET HING ESTABLISHMENT. tation Smyrna Raisins and Figs. Cartwright. Mr. Wm. Peer went to the World's kyle AUCTION SALE last week. Messrs. Jus. Part ahd Swain, wero at Bewdley last week. ME Lamis, miller, from Wyebridge, near Mid land, visited Mr, Jas. Parr resently. He owned a mill in Cartwright some years Miss Sarah Deacon, of Guelph, was here # her holidays. Messrs. W. J. Everson, J. Scott, J. Proutt, Miss Edgerton and Mi Fran visited friends near §fidiand recent- Iy r. Fawn, of North Cartwright, is moving to Mr. J. Bryson's farm i in Mariposa. Mr. J. Mountjoy, Datlington, is moving to' Mr. Graham's farm. Rev: and Mrs. R. Me Phalen and Mr: McC lung were at the open- ing of Sonya Presbyterian church on Monday 23rd ult. Mr. R. McNally is repairing the Presbyterian Manse which will soon he ue Gupied by Rev. Mr. Phalen. Mr. Poole, of Cartwright, was married to Toe, Annie Crozier, of Stugog, on Oct, 25th Mr. Wm, Samells wds thiarriéd to Miss Emma Monntjoy on the saitié date, dnd nove into their new brick house, Messrs. | John Watson and David Malcolm have aid | the foundation for rew houses to he built hext summer. The Loyal Crusaders are | gucceeding well and have now 48 members. Miss Clara Parr and Miss Virgil Hoory are the leaders at present in getting up the pro- gram, Mr, McClung, nierchant, of Black stock; has will tov there about the Netw Y ef. aa Valuable to Know. ONSUMPTION may be more easily pro: vented than cured. The irritating and harassing congh will be greatly relieved by the use of Hagyurd's Pectoral Balsam, that tures coughs, colds, bronchitis, and all pul- monary troubles, Money to Loan.--Mr. F. M Yarnold, Solicitor has any amount of money to loan at lowest rates of in terest, in sums to suit botrbwet: Itch cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. Sold by A. J. Davis, Druggist | : HE Down With High Prices For wp Electric B dif- $1.55, $2.65, $3.70 ; S Belle prices $5, #7, 10. Qualty remains the same--16 di ferent styles; dry battery and acid belts mild or strong current. Less than half the price of any other company and more home Sastivionials than all the rest to ther. ligh free. Mention this CWT T, BARR & CO. Windsor, Oni A Letter from Emerson. "1 have used Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry and I think it the best remedy for summer complaint. It has done a groat deal of goud to niyself and children" Yotivg terly, Mgrs. Wau. WHITELY, Emerson, Man, Port Perry Market. [Quotatioiia by Messrs, A. Ross & Son.] Thursday, Nov, 2, 1893. Fall Wheat 55¢ to 5Sc. Spring Wheat 56¢ to 57c. Goose Wheat 52¢ to Hie. Barley (6 rowed) 33c to 40c, Rye 40c. Oats 27¢ to 28¢, Peas--DBlackeye 60c to Bde, Peas--Mummy 52¢ to 56c, x Peas--Smali 50¢ to 50¢, Buchwheat 40c to 44c, Beans 75¢ to 96¢, Alsike Clover $5. '50 to $6.50, Red Clover 85 to $6.00. Grass Seed $1 50 to Corn 40c to 400, Sheepskins 60c to 800. Wool 186¢ to 16¢, Hides $2 to 83, Beef $3.00 to $6.00, Pork §7.00 to $7.50, Turkeys 10c to 10c. Ducks 7c to 8c, Chickens 6c to 7c, @oese Bo to Tc, Batter 20¢ tv 23; Fugs 150 to a Cheose 13¢ to Potatoes 25c Apples £06 urchased a store in Sonya and Of VERY VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY In the Township of /Whithy, in the County of Ontario. TPHERE WILL BE SOLD ON Saturday, Nov. 18, 1893, AT ONE O'CLOCK IN THE AFTERNOON, At the St. Charles Hotel IN THE VILLAGE OF PORT PERRY, By virtue of Power of Sule contained ina certain Mortgage which will be produced at the Sale, the following property under Mortgage from GEORGE MEDLAND. All und singular those certain parcels or tracts of Jands and premises situate, lying and being in the Township of Whitby, in the County of Ontario, in the Province of Ontario, and being composed of : FirsrLy-- The South 87 acres of Jot No. 24 in the 8th