Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 16 Nov 1893, p. 3

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pared. than "eve to supply 0. of Fresh and reliable Groceries & Provisions Sivaye on bani. MEALS and FEED at all CASH PAID for an; tity of OATS, PEAS, BEANS, FLAX ad A Al tines Hater Ty taken at all times in exchange for will be pleas in a couple of weeks to by Buy any quantity of Port Perry, Nov. 9, 1893, 1 his place of business (vy and is Better pre- of the Ascension. REV. J0S. FLEICIER, 3.A., INCUMBENT, his numerous customers 1 Stock kinds. Also, Barrel, Sack and Dairy Salt. - KE. I PURDY. Itch cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. Sold by A, J. Davis, Druggist A clean mouth aad an honest sands will take a man tl foigh any land. Relief in Six Hours.--Distressing Kid- ney and Bladder diseases relieved in six hours by the "New Great Sours As. 10aN Kipxey Core." Tlis new remed a great surprise and delight to physic ana on account of its exeeeding promptness in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary passages in male or fy It relieves retention of water and pain in pasta it aliiost im- mediately. Sold by A. J, Davis, Druggist: All members of the families of peers have their titles of honor, varying with rank, y ---- A Cure for Coughs: There is tio fémedy that makés as large a reentage of perfect cures as Dr. Wood's at Pine Syrup, In nearly every case of coughs, colds, asthma, bronchitis, hoaisc: ness, croup, ete., ity curative effects are pro- mpt and lasting, MILBURN'S BEEF IRON AND WINE restores strength and vitality, and makes rich red blood. He who forgets hisown fiends mean | ly to follow after those of a higher de | gree is a snob. Down With High Prices For Electric Belts. $1.55, $2.65, $3.70 ; former prices $5, 87 810. Qualty remains the stitie--16 dif. ferent styles; dry battery and acid belts --mild or strong current. Less than half the price of any other company and more home testimonials than all the rest to ther. Full list free. Mention this .'W. T. BAER & CO. Windsor, Ont. "The injury of prodigality leads to this--that he that will ngt economize will have to agonize. hater Sodiy Pi ts on a Guarant Fora Lame Side, Batic Tete i Boroud Plas! rar a ates great satisfactioni~--ag celts, SHILON'S VITALIZER, ip, 5 Raw na, Chatta anooga, Tenn. BT ** Shiloh' Vitaliscr SAVED, 8 pg fron, Remember, Bhiloh's Remedies 801d on a guacantee to give satisfaction. Meeting His Requirements. The surgeon-majoi goes the rounds bf the sick Wards i= * Well, No. 6, how are you getting on! "Oh, doctor; borse. " As hungry ns a horse 1 Very good (turning to the sergeant in atendance) patidowa balf a ration of hay for No. T'th ds hungry asa ------h Ceci How Dy:psrs a is Cured. 1 suffered from dyspepsia, and was weak Aud miserable wich whut the doctor said was nervous debility. Seeing Burdock Blood Bitters advertised I tried it, and after taking three bottles feel perfeotly restored to health Mus, J. H. Sper; Kieinburg, Ont. "The wintry blast has turned a portion of Dnalae into an eivlegid given the 'the cold storage r of the land of his po and ngers with AUCTION SALE OF VERY VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY In the Township of 'Whithy, in the County of Ontario, d hin WILL BE SOLD ON Saturday, Nov. 18,1893, AT ONE O'CLOCK IN THE AFTERNOON, At the St. Charles Hotel IN THE VILLAGE OF PORT PERRY, By virtue of Power of Sale contained in a certain Mortgage which will be produced at the Sale, the following rope undel Mortgage from GEORGE ME EDLAND. All and singular those certain parcels of tracts of lands and premises sithate, lying and being in the Township