concession of the said Township of Whitby § SkcoxpLy--That certain other paic#l or tract of land and préntisks contaihing by admeasurement 50 acres he the same more or less and being composed of part of said lot No. 24 in the Oth concession of the said Township of Whithy, and boxfided as fol lows; that is to sty--Comiiriencing on the Eastern limi of sald lot at a distance of 88) chaing 50 links from the South-east angle thereof ; then South 74 degrees West 20 1 then South 16 degrees East 25 ; then North 74 deygrces East 20 chaing ; thence North 16 degrees West 25 olialns to the place of beginning ; which said two parcels contain in all 137 acres be the same more or less, The following improvements are said to be on the premises : A first-class Barn and i a small house. This is a most desirable property having about 130 cleared and under cultivation, Terms. --Ten per cent. of the purchase money to be paid down on the day of sale. For balance terilis will be made known at the sale. For further particulars app'y to ALEXANDER FORD; Solicitor for Vendor, Toronto St., Toronto! Or to D. J. ADAMS, ESQ., Port Porty: Farm of 170 Acres For Sale or Rent POINT MARA. OUTH-HALVES of Lots 15 and 16, con- DD cession A, ara. Finest clay soil, fronting on Lake Simcoe, oué mile from Gamebridge, five miles from Beaverton, Posgeseion 1st March, priviege of fall ploughing. Good frame buildings. Tertns eas Apply to JAMES B: WARREN, y Beaverton, Or JUDGE BURNHAM, Whitby. For Sale or to Rent. HE FARM of the late James Byers, deceased, «being the West-half of the flast-half of 186 No, 4, in the 8rd concession of Cartwright, 50 ACRES Richi Soil, good well and pump ; nearly all cleared, a comfortable lo hon ase, a large frame barn and stable. Will be sold at a Jow ure on casy terns, of, if repted, the Ex- or. Will a ap gg ugh the i 3 W It J ong is generally sold at 46¢ & 50c per Ib, have much pleasure in informing the pub- lic that they have leased the Store lately occupied by Mr, Minty in the Blong Block, whete they intend carrying on The Merchant Tailoring GENT'S FURNISHING BUSINESS. OUR GOODS ARE ALL NEW, and have been purchased at & great reduc. tion on cdst. customers inay rely on getting the full advantage of the reduction. Hop- ing by strict attention to bisliess, keeping only the Newest, Best and Most I" asliion- able Goods and at prices that cavnot fail to satify customers to merit liberal patronage. Sugar 20 lbs for $1. for 250 and all other Groceries Cheap | lot of that extra fine Pure Kettle Fearman's Rolled Bacon, &e. in this part of Canada. Marriage License Office. Port PERRY, Sept. 20, 1893. jbvérnment the other day issued an order | Seedless Raising and have them in store at received part of a direct importation of Japan and if not equal to our representations we wi re have again advanced, but we ure prepared for it. Raising bo per Ib We will open in a few days the finest assortment of Lamps and Glassware £ar Prompt attention to all orders and Prrrear Firs guaranteed. Spring Styles of Fine imperted Suitings and Trouserings. We intend to make our Es- tablishment Headquarters for «Fashion" and"Money'sWorth" Call and secure your Spring and fener] Suits--HANDSOME yrisg and Cueap ! We will treat you right, and dress you better than you ever were in your life: WHITBY & BLONG. Port Perry, , April 5 5, 1893. . SPLE NDID Brick Dwel ling House SIX ACRES OF LAND TOR SALIH. IMHEE UNDERSIGNED offers fof sale her choice and well-appointed residence and dix acres of land on which there is a fine Park containing 2 acres; a fine, bearing Orchard of one acre and good Gar den 3 ; there is a splendid Driving House and Stable on the premises, Hard and Soft Water and all other conveniences. The Carriage Drive and Grotinds dre plant- ed with various kinds of Ornadiental Trees, We have Moved our business to the South side of Queen Street and now occupy the extensive premises just vacated by Mi. B. F. Ackeryax, where we will Le letter prepared tham ever to sdpply D3 Cases containing XTIRS " Boots and Shoes. 3 Chere's Bt i in this County. 0 ohibititig the further iwpor- We got d aiid bought a large lot of ce, In Teds we hive just really fine equal to what you all you wiut dt 30c Ib, fund your money. Sugars Good Yellow refined or 8 lbs. for 250. Tapioca 4 lbs. Cheap | #0heap | 1 Just bought another R endereds Lard, Sugar Oured Hams, we will T. 0. FORMAN & SON. ©© 23 REMOVAL. LAING & MEHARRY our customers and the public with everything in the Harness Line "Ei WHICH | CHEAPNESS. STYLE, FOR ~=mmdeinn STRENGTH, Cannot be surpassed in the County. Comparison of Prices Courted. BEATTY & BONGARD. Port Perry, March 9, 1892, Shrobs, Vives, &c. This property is beautifully located on pion Avenue just on tho southern border on the Town of Port Perry and isa very sirable property and will be sold yo a BARGAIN. For further particulars apply to the pro- prietress on the Premise 8, JUPHEMIA DAWES. Port Perry, Avg, | ry 1593 BARTILY thanking the public for the | 1 liberal Jutronage rece ived during the mauy years I have kept a Livery Ilstablish- ment in Port Perry, Ihave much pleasure in | announcing that I have removed MY LIVERY! TO MY NEW PREMISES Opposite the Railway Station where from largely extended premises and increased facilities for business the public can be accommodated with safe and desirable RIGS AT MODERATE CHARGES. R., VANSICKLER. Port Perry, July 21, 1886, ~ Lost, Strayed or Stolen. Chafles Hotel Sheds, Port Perry. This dog grestly resembles a fax in enlor and ap- penradde but is lirger and has a small white on tall. Has lost some front teeth, hiss | dpen gpot on (he breast, Any person or pei: | sons found detaining him after this date w it | be prosecuted according to law. Auy Intell | gence concerning him may be left at the UBSERVER Office, Port Perry. Riv SHARD WATSON: Epsom, Avg. 21, 1808, Strayed. N MAY last from the premises of Mr. BE. White, lot 20, con. 9, Bench, = a aged Red Cow, line back, in reward will be paid to any -- L such information &s will lead to their recovery. JESSE 1RELAND. Port Perry, July 25, 1803. Ei 1 WANTRD. -- er prov ment with ue 'in ove of "ears ; 3 at the same time from the sume size; 188888 488888000888000808888 of everything in their line = oT. PERRY NURSERIES: 1 have a SURPLUS of the following Nursery Stock WHICH is, TRICTLY FIRST-CLASS, and of GOOD 81zE will be sold CHEAP by| -- pi hundred or in quantities to suet purchaser s.-- European Mountain Ash, English, Walnut, White Ash, Scotch and American Norway Maple, Elms, European Black Larch) Austrian and Scotch Pine, Norway Spruce, Red C edar, &c. A FEW THOUSAND APPLE TREES OR EXTRA SIZE, SIX years old; | 30x 127, 7 feet high; inch to 1k inch in diameter. Stotk=-cdean, handsome, thrifty trees--just below first-class in| Apples at 15 cls. Address, Port Perry, March 22, 1803, Pear and Plum, Alsoa L soit Grade each. LLETT, 40 cis. C. K Cc. Port PERRY, Ont; | We Want a boy fi every town in the United St BLADE and CHICAGO LEDGER. papers sell for 5 cents a copy, hoy keeps the other 2 cents for himself. It costs hous runs nor risk of having papers left on his b hoys make good agents, one who wishes to apply for an ageney. secure us an agent wo ularly, we wil give he agent thus obtain. {he town for which There Ix a wonll be glad of the money in this Way, terested fn boys to some bright hustling take hold of the business. The SATURDAY BLADE Cn10AGo LEDGER on WEDNESDAY. The BLaDI | arity or i$ a family story a The but girls, and ine; The papers are de oe sell single copies of the RATURDAY lly sold toevery