of Whithy, in the County of Dntavio, in the Province of Ontario, and being eomposed of : FirsrLy-- The South 87 acres of lot No. 24 in the Oth. concession of the said Township of Whitby § SecokpLy--That certain other parcel or tract of land and premises containing by admeasurement 50 acres lie the same more or less and being composed of part of said lot No. 24 in the 9th concession of the said Township of Whithy, and hounded as fol lows; that is to say--Cominencing on the Eastern limit of said lot at a distance of 68 chains 50 links from the South-east angle thereof ; then South 74 degrees Wist 20 chains ; then South 16 degrevs Bist 25 chains ; thei North 74 degives East 20 chains; thenee Novth 16 degrees ost 25 chains to the place of beginning 5 Which said f two parcels contain in ull 187 aures be the same more or less, Tlie following improvements are said to be ou the premises: A first-class Barn and a small house. This is a most desirable property hating about 130 cleared and under cultivation, Trims. --Ten per cent. of the purchase money to be pid ddwii on the day of sale. For bulanee terfiis will be made known at the sale; fot further particulars apply to ALEXANDER FORD, Solicitor for Vendor, Toronto St., Toronto, Or to D. J. ADAMS, ESQ., Port Perry. Farm of 170 Acres = For Sale or Rent POINT MARA. OUTH-HALVES of Lots 15 and 16, con- cession A, Mara. Finest clay soil, fronting on Lake Simcoe, ove mile from | Gumebridge, five miles from Beavettdiic Possession 1st March, privilege of fall Plaughing: Good frame buildings. Terms eas Apply to JAMES B. WARREN, Beaverton. Or JUDGE BURNHAM, Whithy. For Sale or to Rent Mati 030 8. 7pm. inday School, 28 pms FT Thursday--Evensoug, 7.80 p.m. Methodist Church. REV. L. W. HILL, B A, Patron. Sabbath Servioes, 10:50 and 7.. I Bervios, Nook es and fn fi seats. St. John's -Chutch. (PRESBYTERIAN,) REV. RICHARD WHITEMAN, B.A, PAsro Sabbath Services, 10:30 and 7. Week Evening Service, Thursday, 7:30. - Baptist Church. REV. MR, CAMERON, Pastor, Sabbath Services, 10:30 and 6:30. Week Evening Service, Thursday, :80. NN BE W MERCHANT; ALLORING ESTABLISHMENT. Whitby & Blong have much pleasure in informing the pub- lic that they have leased the Store lately occupied by Mr. Minty in the Blong Block, where they iotend carrying on The Merchant Tailoring GENT'S FURNISHING BUSINESS. OUR GOODS ARE ALL NEW. and have been purchased at a great reduc- tion on cost. customers may rely on getting the full advantage of the reduction. Hop- ing by strict attention to business, keeping only the Newest, Best and Most Fashion- able Goods and at prices that cannot fail to satify customérs to merit liberal patronage. #a Prompt attention to all orders and PERFEGT Pris guaranteed. Spring Styles of Fine imperted Suitings and Trouserings. We intend to make our Es- tablishment Headquarters for "Fashion" and"Money'sWorth (Call'and secure your Spring and Summer Suits--Hanpsoms, Styrisa and Curae ! We will treat you right, and dress you better than yoit ever were in your life. WHITBY & BLONG. Port Perry, April 5, 1803. SPLENDID Brick 'Dwelling Ronse FOR SALE. SIX ACRES OF LAND 'a sure precurser of the Winter to, when Summer Clothing, and de and something else pro- and, above all, to keep tiis g Doctor's Bills and we Our stock of Boots, as we think, the Onearest in rio. Hard Times Prices for CASH. k Island Long Boots for $3 a paik. ra Long Boots for $3, $3.25 and Yes! whila we are Wi wia'ber all have been lo Summer Boots and Sho Yes! we are going to disp Men's first-class, heavy, Men's first-class, grained, $3.50 a pair, These B t either for quality, make or price, and are equal to for which you will pay $4 and $4.50 a pair. Heavy 1.756 and $2. Women's heavy Buttoned and Laced Boots elsewhere, Women's fine Children's Boots of all sizes Rubbers, Overshoes and Me IN GROCERI We have the finest in , such as you will pay $1.50 for Dongola Kids from $1.25 to $3. %; and an immense quantity of Lber Boots. Fruits hove just st selected Valencia Raisins, "Lemons, California Apricots, nd Oitron Peels ; Icing Sugar; ne stmas a; arrived.-- Finest Chester Table Rai Patras Currants," Florida Oranges Penches, Nectarines; Orange, Lem Candies "and Sweets, / British Columbia Salmon, Herrings and Fresh Herring, Kippered Herring, Fearman's Purge, Kettle-rendered Lard, fish, Canned Salmon, Mackerel; rs, &o. . and Rolled Bacon. ; est, and most beautiful assort- Jl Lamps, &e., at just about Germany. Beautiful Sets of Then we have received the finest, ment of Stand and Hanging Lamp, half price, being imported direct fi Tea and Dinner Ware, Glassware, & nd froin this date we will give a discour Ten per cent. on all Cash pur- chases of $3 and upwards, T. 8. FORMAN & SON. Marriage License Office. Porr Perry, Nov, 15, 1893. HE nndersigned takes this opportunity of returning his sincere thanks for the large measure of patronage be- stowed on him since commencing business in Port Perry, and would beg to state that having, at a large expenditure, thoroughly overhauled the entire Mill and introduced the best, most approved and modern machinery including the ¢ Expeditiously and in a manner that cannot fail to give satis- faction to my patrons, The Trade supplied with Flour of the finest brands. THE PLANING FACTORY in full operation and can supply all kinds of ets, Shingles, Posts Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Bannisters and Neuel Posts. EZ" BILL LUMBER A SPECIALTY. All kinds of TURNING and SUROLL 8AWING dohe 6n short notice, JAMES CARNEGIE. Port Perry, Oct. 1, 1891, IN FULL BLAST | | Dressed Lumber, also Lumber, Joists, Scantling, Boards, Pick I have just received the laxgest Assortment of RSGEGE 3 SRE 3 Ne rE | EVER SHOWN IN \ sows CONSISTING OF: : six acres of land on which there is a fine Park containing 2 acres j 4 five, fearing other conveniences, ed with varions kinds of Ornamental Shrubs, Vives, &c. Union Avenue just on the southern border on the Town of Port Perry and is a very de- sivable property und will be sold at a BARGAIN. prietress on the pa mises, Port Perry, Aug. 30, 1893. HE UNDERSIGNED offers for sale her cheieeand well-appointed residence and The Carriage Drive and Grounds are plant- rees, This property is beautifully located on For further partidulats apply "to the pro- = ial &2. Take alook through my stock as I can guarantee all my Cutlery, and where you have a large stock to select from. Port Perry, Nov. 15, 1893. Qurters, Carvers § in Catnet; Hk nv d Sticking hie onderful Christ; Bread Kuife. Table and Tea Knives in Ivory aud Bone handles. Plated Knives--tea and table. Orchard of oné atre and good Garden ; there 8 a i ~/ Spoons and Forks, ii tea, dessect and table. is a splendid Driving House and Stable on Ji the premises. Hard and Soft Water and all ra Razors, indfuding the ocleLrated **Bokor." Sissors, Japaned and Nickle Plated. - a Pocket and Pen Knives --in great varicty® : EUPHEMIA DAWES. HE FARM of the late James Byers, deceased, being the West-half of the East-balf of lot No. 4, in the 3rd concession of Cartwright, 50 ACERS Rich Soil, good well and pup ; gig | all cleared, a comfortable log housse, a luge frame barn and stable, Will be sold at'nlow Haure oun shay terms, or, if rented, the Kx- ecutor will accept iimprgranen Oct. 26, 1893. to Tor Weekry News, and you will receive | WEEKLY (il Fall Wheat 58¢ to H8c. 