shop, store, factory, on the street, to farmers, fo home, and to tran Swho are in town. Any hustling boy > u - ean start out and sell these right lllustrated Papers. iey are the easiest selling papers phib- YELLOW TERRIER DOG from the St. lished, as Agents testify. ser 3 cents for each copy be sails, and {he boy to start in business, and he ke birck all unsold copies. Not guly Who éantiot do hard avork. Every make money should oy in To any one who will handle the papers re- a copy free as long as ed sells the papor in he was appointed. every town who opportunity to make and we asl send in the name ol 8 18 FSaTy per, also fully fully attes ed iy RDAY B) these hundreds Te, Soples are newspaper world, and the Our Boys Brerywhere A Here is YOU Write for Sample Copies, Tel my 'AGENTS DEPARTMENT." he LEDGER 18 W. D. BO' and sold on SATURDAY, and the fully Hiustraded. . The great popu. lation, The er week | is ey G0 LEDGER | lu Money. 3aince. Particulars to Durability and | those In- r Ind eho will Rgree Lo The 40, 3 and nearly all hi BLADE In is 2 wonder ol the ML IN FULL BLAST | ee tintdetsigried takes this opportunity of returning his sincetd thanks for the large measure of patronage be. stowed on hin since comindencing business in Port Perry. and would beg to state that having, at a large expenditure thoroughly overhauled the entire Mill and intrdduced the best, most approved and niodern machinery including the HOLLER PROCESS Expeditiously and in a manner that cannot fail to give satls- faction to my patrons, The Trade supplied with Flour of the finest brands. THE PLANING FACTORY in fiill operatiod and cdn Supply dll kinds of Dressed Lumber, also Lumber, Joists; Scantling, Boards, Pick ets, Shingles, Posts Doors, Sash; Mouldings, Bannisters and Newel Posts. EZ" BILL LUMBER A SPECIALTY. All kinds of TURNING and SOROLL SAWING done 8ii ahiort iotice' JAMBS CARNEGIE: Port Perry, Oct. 1, 1891. FAVE AGAIN OPENED OUT WITH A Magnificent qr Stock LANG & MEHARRY. Sd He. IX. PURIDY HAS NOW ON HAND A FULL 8T00K Of Roller and Stone Flour, Feed of all kinds, wholesale and tetail. Barrel and Dairy Salt, cheap! ALSO, A FULL STOCK OF *arlor, Buite-- 6 Pieces 'Moquette Plush @ "stor, doy Bite i Pl i [} Pigs good ite Pash 8 -s sa 6 Pikces Jest Aihorioan Fie Cloth @ a arldr Bite --.., : Cay EE 6 Pieces beat American fish Sethi i gilded @ Parlor Biite-- Mardy ow 6 Pieces best Queen Plush; tox aad and hack, very large set @ & Above are Solid Walnut Frathes - vell finished. Also Bedroom Sets as low as $i. 75. oA Care SoLicrrep, Ji Wi DAVIS; Furniture Rooms, Port remy, N returning thanks to the pubic for » me , for Jor ihe intimate that ! r business, and I patronage extefided years, I would réspeotiilly am, as usual, how ready 5 have a Largé & Assoi tel StobK OF DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNESS which T am determined to sell very CHEAP. As an inducement to Casi purchasers -h Dsonad of 10 por ands will be allowed on ill Salis, frat now dititil Jan. 1st next, All work being MADE BY HAND! and no factory work kept in stock, the superiority of my goods will at once become apparent, ntending Rusehieers will find that by giving me a Call before looking elsewhery they can be suited in quality ard price, ni long experience in the trade being an indis; piitable giiniintee, that perfect satisfaction will be given by any article piiFchased. Everthing in my line of business kept constantly on hand and repairs neatly and promptly attended to. JOHN ROLPH! Dec. 1, 1892. BOOTS & S & SHOES AS THEY- SHOULD Bef MAE Wrdersigned has has on hand a stock ok 1 Boots and Shoes of his own muke which he is prepared to SET.L CE E.APS They dré mantifigtittd of the very. best material and for chiea}itiohd and work: manship cannot be excelled in this oF ad» joining