'name and address on a Port Perry Market. [Quotations by Messrs, A. Ross & Son.] Thursday; Nov. 18, 1893. Ni & Wh at 560 to 57c: Wheat50¢c to V TILL PURCHASE 150 Acres of Land, the south-west 50 ucres of lot 8, in the Gth CARTWRIGHT |» James Hooey, Deceased, This farm | is nearly all cleared and a good part of it free from stumps; is well watered Parr at Blackstock. Blackstock, Avg 21, 1893. PARE FOR SALE. $5100 being the east half of lot No. 7 anc concession of the Township of the Estate of the late For further particulars enquire of James JAMES PARR, id fountain Ash, 'alnut, Poit Perry, March 22, 1893, English, 85558008880 PORT PERRY NURSERIESH:- 7 have a SURPLUS of the following Nursery Stock WBICH 1s {| STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS, and of*GOOD 81zt will be sold CHEAP by the hundred or in quantities to suil purchasers.-- European Scotch and American Elms, Ww, hate A ) Norway Maple, Austrian and Scotch Pine; Norway Spruce, Red Cedar, Ge. A FEW THOUSAND APPLE TREES OR EXTRA SIZE, Six years old, 7 feet high, inch to 1h inch in didmeler. Stock--clean, handsome, thrift /y trees--just below first-class in and built upon. and within five miles of Port Perry, on the leading road thercto.-- size; Apples at 5 cls. Pear and Llum, 40 of; each. he soil is clay, If not sold within thirty Address, EC. C KELLE 77, days it will be leased for a term of years. Box 1927 Port PERR Y, Ont. X 124, R -- HAVE AGAIN-- WITH A----u-- - Magnificent Stock: of everything in their line i LAING & MEHARRY. A - LAING & MEHARRY 5 OPENED QUT EE os Hair Cloth Parlor Suite-- 6 Pi. best A Hai) Fioses he % Sumerian r Cloth] fi Parlor Buite-- ss * 6 Picces best Plush, spring edge and back, vn wt 0 Flo ee #2 Above are Solid Walnut F thes well fini, a and i N retarning thanks to the public for the patronage extended to me for over 30 years, I would respectfully intimate that I any as usual, now [oudy for business, and have a Large & Assorted Stock OF DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNESS which I am determined to sell very CHEAP, As an inducement to Cast purchuserg A Dissent of 1 per cmd will be allowed on all Sales from now antl Jan, lst next. All work be EE) MADE BY HAND, and no factory werk kept in stock, the superiority of ny goods will at once becom. apparent. utending purchasers will' find that by giving mé a call before losking: elsewhere they can be suitell in qeality wd price, my long experience iu the trade beirg an indis putable guarantee that perfect satisfaction will be given by any article purchased. A Everthing in my line of business kept constantly on hand and repairs neatly and promptly attcoded to, JOHN ROLPH: 3885888888 Black European Larch, Also a Light Grade ANENT. DR. WOOD'S one os 2 orway Pine Syrup. Ri virtues of the Pine hibit EE Em PERFECT CURE FOR 'COUGHS AND coLDS res tke) The 8A' Onrcaco EDGER O on WEDNESDAY LEDGER 18 a family Hors Inrity of A Jupers 1x ful clreulation of ti Wa ant a boy In every town in the Uitited Sta BLADE and CHICAGO kK ERG on the street, to farme ean start out and soll \hese right i tstratod Ushio us agents testify. BEER, Tue Tnhert ate papers sell for 5 cents a copy. The who wishes apply for an agency Rant I to Sted an ) Fi oid ht the wo Our Boys Everywhere Here is YOU Write for Sample Copies, Tel 'AGENTS DEPARTMENT." . B per, Keeps the oll®r 2 gents for himself, It costs ronR nor risk of having papers left on bis ha (toys mike ood Agents, bat girls, and uval 10 also fly fits ly attes ed LbY. tio 8 SATURDAY BlADE 18 TURDAY BL. amr The W.D. 11 gingle copies of the SATURDAY [¥ sold Lo every shop| store], factory, era who are in town. Any hustling boy rare the easiest selling papers pub- se) 3 cents for each copy he sells, and hin @ boy to start In business, and he @ back all nnsold copies. 