counties. My life-long experience in the manufacture of Boots aud Shoes gives we an advantage over more inexperienced dealers and my present stock is such ss 1 warrant to give satisfaction and the prices are right. ALL KINDS MADE TO BROKE" » SEWED WORK A SPECAILTY. Repalting prifthptly attended to. Cement Patches neatly Exbéiited, Ladied'y Polish; Heel Plates; Button Fastners, the put in, Laces in Cotton, Leather, and oise. All kinds of Findings on band, alse Rubber Boots and Coats Ne Port Perry, me Rubber Cement. repaired, The Best Material! No jody) Sheepskin | | #2 Prices to Suit the Times. + (ive me a call at the Market Block, Port Perty. WM. BOND. FTYHE undersigned would take this oppor. tonity of thanking his numerous Pak rofis for their liberal and still increasing, patronage during the time he has carried on the business of FRESH GROGERIES & PROVISIONS Cheap for Cash or Produce. Just received a car load of pure Land Plaster. EZ" The Highest Price paid at all times in Cash for any quaitity of Oate Beaus, Flux, Eggs, &e EZ GIVE ME A COALL §©3 fi. 1. PURDY. Port Perry, March 10, 1802, JUST RECEIVED. wet Handsome outat and th © benefit of over b3 years experience furnished et éfy man. Choicé special lines and control of territory. We have over 700 acres of choice stock and can give yod many advan! STILL LEADING! Te UNDERSIGNED begs to return thanks for the liberal and still iucreas- ing patrovage bostowed on him since com- menving the Batchering Business and would state that he is better prepared than ever to mipply the public wit JUST SUCH MEATS as cannot fail to meet the requirements of all, and trusts by offering only Cholcs + irs Ts hn aie Tab an MiaTs at moderate prices, and promptoess in b to receive a liberal pn of public patronage. #7 All orders left at my Stall in the Market Bnilding, or with me on my rounds with conveyance, will receive immediats and careful attention. ISAAC J. WHEELER Pout: Perry, Aug, 16, 1503. For Sale at a Bargain, Our mode ofsecuringand retaining sal is superior. 'Gl for aur terms. The trial wil Poke. Splendid, Bou 8 igre] cost yo! 5 ted Sione & REINO stock and of most select breeding. WM. PEARSON: Manchester, March 28th, 18! Lag Fann the Srientific Jmerican EET 3): \/ Sik ion of the Township of ¢ Estate of the late for w iim of years: JAMES PARR, URCHASE 150 Acres of Land, he east half of lot No. 7 and it 50 meres of lot 8, in the 6th WRIGHT oey, Deceased, ar al] cleared and a good | 3 is woll watered nd within five miles of road thereto. "It not sald within thirty particulars enquire of James "The Subscriber has just received a Complete Assortment of COXSISTING OF : TOILET SETS in Plush, Persian and Oxidized Silver, Leather; §c. PERFUMES from the best makers, in Cut Glass Bittles, Bohemian Ware, §e., at all Prices. FANCY CUPS AND SAUCERS, VASES, §e. PIPES and CIGARS of the Finest Quality Wishing yoi all the Compliments of the Season: A. J. DAVIS, | BLONG BLOG; 'Glemist and Ds ugg? PORT PERRY PAINTING in Port Perry, and would state that he is better prepared than ever to execnte a oles foi Patti, Kalsomfbing an { Paper Hanging Parties éntrasting their work to me may. tély on Having it feafly aiid promptly exe- cuted, My churges are moderate, 1 am also prepared to supply Paints, ao, when contractin 2 A continusnce of public patishiage "it cited, Jim IMPLEMENTS SUN DER RLAND: HE undérsiy d keep keeps on hand and for sale the followin, Ageioaliuml ash ines and "wm anufactured, I EAMLIE HT [ # _ OF PETERBORO : Binders, rs, Crown Mower, Daisy' Seeder, Tiger Hay Riko, Two Furrow Plow, Three Furrow Sang: Combing: tion Plows, TR Tr Cultivator, 8. Haro Roller, Steel Fran) Cultivator, Binder Also the folloWidz, 8 the i? JOHN ABEL, Toronto. "nT, Nl

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