0 cantiot do hard work, muke money shou To uny one who wil hand Oppo thnity to --_ © As! "and w Kk those In. send (n the name. of Heir Imn pulation. @ averige weekly of the CHICAGO LEDGER 140,000 uld be asked; aud nearly all BrAbk is the wonder of the Particulars to Fifth Avenue, Chicago, 800. PER RR STILL LEADING! ing patronage bestowed on him since com- mencing the Bu! state vias | he is 2 better public patronage 3 HE UNDERSIGNED begs to return thanks for the ibid still increas usiness and would ho Ho ok For Sale at a Bargain | Splendid, You stock and of most sel Maschontr, March #0 Podigrend a the public for the ing se ie the Bm the than ever JUST Hand exmen. some outa WANTED Ere neni wide ; AE Sis over % La ry. Ye ba ee as cannot fail to meet the raomate of Vo can give you Side premises nd Ey 10 moderate ice, St homies REE in business to receive hin NGTON. : Railay Sain ronto, Ot. | | Jog JUST RECEIVED. The Subscriber has just received a Complete Assortment of ROY + CONSISTING OF : TOILET SETS in Plush, Persian and Oxidized Siler, Ware, &ec., at all Prices. FANCY CUPS AND SAUCERS, VASES, §ec. PIPES and CIGARS of the Finest Quality. Wishing you all the Compliments of the Season; Pn DAV abdem st an Druggi _ | ines and Implements manufactared. by the IDDDS, Leather, §e. PERFUMES from the best makers, in Cut Glass Bottles, Bohemian IS, ls Port Perry, Dec. 1, 1892. ' Scientific American Fer information and free Han ndbook write to 1 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. ! Quist Daten FOr OORe paren ia PY A Every patent taken out by us is brought Doro ra the public by 8 BOtICE given free of Cukrge in the cientific Qmevican Largest cireulation of any ait paver in the, Splendidly illustrated. elligen 1a 5 Wey (0 =: out Jt, Year: $1 gay Addre: PusLizis 3 1 Diora, Now PAINTING KA LEOMINING &C. hp A BA | | | | HE sndersiind war would take this Sphor tanity of thanking bis vumercus pats rons for their liberal and still increasivg | putronaye during the time he has carried on the business of PAINTING | in Port Perry, and would State thet he is | boteer prepared than ever tu exetute all orders for brit , Kalsomining and Paper Hanging. Partics entrusting their work to me may rely ou having it neatly aud promptly ean: cuted, My charges are moderate. 1 fii dled prepared to supply Paints, &e,, | when contriting. | A coutinuance of public patronage ali | cited. | WM. TREMEER. | Port Perry, Mar, 23, 1503. Agricultural Machines IMPLEMENTS J | Te ailoreighed bom keeps on Hand and A sale the following Agricaltural Machs 28 i REMOVAL.:: We have Moved our business to the South side of Queen Street and now occupy the extensive premises just vacated by Me. B. F. Ackermax, where we will lie better prepared than ever to supply our customers and the public with everytling in the Harness Line WHICH FOR CHEAPNESS, STYLE. PUR SAMLTON NTT 0 OF PETERBORO : Binders, Reapers, Crown Mower, i Secder, ee Hay Rake, Two Bi Plow, Three Furrow Gang, Combine: tion Plows, Champion Plows, 5. T. Cultivitor, 8, TL Harrow, Land Roller, Steel Frame Spring Tooth Cultivator, Binder Trucks, &e. Also the fbllowing, thE i wfinufactire rs : JOHN ABEL, Tofonto. High class Threshing outfits, Traction Engines wd Machives, Victor Clover uller, ble Triumph Engine: & I ain prepared to supply ov ? farmer a a ayn Aedice Se ments, Re| = A call IE One door Mcbonuld's Hotel. R.K. BRY. Sunderland, ApHl 8, RLS fre Por re "| Hair Weaviog and |

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